Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 203 Strengthening, return!

Chapter 203 Strengthening, return!

Near the exit of the dark river not far away, the wind and snow howled.

Beside the dark river, there is a corner on the edge of dry sand and rocks.

The bonfire is strong.

Morgan sat wrapped in a blanket against the stone wall behind her.

Not far from the fire, a corpse in a gray robe was lying there, also covered with a blanket.

The corpse, of course, belonged to Gandalf.

Regardless of whether it is possible for Gandalf to return as a white robe wizard.

Morgan couldn't watch his old friend's body freeze to death.

He has already planned to save it for a few days before saying it, and if he really can't come back, he will be buried for him.

Anyway, Gandalf must not be allowed to die in the wilderness.


The bonfire burned quietly.

In front of Morgan's eyes, pale white virtual data kept jumping.

Six points of soul power, two points for killing the octopus-like water monster of Simon of Moria, and four points for killing the Balrog with Gandalf.

It's been a long time since I got so much soul power at once.

This time it was really a bumper harvest.

"Two chances to strengthen, what to strengthen?"

Looking at the data in front of him, Morgan's thoughts flowed, and he followed the jumping and flickering virtual data all the way down.

Soon you can see that the world exploration progress bar has changed to 12.13%.

When the Fellowship of the Ring Expedition formed and left Rivendell, the exploration progress had only broken through [-]%.

Sure enough, once that limit was broken, the exploration progress returned to normal growth again.

The achievement rewards achieved by exploring progress, whether it is the ring of dimensions or the special skill "Any Door", are all excellent things.

It's just that the reward for the first achievement achievement is that the exploration progress has reached [-]%.

The second time is ten percent.

Just don't know how much it will take to achieve the next reward?
What time is it?

Didn't think much about it.

His eyes returned to the soul power column, the four attribute columns and the ability column.

Morgan looked at the ability data representing himself in front of him and pondered.

In the ability column, except for the special skills that cannot be strengthened, the muay thai boxing that came with it in the previous life has no strengthening value.

The white crow swordsmanship and bow and archery skills that can be used to improve and strengthen are enough for the time being.

In contrast, Morgan believes that what urgently needs to be improved now are the four attributes.

Especially resistant to resistance and resistance to build, accelerate the recovery of physical attributes.

Through the battle with the water monster at the Simon of Moria not long ago, and this battle with such a powerful monster as the Balrog.

Let him deeply feel the importance of having a strong physique.

In fact, not only physique, strength, agility, and spirit are also extremely important.

But now there are only two strengthening opportunities.

Morgan has to consider the various situations he may face next, and only by making targeted improvements can he maximize his strength.

First of all, the Fellowship of the Ring expedition lost itself and Gandalf, and should go to Roslorien as in the memory plot.

Think of Rosslorien.

Morgan immediately thought of the extremely powerful, beautiful, and noble Noldor princess: "Galadriel".

From awareness to this world.

He just wanted to see the legendary and powerful female elf with his own eyes.

In the past 60 years.

The number of times Morgan went to Rivendell was fairly diligent.

Among them was the desire to see Galadriel.

It's just that until now, he hasn't been able to do so.

Right now, when the expedition team is about to arrive in Roselorien, when they really have a chance to meet the legendary female elf.

In the end, I came here again by mistake.

But if he didn't show up here but went to Rosslorian with the expedition team.

Surely he would not be able to get the four points of soul power needed to kill the Balrog.

Compared with seeing Galadriel with his own eyes, it was self-evident which was more important.

Step over Galadriel.

It seems that the expedition fell apart not long after leaving Lothlorien next.

Because Boromir's obsession with taking the Lord of the Rings to Gondor led to the true disintegration of the Fellowship of the Ring.

Boromir died.

Sam and Frodo go to Mordor alone.

Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli went to Rohan for rescuing the two hobbits, Merry and Pippin, who were captured by the orcs.

As a result, he participated in the War of Rohan, until the larger battle that took place in Minas Tirith, the white city of Gondor.

The future plot in memory was quickly reviewed in his mind.

Morgan secretly thought that he still didn't know where he was.

Without Gandalf leading the way, he would not be able to find Roslorien, and even if he went out, he might not be able to catch up with the expedition team.

But even if you can't catch up with the expedition team, it is still necessary to go to the Kingdom of Rohan.

Whether it is to find Aragorn Legolas and the others, or to participate in the war of the Kingdom of Rohan.

This all affects the progress of the system's exploration, as well as the acquisition of soul power.

With his current strength, only by obtaining a large number of heads in large-scale wars can it be possible to promote the growth of soul power.

After all, powerful monsters like the water monster and ancient Balrog in the "dark valley" river of Simon of Moria.

The whole of Middle-earth is also very rare.

It is impossible to kill the second one.

There are many thoughts in my head.

Morgan looked at the data bar in front of him, and his mind moved slightly behind the physical attribute.

[This strengthening consumes 3 soul power, whether to strengthen it? 】


"Physique LV7"

Feel the familiar warmth being injected into the body out of thin air.

Feeling exhausted all over the body disappear.

Morgan looked energetically at the attribute panel in front of him: strength LV7; constitution LV7; agility LV6; spirit LV5.

There are still three points of soul power, and it can be strengthened once.

"What's the strengthening this time?"

His eyes wandered over the four attributes representing his physical strength.

Morgan thought about it carefully and focused on the spiritual attribute.

He didn't want to become his own shortcoming because of his spirit.

[This strengthening consumes 3 soul power, whether to strengthen it? 】


"Spirit LV6"

Pale white light flickered.

Looking at the soul power bar, it returned to zero again in just a few minutes.

Morgan couldn't help but feel a little empty in his heart.

Gaining that bit of soul power was exhausting and exhausting.

It takes only a few thoughts, and it is exhausted.

How similar it is to certain situations.

But feeling the obvious changes in the state of the body, feeling that he has become stronger visible to the naked eye.

Morgan felt extremely fulfilled and satisfied again.

At this time, his virtual data panel has taken on a new look again.

【Time Traveler: Morgan】

【Race: Human】

[Biology Level: Second Level]

【Soul Power: 0】

[Attributes: Strength LV7; Constitution LV7; Agility LV6; Spirit LV6]

[Abilities: Common Language; Muay Thai LV2; White Crow Sword Technique (Proficient) LV4; Bow and Archery (Proficient) LV4; Body of Rock (Special Skill); Dragon Power (Special Skill); Skill); Eagle Eye (special skill); Flash (special skill); Dimensional Door (special skill)]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Skill)]

[Current world exploration progress: 12.13%]



He let out a long breath, and dismissed the virtual data panel in front of him.

Morgan immediately felt that the campfire in front of him was much smaller.

In such a cold weather, there is no fire.

Morgan got up to gather some firewood.

Only then did I realize that the area around the dark river was already dark, except that there was still some light at the entrance of the ice and snow world not far away.

The whole long dark river was dark, much darker than when he and Gandalf had chased the Balrog together.

"Is it getting dark outside?"

Morgan secretly thought, and then strode forward into the darkness.

Roslorien of the Golden Forest.

In the main city of Calas Galadon.

Around the naturally formed large and small caves under the Giant Mallon Tree.

The members of the expedition team headed by Aragorn rested here after a simple dinner.

A small pendant light with delicate shape exudes soft light.

In the expedition team, some people have already fallen asleep, such as the dwarf Gimli.

But others won't be able to sleep at all for a while.

The deaths of Gandalf and Morgan dealt a severe blow to the expedition.

at this time.

Suddenly, there was a desolate sound of playing music over the entire Karas Galadon.

Legolas, who was leaning against a thick tree root, said suddenly, "They are mourning for Gandalf and Morgan."

Hearing Legolas' words, everyone around couldn't help looking at him.

The Hobbit Merryton immediately slowed down, looking at Legolas, "Then what did they say?"

Legolas shook his head softly: "That's too sad, I don't want to repeat it."

After finishing speaking, Legolas didn't speak anymore, but quietly looked at the beautiful night sky of Calas Galadon with sad eyes.

He hasn't figured out how to tell his sister Tariel the next time he returns to Mirkwood, and how to tell Morgan's sad news to their two extremely lovely nieces and nieces.

That was cruel.

Aragorn wiped the long sword in his hand over and over again.

Frodo huddled alone in a dark corner where the light could not reach, lost in thought.

Boromir was even more alone away from the crowd, sitting in front of a stream in a daze.

Even the usually lively little hobbits, Merry and Pippin, were much quieter tonight.

Everyone is full of concerns.

Tonight, for the expedition members.

It's bound to be a sleepless night.


In the inner ring of the circular square, in the huge underground gap.

The sound is booming, and the flames are soaring into the sky.

Deep in the Great Crack.

In a vast and huge square, a large number of tall, hideous and ugly half-orcs gathered.

No, these orcs, who were far taller and stronger than the orcs from Mordo who were busy around, already had a new name.

That is the new name bestowed by their creator, the white-robed wizard Saruman: Uruk.

Namely: Orcs.

At this time, these strong orcs were queuing up one by one, and the half-orcs in front were putting on thick armor for them.

The orcs put on their armor one by one, and lined up to go to another place. The orcs in charge stretched out their big hands from the white paint pool beside them, and slapped them fiercely.

Then, a clear white palm handprint appeared on the chest armor of these orcs.



growled the orc in charge.

One by one, the orcs put on their armor and were marked with the mark of the white hand.

At this moment, a tall figure in a white robe appeared in front of the high platform in the square, surrounded by several little orc chiefs.

Saruman quietly looked down at the square.

When the last orc breastplate was imprinted with the white palm mark exclusive to Isinger.

Saruman raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said: "Baka."

The voice fell.

Behind him, a tall and strong half-orc with an extremely ugly and ferocious face immediately walked up quickly and said respectfully, "Master!"

"I give you a task."

Saruman spoke in a cold voice, Baka the Orc didn't say a word, quietly listening to his master's orders.

"There is a hobbit, the dwarf of the Shire, who carries what I need."

"Catch him and bring him to me."

"As for the others, they were all killed."

"They are now in the elven land of Roselorien"


Saruman looked at the orc Baka in front of him and ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Master."

The strong orc Baka respectfully spoke out.

Then quickly walked to the rear.

Saruman looked at his own kingdom army with cold eyes.

The news he had just received from Modo about the team led by Gandalf also knew that Gandalf had fallen into the dark abyss of Moria.

Without Gandalf, he is determined to win the Hobbit who carries the Lord of the Rings.

With the brand new created by him, the figure is taller and stronger, and he can move under the sun without any influence. He can be called the perfect Uruk warrior.

This time, he will be able to get the Lord of the Rings before Sauron.

"By then, hehe"

Saruman stared coldly at his kingdom factory in front of him, then turned his head to look at the short orc leader behind him and said, "The furnace fire is working day and night, I want you to form two large armies within a month."

After the words fell, the little orc leader behind him immediately said respectfully: "Master, we don't have enough fuel."

"Not enough fuel?"

"Our door is Fangorn Forest"

As Saruman said, he raised his head, his gaze seemed to be able to see the lush ancient forest not far in front of Isinger through the big crack above, and said coldly: "Burn it."

"Yes, Master."

The little half-orc leader grinned, showing his black teeth, with an excited expression on his face.


The icy cold wind wrapped around the ice and snow seemed to never stop.

Standing at the intersection of the dark river and the world of ice and snow.

Morgan looked ugly.

It's been four days.

In the past four days, in order to find an environment where I can leave myself.

He carried Gandalf's body all the way up the dark river.

Finally, at the upper end of the dark river, the source of the dark river was discovered, and it turned out to flow out of the cracks in the rocks, which also meant that there was no exit from the upper reaches.

Then, he went all the way down along the edge of the dark river.

He walked through the waters where he fell into the water with Gandalf the Balrog, all the way forward.

Finally, I came to the end of this dark river, and found that the lower end of the dark river also flowed into the gaps of the dark stones and disappeared.

Neither upstream nor downstream could find an exit.

Morgan naturally had no choice but to return to the intersection of the dark river and the world of ice and snow.

Looking at the world of ice and snow in front of him, Morgan's expression was heavy.

This is the only possibility for him to get out of here.

Immediately, Morgan picked up Gandalf's corpse wrapped in a blanket on the ground and strode into the snowstorm.

It's just that he didn't realize it.

The moment he carried Gandalf's body into the snowstorm.

The corpse's fingers, which were tightly wrapped in blankets, suddenly moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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