Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 145 Fate Wheel Chapter [Add 25 more for the leader of "Kai wants to be a father"]

Chapter 145 Reincarnation of Fate

Raven Ridge.

at the foot of the mountain.

"I hope it's not too late."

Looking at the majestic peaks in front of you, looking at the steep and rugged mountain roads, looking at the peaks shrouded in white cold mist from the mountainside above.

Morgan thought secretly.

"Bilbo, are you afraid?"

Looking at Bilbo who drew out the elven dagger beside him, and looked eager to try, Morgan suddenly asked.

Bilbo turned his head, looked at Morgan and said, "I'm afraid, there will be some."

"But... Thorin and Balin Kili Fili are on top, I can't just watch them fall into danger."

Bilbo spoke, shaking his head, his eyes determined.

"It will definitely be in time."

Morgan reached out and patted Bilbo on the shoulder, looking up at the mountain peak and said softly.


After speaking, Morgan quickly ran towards the mountain road.

Bilbo followed close behind, short sword in hand.

At this time, snowflakes began to float in the sky.

Snowflakes fluttered.

It's getting colder.

River Valley Township.

Walk the streets full of dead humans, orcs, and wood elves.

Gandalf soon saw the two figures ahead.


Legolas turned his head and saw Gandalf holding a staff, carefully avoiding the corpses of humans and elves under his feet, and walking towards them.

Legolas went up to him.

"I finally saw you, where is Lord Thranduil?"

Approaching the elf prince, Gandalf looked around and asked.


Legolas was just about to speak, but thinking of his father's attitude just now, he sighed: "He was still here just now, maybe you can persuade him."

Legolas shook his head and spoke, Gandalf heard some meaning in his words, and was about to ask.

At this moment, seeing the beautiful female elf approaching, Gandalf immediately remembered what Morgan had told him, so he looked at the female elf and said, "Morgan has left River Valley for now, so don't worry."

After the words fell, Tariel was still moved by the fact that Legolas had a dispute with the King because of her, but he immediately reacted: "Where did he go?"

Looking at the female elf's concerned eyes, Gandalf couldn't hide it at all: "He went to Raven Ridge."

After the words fell, Tariel's expression changed.

Morgan is going to Raven Ridge at this time, how can this not make her worry, you must know that she and Legolas have just returned from Mount Gundabad overnight, and she knows the huge army of half-orcs better than anyone else .

Legolas on the side saw Tariel's face change suddenly, and immediately asked Gandalf: "He already knows that an army of orcs will arrive from the north soon, why is he going to Raven Ridge at this time?"

Gandalf sighed in his heart, and he wanted to explain when he saw the face of the female elf named Tauriel. At this time, when Legolas asked, he just said: "Just before, Thorin and the others went directly to Raven Ridge. Deal with Azog."

"Morgan went over at this time to inform Thorin to evacuate."

"Don't worry, it's fine with Morgan's strength"

Before Gandalf finished explaining, the female elf turned her head and left.


Legolas spoke quickly, but Tariel left quickly without looking back.

"I go first to Gandalf."

Legolas greeted Gandalf at once, and followed quickly.

Looking at the backs of the two elves going away quickly, I thought of Morgan again.

Gandalf seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help saying softly: "Love!"

At this time, he suddenly saw not far ahead, the elf king Thranduil was leading the surviving elf warriors, as if he was about to leave.

"If you add this elf army, the safety of Morgan and Thorin will be guaranteed enough."

Thinking of this, Gandalf immediately strode forward.

Raven Ridge.

On the top of the broken stone hall.

Three giant bloody commander-in-chief flags whistled in the high-altitude cold wind.

The orc leader Azog looked at the looming figure of the dwarf who was quickly climbing up from below, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.



At this time, a raven with a black body and red eyes flew over again.

Azog stretched out his arm, and the raven landed on his arm, and immediately started quacking.

Soon, the raven flew into the sky again and disappeared into the distance.

The smile on Azog's face became brighter, making the ugly and terrifying face full of scars even more ferocious.

"Today, here, will be the death day of Thorin Oakenshield and those dwarves."


Azog withdrew his gaze and said coldly.

Then he turned around and went down the stone hall with a group of half-orcs, and quickly disappeared in the hazy mist.

On the mountain road below.

Thorin Oakshield was in front.

Dwalin Kili and Fili are three behind.

The four dwarves rode the giant horned goats all the way to the top of the mountain on the extremely rugged and dangerous road.

It has to be said that goats are natural climbers.

Whether it's the common goat raised by the farmer, the giant horn goat bred by the dwarves for war, or the wild goats of all kinds living in the endless forest.

In short, each of them can run wildly on steep mountain walls and dangerous mountain roads like flat ground.

"bang bang bang"

The short sound of sheep's hooves continued.

Finally, when the four dwarves continued to approach the top of the mountain, artificially forged stone ladders and dilapidated stone houses began to appear on the rugged mountain road.

Raven Ridge is named after the ravens that inhabit here.

Sorin Oakenshield's grandfather, also the former King of the Mountain, Thor, when he ruled the Kingdom of the Mountain, the relationship between the ravens and the dwarves of Erebor was very friendly. They often provided information to the dwarves, and the dwarves used shiny objects as rewards.

This was once an ancient lookout for the Erebor dwarves.

The stone stairs and traces of houses and buildings in front of you are the remnants of this watchtower.

When the four dwarves began to approach the top of the mountain, the half-orc warriors who stayed behind immediately rushed towards the four dwarfs brandishing their weapons.

Sorin Oaken Shield took the lead, brandishing the long sword in his hand, chopping off the weapons in the hands of the two half-orcs who rushed forward together, and rushed past.

The dwarf Dwalin who followed immediately swung his battle ax and slashed at the two half-orcs.

"Bang bang."

Two bloody heads immediately flew up.

The headless corpse fell to the ground trembling.

The black and red stinky blood immediately stained the pure white snow on the ground red.

The two brothers, Chili and Feili, rode on the giant horned goat and galloped past the corpse.



One by one, the half-orcs in the way were killed and the four dwarves were killed.

When a corpse was left on the broken stone ladder.

Thorin Oakenshield led the three dwarves to finally rush to the flattest place above Raven Ridge: a wide frozen lake.

This is the lake on Raven Ridge.

In the hottest season of summer, this is the source of the coolest waterfall.

But now, the entire waterfall that poured down was frozen, and as the source, it had already been frozen in thick ice.

At this time, on the wide frozen lake.

Apart from the corpses of several orcs who were killed scattered on the ice, there was nothing else.

The sky is full of snowflakes.

A cold mist rises around.

Looking at the precipitous and dilapidated tower tower above the stone hall on the opposite side of the frozen lake, Azog, the orc leader, was originally located, except for the three giant bloody handsome flags still whistling in the cold wind.

Nothing else.

No Azog, no other orcs.

The entire Raven Ridge seemed empty.

"How is this going?"

"where is he?"

"Can't see anything."

"Did Azog run away?"

Kili and Fili spoke one after another.

"The bastard."

The irritable Godvalin was even more angry, and punched a snow-covered stone platform beside him.

Sorin Oakenshield looked solemnly at the empty tower ahead, then looked around and said slowly, "I don't think it's that simple."


Thorin Oakenshield turned around, looked at his nephew Fili behind him and said, "Take your brother and search the towers ahead."

"Remember, be careful not to be discovered."

"If you find any movement, come back and let me know."

Thorin Oakenshield said in a deep voice, and Fili nodded, "I know."

As he spoke, he turned around and was about to leave with his younger brother Qili behind him.

"and many more."

Thorin Oakenshield seemed to have remembered something, and warned again: "If you find something, don't be impulsive, come back safely and tell me first, understand?"

Facing his uncle's serious warning, Philip nodded seriously: "I will."

"Let's go brother."

The blond-haired Fili walked slowly towards the dilapidated tower like a black monster shrouded in thick cold mist with black-haired Qili.

The two dwarf brothers had just left.

Thorin Oakenshield and Dwalin not far away heard a burst of chaotic and noisy footsteps.

The two dwarves were startled. They left and turned to look at the source of the sound. They saw a large group of ugly and dirty monsters who were shorter and thinner than the orcs, but looked exactly like the orcs.


The large group that appeared in front of them were all Thorin Oak Shield and Dwalin, those underground goblin monsters they had seen in the underground goblin kingdom in the Misty Mountains.

It's just that these goblin monsters are all wearing armor.

While armor styles vary, it is true full body armor.

Moreover, every goblin also holds weapons such as long swords, short swords, daggers, and hatchets in their hands, which are shining brightly and are very sharp.

The weapons equipped by this group of goblin monsters are obviously far superior to those goblin monsters that Thorin Oakenshield and Dwalin saw in the underground kingdom.

It is not inferior to those half-orcs just now, and even won.

This made Thorin Oakenshield immediately think of a rumored monster: goblin mercenary.

Goblin mercenaries do not have a specific ethnic group. In the underground world, as long as the price and food are enough, they will fight for that ethnic group.

To a certain extent, it is similar to mercenaries in the human world.

The arrival of this large group of at least fifty goblin monster mercenaries immediately made the two dwarves look serious.

Dwalin looked at the monster rushing forward and said angrily: "That bastard Azog actually hired goblin mercenaries!"

"Just kill them all!"

Thorin Oakenshield spoke coldly, and then he quickly walked up to the goblin monster mercenary who was attacking with a strange scream in his hand.

Fierce fighting broke out above Raven Ridge again.

On the mountainside of Raven Ridge.

Two figures, one tall and one short, were walking quickly on the rugged and steep mountain road.

Compared with Thorin Oakenshield and the other three dwarves riding the giant horned sheep up the mountain quickly.

Morgan and Bilbo were much slower.

Even with Morgan's strength at this time, he can move forward quickly on the rugged mountain road without stopping.

Bilbo was able to follow him, panting and looking as if he was about to die, but Morgan was a little surprised by the physical strength he showed.

But thinking that the Supreme Lord of the Rings can enhance the various physiques it carries.

Morgan is not surprised.

It seems that since coming out of the underground goblin kingdom.

Bilbo seemed to be in better shape than he had been before.

Morgan and Bilbo were struggling up the steep hill.

Raven Ridge.

Below the high tower and stone hall where the three giant bloody commander-in-chief flags are located.

The dwarves Kili and Fili were slowly approaching the front with long swords in their hands, inside the huge black tower full of dilapidated and weathered traces.

A little far behind the dilapidated tower, there is a dark corner facing the tower.

Looking at the two dwarves walking slowly in the distance.

A flame flickered, followed by a few indistinct dark whispers.

Soon, the flames disappeared and the whispers stopped.

It's as if nothing happened.

The wind is howling outside.

Brothers Fili and Kili slowly stepped into the black tower.

The inside of the tower was dark, the ground was covered with all kinds of weeds, stones and other sundries, and the air still exuded the unique stench of half-orcs that had not dissipated.

The two brothers looked a little nervous, and moved forward slowly with long swords in their hands.

On the upper floor of the tower, in a hidden dark room.

Heavy breathing came and went.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came quickly from outside.

Soon, I saw a black figure standing at the door of the dark room, and respectfully said into the room: "Master, those two dwarves have already stepped into the tower."

"Finally Hooked"

"Then collect some interest from those dwarf dogs first."

"Go, follow the previous plan."

"Yes, Master!"

The shadow at the door left quickly.

Behind him, in the dark room, a ray of fire began to rise.

A tall and strong figure with a pale complexion loomed in the flames.

Inside the dark tower.

Brothers Fili and Kili continued on.

just soon.

The passage under your feet has come to an end.

Two forks, one left and one right, appeared in front of the two brothers.

at this time.


An obvious abnormal sound suddenly came from the depths of the passage on the left.

Qili's expression changed, and he was about to rush into the corridor on the left with his sword, but was stopped by his brother Feili.

"Don't go there, go and search the lower floors."

Feili looked at his younger brother and said in a deep voice, then looked to the corridor on the left and said, "Leave this to me, I can handle it!"

Qili nodded, and immediately turned around and rushed towards the corridor behind.

Little brother Kili soon disappeared.

Feili took a deep breath, and slowly walked forward into the dark and deep corridor with the long sword in his hand.

Time passed slowly.

Fili proceeded cautiously.

It's just that the abnormal noise heard before never appeared again.

Continuing to move forward, it didn't take long before there was another fork in the corridor in front of Fei Li, and there were still three roads.



Taking a few deep breaths, Feili wiped the sweat from his forehead, and after some consideration, he chose to move on.

This time it seems to be the right path.

Not long after, Fili heard the strange sound again, and it was clearer and louder, as if it was not far ahead.

Fili moved on.

at this time.

Suddenly there was a flame ahead.

Accompanied by the flames came the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Fei Li's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately turned around and fled backwards.

It's just that before they could go far, there were also a lot of flames and chaotic footsteps in the corridor behind.

The front and back were surrounded, and there was no way to escape.

Soon, in the firelight, Fili finally saw clearly what was behind the firelight in the front and rear passages, it was the fully armed orc.

Fei Li's face was extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth, and immediately rushed towards the rear passage.

After struggling to kill the two orcs at the front, Fei Li was suddenly kicked hard and fell into the corridor.

In the flames, a tall and strong, pale orc with an ugly and ferocious face, dressed in gray steel stabbed armor, stepped out.

It was Azog, the orc leader, whom Thorin Oakenshield and Felix the dwarves were looking for.

Azog looked at Fei Li, who was holding his stomach and stood up slowly, and said coldly, "Chop Suey, let me see how you escape this time."

(End of this chapter)

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