Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 223 Do You Believe in Light?

Chapter 223 Do You Believe in Light?
Helm's Deep.

Horn Fort is extremely fierce battlefield.

Solid and thick outer walls.

The dwarf Gimli dodged the orc who was attacking behind him, and lay on his back, but the battle ax in his hand did not stop and slashed fiercely at the crotch of the orc who was fighting in front of him.

The strong orc who was cut in the crotch immediately fell to the ground with a distorted expression and pain.

Jin Li hurriedly stood up, kicked the kneeling orc over, and slashed the leg of the orc who had just sneaked up on him with his backhand.

The strong orc who had been cut in the leg immediately lost his footing, and Jinli quickly slashed out the battle ax in his hand.


Smelly black blood splattered, and an ugly head wearing a helmet immediately flew up and rolled to the ground.

Gimli, who killed two strong orcs in a row, immediately looked at Legolas not far away and shouted: "I'm 21, no, 22!"

Hearing the sound, Legolas just glanced at Jinli, his hands kept moving, and the voice came out again as the arrow hit the neck of a strong orc below again: "39"


Legolas' emotionless opening made Gimli shut his mouth immediately, so he could only mutter a few words to himself, and then charged even harder at the orc who jumped off the ladder.

Jin Li was short and could not see the horror scene below.

Legolas looked worriedly at Morgan, who was surrounded by the orc army below.

Just like just now, he didn't know why Morgan told him to shoot the orc with the torch, but he believed Morgan.

Now, Morgan risked jumping off the city wall to face the orc army alone, and he also believed in Morgan.

He believed that Morgan must have his reasons for doing so.

He couldn't stop Morgan, so he could only try his best to provide support for Morgan who was besieged below on the city wall.

But soon, Legolas knew Morgan's purpose.

He was only slightly diverted from the attack direction and attention by the orcs attacking behind him.



A deafening rumbling sound that shook the entire battlefield suddenly exploded in the formation of the orc army.

Accompanied by a deafening rumbling sound, there was also the raging fire that instantly illuminated the battlefield, as well as the flying flesh and blood and the rain of blood.

The entire battlefield was instantly silenced by such a shocking explosion.

At this time, the explosion site was in the strong orc army formation.

But because it is not too far from the outer city wall of the Horn Fort.

Therefore, a group of Rohan warriors on the city wall near the corner of the drain were instantly overthrown to the ground by the violent explosion and air waves.

The strong beasts in the center of the bomb and around it were either blown to pieces and turned into pieces of meat, or their limbs flew around. The scene was extremely bloody.

As for the outfall of Fort Horn.

Stopped by the "prophet" Morgan, although it is not far from the explosion site, it is far from being damaged by the explosion, and it is still intact.

The instigator of all this, Morgan, appeared out of nowhere on the square behind the outer city wall of the Horn Fort at this moment.


"so close."

Suddenly jumping out of the void, Morgan swayed and stood firmly on the ground to see everything around him, and panted quickly.

He just wanted to stop the orc from lighting the bomb.

The original way to stop it was to think about whether Saruman's bomb could be snatched directly and put into the Dimensional Ring.

But when he saw the two ball bombs that were crudely made and half a meter in diameter, he immediately gave up his mind.

Not to mention that he doesn't have much space left in the dimensional ring.

The most important thing is that the iron ball bomb is a bit big, and the production is too rough.

Morgan didn't want that thing to explode in his hands.

So I just threw it out.

It's just that I didn't expect such a coincidence that it was immediately ignited as soon as I threw it out.

Now, the bomb used to destroy the drain was detonated in advance, and the orc army could not break through the outer city wall. Presumably this war will definitely be much easier to fight than in the memory plot.

Various thoughts flashed through Morgan's mind, and he walked quickly towards the outer city wall without stopping.

Behind him, not everyone in the square full of fighters saw Morgan's sudden appearance out of thin air.

It's just that most of them thought they were dazzled when they saw this scene.

At this time, the thick and solid outer city wall.

Legolas got up from the ground and shot an arrow at the orc who was climbing up in front of him, and then rushed to the edge of the city wall with a worried expression and looked down.

At the moment when the explosion sounded, he understood Morgan's eagerness to strongly stop the orc torchbearers, and he even jumped off the city wall alone to face the army at the risk of great danger.

Now Legolas understood.

It's just that it seems a bit late. The explosion of that level just now killed all the orcs in a certain range below.

Given Morgan's previous location, it was really difficult to avoid it.



Legolas looked worriedly at the bloody battlefield below and shouted loudly.

On the city wall, Jinli, who was also bombed down, and Aragorn, who was a little further away, also strode over immediately.

"What happened to Morgan?"

Jinli was the fastest, and ran to the edge of the city wall, but he couldn't reach it and couldn't see it.

In desperation, Jinli immediately stepped on the two orc corpses pulled over from the side, and only then barely saw the bloody and messy battlefield on the city wall below.

"Morgan wasn't just down there"

Jin Li froze as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

He had also seen Morgan jumping off the city wall bravely.

Now all the strong orcs in the range below have been killed, and Morgan may not be spared.

"What happened to Morgan?"

At this time, Aragorn killed two strong orcs who were in the way and quickly came to the two partners and asked immediately.

Hearing Aragorn's voice, Legolas didn't make a sound, his eyes were still looking down, trying his best to search for Morgan's figure.

Jinli looked at the bloody scene and was rarely silent as he watched the army of strong orcs coming up again from below.

"Who is looking for me?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

The three friends immediately turned their heads when they heard the familiar voice, and saw a tall man wearing a crimson mighty dragon armor walking up the city wall.

"Morgan, glad to see you all right." It was Legolas' voice.

"I knew you'd be fine." This was Jinli's voice.

"You did a great job Morgan"

The three came forward, and Aragorn said immediately.

Not long ago, like Legolas, he was very puzzled as to why Morgan would suddenly risk jumping off the city wall.

Now, he understands.

"The command is given to you Morgan."

Aragorn continued to speak without falling.


A heavy sound suddenly came from the city wall not far away.

The partners turned their heads together and saw a huge claw shot out from a huge chariot far below, and it was tightly hooked on the outer wall.

This is to use the rope to pull the hip wall!
Morgan and Aragorn reacted instantly when they saw such a scene.

"Quick, stop them!"

Morgan roared and ran forward, and at the same time, the elf sword appeared in his hand again.

Aragorn quickly followed.

It took Legolas and Gimli some time to react, and then followed.

At this time, on the battlefield below.

The attack horn sounded again.

Although the special weapon developed by Saruman failed to destroy the walls of the Horn Fort, it exploded in his own army instead.

But this could not shake the fighting spirit and determination in the heart of the orc leader who only obeyed the orders of his master Saruman.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

The sound of desolate and passionate horns resounded across the battlefield again.

Even if the army has lost a lot from the start of the attack to now.

But even so, standing on the battlefield at this time, the number of orcs on Saruman's side still far exceeded that on Rohan's side.

This is also the reason why the strong orc army is fearless.

"hold head high"

Under the urging of the horn.

The orc army once again launched a fierce attack on the outer city wall.

Dozens of orcs were hung on the steel ladders, one by one struggling to climb up.

Many of the strong orcs who couldn't squeeze through the city wall below held heavy crossbow arrows and shot at the soldiers on Rohan's side on the city wall.

The orcs fell one after another at the same time.

The warriors who belonged to Rohan's side also suffered heavy casualties.

However, the outer city wall was still controlled by the Rohan side at this time.

With Morgan, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, four hero units whose strength is far beyond ordinary fighters, it becomes extremely difficult for the orcs to storm the outer city wall.

The battle on the outer city wall was fierce and tragic.

The Horn Fort corresponds to the Horn Rock battlefield in the east.

The orcs also launched a more violent attack on the Horn Rock Fortress where the gate was located.

A large number of orcs held shields on both sides to cover, while the orcs in the middle carried heavy battering rams and walked towards the gate of the Horn Fort step by step.

Even if the defense of the gate is well reinforced, it is far less solid and thick than the city wall.

All of a sudden, arrows from the hussars led by Éomer on the terrace of the fortress above the city gate rained down like raindrops.

The arrow attack was too fierce and dense, even if the orcs tried their best to hold the shields to cover them, there were still some orcs who were shot by the arrows and fell down, but as soon as one of the orcs died, several orcs rushed to make up for it.

Such a battle of orcs made it impossible for Eomer above him.

Originally there had always been soldiers on the outer wall supporting the direction of the Horn Rock, but at this time they were also overwhelmed by the ferocious attack of the orcs.

Not long after, the orc warriors in front of the horn rock gate slowly moved to the gate with a giant battering ram on their shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, a thick door-breaking hammer whose head was forged and inlaid with a hideous shape of sharp steel appeared in the middle of the crowd of strong beasts.

A few tall and strong orcs held the battering hammer and slammed fiercely towards the thick wooden gate of the Horn Fort.


A dull rumbling sound immediately came from the direction of the Horn Rock.

The extremely thick gate of the Horn Fort immediately trembled.

Éomer stood on the terrace above the fortress and was anxious, directing the arrows of the surrounding soldiers to shoot downwards continuously.

On the rear inner city, although King Theoden was still unable to personally contact the enemies, but because of the terrain, he could clearly see the fierce battle scene on the outer city wall.

At this time, Theoden heard the knock on the door from below the Horn Rock.

As soon as his expression changed, he led the guards behind him down the inner city wall without thinking much, and walked quickly towards the Horn Rock Fortress.

"Prepare, shoot!"

"Prepare, shoot!"

Inside the outer city wall, Morgan was trying his best to gather and reorganize the team of archers who had just been scattered, and kept shooting arrows outward.

The army of orcs suddenly increased their attack power. No matter how brave the people on the outer city wall were, they could not withstand wave after wave of attacks, and each wave was more powerful than wave.

The battle on the city wall was extremely fierce.

Seeing this, Morgan immediately went down to the inner city, and organized scattered archers to keep shooting outside the city wall, so as to ease the huge offensive of the orcs.

He never forgot that his role in this war was that of a commander, not just a simple soldier as before.

"Prepare, shoot!"

Morgan stood at the stairway of the inner city wall and waved his sword to direct, and wave after wave of arrows continued to shoot outside the wall.

At this time, the two orcs broke through the defense of the upper city wall and rushed towards Morgan, who seemed to be alone below.

When Morgan saw this, a shield belonging to the orc side appeared in Morgan's hand, and he held the shield to face the difficulties.

"Bang bang."

The two orc warriors screamed in horror and fell down the several-meter-high city wall corridor. They never imagined that they were knocked down the city wall by a human wrestling and fell to their deaths.



On the Horn Rock, the gate of the Horn Fort was violently shaken by the huge and ferocious hammer.

The outer city wall, which seemed to be the easiest to breach, was not breached as the orcs had hoped.

At this time, the center of gravity of the strong orc army tilted to the gate of the Horn Rock.


The boom sounded again.

It was another powerful and fierce impact.


"Quick, bring the plank here."

"Pin it up, quick."

"Hammer, quick, give me the hammer."


"Be sure to hold on!"

Inside the gate of Horn Rock, Rohan warriors crowded in front of the gate.

They are doing their best to strengthen the gate.

They used their bodies to block the violently shaking and shaking gate, bearing the ferocious impact of the orcs outside.



Finally, the durability of the gate reached its limit.


With a loud bang,
The extremely thick gate of the Horn Fort was suddenly smashed open by a sharp and ferocious battering ram, and the two Rohan warriors who were standing in front of them were hit by the battering ram in an instant, vomiting blood and flying backwards for dozens of meters, falling to the ground and dying.

Outside the gate, the orcs who had been waiting for a long time kept shooting at the broken gate with crossbow arrows in their hands.

"whoosh whoosh"

For a time, Rohan soldiers inside the gate suffered heavy casualties.

And the strong orcs outside the gate immediately took the opportunity to hit the gate again with a ferocious battering hammer.


When the strange cries of the orcs cheered from the direction of the Horn Rock.

Looking at the battlefield below the outer wall, the strong orcs who were shot by the bows and arrows behind them couldn't lift their heads, and at this moment, a large number of them rushed towards the horn rock.

Morgan, who stood on the city wall again, has realized what happened at the Horn Rock.

Even with his participation and turning the battle around a lot on his own, it still couldn't change the strength of Saruman's strong orc army, nor the weakness of Rohan's side.

Even though Morgan blocked the drain, he used bombs made by Saruman to kill many orc warriors.

Even if Morgan tried his best, he still couldn't change the general trend.

At this time, the gate of the Horn Fort was breached, and the orc army would only storm the gate desperately.

Once the gate falls, it will be better to break through to the inner wall than the outer wall, and then everything will be unimaginable.

"Mallen, Haldir"

Thinking of this quickly, Morgan immediately called out to the two leaders of Rohan warriors and elves.

"The Horn Rock needs support, and I will leave it to you here."

Morgan quickly explained to the two.

Immediately, he shouted to his comrades who were still fighting: "Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli!"

Briefly explaining the situation, without further ado, the three friends immediately followed Morgan and walked quickly from the inner wall to the Horn Rock.

The closer they got to the Horn Rock, the louder the Orc's screams became.

Obviously, this is a frustrated situation for Rohan's side.

The four of them ran towards the Horn Rock quickly, and Jin Li couldn't help but suddenly said, thinking that there was still a dense army of strong orcs outside, "Do you think we can win?"

Morgan turned to look at Gimli: "Of course, do you believe in light?"

(End of this chapter)

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