Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 121 Chain reaction!

Chapter 121 Chain reaction!

The night was getting darker.

The burning Changhu Town is already a purgatory on earth.

Countless residents of Changhu Town were screaming, crying, and wailing.

Everyone is running.

On the only major waterway leading out of town.

At this time, it was crowded with all kinds of small and large boats and ferries.

Among them, one is exquisite in shape, with exquisite statues carved on the bow, and the ferry boat is full of various gold treasures.

Standing in front of the bow was Bujara, the captain of the town guard holding a long sword, and several town guards were rowing on both sides of the boat. Naturally, the delicate ferry belonged to the mayor of Changhu Town.

The bloated mayor pushed the cumbersome clerk Alford into the water before.

Just desperately urging the ferry to move forward.

It's just that the main waterway is crowded with the boats of the fleeing residents of Changhu Town.

Even if the bloated mayor commanded the town guards to push all the ferries close to the road block and overturn them, the speed of the ferry under him could not be accelerated.

Dragons roared in the sky, thick smoke billowed everywhere, explosions sounded everywhere, and people died everywhere.

"Quick, quicker!"

The bloated mayor was extremely eager and urged desperately, but the waterway ahead was extremely crowded.

He had no choice but to urge.

At this moment, the exclamation and panic of other people suddenly came from around.

The bloated mayor noticed something was wrong, and immediately looked around, but found nothing.

Soon, there was a whistling sound from above, and he immediately raised his head, and saw the huge dragon blocking his vision, smashing down from above his head.

The bloated mayor just widened his eyes and had no time to react.

Then, when the eyes went dark, there was no more.


A loud bang.

The behemoth with a body length of 40 meters fell straight from a high altitude, and immediately set off waves several meters high.

Fortunately, the main waterway is not very spacious, and the corpse of the dragon Smaug did not cause too many waves.

But even so, all the ferries within a radius of three to forty meters were overturned by the waves in an instant.

Everyone around screamed in fright.

As for being hit by Smaug's huge body, the bloated mayor's ferry full of gold and treasures below, as well as the mayor, the captain of the town guard, Braga, several town guards, and several small ferry boats around. Residents of Changhu Town were all killed instantly.

But no one cares anymore.

Anyway, too many people died tonight.

The fire in Changhu Town, where the smoke is billowing, is getting bigger and bigger.

The flames burned the sky red, even though it was known that the evil dragon had died at this time.

But there was not much joy and excitement on the faces of the fleeing residents of Changhu Town.

Because most of the houses and properties they care about have been burned down.

Family and friends also died or were wounded.

At this time, he was still trapped in the burning Changhu Town.

In such a situation where the family is almost broken.

Even in the hearts of these residents, knowing that the dragon is dead is something to be happy about.

But no one can be happy.

The death of the dragon Smaug made all the residents of Changhu Town who were fleeing at this time look sideways.

Except for the three Barnes brothers and sisters.

Being blocked in the waterway, Bane and his sister Xuege rowed the boat at a slow speed.

Since he had just discovered that his father and Uncle Morgan were on the towering clock tower.

The three brothers and sisters never left the bell tower.

Just now, the three brothers and sisters watched from afar as Uncle Morgan and his father Bud shot the dragon Smaug with an arrow.

Then I saw Smaug crashing into the clock tower very quickly like crazy.

The scene where the tall bell tower was instantly smashed by the dragon.

Bahn, Xuege and younger sister Tilda saw it, and almost immediately exclaimed: "Dad!"



"Uncle Morgan!"

At this time, Morgan must not be able to hear the calls of the three Barnes brothers and sisters.

He had just emerged from the icy water of Long Lake.

"Cough cough."

Morgan emerged from the water, looked left and right, and then swam quickly to the nearest shore.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, I almost got hit just now."

Turning ashore, Morgan was a little afraid to think about it.

Just after helping Bud shoot the dragon Smaug, Morgan immediately roared and jumped to the bottom of the clock tower.

Bud was also very fast, jumping off the bell tower almost right behind Morgan.

It's just that the two jump in different directions.

After Morgan jumped off the bell tower with a roar or two, the dragon Smaug lost control and crashed into the bell tower.

Nor did Morgan know if Bud had been hit by Smaug.

Anyway, he really just nearly got hit, as Smaug whizzed past him.

This made Morgan very scared.

But after being afraid, there is excitement and joy.

"After all, Bard could hit the dragon with a black arrow in Smaug's missing scale wound."

"I have contributed a lot."

"Now the dragon slayer, the identity of the dragon slayer warrior must have been acquired, no, you can't say "lost", you should say "take it."

"After all, if he hadn't appeared, Bard might have continued to kill Smaug as in the memory plot, but it would never be as smooth as it is now."

"According to the legend, anyone who participates in the dragon slaying with the brave can be crowned as the dragon slaying warrior after the successful dragon slaying."

"With my contribution this time, I deserve this status."

"There is also the soul power of the system. I have contributed a lot this time, so I should be able to share some of it."

Various thoughts quickly flashed through his mind.

Morgan was thinking about whether to summon the system to take a look.

Another thought immediately popped up: now that Smaug was dead, the dragon was full of treasure.

Not to mention other things, just say that Smaug's dragon scales, which are comparable to steel, can be processed into armor, and the defense power can be imagined.

There is also dragon blood. I heard that bathing in dragon blood can enhance physical fitness. I don't know if it is true.

There is also the dragon whip, if it is sold, there must be people scrambling for it.

Even if it is not for sale, Morgan can eat it himself.

Although he felt that his current physique was strong enough, it was good to taste.

There is also dragon meat. If it is said that eating dragon meat or bathing in dragon blood is better for strengthening the body, Morgan will definitely think it is the former.

And if you entertain friends with Smaug's meat, it will be perfect for pretending.

Thinking of this, Morgan's desire to find Smaug's body instantly became extremely strong.

"Where did Smaug's body just go?"

Morgan looked up immediately.

But the surrounding smoke was billowing, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and it was impossible to see clearly.

Morgan had to run to the street ahead immediately.

Soon, he stopped a middle-aged man who was running away in a hurry and immediately asked, "Where did that dragon fall just now?"

"Over there, over there, I saw that dragon fall with my own eyes!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly pointed to the waterway not far away and said quickly. After speaking, he rushed to the street and jumped onto a waiting boat.

Morgan immediately ran towards the location the middle-aged man said.

The distance is not far, but many wooden streets were burned and collapsed by the fire.

Morgan could only take a detour to the direction pointed by the middle-aged man.

As soon as he approached, he immediately saw the traces of the collapse of several houses that were still in good condition.

He even saw that the tip of Smaug's barbed tail seemed to be hanging from a sharp stake in the ruined house, and had not completely sunk.

"It's here."

Joyful in his heart, Morgan quickly walked to the tip of the hanging tail and plunged into the cold water of the long lake.

lonely mountain.

On a high platform with a wide view.

Except for Morgan, all members of the expedition team are here at this time.

"Mr. Baggins need not mention that name again."

"People who are expelled are not eligible to be a member of our team."

Seeing Bilbo mentioning Morgan, Thorin Oakenshield's expression changed, and he immediately said indifferently.

"Morgan was evicted?"

"Morgan was expelled by Thorin?"

Bilbo froze when he heard what Thorin Oakenshield said.

The first reaction was incredible.

But even the dwarves including Balin were silent, which proved that what Thorin Oakenshield said was definitely not a joke.

Then, there is doubt and incomprehension.

With Morgan's strength and his contributions to the team along the way.

Bilbo couldn't understand what Morgan had done for Thorin Oakenshield to drive him out.

You must know that Morgan has saved Thorin himself more than once in the most dangerous juncture along the way.

This was witnessed by all members of the expedition.

And Morgan has saved himself a few times.

Take Morgan and his relationship.

Bilbo felt that he must make the matter clear.

Bilbo was kind by nature, but he was also straightforward, and it was not his style to hide problems, not to mention that this matter involved Morgan so seriously.

"Wait, what did Thorin mean by disobedience?"

"Also, who was expelled?"


"What the hell is going on here?"

Looking at the crowd around him, Bilbo continued to ask, "Can someone explain to me?"

After the voice fell, all the dwarves present fell silent.

Just now when Thorin Oakenshield finished speaking in a cold voice, he turned around and went to another open high platform beside him.

At this time, it is not known whether they have heard Bilbo's series of questions.

All the dwarves were silent anyway.

Such a situation made Bilbo feel a little uneasy, and he suddenly thought that something must have happened to Morgan.

When Bilbo was about to continue asking, Whitebeard Balin suddenly turned his head, looked at Bilbo and sighed, and said, "Let me tell you."

Next, Balin outlined the conflict between Morgan and Thorin Oakenshield.

But Balin omitted the words that he himself scolded Thorin mercilessly at the beginning.

But for the conflict between Morgan and Thorin: Morgan was worried about going to find Bilbo; while Thorin Oakenshield was worried that Morgan would affect Bilbo and refused to let Morgan go down.

For these specific reasons, Bahrain did not favor anyone, and said it all after finishing the book.

Bilbo fell silent after hearing this.

He really didn't expect that Morgan was expelled because he was worried about himself and wanted to find himself.

What he didn't even expect was that Thorin Oakenshield not only didn't think about worrying about himself, but he didn't even let Morgan worry about him when he was chased by the dragon Smaug and ran for his life when he was looking for the Aken Silmaril.

At this moment, Bilbo thought of the words that Smaug the dragon had said to him in the treasury.

Those words about Thorin Oakenshield's greed, hypocrisy, corrupted mind by gold treasure, and disease.

Also, Bilbo thought of the moment when he saw Thorin Oakenshield in the underground treasure house, and the scene where the other party held a long sword and asked him about the Arkensilil.

Thinking of this, Bilbo couldn't help clutching the Arken gem in his arms through his clothes: "I will never give the Arken gem to Thorin like this."

"and many more."

"Bahrain said Morgan came down to find himself earlier."

"But I didn't see Morgan's figure."

"Where did Morgan go?"

Suddenly thought of this frightening question.

Bilbo was taken aback.

Looking up at the dwarves around him, none of them seemed to be aware of this problem.

Bilbo was silent.

He quickly realized that there was the evil dragon Smaug under the treasure house just now, and a terrifying thought immediately arose in his mind.

But it was quickly rejected by Bilbo shaking his head.

Morgan is powerful, and in the treasure house before, Smaug has been chasing himself and a group of dwarves.

Presumably Morgan should be fine.

Bilbo was uneasy, but he didn't want to ask more questions.

at this time.


A huge and incomparably loud sound suddenly resounded in the ears of everyone on the open high platform.

"what happened?"

"What was that sound just now?"

"It seems to come from Changhu Town."

"I saw it fall, Smaug, I saw Smaug fall!"


"Of course, Smaug is gone, isn't he?"

"Is it dead?"


"Smaug is dead, Smaug must be dead!"

"I swear by the beard!"

"Look over there"

"Eribo's ravens have all flown back"

As soon as the words fell, a group of birds with pitch-black bodies and even their eyes flew over the lonely mountain, accompanied by a burst of noisy and quacking calls.

Long lake water surface.

On a spacious ferry bound for the Lonely Mountain.

The elf prince Legolas and the elf female captain Tariel were looking at the burning Long Lake Town in the distance with serious expressions.

Suddenly, looking at the huge dragon in the distant sky, it fell down with a bang.

Tariel's face changed slightly: "Smaug is dead?"

Legolas nodded: "It should be, although I don't know who did it yet."

"But the news of Smaug's death should soon spread throughout Middle-earth."

"With the huge treasures owned by Gushan, it also has its own important position."

"Next, I'm afraid many eyes will pay attention to Gushan"

"Tariel, are you still determined to go to Lonely Mountain?"


Deep in the dark forest.

On top of Woodland Kingdom, on a high open terrace above a high mountaintop.

The elf king Thranduil, who was dressed in a silver robe, had long platinum hair, was tall and handsome, looked far away.

The burning Changhu Town.

After a long time, I looked away.

Thranduil murmured in his heart: "The day is finally here."

Thinking of this, the Elf King turned to look at the leader of the wood elf guard beside him and ordered in a cold voice: "Notice, all teams will gather tomorrow morning."

"We're going to take back what's ours."

"Also, load a few carts of food commonly used by humans."

 Thank you "Book Friends 16085312, Feng Yi, Judge of Hell, Daji 0 Find 1, Shura" for their rewards, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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