Chapter 13 Attitude
"I'm right, coming here is a waste of time."

"No, not all"

"At least we have an extra sharp archer like Morgan in our team."

"Not only that, I even won the bet twice, haha."

"Hey, Bofur, you only won this time, you lost last night."

"I said, are you guys too optimistic? This bet is not over yet."

"Haha, although I admit that Mr. Baggins prepared a great dinner for us last night."

"But that doesn't mean he's brave enough to take risks with us."

"It's all this time, Mr. Baggins can't show up."

"So, I win"

On the forest path scattered with mottled light spots in the morning.

The expedition team was talking and laughing.

"and many more."

At this moment, a clear and familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Everyone reined in their horses and turned back.

I saw a short figure in a wine-red coat running barefoot in this direction, waving something while running.

"Haha, look, it's Mr. Baggins."

"Damn, it's unbelievable, I thought that kid would never catch up"

"So, don't jump to conclusions too soon."

"Bofur, you lost again, hahahaha."

"I'm just unlucky."

"Hey, it's a good thing that Mr. Baggins can come. You guys should say less."

The dwarves were chattering, and Bilbo was running after him.

"I signed"

Bilbo walked into the team waving a contract longer than his height.

Balin, the white-bearded dwarf, reached out to accept the contract, then took out his reading glasses, and looked carefully at the place where the contract was signed.

Only then did he look at Bilbo with a smile and said, "Welcome Lord Baggins, and join Thorin Oakenshield's team."

After the words fell, the entire expedition team laughed kindly.

A hobbit who has never traveled far can give up a life of leisure and ease to be invited to adventure.

Not to mention anything else, courage alone is worthy of admiration.

"Give him a pony."

said Thorin Oakenshield, looking at Bilbo.

Bilbo has never participated in battles and adventures, and naturally he cannot ride a horse.

Riding a big horse is prone to accidents, but riding a pony is much safer.

After all, a pony's pony is only as tall as Bilbo, and it will be all right if it falls off.

Bilbo sat on the back of the half-pony, a little cautiously.

The expedition team continued on the road.

At this time, the voice of the dwarf Balin came from ahead: "Hey, Gloin, it's time for you to pay."

The voice fell.


A money bag flew straight from the rear to the front, and Balin grabbed it.


Morgan followed suit, and before he finished speaking, a money bag also flew straight towards Morgan.

Morgan raised his hand to grab the money bag, and subconsciously shook his hand. It was a bet of ten silver coins, not too much but not too little, enough for him to have a full meal with wine and meat.

"What are they doing?"

asked Bilbo, carefully steering the pony closer to Gandalf.

"They're betting on whether you'll show up?"

"Most people think you won't show up."

Gandalf said vaguely with a pipe in his mouth.

"how about you?"

Bilbo was silent for a while, and continued.

As soon as the words fell, a money bag flew over from the front, and Gandalf caught the money bag and put it into the cloth bag on his body.

Then he took out the pipe in his mouth and smiled, "Bilbo, I never doubted you."

"I can attest to that."

At this time, a voice came.

Bilbo turned his head quickly, and saw Morgan approaching quickly on horseback from behind.

"I won by beating you."

Morgan smiled and threw away his purse, looked at Bilbo and laughed.

"Thanks for your trust."

Seeing Morgan's kindness, Bilbo immediately smiled too.

"You're welcome, we will be adventure partners in the future."

Morgan said casually.

He really didn't dislike him, nor did he mean to look down on Bilbo like the dwarves did.

As the protagonist of the Hobbit series, Bilbo has his own unique charm.

He symbolizes the story of how little people can achieve great things.

As the entire Middle-earth, the only Lord of the Rings holder who can give up the Lord of the Rings with his own will.

Bilbo's character needs no introduction.

Morgan doesn't have Bilbo's "big love" personality, and he can't do the things he does in the memory plot.

But that didn't stop Morgan from admiring someone like Bilbo.

What's more, as Bilbo is the protagonist, there are only advantages and no disadvantages for Morgan to make friends with each other.

Although Bilbo is still a rookie who doesn't understand anything.

"Adventure partner."

Hearing the word Morgan, Bilbo was taken aback.

"Yes, I am now a member of the team and my own adventure has begun."

"Maybe I can achieve the same achievements as my great-great-grandfather and great-great-great-grandfather in the future."

Thinking of this, Bilbo felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, and he became more and more looking forward to future adventures.

Morgan certainly didn't know what was going on in Bilbo's mind.

At this time, he was secretly thinking about the "Lord of the Rings" that would be entangled with Bilbo for the rest of his life.

If the plot remains unchanged, the "Supreme Lord of the Rings" that stirred up the situation in the entire Middle-earth world.

At this time, it should still be in the hands of the mutated hobbit "Gulu" at the bottom of an underground Goblin Kingdom mine in the Misty Mountains.

Morgan is thinking, if the next journey follows the trend in the plot.

If you really arrive in the Goblin Kingdom, do you want to snatch the Lord of the Rings from Gollum before Bilbo?

Of course, Morgan is not the main character.

Not to mention whether you can meet Gulu is one thing.

Even if you meet it, whether you can take it away is another matter.

After all, that thing can make you invisible.

Gollum killed the same race and took away the Supreme Lord of the Rings for so many years, it is impossible not to know the power of the Lord of the Rings.

That is, Bilbo, who has the aura of the protagonist, can easily pick up the Lord of the Rings by falling off the cliff.

It may not be necessary to change to Morgan.

Middle-earth is a world with gods.

And Bilbo's footsteps, in Morgan's view now, always have the meaning of being guided by fate.

Of course, Morgan would never give up as long as he had the chance to get the "Lord of the Rings".

As for whether he can withstand the temptation of the Lord of the Rings, whether Morgan is determined enough, that is another matter after getting the Lord of the Rings.

After all, an artifact that can be invisible at any time is completely equivalent to having an extra life.

If Morgan said he was not tempted, it must be a lie.

As for what will happen to Bilbo after taking the Lord of the Rings, that's none of Morgan's business.

It was one thing that he admired Bilbo's character.

But self-interest is another matter.

Comparing the two, the latter must be the most important.

This will never change.

Of course, it is not easy to seize the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and he has to think long term.

(End of this chapter)

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