Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 190 The meeting that decided the fate of Middle-earth 【Subscription】

Chapter 190 The meeting that decided the fate of Middle-earth 【Subscription】


The shape is exquisite, the flowers and plants are abundant, and the environment is extremely beautiful in the open-air garden.

The voices of the gathered crowd were lively but not noisy.

At this time, with the appearance of the host Eldron Elf Lord, everyone's eyes immediately turned away.

The leader is Eldron, and everyone in the garden naturally knows each other.

But for the two people who followed each other, a tall, handsome and cheerful "Lord of the Golden Flower" Glorfindel with long blond hair, some of them knew each other, and some didn't.

And following Glorfindel was a tall human man with long black hair and a resolute face.

The man wears chain mail inside, a fine wine-red robe outside, a luxurious gold belt around his waist, and a silver-tipped horn on the belt.

Although the human man in front of him is dressed in extraordinary clothes, he is dusty and in a bit of a mess. He has obviously just gone through a long journey.

Because Glorfindel has lived in Rivendell for a long time, although he rarely shows up, people who often come and go to Rivendell at least know each other.

But for this human being, few people know him.

But for Morgan, this one is no stranger.

Because he has seen this person in the memory plot, and the other party is also a member of the upcoming Fellowship of the Ring expedition, from "Boromir", the eldest son and heir of Denethor, the current ruling prime minister of Gondor, the southern kingdom of Middle-earth.

Follow the strangers in front of you into the garden.

Behind him walked out another elf with a slender figure, wearing delicate silver chain armor, flowing platinum-blonde hair, and an exceptionally handsome face.

It was the elf prince Legolas Greenleaf from the Woodland Kingdom.

Eldron greeted everyone in the garden with a smile on his face.

Although everyone came to Rivendell for different purposes, he was always hospitable.

What's more, Rivendell hasn't been very lively for a long time.

He smiled and greeted everyone to sit down, and at the same time ordered the attendants to start serving dishes.

Naturally, the host sits on the main seat of the long table, while the other seats on both sides are not so particular.

The crowd took their seats.

But in this day and age, unless you meet by chance, it is not easy for friends to meet each other because of the long distance.

Like Bilbo and Gloin the Dwarf, who hadn't seen each other for nearly sixty years.

Gandalf and Groin also haven't seen each other for more than ten or twenty years.

So beside Gloin sat Bilbo and Gandalf, ready to have a good chat.

And Morgan sat across from these three, and Legolas sat next to Morgan, because Morgan wanted to ask about the latest situation of Tauriel and the two children in the Woodland Kingdom.

On the other side is the host Eldron on the main seat.

The four little hobbits, including Frodo and Sam, sat together as expected, and sat next to Gandalf.

As for Aragorn and Boromir, Glorfindel and the others sat apart.

Morgan glanced across the long table. Apart from the above he knew, there were four or five people he didn't know, and they were all elves.

When the elf servants who came and went constantly filled the long table with Rivendell's special dishes and fine wines.

The banquet also began with Lord Eldron's toast.

"First of all, welcome to Rivendell, everyone"

Eldron, who was wearing a dark blue luxurious robe, stood up and raised the exquisite wine glass in his hand to speak.

Everyone on both sides of the long table raised their glasses and stood up immediately.

"No matter why you came to Rivendell"

Eldron said, looking across the audience, and said with a smile: "I hope you all have a good time."


Eldron took the lead and drank the wine in his glass.



Everyone at the long table naturally responded.

With the leader of the host, together with the dwarf Groin with a loud voice, and several hobbits who were cheerful and noisy.

The banquet atmosphere on the long table in the garden also became lively.

The people who were familiar with each other soon chatted, chatted and drank with each other.

Because Morgan, Aragorn, a few little hobbits, Boromir of Gondor, and Legolas, who just arrived yesterday, arrived not long ago.

So Eldron didn't say much at this banquet, nor did he ask anything.

Because he hadn't made up his mind about the seriousness of the situation with Gandalf and him.

No other factors are involved.

Naturally, everyone at the banquet had a great time.

It was not easy for Bilbo to reunite with Gloin 60 years after they left the Lonely Mountain.

Both of them realize that the next time they meet, they don't know that it will be the Year of the Monkey, and maybe there will be no next time.

So they both wanted to drink to their heart's content.

But Bilbo's body would certainly not be able to handle Gloin's drink.

So Bilbo didn't drink a few glasses, and it became Gandalf and Gloin to fight for wine.

Morgan and Legolas on the opposite side also enjoyed drinking and chatting.

Originally, Legolas didn't like Morgan during the Battle of the Five Armies on Lonely Mountain.

But when Legolas returned to Mirkwood after decades of traveling, he saw Morgan and Tariel living together in the Woodland Kingdom.

This slightly dispelled a lot of prejudice against Morgan.

Legolas cared about his sister Tariel after all.

And with the birth of Morgan and Tauriel's children "Ephne" and "Ulysses".

Legolas was very special to these two children, who could be regarded as "nephew and niece" in name.

Together with the attitude towards Morgan is constantly changing.

Morgan was already very good in his manner and character.

There is no deliberate prejudice, and there are two children.

The relationship between Legolas and Morgan naturally improved.

As for Frodo and Sam Meripippin at the long table, the four little hobbits.

It was the first time to come to the legendary Rivendell, and it was the first time to attend the banquet of the elves, which made them very happy.

Except for the honest and loyal Sam who was slightly silent, the excitement of the other three was beyond words.

Especially Merry and Pippin, who ate and drank, were the happiest.

If they hadn't realized that this was Rivendell, and if there were not too few hobbits around, they would all be singing and dancing.

And others, like Aragorn and Glorfindel, can still chat.

But Boromir from Gondor was a little bored, because he knew too few people at the whole table.

As for the other elves, they obviously know each other and should come from the same place.

The light cluster at the edge of the day disappeared into the western sky.

Rivendell's inner lights were first turned on, and the banquet with a large number of people came to an end one after another.

When Morgan returned to his residence, the night was already a little dark.

There was no way, Gloin drank too much and talked a lot of nonsense, Bilbo also drank too much to his heart's content today, plus Gandalf and Morgan were here again, and his son Gimli, who was more stubborn than Gloin, was added.

These former members of the Lonely Mountain Expedition were the last ones to leave.

However, Eldron is worthy of the name of his host, and he has been chatting and drinking with these friends abruptly, showing no signs of impatience.

Too much cider would make Bilbo Groin Gimli or a few hobbits drunk.

But for Morgan, whose body is no longer a mortal, the more he drank, the more sober he became.

Just as he was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze.

In an exquisite garden loft deep in Rivendell.

Gandalf and Elrond were also sitting soberly drinking tea together.

"Gandalf, I've thought about it"

Eldron poured a cup of brewed black tea for Gandalf, and said in a deep voice, "The Lord of the Rings cannot stay here for a long time."

Hearing what the old friend on the other side said, Gandalf stopped holding the teacup in the air.

Just about to speak, the other party continued to say: "Gandalf, Modo is about to move."

"The army of Sauron's army is assembled in the east, and his evil eye is watching Rivendell"

"You also told me that Saruman has betrayed us"

'We now have fewer and fewer allies'

Eldron kept talking.

Gandalf was silent. When he heard Saruman being mentioned, he couldn't help but said, "It's more than that."

"His evil deeds are more than that!"

"He mixed the half-orcs with those goblin monsters with evil technology, and cultivated a new half-orc army in Isinger's cave."

"A stronger army of orcs, even capable of moving in daylight"

"I think Saruman's purpose is also to win the Supreme Lord of the Rings"

Gandalf's voice was full of anger.

But what Eldron heard was not anger, but shock and fear.

Gandalf was sent to Rivendell by the eagle three days ago, but at that time Gandalf only told him about Saruman's rebellion.

If this were true, the power of Sauron's evil side would have grown immensely stronger.

Eldron and Gandalf are different.

Although they can be regarded as guardians who firmly protect Middle-earth.

The entire Middle-earth world that Gandalf considered for the first time.

And Eldron's first consideration was his subordinate Rivendell.

Thinking of this, Eldron immediately raised his head and looked at Gandalf in front of him after being silent, and said solemnly: "Gandalf, the elves will not be able to resist this evil force."

"We can't fight against Modo and Essinger at the same time."

Eldron's voice fell, and Gandalf was even more silent.

He drank the black tea in the cup in one gulp, his brows furrowed more and more.

Seeing Gandalf showing such an expression, Eldron also knew that this old friend was caught in great difficulties and entanglements.

Eldron picked up the teapot again and filled Gandalf's empty cup, and said, "Gandalf, this crisis is a matter for the entire Middle-earth world."

"We shouldn't be the only ones racking our brains to find a way"

"Gandalf, the time of the elves is past, and we are all going elsewhere"

Eldron put down the teapot and said slowly, he felt that it was time to have a good talk with this old friend who was dedicated to Middle-earth.

"Who are you going to ask for help now that we're gone?"

"A dwarf?"

"They just hide in the cave and dig for treasure, they don't care about the outside world at all."

At this time, Gandalf suddenly said: "I think we should put our hope on humans."


After Gandalf's words fell, Eldron suddenly chuckled, and then said coldly: "Humans are too fragile, they have no hope."

"The blood of the Númenóreans (Dúnedain) is no longer pure."

"Their pride and glory have long been forgotten"

"And the reason why the Lord of the Rings has survived to this day is because of humans!"

Eldron said this, thinking of the scene many years ago, even now, he is still angry: "Gandalf, I was there at the time"

three days later.

early morning.

Morgan and Bilbo entered a smaller open-air garden led by the elves' attendants.

Because fishing is used to getting up early these days.

When Morgan and Bilbo reached the little garden covered with benches, they saw no one else.

Looking at the row of seats in front of him.

Combined with the memory plot in his mind, Morgan has already somewhat guessed what will happen next:

That is the famous "Conference of Elrond".

It was also a meeting to discuss the handling of the One Ring brought by Frodo.

Morgan had thought that this meeting should not be held so soon. He had been informed of today's meeting yesterday while fishing with Bilbo.

Here is an interesting thing to say, because I was brought in by Morgan.

Bilbo had already turned into a fisherman.

Even if they came to Rivendell to recuperate.

Bilbo couldn't forget fishing either.

His current life is almost fishing, writing books, and then reading, an extremely regular three-point line.

Morgan came to Rivendell for a few days, and was dragged by Bilbo to fish for a few days.

Morgan and Bilbo sat down in a corner, while their minds wandered.

Others who are eligible for this meeting will begin to arrive.

Ranger Aragorn, "Lord of the Golden Flower" Glorfindel, Boromir of Gondor, dwarves Gloin and Gimli, Legolas, and several strange elves from the banquet a few days ago came together Gandalf and Frodo, and last of all the host Lord Elrond.

Morgan kept saying hello to familiar people who came.

When he saw those strange-looking elves, he already knew the origin of the other party: it turned out that the other party was an elf envoy from Gray Harbor, who had come with the mission of Qierdan, the Lord of Gray Harbor.

As Eldron, who was dressed in golden exquisite majestic robes, walked into the garden and took the first seat, this meeting that would affect the future fate of the entire Middle-earth officially began.

"Every stranger and friend from afar."

"I summoned you today to discuss how to deal with the threat of Modo."

"Middle-earth is doomed."

"If we are not united, there will be destruction."

"No race is immune!"

Eldron sat down on the bench, and didn't care whether the others could bear it or not. He spoke without any inkling. After speaking, he stood up and looked at the little hobbit sitting beside Gandalf, and said directly: "Frodo, take the Lord of the Rings take it out."

As soon as the words fell, Frodo, who had already received the news, immediately stepped forward, took out the ring in his pocket, put it on the stone table beside Lord Eldron, and then turned back to his seat.

The moment the Supreme Lord of the Rings was placed on the stone table.

Meeting people who don't know it all, whether they know it in advance or not.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the small pure gold ring.

 Sorry for the late update (cover your face)
(End of this chapter)

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