Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 161 On the way!

Chapter 161 On the way!
Sunny weather.

The clouds were thin.

A circle of light hangs high in the sky.

The golden warm sun shines on the earth.

On the road from Gushan to Changhu Town.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The sound of hooves was loud.

A team of four on horseback galloped along the road.

Go quickly towards the distance.

Run wildly for a while.

The speed of the four-person team slowed down a lot.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind the team.

"Gandalf, does this seem to be the way to the Mirkwood?"


At the front of the line, the old man in a gray robe turned his head and said with a smile, "This is indeed the way to the Mirkwood, but we are not going to the Mirkwood."

"Going straight from this road, we will reach the Mirkwood Mountains, and change the road from there"

"This is the fastest way we can go to Rivendell."

The old man in gray robe took off the cigarette stick from his waist very naturally and started to smoke.

The three people behind them also took off the water bottles on the horse's back and drank water.

These four are naturally the four Morgan Taril, Gandalf, and Bilbo who left from the Lonely Mountain.

I bid farewell to the humans and dwarves in Lonely Mountain early in the morning.

After riding wildly for several hours, he slowly slowed down.


I took several big mouthfuls in a row.

Morgan put down the kettle and let out a long breath, turned his head to look at the lone mountain in the distance behind him, then looked at Gandalf and asked, "How long will it take us to go to Rivendell?"

"Come on."

Gandalf lit the pipe in his hand, took a puff from Meimei, and said after exhaling the smoke: "If all goes well, we will arrive in about 20 days."

"If it doesn't go that smoothly, it should take about a month"

"Of course, our trip is to visit Rivendell. There are no missions or anything else. We don't need to hurry."

"You don't have to worry too much about the time."

Gandalf said with a smile, and continued to babble and choke.

"Then what is not going well?"

At this time, Bilbo, who hung the water bottle back on the horse's back, asked, "I mean, what will make our journey difficult?"

"There are many answers to that question, Bilbo."

Gandalf looked at Bilbo with a smile and continued: "For example, we encountered a snowstorm and heavy rain. Of course, there are very few heavy rains now, or attacks by other creatures."

"In short, anything could slow down our journey."

Gandalf said leisurely, smoking a pipe.

"Are you worried about something, Bilbo?"

Morgan answered with a smile, jumped off the horse, and then led the horse to a small puddle not far away where the snow had melted.

"Are we going to pass through the Misty Mountains this time?"

"I've heard Gandalf mention it before."

Seeing Morgan's operation, Bilbo jumped off his horse immediately, and led the smaller horse to the small puddle beside the road, and said as he walked, "I'm just worried that we may encounter orcs again."

"It's nothing to worry about"

Gandalf smiled and tapped the smoked tobacco rod on his hand, picked out the dregs of the tobacco, filled it with shredded tobacco again and said, "After this battle, I believe those orcs will be quiet for a long time to come." .”

"But we're going to the Mirkwood Mountains this time."

"It has long been polluted by dark shadows."

"We might run into some trouble."

At this time, Morgan just took a bag of dried mutton from Tauriel, picked up a few pieces from it and threw it into his mouth while chewing and said: "Since there is trouble, can we take a detour?"

"Anyway, this time is for fun, we brought enough food, just like Gandalf you said, there is no need to pursue time too much."

Gandalf looked at Morgan and nodded unsurprisingly: "Of course, I thought so at first."

"But after I thought about it, it turned out to be off that road."

"Our latest road to the valley will take at least about three months."

"what do y'all think?"

Bilbo, who heard Gandalf's words, reacted immediately, shaking his head like a rattle: "No, three months is too long."

"At that time, it was not far from the spring of Shire."

"You promised me to go to my hometown of Bree together."

As he spoke, Bilbo looked at Gandalf, then at Morgan, with a resolute expression.

Facing Bilbo's gaze, Gandalf continued to smoke leisurely, then looked at Morgan.

Morgan slapped his stallion on the ass, which was harassing Tauriel's mare again, and was about to speak.

Tariel, who was beside him, suddenly smiled and said, "Then follow the path you planned, Gandalf."

"Anyway, with the strength of all of us, there is really no need to worry about some small troubles."

Tariel said and looked at Morgan.

His own woman, no, a female elf said so, what else does he have to say.

Anyway, it's a small thing.

Yes, just last night.

At the dawn of the day before yesterday, the elf king Thranduil took a group of wood elves to set off for the second night in the dark jungle.

Morgan completely turned Tariel into his own female elf.


He found out that after the two of them had a lingering night last night.

There have been some changes in Tariel's temper and personality.

Tariel will speak for him at first, make some small decisions for him, and has a tendency to develop into the role of wife.

Although Morgan himself enjoyed it.

"Tariel is right"

"I also think so."

Morgan nodded immediately, and continued to change his words without integrity: "There is really no need to waste too much time on some small troubles."

Gandalf smiled and looked at Morgan and the elf.

I just feel that the road ahead should be much more lively.

Bilbo was also looking at Morgan and Tariel.

It's just that what he thinks in his heart is not excitement, but: "If I get a wife in the future, will I be like Morgan and the elf in front of me?"

The squad didn't take long to rest.

After feeding the horses with water and food, after a short rest.

The team hit the road again.

At this time, the four of them were on the road next to the Changhu Lake, and they hadn't walked out of the isolated mountain range. Looking back, they saw a towering isolated mountain covered with snow.

Looking forward to Long Lake, you can also see the ruins of Long Lake Town that was destroyed by the evil dragon Smaug on the other side of Long Lake.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The hooves sounded again.

The four-person team quickly rushed forward.

Time passed slowly.

On the day, the light cluster slanted westward.

It was starting to get dark.

The cold wind howled the mountains and fields.

On the edge of a forest.

Four figures are busy.

Three of them were busy gathering dry sticks, and one was feeding the horse.

After a while.

Morgan and Gandalf Bilbo each brought back a large bundle of dry wood, and the four horses were nearly fed by Taril.

It didn't take long.

The exuberant bonfire ignited ragingly.

Immediately expelled the surrounding cold.

The four of them sat around the bonfire and began to prepare today's dinner.

Gandalf took out beef jerky and a small flagon full of dwarven spirits from his bag.

Bilbo also brought out the jerky and the flagon, but it was pork jerky.

Gandalf likes beef jerky, Morgan likes mutton jerky, and Bilbo obviously prefers pork jerky, and pork is his favorite.

The female elf Tariel took out dried tomatoes, raisins and a kettle.

When the three of them were preparing their meals.

But he saw that Morgan on the side had quickly made a simple shelf with a dagger, the kind that could be placed on a campfire.

"Morgan, what are you doing with this thing?"

Bilbo finally saw what Morgan was doing, and asked in surprise.

Gandalf and Tariel also looked over at once.

Because they all have the survival experience of staying overnight in the wild for a long time.

With Bilbo's hint.

The two immediately saw that what Morgan had done was the bonfire stand.

The few of them thought that Morgan was just getting the big firewood for the night, but they didn't expect him to put on airs quickly.

It's just that everyone didn't bring a cooking pot or anything, so why make such a shelf?
Morgan did not respond to Bilbo at once, but quickly sharpened the four legs of the bracket with a sharp dagger.

Then, he lifted the bracket and put it on top of the exuberant bonfire.

Seeing that the bonfire stand I made for the first time was well placed on top of the bonfire without being burned.

Morgan was in a good mood.

"You'll find out soon."

After slightly adjusting the position of the bonfire stand, Morgan smiled mysteriously at the three of them.

Then he left the fire and strode out of the forest.

The three people by the fire looked at Morgan's figure walking out quickly, they couldn't help but look at me and I looked at you, they were a little dazed.

"What is Morgan trying to do?"

Bilbo wondered again, he couldn't think of any other use for such a campfire stand besides hanging a cooking pot for cooking.

"Perhaps, he wants to use it to bake something."

As Gandalf spoke, he picked up the small flagon and drank a swig of wine.

Tariel quietly picked up the dried tomato and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and said, "Didn't he say it, he will know in a while."

"We'll just have to wait."

That's all there is to it.

Bilbo nodded, and stuffed a piece of jerky into his mouth, curious as a cat scratching.

Morgan never did those inexplicable things.

Outside the forest, Morgan walked to a grass covered with snow-white snow, and immediately there was a cooking pot with a hook and a spoon in his hand.

This is the tableware that Morgan asked Bud to prepare for him before leaving.

There are not only cooking pots and spoons in his dimensional ring at this time, but also tableware for four people, as well as salt and some spices.

Yes, he has already planned to expose the fact that he owns the equipment in the dimensional space to these few people.

Because I have a long-distance artifact like the Dimensional Ring, it is too aggrieved to not be able to use it openly.

What's more, there is also the female elf Tariel who has become his pillow.

Morgan felt that it was unrealistic to keep it a secret.

Moreover, with his current strength, there is no need to hide it in front of his wife and familiar friends.

Of course, how to tell a few people about this also requires a method.

He will not directly tell everyone about the ring.

Instead, he will say that he has a magical magic equipment.

After all, there is the One Ring owned by Bilbo first.

It's nothing if he has a magic ring.

Thinking of this, Morgan carried the cooking pot, quickly filled it with snow, and pressed and squeezed it with a spoon.

After the snow water melts, it will be much less. Simply filling a pot of snow and boiling it is far from enough for four people to drink.

It didn't take long.

When Morgan walked into the forest with a large cooking pot and walked towards the bonfire.

The three people sitting around the campfire were all stunned.

"Morgan, when did you bring the cooking pot, why didn't I see it?"

curious Bilbo was at once the first to ask.

"There are still pots and spoons."

Gandalf was also surprised and said, "Morgan, I remember you have fewer packages than me. Where did you hide this cooking pot before?"

Tauriel also looked at Morgan with beautiful eyes and doubts, but she didn't speak, but fell into deep doubt.

She slept with Morgan for the first time last night.

Woke up this morning as well.

She had led Morgan's horse when he said goodbye to Bud in Dale in the morning.

She knew very clearly that Morgan never brought a cooking pot.

But the cooking pot was obviously in Morgan's hands.

Her eyesight?
Are Gandalf and Bilbo both dazzled?

If it wasn't dazzled, there was only one possibility: Morgan picked up the cooking pot.

"They all seem curious?"

Morgan smiled and said, approached the bonfire, and hung the cooking pot full of accumulated snow on the bonfire stand.

Sitting next to Tauriel, seeing the suspicious gazes cast by the three, Morgan smiled, and then said in the most casual tone: "It's nothing, I just have a piece of magic equipment."

"A piece of magic equipment with storage capacity."

The voice fell.

A carrot immediately appeared in Morgan's empty hand.

Fresh carrots, not the dried ones that come in tauriel wraps.

next second.

The carrot disappeared out of nowhere.

Another purple onion appeared in Morgan's hand.

Watching the miraculous scene.

All three were stunned.

In this world, magic equipment is not very rare.

For example, the staff in Gandalf's hand is considered a piece of magic equipment.

Regardless of whether it works or not, as long as it is related to magic, it can be regarded as magic equipment.

There are also the most well-known three commandments of elves, seven commandments of dwarves, and nine commandments of humans, all of which are magic equipment.

As for the Supreme Lord of the Rings on Bilbo, it is also a magical equipment.

It is also the scariest piece of magic equipment in the entire world.

Watching Morgan's magical operation.

Tariel beside him was the first to react.

No wonder Morgan didn't bring anything with him on this trip, and he couldn't even find a single gold coin on his body. It turned out that it was hidden in the magic equipment.

Bilbo looked at Morgan with curiosity and surprise.

He also has a piece of magic equipment, which is the magic ring he picked up from the underground goblin kingdom, but the ring ability he has can make him invisible instead of storing things.

Among the three, the one who reacted the most at this time was naturally Gandalf.

Looking at the onion in Morgan's hand at this time, thinking about what Morgan just said.

Gandalf couldn't help frowning deeply, looked at Morgan and asked in a deep voice: "What is your magic equipment?"

"The ring?"

(End of this chapter)

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