Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 139 Shedding the last drop of blood!

Chapter 139 Shedding the last drop of blood!

River Valley Township.

Town Hall Square.



The two half-orcs rushing in front of them snorted and fell straight to the ground.

This time, the two half-orcs were hit by arrows in the only eye part of the steel armor on the head with holes.

Gandalf and Bilbo waved their upraised weapons in vain.

Qiqi couldn't help but glanced back at Morgan.

Facing the slightly speechless eyes of the two, Morgan shrugged.

In the next second, Morgan's eyes instantly became sharp, and he watched the two people on the opposite side raise their hands and shoot another arrow.


The arrow was shot almost close to Bilbo's ear.

He could almost feel the oppressive tingling of the sharp arrows that were fired rapidly past his ears.

After the arrow passed, he turned his head immediately, and saw a half-orc who had almost rushed to his side with an arrow in his eye socket, and fell down on his back again.

Bilbo was startled, and he didn't dare to be careless and immediately met the orcs who rushed forward.

Gandalf on the side had a great time killing with a long sword in one hand and a staff in the other.

At this moment, the moving speed was relatively slow, and the giant troll armored warrior with a height of four meters finally arrived and raised his hand at Gandalf with a hammer.


There was a loud muffled sound.

Gandalf dodged just in time.

On the hard street floor paved with stones in front of him, a huge pothole was instantly smashed out by the huge steel ferocious mace in the hands of the giant troll.

The hard boulder below the pothole, which had been exposed to wind and rain for many years, was smashed into pieces in an instant.

The giant armored troll was slow in movement, but not slow in his hands.

If he missed a hit, he immediately raised the steel mace and was about to smash it.

Gandalf did not hide this time, holding a staff in both hands, looking at the giant giant ogre in front of him, chanting a magic spell:

"Bath the glory of all living beings!"

Immediately, he slammed the staff to the ground.

It's just that the magic that has been invincible in the past has not moved at all this time.

Gandalf was startled immediately.

The giant ogre who was frightened by the wizard in front of him immediately became more angry and smashed down the mace in his hand.


There was another violent bang.

The rocky street was smashed into a huge hole in an instant.

Gandalf quickly avoided, but his figure was a little embarrassed.

Morgan, who was standing behind him, shot an arrow, but it only hit the edge of the eye socket of the giant troll's steel helmet, and was bounced away.

The angry troll immediately waved the mace in his hand and swept over fiercely.

Gandalf dodged in embarrassment again, and Bilbo couldn't react in time to be swept by the troll's stick, and was thrown a big somersault.

The two half-orcs who couldn't escape were also instantly smashed into the air by the giant troll's mace.

Looking at the giant troll in the incomparable rage, and then at the high walls on both sides of the street.

Morgan immediately hung the longbow on his back, then rushed to the huge high wall beside the street, and jumped up.

Stepping on the steep high wall for a few steps, she quickly approached the giant troll queen in the street below.

Morgan jumped down towards the troll's huge body and landed firmly on the troll's huge shoulders.

Realizing that something had been climbed on his body, the giant cannibal became even more irritable and angry, but his extremely thick arms couldn't reach Morgan on his shoulders at all, so he had to shake his body vigorously.

Feeling unsteady under his feet, Morgan immediately pulled out the dagger at his waist and the dagger pinned to his legs, and with both hands, he immediately plunged the dagger into the giant troll's bald and rough shoulders.


Feeling the stabbing pain coming from his body, the giant troll roared angrily and shook his body more violently.

The furious troll waved the giant mace in his hand and smashed it indiscriminately.

There was a loud bang bang around the smashing, and sand and stones flew around.

Gandalf, Bilbo, and several orcs who were on the sidelines immediately ran away in horror.

At this moment, no one dared to go forward, and could only look at the furious giant troll and the humans on its back blocking the middle of the street from a distance.

With the dagger and short sword as support, Morgan immediately hung firmly on the giant troll.

The giant troll continued to rampage, and Morgan quickly climbed up behind the troll's head with dagger and short sword.

The troll immediately reached out again to grab Morgan.

Morgan couldn't dodge this time, so he had to speed up immediately. With one hand, he grabbed the huge steel helmet on the giant troll's head, and with the other hand, he inserted the slightly longer dagger into the only hollow eye in the troll's helmet. Inside, and give it a good stir.


Unparalleled pain came, and the giant troll wailed in pain. It stopped grabbing Morgan immediately, and after dancing around, the huge mace in its hand fell to the ground.

Immediately, the whole body was unstable and fell to the ground.


The body of the giant troll blocking the way fell to the ground.

More and more half-orcs gathered behind him, but they were not afraid of Morgan at all, and once again screamed strangely and waved their weapons and rushed forward fiercely.

Morgan didn't use the longbow this time, but directly pulled out the elf sword from his waist, and strode forward.

lonely mountain.

The bloody handsome flag over the steep Raven Ridge is constantly changing.

The horn of desolation resounded across the battlefield.

More and more orc armies and giant trolls flock to the battlefield.

In front of the lonely mountain.

In front of the only two neat archery phalanx left in the Wood Elf army.

The elven king Thranduil, who was riding on a huge horned deer, looked at the battlefield ahead and saw the black army of orcs coming from farther away and shouted again: "Get ready!"

The wood elf warriors behind them immediately raised their bows, drew their arrows, nocked their arrows, and aimed like precision machines, all in one go.


Thranduil yelled with a cold face and swung his sword down.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh."

The dense arrow rain composed of countless arrows immediately flew towards the distant battlefield.

Soon, the rain of arrows fell within the predetermined range.

"Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe."

In an instant, the half-orc warrior in the middle fell to the ground as quickly as harvesting wheat, and a vacuum suddenly appeared on the battlefield of the densely packed half-orc army.

But more orc armies from the rear came again, and the vacuum on the battlefield was quickly filled.

In front of the elf archery phalanx.

The elf king Thranduil seemed to have turned a blind eye to the scene in the distance, and shouted again: "Get ready!"

The two elf phalanx warriors immediately raised their bows again, drew and nocked their arrows.


Thranduil swung his sword again and roared.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh."

The rain of arrows shot towards the distant battlefield again.

Soon, the dense army of orcs was quickly cleared out of a vacuum battlefield.

But it won't take long at all, and the vacuum battlefield will be quickly filled with an army of orcs.

The elven archery phalanx commanded by Thranduil quickly and mercilessly harvested the heads of the orc army.

The orc leader above Raven Ridge couldn't stand it anymore.

"Go, tell them, destroy the phalanx of the elves!"

Azog pointed to the half-orc banner-bearer warrior behind him and shouted orders.

Soon, the giant bloody handsome flag changed again, and the horn sounded very quickly.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

In front of the six dark passages.

There are no more half-orc warriors in the passage.

But on the wide hillside in front of the passage, there are still several heavily armored half-orc warriors waiting for orders.

At this time, I saw the order from the master.

The little orc leader rode a wolf and rushed to two of the phalanxes, shouting orders.

Soon, the two half-orc army phalanx actually walked aside, trying to bypass the extremely glued meat grinder battlefield ahead, and directly attack the wood elf archer army phalanx behind the dwarf and elf army.

The actions of such a large orc army cannot be concealed from others.

Especially in front of the elf archers, in the middle behind the fierce battlefield, the leader of the iron hill dwarves standing high on a giant chariot.

A short but mighty dwarf leader noticed the strangeness of the half-orc army, and immediately shouted: "Turn left!"

"Dwarf Ax ready!"

After the dwarf leader's voice fell, the six giant giant horn sheep chariots that had been aiming at the battlefield ahead and firing huge arrows immediately turned to the east on the left.

Several dwarven riders on the giant chariot immediately took out a strange giant steel spear with a length of several meters that resembled a spear.

This was originally the signature rain of arrows that the dwarves were going to use to deal with the Wood Elf army.

Now it can only be tasted by half-orcs.


The dwarf driver moved quickly, and soon six giant steel spears were loaded onto the launch pads of the giant chariot.

The dwarf leader standing on the chariot in the middle looked at the black half-orc army that was rushing forward in the distance, and quickly estimated the range of his "Dwarf Axe".

The army of half-orcs running wildly is very fast.

It didn't take long to break into the range.

The dwarf leader decisively waved the hatchet in his hand and shouted: "Fire!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

The moment steel spears were shot out, the three long and sharp "wings" on the spears immediately flew towards the black orc army in the distance in a high-speed rotating posture.

Facing the attack of such a huge killer, the half-orcs had no choice but to resist with their flesh and blood.

The huge windmill known as "Dwarf Axe" quickly flew over the orc army and then fell down quickly.


There was a loud bang on the ground.

In an instant, the half-orc army's dense phalanx was almost instantly emptied of all the half-orc warriors within at least thirty or forty square meters.

As the first dwarven ax fell, the second and third dwarven axes roared with a violent sound of piercing through the air.




The arrival of giant dwarven axes is like flowers of death blooming in the orc army.

The first phalanx of the half-orc army running wildly at the forefront suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

At this time, in the iron hill dwarf giant chariot phalanx.

The second wave of Dwarven Axes has been reloaded.

With the battle ax in the hands of the dwarf leader: "Launch!"

"Whirring whirring."

The dwarven axes made another violent sound of piercing through the air, whistling and spinning towards the orc army.

Behind the phalanx of dwarven giant chariots.

The elf king Thranduil naturally also discovered the attack of the half-orc army from the east.

The Elven King changed his target without hesitation, aiming the phalanx of archers behind him at the army of half-orcs who were being beaten by giant dwarf arrows.


After the words fell, the Wood Elf warriors in the two phalanxes once again raised their bows, drew their arrows, nocked them, and took aim.


Thranduil swung his sword and roared.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh"

The dense rain of arrows immediately shot towards the orc army in the distance ahead.

Above Raven Ridge.

Seeing this scene, Azog became more and more irritable and angry. He immediately turned around and ordered to the half-orc bannerman behind him: "Order, let all the beasts dispatch to destroy the dwarven chariot."

"Also, let all the army press up, the dwarves and elves will not be able to bear it."

"We must kill them this time!"

Azog's voice fell.

Several half-orc standard bearers immediately manipulated three giant bloody commander-in-chief flags and began to issue orders.

Below, in front of the six huge passages.

The little half-orc leader watched the general attack order from Shuai Qi, and immediately rode a wolf to the front of the army phalanx.

Soon, the horn of desolation sounded quickly.

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

"hold head high"

Five heavily armored half-orc army phalanxes, and an army of more than 30 giant armored trolls began to move towards the front battlefield.

The general attack has begun.

rear of the battlefield.

On the high wall of the front door of the lonely mountain.

A group of dwarves who were angry but helpless watched the fierce battle on the battlefield in the distance.

Even at this time, the dwarf chariot in front and the two archer phalanx promoted by the wood elves showed great power for a while.

But on the main battlefield where the main forces of the three parties were concentrated at the front, the iron hill dwarf army and the wood elf army were almost killed at a speed that could be seen, retreating steadily.

If this continues, the army of dwarves and elves will be defeated, and it will only be a matter of time before they are all killed.

At this moment, looking at the hillside at the end of the line of sight, a large number of half-orc troops who had been waiting in place began to increase their troops to the battlefield.

The dwarves on the city wall couldn't wait any longer.

"Are we really going to keep watching like this?"

"Dain and the others can't hold it anymore"

"The army of elves is about to die"

"They need us."

"I'd rather fight with Dyne and the others to shed the last bit of blood than wait here."

"When Dyin and the others die, we will also die, so why not go out and fight!"

"Then you go to Thorin."


The dwarves were angry and talking, but there was nothing they could do.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I'm going to find Thorin!"

Dwalin, who had been silently watching the battlefield in the distance, suddenly spoke, turned around and walked down the stone ladder, and walked quickly to the depths of the lonely mountain.

A group of dwarves looked at Dwalin's retreating figure, their eyes full of expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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