Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 210 The Evil Covenant, the Disaster of Rohan!

Chapter 210 The Evil Covenant, the Disaster of Rohan!
Eastern Rohan.

Amon Hen Mountains.

The orange light cluster in the sky sank westward.

A cold wind rages across the land at dusk.

When the time completely crosses the late autumn and enters the coldest winter of the year.

The whole world has become extraordinarily cold and bleak.


In the dark sky.

Four figures of different heights were running quickly along a dry river.

These four are naturally Morgan Gandalf and Legolas the dwarf Gimli, the four expedition members.

three days ago.

Start by the forest not far from Laros Falls.

In order to save the two young hobbits, Merry and Pippin, who had been captured, the four-member team followed closely behind the orcs following the movement track of the orcs.

ahead of the team.

Legolas quickly rushed onto a huge boulder, and looked into the distance along the direction of the winding dry river.


Morgan stood not far behind Legolas, looked at Legolas who was observing and asked loudly.

The eyes of elves are different from those of mortals.

Although Morgan knew something before, he didn't feel very special.

But now, in the past few days, I have seen Legolas's magical performance of Pathfinder.

It made him feel that the eyes of elves were really different.

No, the eyes of Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood, are different.

Legolas was still watching the road ahead.

Morgan stood behind, and when he stretched out his hand, a large water bag filled with water appeared in his hand.

After removing the cap of the bottle, Morgan took the big water bag and poured it into his mouth.


The big water bag collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gandalf stepped forward and stopped beside Morgan.


After a while, Morgan finally put down the big water bag in his hand, burped, and then reached out and handed the water bag to Gandalf who was waiting beside him: "Here"

Gandalf took the water bag without any scruples and drank it.

In the past three days, Gandalf Gimli has used the water the fastest, and the water he brought with him has long been used up.

Legolas seems to need much less water than the other three partners, and there is still a lot left in the water bag that comes with him.

At this time, Legolas turned his head, pointed to the distant direction and said loudly: "It's still over there, they haven't left this dry river."

After speaking, he untied the water bag hanging in the package behind his back and drank.

Morgan took the water bag from Gandalf, turned his head and looked at Gimli, the dwarf not far behind, who was panting heavily with his hands on his knees, and shouted, "Go ahead."

As he said that, he casually threw the half of the water bag left behind.

As soon as Jinli took the water bag, he immediately opened the mouth of the bottle and poured it in big gulps.

Because he drank too fast, the water overflowed from the corner of Jinli's mouth, until his beard was almost soaked, and then he put down the water bag.

There is not much water left in the water bag.

Satisfied, Jin Li wiped away the water stains on his mouth, casually hung the water bag around his waist, and walked towards the two of them in front.

"Let's go."

"Are Merry and Pippin waiting for us?"

As Morgan spoke, he strode forward immediately.

Soon, he came to Legolas, who was putting away his exquisite water bag.

"How, how far are we from those half-orcs?"

As Morgan said, he followed Legolas' gaze and looked far ahead.

But except for a small number of traces of the half-orcs, nothing else can be seen.

It's too windy here.

It was easy to cover the tracks and scent of those goblins.

This fellow Legolas was different.

Not only can you clearly find the direction of the orc's actions.

And as long as the distance is not too far, he can even calculate how long it will take to catch up with the opponent.

"If the speed of the group of orcs remains the same, and our speed remains the same, we should only need one day to see each other."

Legolas looked at Morgan and said.

"Essinger's half-orc speed is not sure, but our speed is definitely guaranteed."

"Is it Jinli?"

Morgan said, looking at the dwarf who was still panting behind him and asked with a smile.

"Of course, dwarves have always had good stamina and speed."

Gimli, who followed Gandalf, immediately answered without a doubt.

"Let's go, we can't rest for too long."

At this time, Gandalf came up and said, "The two little fellows are still waiting for us."

Take a break.

The four-person team continued on the road.

Sunrise and sunset.

The moon rises and sets.

There is no time to rest even at night.

The four-person team ran wildly in the night, striding towards the darkness.


Inside the circular high wall.

In the huge underground gap, the flames are soaring into the sky, thick smoke is billowing, and the rumble of machines is everywhere.

The former bird and green tree garden has long since disappeared.

Instead, there are flames, thick smoke, killing, and a large and dense army of orcs.

The high rise of the majestic Orthanc Tower.

Inside the fortified hall made of black marble.

Saruman, a wizard in white robes, is receiving an unexpected visitor.

Tall, with a vicissitudes of life, wearing a mix of slightly old leather armor and steel mail armor, it can be clearly seen that the other party's living conditions are not rich.

However, at this time, apart from Saruman, there are other existences in Essinger except Orcs and Orcs, and there are almost no other free races.

But the person standing in front of Saruman's stone seat in front of him was clearly a human being.

But the human being in front of him is not simple.

Because he is one of the leaders of the black barbarians.

Because he heard the reason why Saruman wanted to attack the enemy Rohan, he came here to show his loyalty and surrender, in order to gain enough benefits in the next war against Rohan.

Speaking of which, simply mention it.

Since the first era, humanity has been divided into two branches.

A group of free races joined the elves to help the elves fight against the dark lord, and finally learned a lot of knowledge and various crafts from the elves.

The other is loyal to the Dark Lord of the Rings and becomes the opponent's minion, specializing in dealing with other free races on the righteous side.

In front of him, standing in front of Saruman is the representative of the Black Barbarian (also known as the Dunlander).

This time it is the latter.

Because of the hatred with the Kingdom of Rohan, he could not rely on his own strength to deal with them.

So naturally there was a plan to seek refuge with the more powerful Saruman.

"On behalf of all the clansmen under my command, I am willing to be loyal to you and fight for you!"

The middle-aged leader of Hei Mandi stood in front of Saruman and spoke solemnly.

Even though he guessed the purpose of the guy in front of him coming to see him, Saruman immediately became extremely happy and excited when he actually heard what the other person said.

But Saruman's acting skills have always been very good. He looked at the other party with a calm expression and said without any fluctuations in his tone: "Allegiance is not just words, I need your oath!"

The leader of the Heiman was obviously prepared to come here, and immediately pulled out the dagger at his waist, and began to gesture with the other palm.

The blood oath has always been the highest and most solemn oath of the Dark Man, and Saruman, who knows the Dark Man well, knows it well.

When the blood fell from the palm of his hand, the middle-aged leader held the blood and the dagger respectfully and saluted Saruman: "From now on, I will fight for Saruman until I die!"

Seeing the opponent's actions and vows, Saruman was extremely satisfied.

However, he heard what the other party said just now, and then asked coldly: "Listen to you, is there any opinion in your ethnic group that opposes taking refuge with me?"

"Don't dare to hide from the master, there is indeed."

The middle-aged leader replied immediately, and called himself Saruman's subordinate.

"Then take me to see, let me see who dares to resist Isengard's order and Saruman's order!"

Hearing different voices, Saruman immediately spoke coldly.

Soon, the white-robed wizard Saruman led the leader of the black man behind him, and an army of strong orc warriors, and marched towards the outside of the Isinger circular square.


Located at the foot of the White Mountains is the most important city "Edoras" royal city.

The palace of the kings of Rohan: Meduseld (also known as the "Golden Palace") is located at the highest point of the entire royal city.

At this time, in the brightly lit, spacious and luxurious palace hall.

A middle-aged man wearing a luxurious royal robe and a golden crown, with a stooped figure, pale complexion, and dull eyes, is sitting curled up on the throne in the center of the hall.

Not far in front of him.

At this time, there were two people standing.

A tall human man with a long sword on his waist, armor, and full armor.

The other was a girl with beautiful long golden hair, a tall figure, fair skin, beautiful blue eyes, and an elegant temperament.

Crouching on the throne is the current King of Rohan "Theoden".

The tall man standing in front of him was the marshal of the hussars of the Kingdom of Rohan and the son of King Theoden's sister, his nephew "Eomer".

Beside Éomer, there is a beautiful girl with long golden hair, fair skin, elegant temperament, and a perfect figure outlined by a tight long skirt called "Eowyn".

Éowyn was the niece of Théoden, King of Rohan, and sister of Éomer.

"Your Majesty, your son is seriously injured now"

Eowyn spoke softly, and Eomer immediately answered, "Theojed was ambushed, and it was the orcs who did it."

The two siblings fell silent.

I saw the uncle in front of me, the once extremely wise King of Rohan, but now he could only sit on the throne with blank eyes, without saying a word, like a walking dead.

"Your Majesty, if we fail to defend our territory."

Seeing his uncle's expression was dull, as if he didn't hear what he and his sister said, Éomer felt dissatisfied, but he had no choice but to speak again in a deep voice: "Sooner or later, he will take all of our territory by Saruman. !"

The heavy voice fell.

At this time, an abrupt voice suddenly came out.


Accompanied by the appearance of this voice.

There was also a man wearing a black robe with an unusually pale complexion and a gloomy temperament like a poisonous snake, who came out.

"The white robe wizard Saruman has long been our ally, how could he plunder our land."

The man in black refuted Eomer's words, and walked into the hall with a gloomy expression.

King Theoden curled up on the throne as soon as he saw the black-robed man, it was as if he had seen his dearest person and his support, and immediately said weakly: "Grima"


Grima: Nicknamed "The Tongue", ostensibly the chief advisor to King Theoden of Rohan.But in fact, Saruman, who secretly served Isengard secretly, tipped him off and disrupted the government of Rohan, but he has always won the trust of King Theoden.

Éomer looked away from the traitor and traitor Grima, took a deep breath, continued to look at his uncle and said in a deep voice, "The half-orcs are rampant and wanton killing in our land, and no one can stop them."

"And, I found evidence."

Eomer casually threw a steel breastplate hidden behind him in front of King Theoden's throne.

It is a piece of armor with the imprint of the white palm.

"What else do you have to say, Grima?"

Éomer looked coldly at the black-robed poisonous snake squatting in front of the throne and asked in a cold voice.

After being slapped in the face, Grima's face changed, but he quickly realized that he looked at Éomer and said, "You know your uncle is worried about you, so you still bother him with these things?"

"Worried about me?" Eomer asked back.

"Of course, I'm worried that you only think about going to war with Saruman all day long, and all day long you only think about bringing Rohan into the abyss of the war of destruction."

Hiding in the shadows, Grima stared coldly at Éomer with bloodless poisonous snake eyes and said coldly, "You traitor with impure motives!"

"Am I a traitor?"

Hearing this word, at this moment, Eomel's heart was instantly swallowed by endless anger. He finally couldn't help it, strode forward, grabbed Grima's chest, and said in a hateful voice: "You are It's Grima the traitor!"

After the words fell, Éomer threw the Grima out of his hand.

The instant he made the shot, Éomer had already realized something was wrong, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

Just before he had time to think about it.

Immediately, there were hurried footsteps outside the hall.

The four guards quickly rushed in and grabbed Éomer who did not resist.

Grima stood up slowly, spat out blood, and then took out a bright yellow scroll from his pocket.

Opening the scroll, Grima walked up to Éomer with the expulsion order printed with the seal of King Theoden, and taunted: "From today onwards, you will be expelled from all the territories of Rohan. Never set foot in Rohan again."

Eastern Rohan.

The four-member team of Morgan Gandalf and Legolas Gimli was galloping along the continuous dry river.

"Quick, this way!"

"Those half-orcs accelerated, maybe they discovered us."

Legolas ran quickly at the front of the line and kept talking.

At this time, Morgan, who was following behind, suddenly saw a green leaf pin that had been stepped into the sand on the ground.

"The leaves of Lorien don't fall for nothing"

Morgan looked at the leaf pin in his hand, which was the pin on an elf cloak presented to each member of the expedition team by Lord Celeborn of Lothlorian and Lady Galadriel, and he knew it very well.

"Indeed, they might still be alive."

Gandalf, who came from behind, looked at the green pin leaf in Morgan's hand and said in a low voice.

"There is still help, speed up"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Time passed slowly.

When the orange sunset in the western sky falls again.

The world was plunged into darkness.

Morgan's team of four finally saw the large black orcs around the burning bonfire in the forest ahead from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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