Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 212 Princess, come back from rape!

Chapter 212 Princess, come back from rape!


In front of the Golden Temple of Edoras.


The icy cold wind whistled the white horse king flag on the black background, making it crumbling.

Inside the dark golden palace.

On the exquisite and luxurious throne, Theoden's pale and decayed figure curled up on the throne, his eyes glazed over, without saying a word.

before the throne.

Eowyn, who was tall and slim, knelt in front of Theoden, gently holding the kingdom's rough, dirty, and filthy hands, calling softly.

"Your Majesty, your son is dead"

After the words fell, Éowyn looked closely at her uncle, hoping that he would give her a sober reply.

Then, King Theoden still stared straight ahead, his eyes empty.

"Your Majesty, Uncle, can you hear me?"

Looking at the only king who was indifferent to the death of his own son, Eowyn felt more and more painful.

at this time.

Éowyn noticed that Theoden on the throne suddenly and slowly shifted his gaze to himself.

She looked happy and called softly: "Uncle."

It's just that she was quickly disappointed, and Theoden just changed the direction and was in a daze.

"Your son is dead"

"Are you saying nothing and doing nothing?"

Eowyn looked at the uncle in front of her with despair.

"Your Majesty has worked hard enough, you shouldn't disturb him for too long"

At this time, an abrupt voice suddenly came from the side.

Eowyn looked up, and saw Grima's figure slowly coming out from the shadow of the hall, with a dark robe, a pale complexion, and sinister eyes, like a poisonous snake.

"Your Majesty, I'm leaving, you should rest well."

Seeing Grima's figure appear, Éowyn immediately put away the weak expression on her face, whispered something to the still sluggish uncle in front of her, then stood up and strode out of the golden hall.

She didn't want to see Grima, she didn't want to see the poisonous snake.

Behind him, Grima looked at the beautiful figure who walked away quickly, licked his dry lips, and his eyes became more gloomy.


The icy cold wind was blowing violently.

On the vast and vast wilderness plain as far as the eye can see, on the high golden temple of Edoras, the cold wind in winter is particularly harsh.

Eowyn strode out of the golden palace, walked quickly to the wide high platform, looked down at the endless empty wilderness in the distance, breathed the cold air, and felt that the sadness in her heart was slightly relieved.


Éowyn stared into the distance with slightly concentrated eyes: in the distance, on the open wilderness pasture, there were three horses speeding towards Edoras.

at this time.

In front of the gate of the Golden Palace, on the high flagpole, the galloping Rohan King Banner with a black background and white horse finally couldn't hold on in the cold wind, and was blown high into the sky with the fierce cold wind, and kept going away.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

The hooves of the horses boomed.

The four-person team was riding three horses, and the short Gimli and Legolas rode the same horse, galloping towards Edoras.

Finally, when it was approaching the gate of the tall wall that Edoras surrounded with countless sturdy giant logs.

Gandalf slowed down and said in a deep voice to his companions: "King Theoden has lost his mind."

"There's Grima, the naughty tongue."

"Our arrival this time is destined to be unwelcome."

"Remember to watch your words and deeds."

Gandalf said, and the first rode to the gate.

The guards on the city wall had noticed the arrival of the four, because the guards knew the face of Gandalf.

Morgan Legolas and Gimli followed Gandalf and entered Edoras without hindrance.

Rohan is a nomadic kingdom.

Edoras is built on the mountain, and a large number of houses are built on the trapezoidal slope.

The houses are basically built of wood, with a small amount of auxiliary buildings made of stone.

Although Edoras is the royal capital of Rohan, it doesn't look as good as some cities in other faction countries in terms of the size of buildings and houses.

But the houses and various buildings here do have extremely strong Rohan characteristics.

And when such features appear in large numbers, in pieces, or in groups, they can give people a very strong visual impact.

But at this time, the four-person team walking in Edoras, apart from feeling the different architectural style of Rohan, also felt the strong "dead silence" atmosphere here.

It doesn't mean that there is no one here, but even if there are people in every household.

But they were all dressed in black and black robes, quiet and silent, deathly silent.

It seems that no outsider has visited here for a long time.

People on both sides of the street were watching the four people who came suddenly.

Such a situation made Gandalf feel more and more heavy, and it also made Morgan and others more aware of Rohan's "terminal illness".

“Too quiet, disturbingly quiet”

"This is not the atmosphere that a kingdom should have."

Looking at the eyes from both sides of the surrounding streets, Legolas frowned and said.

"I feel that the cemetery is more lively than here."

Jin Li was also a little uncomfortable being looked at by the countless gazes around him, so he couldn't help muttering.

Gandalf looked silent, riding his horse at a constant speed to lead the way forward.

Morgan quietly looked at everything around him.

Suddenly, I saw something falling from the sky.

Morgan stretched out his hand to grab it, and took a look in front of him. It turned out to be a black background with a huge banner of a galloping white horse carved on it. The material of the whole banner was exquisite and thick. The white horse banner used by the hussar team is obviously more refined and larger.

He looked at the flag in his hand speechlessly.

A larger and better flag than the one used as a marshal of hussars.

Morgan had already somewhat guessed the origin of the flag in front of him.

"It seems that if there is no arrival of Gandalf and his party this time, the only thing waiting for this kingdom is to fall into Saruman's cannon fodder and then perish."

Hold the banner representing Rohan in your hand.

Morgan followed Gandalf silently and walked forward.

Time passed slowly.

The news of the four people's arrival has already spread to the Golden Palace.

When Gandalf finally arrived at the gate of the Golden Temple with Morgan's team of four.

A tall warrior leader in armor was waiting there with several soldiers.

Gandalf obviously knew the warrior leader in front of him, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

The other party just forced a smile, and then said: "Gandalf the gray robe, I am ordered to meet you here."

"But you cannot bear arms when you meet His Majesty the King."

After the words fell, Gandalf was slightly taken aback, and was about to speak.

However, the other party looked helpless and continued, "This is Grima's order."

"I see."

Gandalf immediately came back to his senses, nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Morgan and the others beside him.

Morgan casually took off the long sword at his waist and the long bow and arrows on his back, and handed them over to the soldiers who came up from around them.

The same is true for Legolas and Gimli on the side.

After taking down the longbow, weapons such as battle axes and short swords were handed over to the soldiers of Rohan.

Soon, several people's weapons were "disarmed".

The warrior leader looked at Gandalf and said suddenly, "And your staff."

next second.

Gandalf's acting skills were overwhelming, his figure changed suddenly, and then he looked pitifully at the warrior leader in front of him and said softly, "How can you let an old man leave his crutch?"

The warrior leader looked helpless, and was about to say something.

At this time, Morgan stepped forward suddenly, stretched out his hand and put the flag he had just picked up in the hands of the warrior leader. Facing the suspicious gaze from the other party, Morgan said casually, "I picked it up."

The warrior leader immediately raised his head and looked not far away, where the tall flagpole was bare, and then looked at the flag in his hand.

The warrior leader looked up at Gandalf in front of him, and finally nodded silently.

He is not one of those low-level residents who don't know anything, of course he knows what a wizard's walking stick represents.

It's just like the king's flag representing Rohan in his hand, the king has lost his mind, and Rohan, controlled by the poisonous snake Grima, is already on the verge of subjugation and is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, in Rohan, as long as they were passionate and loyal to the king, they would have been extremely angry with Grima.

He is even more so!
He expects Gandalf's arrival this time to awaken the king.

Even if he offended Grima for this, he would not hesitate.


All kinds of things flashed through his mind quickly, the warrior leader forced a smile, turned around and led the four-person team into the hall of the Golden Palace behind him.


The moment the four-member team stepped into the Golden Palace.

Immediately, someone behind closed the main hall door tightly.

That's an absolutely disrespectful move.

"This is not the etiquette for a friend, King Theoden."

The leading Gandalf looked at the figure on the throne ahead and said loudly.

Morgan followed, looking at the palace where the kings of Rohan once lived.

Inside the resplendent and spacious hall.

At this time, except for a small number of heavily armed guards,

On both sides of the deepest part of the hall, there were actually a large number of young and middle-aged men in black robes staring at Morgan's team of four with malicious expressions.

Directly in front of him stood the minister of the kingdom who was also wearing a black robe, but his temperament was obviously different from that of ordinary people.

In the deepest part of the hall, on the exquisite and luxurious throne, was sitting an old man with a stooped figure and dull eyes, dressed in gorgeous clothes.

Beside the throne, sat a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, with an unusually pale complexion, gloomy eyes, and an extremely gloomy aura.

At this time, the gloomy man was lying beside the throne, talking to the sick old man on the throne.

Obviously, the one sitting on the throne is the mind-controlled King Theoden.

And the one sitting next to him should be Saruman's "faithful dog" Grima.

Morgan squinted his eyes and quickly scanned the situation in the entire hall.

At this time, the voice on the throne also sounded.

"Why should I welcome you, Crowmouth Gandalf."

An intermittent, feeble voice spoke from the mouth of King Theoden on the throne.

Grima, who was sitting next to him, immediately stood up, looked at the four-member team who came empty-handed, and said in a cold voice: "Gandalf, you liar, you don't come early or late, and you come here when there is bad news for the whole country." .”

Grima strode forward, looked at Gandalf in front of him with a sullen smile on his gloomy face, and said, "If I think about it, I must have come with malice."

"To shut up!"

Looking at Grima in front of him, Gandalf decisively interrupted, "You'd better hide your telltale snake mouth."

"I have been tested by fire and death!"

"I didn't come here today to talk nonsense with you idiot."

Gandalf quickly finished cursing, and suddenly raised his pure white staff and waved it in front of Grima.

Grima was scolded and frightened, and immediately backed away in a hurry, shouting to the surroundings: "His cane!"

"Didn't I say I want the elbow wizard's staff!"

Grima spoke angrily, and the black-clothed crowd who had been prepared on both sides of the hall immediately rushed up to the four-person team in the center of the hall.

Looking at the attacking crowd, Morgan grinned, clenched his hands slightly, and the crisp sound of popping popped immediately from the knuckles of both hands.

At this time, a figure had already waved its fist and rushed towards him.

Morgan turned slightly sideways, and at the same time he clenched his fist and smashed out, and the attacking figure who was thrown into the air was smashed to the ground in an instant.

At this time, another fist hit the head from behind.

Morgan didn't even look at it, but turned his head slightly, and his left hand immediately grabbed the fist coming from behind with lightning speed and pulled it forward forcefully.


The attacker was instantly pulled away by Morgan with great force, and then slammed into the giant cylinder more than ten meters away, his head was smashed, he fell to the ground and twitched instantly, and soon fell silent.

Morgan was attacked, as were Legolas and Gimli.

It's just that these people arranged by Grima may be regarded as good players in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in front of Morgan and Legolas Kimli, it was far from enough.

Among the three, Legolas and Gimli moved very quickly.

But Morgan is faster!

Even without weapons, with Morgan's current strength, there is no need to use a second move to deal with these black-clothed soldiers.

If you rub it, you will be injured, if you touch it, you will die.

With Morgan's strength at this time, it is no exaggeration at all.

The black-clothed soldiers who rushed up one after another were quickly taken care of by the three of Morgan, and there was not enough points at all.

The heavily armed guards in front of the gate of the Golden Palace watched this scene and were about to draw their swords to step forward, but were held down by the leader of the soldiers.

No one dared to stop Gandalf, he strode forward, looked at King Theoden curled up on the throne and said loudly: "Theoden"

"Son of Sengar"

"my friend."

"You have sat alone in the shadows for too long."

Gandalf kept coming forward, but Theoden on the throne didn't care about Gandalf at all, he just turned his head and his eyes were full of unkindness.


When the last soldier in black was kicked by Morgan, he flew several meters away.

Jin Li beside him suddenly stepped forward, waved his hand and knocked over a black-clothed figure, only to realize after falling to the ground that this guy was Grima, who was extremely arrogant and majestic just now.

Jinli didn't make any more moves, but stepped on Grima's chest and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't move around."

At this moment, Morgan walked up to Grima, and glanced coldly at Grima.

Feeling the cold gaze of the tall human being looking at him as if he was looking at a dead person, Grima didn't dare to move for an instant.

Morgan didn't stop, and quickly stepped forward.

Looking at Grima who was too scared to move, Jinli couldn't help but hum and said, "You have to be glad you met me."

The battle between Morgan Legolas and Gimli came to an end.

The battle of Gandalf ahead also reached its climax.

"You can't handle me here, Gandalf the Grey!"

King Theoden on the throne spoke with a strange smile, but his voice was completely different.

"Oh that's not necessarily true."

Gandalf shook his shoulders as he spoke, and the dark green elf cloak on his body fell off immediately, revealing the extremely white wizard robes inside.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling light suddenly radiated from the white robe of Gandalf, and King Theoden, who was curled up on the throne, was immediately frightened and exclaimed.

"Saruman, I will drive you out now."

"Like carrion being stripped from a wound"

As Gandalf said, he stepped forward again, and then he raised his pure white cane and slowly stretched it towards King Theoden.

at this time.

A tall and graceful figure in a black tight-fitting long dress, with a fair and beautiful face rushed into the golden palace at a fast pace.

Seeing her uncle curled up on the throne in pain, Eowyn's complexion changed drastically, and she rushed over quickly.

Just when she was about to rush forward, Morgan, who was guarding Gandalf's side, had quick eyesight and quick hands, strode forward, and grabbed Éowyn.

Feeling the violent struggle of the girl in his hand, Morgan looked at the opposite face from a close distance and said softly: "Wait a little longer"

"It'll be fine soon."

Being dragged and said by Morgan, Eowyn calmed down at this moment, turned her head to look at the surrounding situation, and then nodded again to the tall and handsome man beside her.

At the critical moment, the girl didn't say anything.

Naturally, Morgan did not let go and still held the other party very dedicatedly.

What if she impulsively rushed up and affected Gandalf?
"go out!"

Gandalf swung his staff suddenly, and Theoden's face was extremely painful, but the voice made everyone around him feel chills: "If I leave, Theoden will die!"

"Rohan is mine!"

Theoden's face was ferocious, and he tried his best to speak ferociously.

"No, Rohan does not belong to you."

"You can't kill him, and you can't kill anyone."

"Get out!"

Gandalf growled, and the white staff in his hand suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling light.


The sound of Saruman's wailing and screaming quickly faded away.

Theoden immediately couldn't sit still, and he was about to fall off the throne.

Eowyn, who was watching King Theoden eagerly, couldn't stand immediately, broke free from Morgan's arm, ran forward quickly, and supported Theoden who was about to fall to the ground.

Gandalf put away his staff and couldn't help taking a few breaths.

Under the tense gazes of the surrounding people, the lifted King Theoden's complexion began to recover at the speed he saw.

From a drowsy, gray-haired, terminally ill dying old man, he quickly recovered to become the king of Rohan with a healthy complexion, a firm face, and piercing eyes.

Theoden looked at the familiar pretty face in front of him, and said softly, "I recognize you, Eowyn"

The voice fell.

Eowyn, Gandalf, Morgan, Legolas, Gimli and almost everyone in the entire hall all smiled.

Except for one person, that is Grima who was trampled by Jinli.

He looked horrified at the slowly standing figure on the throne, his eyes full of fear.

At this moment, the king of Rohan returns.

(End of this chapter)

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