Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 143 The most important thing!

Chapter 143 The most important thing!

River Valley Town Battlefield.

As the giant troll fell to the ground and died, the surrounding people who had originally avoided quickly walked out from the side streets.

The elf prince Legolas looked at the two embracing figures in front of him.

I can't help but sigh in my heart.

Although from the bottom of my heart, I have never planned to regard Tariel as my sister.

But seeing Tariel get close to that guy is never going to feel comfortable.

Tariel is indeed Legolas' sister.

Because Tariel was adopted by his father Thranduil.

"Legolas. Greenleaf"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Legolas turned his head quickly, and saw an old man wearing a gray robe, a gray peaked hat, and holding a staff, followed by a hobbit about the height of a dwarf coming from behind.


Legolas turned his head, was obviously very happy to see Gandalf, and quickly got off his horse and said.

"long time no see."

Legolas went up to meet him, looked at Gandalf and said, "Why are you here?"

Gandalf looked at Legolas's serious face and rarely squeezed out a smile: "Where you need me, I will be there."

"Why didn't I see you with your father?"

Hearing Gandalf mentioning his father, Legolas immediately realized that he was disturbed by Tauriel and that guy just now, and almost forgot about the big thing.

"By the way, that's exactly what I'm here for."

Legolas looked at Gandalf seriously and said, "The orcs still have an army, and the orcs from Mount Gundabad led by Borg are coming here."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before they reach the lonely mountain."

Hearing Legolas' words, Gandalf's face was startled immediately, and soon he reacted, and said in a deep voice: "So that's it, so this is their plan."

"The army led by Azog fought our main force, and Borg led another army to attack from the north."

Suddenly Bilbo asked, "North? Where do you mean North?"

"Raven Ridge, the place they are talking about is Raven Ridge."

At this time, Morgan followed Tauriel's footsteps and came over and spoke.

The voice just fell.


A huge booming sound suddenly came from the direction of Gushan.

Everyone's expressions changed.

"this voice"

Morgan immediately opened his mouth, and soon he realized what was going on, and immediately strode towards the side street in front of him.

In the front is the direction of Hegu Town facing the lonely mountain, where you can easily see the scene of the opposite lonely mountain.

Morgan's move.

Gandalf and Legolas also reacted immediately.

Such a huge rumbling sound is not ordinary.

The tall and thick gate of Gushan was probably broken through.

The two of them had some guesses in their hearts, but they didn't dare to think in that direction.

So immediately followed Morgan's footsteps and walked forward quickly.

Tariel and Bilbo, who didn't know why, hurried after him.

Morgan was the fastest. When he walked out of the street quickly, two half-orc warriors who came out of the corner jumped up excitedly when they saw him.

Morgan pulled out the elven long sword abruptly and stepped forward, raised his hand and cut a half-orc from the neck in half with a straight cut.

When he continued to slash at another half-orc who hadn't had time to react in the future.

Suddenly, an arrow shot from behind and accurately shot into the head of another half-orc.

The orc fell down immediately, and Morgan turned his head, and saw Gandalf following behind and Legolas, the elf prince holding a bow and arrow.

The arrow was obviously shot by Legolas.

Morgan didn't say thanks, but just nodded towards Legolas, and then walked forward quickly.

Soon, when Morgan came to the open corridor facing the Lonely Mountain in River Valley Town.

Only then did he realize that the plot was similar to the memory in his mind. Thorin Oakenshield finally defeated the golden curse, regained his strength, and took the initiative to open the gate from the Lonely Mountain, leading a dozen or so expeditionary team dwarves to rush forward. come out.

At this time, he looked down and saw the picture in the distance, which was Thorin Oakenshield leading the army of dwarves behind him and rushing towards the orc army that was far more numerous than them.

At this time, footsteps came from behind, and Gandalf, Legolas, and Tariel also arrived.

"It's Sorin, Sorin and the others are out!"

Looking at the lonely mountain battlefield in the distance, Bilbo immediately exclaimed.

"The dwarves are rallying under their king"

Looking at the small army of dwarves in the distance led by Thorin Oakenshield, the army of half-orcs who recoiled far more than him turned out to be overwhelming.

Gandalf couldn't help showing a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

But I quickly thought that what Legolas had just said, Borg and the orc army from Gundabad Mountain were coming down from the north and would soon arrive at the Lonely Mountain.

Gandalf's complexion immediately sank again.

at this time.

A burst of fierce fighting and roars and screams suddenly came from the streets of Hegu Town diagonally below.

Several people looked at it immediately, and saw that the human militia led by Bard was fighting fiercely with the orcs, and not far away, there was a large group of warriors wearing pale gold full-body armor, also fighting fiercely with the orcs.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "The elves are here to help. Lord Thranduil should be here."

"Great, then mankind will be saved." Bilbo immediately said happily.

"Let's go, we can't be idle at this time"

Morgan withdrew his gaze from below, glanced at the people around him as he spoke, and finally landed on the female elf Tariel, then took off the longbow, and walked quickly to the side.

Tariel just glanced at Legolas, then turned around and was about to follow.

Seeing that Tauriel was about to leave, Legolas quickly said, "Tariel, we've been out for so long, it's time to meet my father."

After Legolas finished speaking, Tariel immediately stopped and stopped.

Speaking of which, the time she spent with Morgan was too short.

The process of getting acquainted was also tortuous.

When she had a vague affection for Morgan before, she just missed it.

But after the last two meetings.

Her favor with Morgan has obviously risen a lot.

Just like Morgan's behavior of embracing her in public just now, this is very rude to the elves who have always paid attention to etiquette.

But she didn't refuse like last time.

She has slowly let go of her heart, and naturally wants to stay by Morgan's side at this time.

And think of the last time I disobeyed the king's order.

It made her a little ashamed to face the king.

Just when Tariel looked hesitant.

At this time, Morgan suddenly turned his head, looked at Taril behind him and said with a smile, "You guys go first, it's still a long time."

Seeing Morgan's blood-stained but gentle smile, Tariel instantly became firm.

Seeing that Tauriel was fine, Morgan immediately turned and left with a longbow in hand.

Tariel also followed Legolas to kill down the street from another road.

The people around left quickly, and Bilbo looked up at Gandalf and said, "What about us?"

"Of course we have to find a way to inform Sorin Dayne of Borg's news."

Gandalf looked away from the battlefield far below, then looked at Bilbo and said, "Legolas will tell his father from the elves."

"Come on, let's go find Morgan."

Gandalf said with a calm look, turned and left.

After much deliberation, he only thought that perhaps only Morgan could have the ability to send this news to Thorin Oakenshield and Dyne in the center of the battlefield surrounded by countless orcs.

"Are you going to bring the news to Thorin and the others?"

Bilbo followed immediately, and said hastily, "I can do it too."


Gandalf turned his head and looked at Bilbo in amazement. He shook his head without hesitation and said, "You can't do it. You can't get there at all."


Bilbo refused to admit defeat and continued to speak.

"Because they'll kill you when they see you coming."

Gandalf said, ignoring Bilbo and walking quickly in the direction Morgan left.

Looking at Gandalf's back, Bilbo was silent.

He wanted to say that those half-orcs would not see him at all, and he would arrive faster than Morgan.

But he still didn't say it.

He didn't want to argue with Morgan.

What's more, there is nothing to earn in this kind of thing.

He just wanted to contribute more to his own side in this battle.

After all, he does not have the outstanding wisdom like Gandalf, who can make suggestions for everyone.

Not to mention being as powerful as Morgan, who can kill those ferocious half-orcs.

But realize the different preciousness of the ring in his arms.

Still Bilbo said nothing.

"Well, maybe it's better for Morgan to go. With Morgan's strength, he can definitely help Sorin and the others."

"However, the current Morgan and Sorin have already fallen out."

"Is there really no problem with Gandalf letting Morgan pass like this?"

Bilbo could not help feeling a little worried at this thought.

But the thought that he could think of Gandalf and surely he could think of Bilbo relieved a lot.

"Gandalf will definitely be more thoughtful than I think"

Thinking of this, Bilbo immediately ran after Gandalf.

Lonely Mountain Battlefield.

Because Thorin, the king under the mountain, led the charge.

The Iron Hills dwarf army that was already on the verge of collapse almost instantly ignited their fighting spirit.

The dwarf warriors, led by Thorin Oakenshield, rushed back to the orc army.

For a time, the momentum was like a rainbow.

But no matter how strong the fighting spirit and momentum were, they couldn't offset the absolute gap in numbers between the Iron Hills dwarves and half-orcs.

There are too many orcs in the army.

But under the influence of King Thorin Oakenshield fighting together.

The iron hill dwarf warriors fought bloody battles, but their unrelenting aura made the battlefield stalemate again.

Although the dwarf side is obviously at a disadvantage, it will undoubtedly fail if it continues like this.

But in a short period of time, the two armies with completely unequal numbers did become stalemate.

In the center of the battlefield, Ironfoot Dyin hit the crotch of the half-orc in front of him with a hammer, and the half-orc who was hit immediately fell to the ground screaming strangely, clutching his crotch.

Immediately, Ironfoot Dyne swung his hands again, smashing the half-orc's head and armor to a bloody mess, and then looked at Thorin Oakenshield who was not far away and shouted: "Hey, cousin."

"Why did it take so long?"

Hearing Ironfoot Dyne's voice, Sorin Oakenshield kicked over the half-orc whose head had been cut off, and immediately turned to look at Ironfoot Dyne who was walking up, giving him a bear hug.

"Sorry bro, I'm late."

Thorin Oakenshield panted heavily and patted Ironfoot Dyne on the back, laughing.

As soon as the surrounding dwarf warriors saw their lord chatting with the king, they immediately protected the surroundings.

"It's okay, it's too late now."

Ironfoot Dyne didn't mind talking, looked at the black half-orc army around and ahead, and continued: "These half-orc bastards are really too many, Thorin."

"I hope you have a plan in mind, otherwise"

Ironfoot Dyne shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Although the morale of the army on one's own side is strong, the soldiers' fighting spirit is high.

But as the commander-in-chief, Ironfoot Dyne knew very well that if there was no other way, they would not be able to win this war.

Hearing Dyne's words, Thorin Oakenshield immediately turned his head to look at the steep Raven Ridge in the distance, the three particularly conspicuous bloody handsome flags, and the pale half-beast standing on the edge, looking at the battlefield below. The leader of the National People's Congress said in a deep voice, "Of course."

"That is to behead the opponent!"

Thorin Oakenshield spoke harshly.

Ironfoot Dyne followed Thorin Oakenshield's gaze and also saw the pale half-orc figure above Raven Ridge.


As soon as Dyne Ironfoot opened his mouth, he saw his cousin Thorin Oakenshield quickly grabbed the reins of a bighorn goat that was running away not far away, and straddled it.

"When I go to kill that despicable guy and cut off his head, the victory of this war will still belong to us."

Thorin Oakenshield watched Ironfoot Dyne speak in a deep voice, but was stopped by the other party.

Iron-footed Dyne, with long red hair and beard like a fiery temper, stood in front of Thorin Oak Shield and shook his head, "Sorin, you can't go, you are our king."

"That's why I must go!"

Thorin Oakenshield interrupted Ironfoot Dyne's words firmly.

"However, you alone cannot make it all the way to Raven Ridge."

Ironfoot Dyne continued to shake his head.

Just then, a voice and a bang came from behind quickly: "There are us!"

Ironfoot Dyne turned his head immediately, and saw Whitebeard Balin driving a damaged heavy-duty giant horn sheep chariot rushing towards this side. There were also dwarves Dwalin, Kili, and Philip III in the car. indivual.

Watching this battle, Ironfoot Dyne finally understood that Thorin probably had this plan long ago.

It is indeed true, not long ago behind the thick gate of Lonely Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield discussed this plan with a group of dwarves.

Seeing that the crowd was all there, Thorin Oakenshield didn't delay, and pointed forward with his sword: "Go to Raven Ridge!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately clamped the sheep's back with both feet, and rushed out first.

The dwarves and Ironfoot on the chariot briefly greeted each other, and immediately drove up to follow.

Seeing the figures of the five orcs rushing straight ahead, Ironfoot Dyne said softly with a worried expression, "May Turin bless you all."

The dwarves and half-orcs are not the only ones who are always paying attention to the lonely mountain battlefield.

The same is true for Morgan, who is fighting in River Valley Town at this time.

From the moment I saw Thorin Oakenshield leading a group of dwarves out of the lonely mountain as in the memory plot not long ago.

Morgan is constantly paying attention to the lonely mountain battlefield opposite.

No way, not paying attention.

Because in the memory plot, Thorin Oakenshield and the dwarves Kili and Fili will die in Raven Ridge next, at the hands of the half-orcs.

Don't say anything else.

Keli was Morgan's first student in this world.

Although it is uncertain, maybe Kili may also be his last student in this world.

Morgan didn't want Kili to die on Raven Ridge like this.

So Qili, he will definitely save.

And Fili, as the older brother of the student Kili.

Morgan's sense of filet is also very good.

If possible, he would definitely save Fili.

As for Thorin Oakenshield, if he was the hypocritical, greedy, and totally dishonest Thorin Oakenshield before breaking free from the golden curse and rushing out of the lonely mountain.

Morgan really didn't have much interest.

But now, if it happened, Morgan would definitely save Thorin Oakenshield.

Anyway, I saved him more than once.

Morgan wouldn't mind saving him one more time.

Presumably for the current King of the Mountain.

He should still be able to remember his life-saving grace to him.

For this important matter, Morgan just found the horse that Bud had ridden before.

Morgan, who was riding on a horse, just raised his hand and shot an arrow to death the half-orc who rushed forward.


Suddenly, there was an urgent cry from behind.

Morgan turned his head and saw Gandalf running quickly with Bilbo behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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