Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 123 Dark tide surges!

Chapter 123 Dark tide surges!

At the foot of the lonely mountain, beside the long lake.

A ferry stopped.

Wearing a green robe, brown leather armor, tall, long-legged, fair-faced female elf jumped off the ferry, looking at the majestic snow-capped mountains in front of her, she felt inexplicable: "Finally arrived at the Lonely Mountain."

"You won't be able to escape this time."

At this moment, behind him, a tall and handsome male elf with platinum flowing hair and a slender figure stepped off the ferry.

The female elf turned her head, looked at the male elf beside her and said softly, "Legolas, you don't need to come."

The handsome male elf shook his head and smiled and asked, "We are partners, aren't we?"

The female elf smiled and nodded, but did not speak.

The beautiful female elf naturally chased from the Woodland Kingdom all the way to Changhu Town, and after getting Morgan's news from Bud in Changhu Town, she chased Tauriel in Lonely Mountain again.

The handsome male elf standing beside Tauriel like a flower protector is Legolas Greenleaf, the prince of the woodland elf kingdom.

Legolas and Tauriel chased the half-orcs to Long Lake Town. After a fierce battle, the half-orcs escaped.

He had planned to take Tariel back to the Woodland Kingdom.

But Tariel insisted on going to the Lonely Mountain.

Legolas finally understood that it was true that Tauriel hunted down orcs, but it was also true that he was thinking about the human being.

But he followed resolutely.

Like he said he and Tariel were buddies.

We have been partners for more than 600 years.

It is true that he loves Tauriel in his heart, and it is also true that he cares about Tauriel.

Even now.

He still came.

"Let's go."

Tauriel looked at the towering mountain in front of him and spoke softly.

The two elves then walked quickly towards the lonely mountain.

In the depths of the lonely mountain.

Inside the huge treasure house hall.

A group of dwarves in the expedition team are standing on top of gold and silver treasures like mountains and seas, trying to find something.

Above the treasure hall, on a high platform.

Thorin Oakenshield was looking at the dwarves below and shouted, "Did you find it?"

"not yet"


"I haven't seen it here either."

"Nor here"

"Then keep looking"

"The Silmaril is in this hall, it may appear anywhere"

"Be sure to find it!"

"Keep looking, everyone will look for it."

"Don't rest until you find it"

Thorin Oakenshield stood on the high platform and shouted to the dwarves in the hall below.

Standing under the hall, Bilbo listened to Thorin Oakenshield's words, holding the Arken Silmaril in his arms, with a complex expression on his face.

After half an hour.

Sorin Oakenshield, who was fidgeting on the high platform, shouted again to the dwarves below: "Have you found them all?"


“Still haven’t seen it”

"did not find"

"I don't have any here either."

The voice of the dwarves in the treasure below kept coming.

Thorin Oakenshield looked gloomy, and continued to shout: "Then keep looking!"

"No rest is allowed until you find it!"

Two hours later.

Sorin Oakenshield, who was walking around on the high platform, shouted down again: "Have you found it?"

"didn't see"

"I don't have any here either."

"Me too"

"didn't see"

"I'm already hungry, maybe we'll be more energetic after we're full"

"Me too, I want to drink"

"I'm hungry too. I remember I haven't finished eating the smoked ham brought by Changhu Town. I want to eat ham."

"Shh, keep your voice down."

The voices of the dwarves kept coming.

But compared to the beginning, the voices of the dwarves were obviously tired and complaining.

Thorin Oakenshield's eyes were reddish, he didn't care about the complaints of the dwarves below, and continued to shout: "Keep looking!"

"No rest until you find it!"


"I found the Akensil diamond and I'll let you eat your fill!"

After half a day.

In the depths of the lonely mountain.

King's Row.

In front of the throne of the King of the Mountain.

Thorin Oakenshield looked at the empty space above the throne where the Arkon Diamond was originally inlaid, and said in a slow and deep voice, "The Akon Jewel must still be in the kingdom, I'm sure."

Behind him, Bilbo standing on the king's road, Balin the white bearded dwarf, and the violent dwarf general Godwalin could hear the suppressed anger in Thorin Oakenshield's words.

Dwalin said, "We've searched and searched."

Thorin Oakenshield interrupted: "Not careful enough!"

Bilbo added, "Thorin, we all want to find the gem."

Thorin Oakenshield had had enough of these perfunctory words, and immediately shouted: "But I still haven't found it!"

Balin heard the insinuations in Thorin Oakenshield's words, and said directly: "Are you doubting the loyalty of anyone present?"

After the words fell, Thorin Oakenshield immediately turned his head and looked directly at Balin.

Balin continued without fear, "The Arkan gem is the innate wealth of our people, and of course we all want to find it."


Before the words were finished, Thorin Oakenshield immediately interrupted: "The Arken gem is the king's gem."

Thorin Oakenshield pointed to his chest with red eyes and looked at Bahrain and shouted: "Aren't I the king!"

Seeing Sorin Oakenshield's eyes were red, and his face was full of greed and rage.

Bahrain turned his head directly, out of sight.

Both Bilbo and Dwalin sighed inwardly, but neither spoke.

Thorin Oakenshield raised his head, looked at the three people in front of him with a gloomy face, and said slowly: "I will say something up front."

"If someone finds it, they will seize it privately."

"I will never let him go."

Sorin Oakenshield was about to turn around and leave when he said that, but he suddenly thought of something and stopped immediately, looked at the three of them and asked, "Have we all forgotten someone?"

After the words fell, the three people on the field looked over immediately.

Thorin Oakenshield continued: "A person who has been expelled by us."

Speaking of this, the three present immediately understood who Sorin was talking about.

"I remember that he also entered the secret passage yesterday, before us, have you all seen him?"

Thorin Oakenshield looked gloomy and spoke slowly, looking at the three of them.

Bilbo shook his head truthfully.

Dwalin simply said: "No."

Bahrain also shook his head.

"Look, after he entered the secret passage, none of us saw him again."

"Perhaps, my Arkan gem was stolen by him."

Thorin Oakenshield continued to talk to himself.

The faces of the three people on King's Road below are calm, but their hearts are different.

For Bilbo, Morgan is his friend and savior. He has always trusted Morgan, not to mention that the Arken gem is in his own body.

What worried Bilbo was whether Morgan was in danger.

For Bahrain, he has a very good impression of Morgan, not only because of the strength Morgan has shown along the way.

Even more because of Morgan's character, and out of concern for the safety of his partner Bilbo, he was able to turn against Thorin, who was already infected, without hesitation or fear.

This much appreciated by Bahrain.

As for the Arkham Diamond, looking at Thorin's current appearance, Balin would rather Morgan take it away and never come back.

And for Dwalin.

Morgan's strong strength and steady personality are still in the appetite of Dwalin.

But that's not the case, the two will become good friends.

The relationship between Dwalin and Morgan can only be regarded as mediocre among the dwarves.

At this moment, Thorin became suspicious of Morgan.

Dwalin was also a little skeptical.

It's not that Morgan has a bad personality, but that ordinary people can't control their greed at all in front of treasures of the same level as Arken gems.

What's more, Morgan disappeared after entering the secret passage, and no one saw him again.

This also has to make other people think more.

While the three of them were meditating on their own.

Thorin Oakenshield suddenly shouted: "Dwalin!"

Dwalin immediately looked up at Thorin.

Thorin Oakenshield continued with a gloomy face, "Go, take a few people to capture Morgan."

Seemingly guessing that Thorin would give such an order, Dwalin calmly said, "We don't know where Morgan is now?"

"Long Lake Town!"

"Go to Changhu Town!"

"In such a short time, he can't run very far."

"There is his friend of the human boatman in Changhu Town, and he must be there now."

Thorin Oakenshield said affirmatively without hesitation.

Dwalin continued: "But Changhu Town has been burned, by the dragon."

These words made Thorin Oakenshield pause. He was so anxious for a moment that he forgot that Long Lake Town had been destroyed by the evil dragon Smaug.

"Then go find those who survived."

Thorin Oakenshield continued coldly: "He doesn't die so easily."

It's all said and done.

Dwalin had no choice but to nod, and was about to take the order and turn around to leave.

Balin suddenly said: "Sorling, Morgan is not that kind of person, should you think about it again?"

Bilbo answered immediately, "Yes, Thorin, we all know Morgan, he's not that kind of man."


Thorin Oakenshield interrupted Bilbo with a wave of his hand, and roared, "I told you to look for it and you can't find it!"

"Now I will do it myself!"

Thorin Oakenshield looked at Dwalin and said, "Go, my brother, and bring that thief back to me."

Dwalin bowed slightly towards Thorin Oakenshield, then turned and left with big strides.

Watching Dwalin's back disappear.

Thorin Oakenshield turned and left expressionlessly.

That left Bilbo and Balin on the Kingsroad.

The two looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Bilbo looked at Balin with a sad and distressed face, and suddenly couldn't help but said, "Bahrain, if Thorin can find the Arken Stone."

"I mean, if Thorin gets it, can the gem cure his current illness?"

asked Bilbo, looking at Balin, who was still moved with compassion.

Balin looked at Bilbo and shook his head directly: "Bilbo, he has dragon disease."

"I've seen this disease firsthand."

"That look, that horrible greed"

"Drove his grandfather mad."

At this point Balin sighed, looked at Bilbo and said softly, "The Arken Stone is the King of Stones."

"It is the most precious existence of all treasures."

"It empowers the person who wears it"

"Can Thorin be cured?"

"No, it will only make Thorin even more insane."

As Balin spoke, he seemed to recall the crazy appearance of Sol, the former king of the mountain. He shook his head and murmured, "Perhaps it's best to never find it."

Hearing Balin's words, Bilbo subconsciously squeezed the Arken gem in his arms.

"Bang bang bang bang."

"Bang bang bang bang."

The sound of orderly and rumbling footsteps came from far and near.

An army of black half-orcs with spears like a forest and fully armed is marching.

The leader is Azog, the tall, strong and ferocious leader of the orcs, who has a pale skin that is completely different from other orcs.

Azog was sitting on the back of a tall and strong gray-black warg.

Suddenly, several wolves appeared on the hillside in the distance, and rushed towards the army quickly.

Looking at the figure galloping in the distance, Azog just raised his hand, and the black orc army behind him immediately stopped.

"what happened?"

Seeing his son Borg approaching quickly, Azog asked in a cold voice.

"The elves of the woodland kingdom followed us to Long Lake."

Borg replied immediately.

Dissatisfied with this answer, Azog waved his left arm of the stabbing sword, pointed at Borg and asked loudly: "Then, have you killed them all?"

Facing his father's questioning, even the tall and ferocious Borg couldn't help but hesitate. He resolutely said: "They ran away."

"Those elves are like cowards. If they can't fight us, they will run away."

Before the words fell, Azog immediately interrupted Borg and yelled: "Idiot!"

"They'll be back!"

"At that time, we will bring an army of elves!"

"You are such an idiot"

Azog looked at his son with an unkind expression and yelled.

Being scolded by his father, Borg shook his head, not daring to say anything.

After yelling, Azog looked at Borg and ordered in a cold voice: "You go to Mount Gundabad and let the army go."


Seeing his father's anger disappear, Borg, who had received a new task, immediately pinched his legs, and the worg under him immediately rushed out.

The team led by Borg left quickly.

Azog raised his rapier in his left arm and shouted to the army in front of him: "Elves, dwarves, humans!"

As Azog said, he suddenly turned around, pointed at the towering snow-capped mountain in the distance and shouted: "That mountain is their grave!"

"set off!"

Dol Guldur ruins.

Regardless of day or night, it is always shrouded in dark clouds.

The edge of an open ruins high platform.

There stands a huge punishment frame.

Below the penalty frame, a huge cage covered with ferocious iron thorns hangs upside down.

Inside the cage, a figure wearing a gray robe, gray hair, and wounded all over his body was gasping weakly and whispering.

The trapped figure was naturally the wizard Gandalf.

Not long ago, I broke into the dark ruins of Dol Guldur alone to find information.

Gandalf accidentally met Thorin, the father of Oakenshield, who had been controlled by his mind.

Gandalf rescued Thorne, but was chased by the Orcs led by the Orc leader Azog.

Only after escaping Azog's pursuit, Gandalf encountered the legendary Sauron.

With no power to fight back, Thorne was easily captured by Sauron.

Gandalf was also easily defeated and captured by Sauron, and then hanged here.

"Great Vera, please help me"

The invisible whispers seem to have a kind of magic power that continues to spread outward.

at this time.

A footstep came from under the ruins, and walked towards Gandalf trapped in the cage.

Aware of sounds coming from around.

Gandalf opened his eyes, and saw a giant ferocious half-orc with a stature of nearly three meters reaching out and grabbing the cage that trapped Gandalf.

"Spells won't save you, old man!"

The giant half-orc cursed and threw the cage in his hand to the ground.


Gandalf, who was seriously injured, was thrown to the ground.

Don't wait for him to react.

The giant orc immediately reached out and grabbed Gandalf out, and fell on the cold ground again, and said fiercely: "You have something that my master needs, tell me, where is it hidden?"

The giant orc roared, and grabbed Gandalf again, but suddenly saw a red ring suddenly appear on one of Gandalf's fingers.

"The Ring of Fire of the Three Rings of the Elves."

The giant half-orc's eyes lit up immediately, looking at the ring on Gandalf's finger and muttering, he dragged Gandalf to a stone platform immediately, pulled out Gandalf and put the ring of fire on the stone platform, and waved it. The black dagger in his hand was about to chop off.

Suddenly, an ethereal and beautiful figure wearing a golden flower crown and exuding hazy white light suddenly appeared at the entrance of the ruins of the high platform.

Watching the sudden and uninvited guest.

The giant half-orc threw down the seriously injured Gandalf, roared, and rushed up immediately, brandishing a black dagger.

Facing the ferocious half-orc, Galadriel just raised his hand and waved it away, a dazzling white light burst out immediately, and the giant half-orc who bore the brunt was instantly blown into bloody fragments.

The lingering prestige of the white light wave did not stop, and accompanied by the sudden roar of thunder, it spread to the horizon in an instant, and continued to spread outward.

At this moment, the dark clouds covering the entire Dol Guldur seemed to have dissipated a lot.

Galadriel stepped forward, gently picked up Gandalf, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and turned to walk outside.

Suddenly, a deep raving sound gradually sounded.

"Under the sky, the kings of the elves get the third"

"In the stone palace, the dwarf princes got seven of them"

"In this world, mortals who must die get nine of them"

As the ravings fell, phantom Ringwraiths in armor and full armor appeared around the high platform of the ruins, surrounding Galadriel, who was holding Gandalf in his arms.

at this time.

The two entrances to the high platform of the ruins.

Two figures appeared.

With a sword hanging from his waist, Eldron Elf Lord in dark golden armor.

Saruman, a white-robed wizard in a white robe, holds a staff.

At this moment, the most powerful and top combat forces in Middle-earth gathered together.

The battle is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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