Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 114 Sauron! ! !

Chapter 114 Sauron! ! !

late at night.

Long Lake Town.

Clouds obscured the crescent moon.

The night grew darker.

A group of hideous and ugly half-orcs in armor quietly appeared on the roof of the edge of Changhu Town.

Tall and strong, the ferocious half-orc, wearing steel armor and covered with black thorns on one side of his head, waved his hand and said coldly, "Come on, find the dwarves."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of half-orcs around behind immediately rushed to the roof in front of them.

This half-orc team is naturally from the one that intercepted and killed everyone in the expedition team two days ago.

The leader is the half-orc Borg, the son of the orc leader Azog.

A day earlier, the orcs led by Borg had lost the expedition team on the edge of the Long Lake.

After hard work and long detours day and night, they arrived at Changhu Town.

A large number of goblins climbed cautiously on the roof.

It's just that no matter how light the movements are, too many of them will inevitably cause some movement.

Besides, these half-orcs are far from being so careful.

In a house with lights on.

Bud's eldest daughter, Xuege, and youngest daughter, Tilda, were busy making supper in the kitchen.

Baan is trying to make arrows.

At this time, the sound from outside the house made Xue Ge look happy, looked at the younger sister beside him and said, "It must be that Dad is back, I'll go and see."

After speaking, Xue Ge walked quickly to the door and opened it.

It's just that it was dark outside, and the surroundings were quiet, and there was no shadow of his father Bud.

Not finding his father, Xue Ge just glanced briefly before turning around and going back home, but he looked up inadvertently, and saw a hideous and terrifying monster standing on the roof diagonally opposite.

What was even more frightening was that Xue Ge found that the monster was staring at him.


A subconscious scream.

Xue Ge slammed the door tightly and returned home immediately.

"We were discovered by humans."

The strong half-orc who was found immediately reported sharply to the leader Borg behind him.

Borg waved his hands in a cold voice without raising his head, "Kill him!"

After speaking, he looked at the other orcs and immediately yelled in a low voice: "Hurry up, we must find those dwarf bastards!"

The little half-orc leader who received the leader's order immediately called the nearest half-orcs to quickly crawl towards the human house with the lights still on.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, sister?"

Xue Ge quickly retreated into the house with a scream, and Barn and Tilda immediately became concerned and inquired.

"Quick, hide quickly, I saw monsters on the roof outside, a lot of monsters!"

Xue Ge opened her mouth in panic with an undecided expression, and her younger sister Tilda immediately froze for a moment. He still didn't know what the monster her sister was talking about.

But even though Baan was also flustered, he was a boy after all, so he immediately calmed down a little, and immediately stood up and asked Xuege: "What monster?"

"It's just ugly and terrifying monsters. There are many of them on the roof."

As Xue Ge said, she was about to take Tilda with her and hid under the thick dining table at home.

Hearing this, Bahn quickly ran to his bed and took down a short bow given to him by his father Bard, picked up a quiver of arrows he usually made, and quickly walked behind the thick dining table.

At this moment, there was a sudden and obvious sound on the roof.

Xue Ge trembled when he heard the movement, and immediately whispered: "It must be those monsters."

"Don't be afraid, Daddy will be back soon!"

Bahn was a little flustered, and while opening his bow and arrows to catch the arrows, he forcibly calmed down and comforted his sisters.


Suddenly, the door of the house was violently kicked away from the outside.

Two ugly and ferocious monsters immediately appeared at the door.

Xuege and Tilda under the table screamed at the same time when they were frightened.

Bahn, who was standing behind the wooden table, was also taken aback. He loosened his fingers nervously and the arrow shot out immediately, hitting the eye socket of a terrifying monster that squeezed into the gate first, killing him with one arrow.

The first monster was killed, and the second monster rushed in immediately, waving a black short sword and screaming.

The two sisters Xuege Tilda under the dining table were startled and screamed again and again, Bahn quickly shot an arrow, and shot another arrow in a hurry.

It's just that the arrow was a little crooked, and it failed to hit the ferocious half-orc in front of him, but hit the head of another half-orc that reappeared at the gate behind.

The orcs behind fell to the ground.

The half-orc in front rushed forward fiercely, before Bain had time to open his short bow, he casually raised the solid wooden stool beside him and smashed it down.


The sturdy stool slammed on the half-orc's head, and the half-orc stopped immediately, unable to stand upright and fell to the ground.

At this time, two orcs jumped from the roof above appeared at the door again.

Just as he was screaming and preparing to rush into the house.


A muffled sound.

The two orcs who were about to squeeze into the house side by side were shot in the head by an arrow, and immediately fell backwards.



Just when the three brothers and sisters inside thought it was Papa Bud who came back, they shouted loudly.

A tall and well-proportioned female elf, wearing a green robe and brown leather armor, with a white face and delicate pointed ears, appeared at the door.

Glancing at the three siblings in the room, the female elf was about to turn around and leave.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

Two orcs broke through the wooden roof and jumped from above.

Before he could stand still, he immediately screamed and rushed towards the three siblings in the house.

The female elf who had just stepped forward immediately took a step back, opened her bow and set an arrow, and after killing one of the orcs with one arrow, she immediately put away her bow and arrow, drew out her dagger and stepped into the house.


After stabbing the last half-orc in the house with a sword from the neck.

The female elf looked at the three siblings who looked nervous and pale, hesitated slightly, and asked, "Have you ever seen a group of dwarves?"

Facing the beautiful savior in front of them, Xue Ge and Tilda's eyes lit up, and they were about to speak.

Suddenly, a voice came from the door: "I see, they have already gone to Gushan."

As Bud spoke, he immediately saw that his three children were intact, and he was immediately relieved.



The three brothers and sisters in the house immediately shouted excitedly.

Tilda jumped out of her sister's arms immediately, and plunged into her father's arms.

The female elf asked again: "Then have you seen the human in the dwarf team?"

"A human in the dwarf team? Is it Uncle Morgan?"

Before Bud had time to speak, Tilda, who had widened her beautiful amber eyes, spoke immediately.

"You're talking about Morgan, of course I've seen it."

"He went with the dwarves to the Lonely Mountain, just this morning."

Bud put down his little daughter, looked at the female elf who had saved his third child and said with a smile.

The female elf who got the news she wanted didn't speak, she nodded to Bud, and walked towards the gate.

Bud hurriedly said from behind: "Thank you for saving my child!"

The female elf paused, and finally walked out of the gate quickly without saying anything, and disappeared into the darkness.

The female elf is naturally Tariel of the Husband of the Thousand Miles.

Follow Morgan's footsteps from Changhu all the way to Changhu Town.

Just one step slower each time.

Morgan seemed to be getting further and further away from her.


After walking down the second floor of the small building, the elf prince Legolas who was waiting below immediately spoke.

"Where did the orcs go?"

"Still ahead."


Dol Guldur ruins.

The sky was dark and cloudy.

There seems to be no day and night here, and it is always shrouded in shadows.


Gandalf, holding a staff, led the short Thorne to run quickly on the dangerous and dark path full of thorns and traps.

A little far behind, a group of half-orcs riding on gray wargs were chasing wildly.

The leader is Azog, the tall, strong and hideous orc leader.

"catch him!"

"Kill him!"

Azog, who was leaving behind, waved the hammer in his hand and pointed at the figure in front of him and shouted.

One after another, grinning ferocious wargs rushed out from the dark path extending in all directions, and crazily rushed towards the two people, one tall and one short, who were running wildly on foot.


Seeing Thorne whose speed began to slow down, Gandalf grabbed Thorne and strode towards the stone bridge at the exit.

Close, closer!

Finally, as soon as Gandalf led Thorne out of the dark path, he immediately turned around and waved his staff towards the huge, towering, towering black building above the path.


A dazzling white light group burst out from the top of Gandalf's staff.

The light waves of spell energy visible to the naked eye immediately spread rapidly towards the building above.

"bang bang bang"

Wherever the magic energy light wave passed, the cold black building immediately exploded inch by inch with muffled sounds.

Just one breath.

The entire spire-like black building suddenly collapsed and fell downwards.

Gandalf took Thorne and walked quickly to avoid the stone bridge ahead.

"bang bang bang"

The huge spire-like wall fell off one after another and hit the stone bridge below.

The stone bridge was smashed in half immediately amidst the rumbling sound.

At this time, the ferocious wolf and half-orc cavalry from the rear arrived.

Looking at Gandalf and Thorne separated by the broken bridge dozens of meters away, Azog roared angrily, "You can't escape!"

Seeing that the orcs behind couldn't catch up.

Panting heavily, Gandalf immediately fled forward with Thorne.

Just when the two rushed out of the broken bridge, out of the dilapidated spire, and on the last long bridge leaving Dol Guldur.

A huge energy storm suddenly swept from the front direction to Gandalf and Thorne who were running wildly.

Gandalf immediately pulled Thorne back to his side, and immediately emitted a light white transparent energy mask from the top of the staff in his hand to protect the two of them.

The pale white energy transparent mask trembled violently, but managed to survive the energy storm.

When the energy storm disappeared, Gandalf and Thorn quickly looked up, and saw a huge black shadow with a height of more than ten meters and pitch black, with teeth and claws suddenly appearing in front of them.

The moment the huge black shadow appeared, Gandalf immediately felt an incomparable evil spreading around the black shadow as the center.

Even the surrounding space was immediately polluted by black shadows, emitting strands of dark and evil mist continuously.

"There is no light."

A hollow, indifferent, evil hoarse voice that would make people feel very uncomfortable just hearing it suddenly emanated from the huge black shadow more than ten meters high in front of him.

Seeing the terrifying black shadow suddenly appearing in front of him, Gandalf's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately held the staff in front of him, and at the same time immediately protected Thorne behind him.

The dwarf Thorne even trembled uncontrollably when he saw the dark and terrifying moment in front of him.

"There is no wizard of light who can defeat darkness"

The colossal and terrifying black shadow with teeth and claws continued to make evil sounds.

Thorn hugged Gandalf's arm, looking at the black figure in front of him with more and more fear in his eyes, tremblingly said: "He's here, he's really here."

Gandalf was struggling to support himself with his staff.

Yes, even if the black shadow in front of him didn't attack at all, but just appeared in front of him, Gandalf would have to fight hard to stand firm.

"Tell Thorin."

At this time, the dwarf Thorne, who seemed to be aware of the danger he was about to face, suddenly looked at Gandalf beside him and said loudly: "Tell Thorin I love him"

"Can you help me tell Thorin that I love him?" Thorne said urgently with a trembling face.

Gandalf resisted the power of the black shadow in front of him, and looked at Thorne beside him and said loudly, "You will tell him yourself."

After the words fell, Pang Ran's black shadow made another booming voice: "You have no chance"

After speaking, the huge black shadow suddenly rose tens of meters, and immediately rushed from both sides to Thorne beside Gandalf at an unparalleled speed.

When Gandalf reacted, Thorne screamed and was captured by the huge black shadow in an instant.

Gandalf was furious immediately, stepped forward and swung the staff in his hand towards the shadow in front of him.

An extremely dazzling white light group immediately expanded rapidly around Gandalf, and quickly crushed the huge black shadow in front of it.

In an instant, the huge and terrifying black figure was immediately pressed by the dazzling white light curtain to the stone wall behind and trembled violently, as if it was about to burst.

But only for a moment.

The huge and terrifying black figure that seemed to be defeated by Gandalf immediately let out an angry roar.

The extremely evil black mist immediately soared to a height of tens of meters, and then overwhelmingly rushed towards Gandalf in the white light curtain.


Gandalf's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold up his staff to support the dazzling light curtain around him.

However, the light curtain continued to shrink under the impact of countless black mist.

The dead branches of the black trees around the long bridge, and the long stone bridge in front of them were all shattered and burst under the sweep of the black mist and light curtain at this moment.

The extremely turbulent magic energy seemed to flood the entire space.


Gandalf's face was painful, and he tried his best to hold up his staff to support the smaller white mask around him.

At this moment, the countless black mist that attacked Gandalf suddenly quickly gathered and shrank back into a ball, and rushed towards Gandalf again.


The white protective light curtain instantly shattered, and Gandalf was immediately overturned to the ground.

But the black mist didn't take the opportunity to continue attacking, but suddenly shrank back.

next second.

A "eye" emitting endless fire and heat suddenly appeared in the middle of the huge black mist.

The "eyes" grow rapidly as soon as they appear.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a humanoid figure with flames burning all over its body, whose face and gender could not be seen clearly.

The moment he saw the figure of flames in the black fog ahead, Gandalf immediately got up from the ground, holding up his staff with both hands to try his best to resist the endless, overwhelming horror and evil power around him.

Only Gandalf, who was barely able to support himself in the face of the black mist, met the figure burning with endless flames in front of him, and the staff between his hands immediately turned into fly ash at the speed he saw.

Even Gandalf himself was easily swept up by the black mist, fell hard to the ground, and then was easily pushed onto the black wall more than ten meters high behind him.

Gandalf, who had no power to resist, was ruthlessly pressed against a wall full of thorns and thorns more than ten meters high. He watched helplessly as the figure of flames in the black fog in front of him gradually became clear and solidified into a black figure wearing armor, and cried out in pain. : "Sauron."

(End of this chapter)

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