Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 178 The Eastern Phantom, a grand movement!

Chapter 178 The Eastern Phantom, a grand movement!

late at night.

Cool evening skies in early autumn.

Not only the dots of stars that were originally shining with starlight have already disappeared.

Even the crescent moon hanging high in the sky disappeared into the clouds at some point.

The whole earth was dark and deep.

The Shire, a vast crop field on the edge of Hobbiton.

Several figures in black robes were riding on black horses, walking quickly in the crop field.

The crop field, which had been buzzing with insects and birds, immediately fell into a dead silence.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

The sound of hooves was loud.

Six knights in black robes rode on the back of evil black horses with scarlet eyes shining, looking for the breath of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, they galloped wildly in the flat crop field.

Soon they caught up to a lush and vast tall corn forest.

Looking at the corn grove in front of them, a group of black knight ring spirits have already noticed that what the master asked them to find is in the crop field in front of them.

[Nazgul: Also known as "Nine Riders" or "Black Knights", they are the most loyal and fearsome servants of the Demon King Sauron. 】

[They were originally nine powerful and wise human kings, warriors, wizards, etc.In the second era, Sauron tricked the elves of Erejan into casting the Lord of the Rings, and Sauron presented them with nine rings of power that belonged to humans. Since then, they have succumbed to his invisible control one by one, and after their bodies died, they became Scary ghost. 】

[Among the nine ring spirits, the most well-known identity is the leader of the ring spirits, the "Witch King of Angmar", and the ring spirit who is second only to the Witch King of Angmar, known as the "Oriental Phantom". Spirit "Kahmur". 】

At this time, standing in front of several ring spirits was Kehamur.

But Hamur turned his head to look at the five people behind him, and just said a few words.

The five ring spirits immediately scattered and ran towards the two ends of the vast crop field in front of them.

But Hamur took another Ringling and rode slowly into the corn grove.

Although the corn stalks were somewhat taller and much taller than the hobbits, they were no taller than the Ringwraiths on the black horses.



The two ring spirits walked slowly into the crop field, passing by the dense corn stalks and immediately made a rattling sound.

Deep in the woodland.

Frodo and Sam listened to what was coming from behind, and their faces grew more and more tense.

"What about Frodo?"

"They seem to be catching up?"

Sam asked Frodo nervously and anxiously.

Frodo's face was also pale with nervousness, but his head was obviously still awake. He immediately looked at Sam and said quickly, "We can't just hide here like this."

"These corn stalks are tall and cover us"

"Slow down, let's go."

Frodo finished quickly, and then led the way to the dark woodland ahead.

Sam naturally had no objection to Frodo's words, and immediately followed behind.

Compared with the previous two people who fled in a hurry.

This time, he was obviously a lot more careful in his actions in the woodland.

But no matter how careful you are, in such a quiet and dense corn forest, some noises are unavoidable.

Night is like a duck to water for the Ringwraiths.

The strength of the Ringwraiths will change over time.

When they are at their strongest, that is, at night, night vision is to them what daytime is to humans.

Moreover, the ring spirits can still see many things that ordinary people cannot see at night.

So Frodo and Sam made the right choice.

If they are motionless, it is only a matter of time before they are found.

But the two of them started to run.

Although the movement was small, some noises were still unavoidable.

Such a vast corn jungle.

Such sounds are naturally imperceptible to ordinary human ears.

But in the ears of these mighty Ringwraiths it's completely different.

Kehamur, who was patiently feeling the Lord of the Rings with the aura of the master, suddenly raised his head, looking at the distance ahead where there were continuous slight abnormal noises.

Immediately waved the long sword in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the sound source, and screamed.

But Hamur immediately chased forward with the ring spirit behind him.

at the same time.

The other four scattered Ringwraiths stopped immediately after being prompted by Kehamur, and then all ran towards the direction of the two hobbits.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The six ring spirits galloped wildly through the corn grove on a black horse, making a lot of noise.

Frodo and Sam also noticed the difference in the situation at the first time.

"They're coming after them."

"Did you find us?"

Sam said in a hurry.

Frodo's face was extremely ugly, and when he heard the growing movement behind him, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Run!".

The voice fell.

Frodo and Sam cared no longer for their own noises.

The two immediately ran forward desperately.

Vast cropland.

Just when the six Nazgul knights were chasing the two hobbits.

The sky has quietly become hazy.

The eastern sky began to gradually brighten.

It is not far from dawn.

In the distance behind the ring spirits.

On a hill lined with hills.

Morgan was walking briskly among the hills, looking for traces on the ground.

When the first fish belly white glow appeared in the eastern sky.

Morgan sat down high on a hill covered with lush green grass.

next second.

Immediately, a water jug ​​and a whole plate of desserts appeared in his hand.

These pastries, of course, were scavenged from Bilbo's house.

Morgan quickly ate a third of the whole plate of snacks, and gulped down half of the pot of water, only then did he feel quite full.



Morgan stood up, looking at the shallower and shallower horseshoe footprints in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Compared with the plot in memory, it is a very good decision to protect Frodo and Sam who carry the Supreme Lord of the Rings and go to Bree with their own appearance.

Gandalf was very relieved of this.

I also think so.

However, the early appearance of the nine ring spirits from Modo immediately made the two of them lose their minds.

Before I took Frodo and Sam on the road, I was found by the ring spirits.

Then, it was so easy that Frodo and Sam had to leave themselves.

This is because his own strength is not strong enough.

Nor should Morgan fail to feel a sense of fate or the terror of the Ainu Grande.

Everything seems to be moving in a dark direction.

Of course, this is just Morgan's guess.

Perhaps, the appearance of the ring spirit was just a coincidence.

After all, it is certain that the other party will find him.

Looking at the mountains and forests in the distance ahead, the river, and the vast cropland beyond.

Morgan was a little worried: "I don't know if Frodo and Sam have been caught up by the Ringwraiths now."

But anyway, the two of them lived in Hobbiton for a long time.

It is also the protagonist of the plot on the next expedition.

Presumably it should not be so easy to be caught.

Of course, the appearance of oneself means variables.

Some things that haven't happened yet can't be said for sure.

Morgan didn't think the two of them would be all right.


He let out a long breath.

Morgan put away the kettle and snacks and watched the eastern sky gradually brighten and white as the approaching dawn.

He turned and walked in the other direction.

A little farther off loomed Bag End, the dwelling of the hobbits.

Morgan needs to get a horse so he can better find Frodo and Sam.

It is already dawn.

Looking at the weather, it should be sunny again today.

Those ring spirits are far less powerful during the day than at night.

If Frodo and Sam have not been overtaken by the Ringwraiths by now.

During the day their actions are much easier.

Morgan strode all the way to Bag End in the distance ahead.

It was getting brighter that day.

When the eastern sky began to hang a round of red sun.

Morgan finally sees the other hobbits.

After some inquiry, it was found that it was a little far from Bilbo's Bag End.

Finding Frodo and Sam was the most important thing. Morgan didn't plan to go back to find the horse at this time, but bought a horse directly with money.

Buying horses didn't take much of Morgan's time.

But when he got on the horse and was about to leave, Morgan was stunned.

Because he didn't know where to find Frodo and Sam.

Speaking of which, although Morgan has lived in Bilbo's house for a long time these years, he is actually not very familiar with other places in Hobbiton.

"and many more."

"In the memory plot, Frodo and Sam escaped from a ferry when they were chased by the Ringwraiths."

"What is the name of that ferry?"

Morgan sat on the horseback and frowned, trying to recall the plot in his memory.

Fortunately, Morgan's current memory is much better than that of his previous life.

But no matter how good the memory is, it has been nearly 60 years since Morgan came to Middle-earth.

Even if he recalls for a long time, it's normal that he can't remember some details.

But after thinking about it for a while, he finally recalled some eyebrows: "It seems to be called Bakou. Some kind of ferry."

thought here.

Morgan dismounted decisively and knocked on the door of the Hobbit who bought him a horse again.

"Is there a Bako or something at the ferry near you?"


Just as Morgan asked, the owner of the horse merchant immediately gave an answer.


After getting the route to Buckleberry Ferry from the hobbit horse merchant boss.

Morgan got on his horse and immediately walked quickly towards the ferry.

Thinking of going to Bucklebury Ferry.

Morgan soon seemed to be thinking of the other two hobbits.

That is in the memory plot, because of Stealing Vegetables and Frodo Sam who met unexpectedly, Merly and Pippin.

"So this time, will the four little hobbits meet together by accident?"

"But it seems that it was Merry who suggested Frodosam to Bucklebury Ferry."

"Then if the four of them fail to meet."

"Going to Bucklebury Ferry by yourself is a waste of time."

"But there is no way to run in vain."

For Morgan could no longer think of where to find both Frodo and Sam.

The Nine Ringwraiths were hunting them both.

In such a critical time, whether it is Gandalf's entrustment, or the relationship between Morgan and Bilbo and even Frodo.

Even the needs of the system on your own body.

He had no intention of giving up the search for the hobbits just now.

"bang bang bang"

Morgan rode straight for Bucklebury Ferry.

Clear sky.

A round of scorching light hung high in the sky.

Even though summer is over.

The scorching sun at noon in Shire is still a bit hot.

It is still in the vast corn-intensive cropland.

Two short figures kept shuttling through the cornfield, which was twice their height.

a while.

A rather short and stocky figure rushed out of the corn field, tripped over the broken corn stalks under his feet, and fell headlong on the trail between the crop fields.

Immediately behind him came a voice: "Sam, rest."

"Those things don't seem to be catching up."

"I'm so hungry, I can't run anymore"

After the words fell, a hobbit who was also short in stature but obviously handsome in appearance quickly sat down on the path, panting and speaking.

These two were, of course, Frodo and Sam.

I have been fleeing since midnight until now.

At dawn, they were almost overtaken by the terrifying black knights behind them.

Fortunately, with the dawn, the speed of those guys slowed down significantly.

Only then did the two who had been nimbly turning around in the corn grove escape.

"I'm hungry too."

"But we didn't have time to get food last night. All the food was at Uncle Morgan's."

Sam stood up, and as he spoke, he went to one side of the cornfield and broke off two large corn cobs, and handed one to Frodo.

Watching Sam quickly peel off the outer gauze of the corn and start to eat it quickly.

Frodo didn't bother to be particular, and immediately peeled the corn, and ate the raw corn likewise.

Although these immature corns are raw, the juice is a little sweet, so it's no problem to eat them raw.

The two of them ran for so long, and their stomachs were completely empty at this time.

One corn is not enough for two people.

Soon, when Sam broke off a second corn from the cornfield beside him, and gnawed with Frodo.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps on the path ahead.

The expressions of the two of them changed immediately, and they stood up immediately.

"It can't be so unlucky."

Sam looked desperately at the winding road ahead.

Hearing the sound is already very close.

At such a close distance, the two couldn't run away from those terrifying black knights.

Frodo also looked tense, but his mind was still clear. He shook his head immediately after listening. "It's not the sound of horseshoes."

As soon as the words fell, two hobbits who were equally short but held cabbage and carrots in their arms appeared on the road ahead, running towards this side nervously.

"Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gange"

When the two running hobbits saw the two holding corn cobs in front of them, their eyes lit up immediately, and they said excitedly, "Wow, are you two also stealing vegetables?"

Before Frodo and Sam could speak.

Behind the two hobbits who were rushing forward, there was suddenly a dog barking, and a slightly old scolding sound.

Seeing the figure in front of him, Sam breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard the words of those two guys and the scolding from behind them, Sam immediately became angry: "We didn't!"

"It's you two who are stealing vegetables from old farmer Maga again!"

Two hobbits, holding vegetables with roots and a lot of soil in their arms, came running quickly, and one of them immediately shouted at Sam: "You don't have any?"

"Then what are you holding?"

After speaking, he rushed to Sam's side, and the talking hobbit immediately put all the vegetables in his arms into Sam's arms.

At this time, two hounds had already appeared on the trail ahead, and immediately they rushed towards the four of them barking ferociously.


The two hobbits who were the culprit immediately dropped the vegetables in their hands, turned around and rushed into the corn forest beside them, shouting.

Frodo and Sam immediately looked at each other, seeing the two grinning hounds rushing forward, they also had to drop their things, and immediately followed the two in front, running forward desperately.

 Thank you qq book friend "Ha" for the two thousand rewards, and thank you "Moran Ten Nights, Daji 0 Find 1, easdf4e, Tianya Wushuang, I'm just this arrogant, Emptiness 90327, Lonely Yixing" for their rewards, thanks~~
(End of this chapter)

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