Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 106 Toilet Superman【Please subscribe, monthly pass】

Chapter 106 Toilet Superman【Please subscribe, monthly pass】

"Morgan, though I appreciate you."

"But you really don't have to offend Everd like that."

The ferry left the toll wharf at the checkpoint and continued to go inside Changhu Town.

In the position of the boatman, Bud looked at Alfred, who was standing behind the checkpoint pier and staring at his ferry, turned his head and looked at Morgan and continued: "Alford is the clerk of Changhu Town, the mayor's running dog."

"As long as you are in Changhu Town for a day, he will trouble you."

Bud looked at Morgan and said worriedly, with a sincere voice.

Morgan stopped in his ears, turned his head to look at Bud suddenly and asked, "Bud, are you worried that I will anger Alfred and cause you trouble?"

Hearing Morgan's words, Bud froze for a moment, but seeing Morgan's calm face, he shook his head and smiled, "Of course not. Everd targeted me, and the entire Changhu Town residents know about it."

"I don't care anymore."

"But you are different. He is still the clerk here. You really don't need it."

"Bad, how long does it take to go back and forth from here to the Elven Kingdom in Mirkwood?"

Morgan suddenly interrupted Bud's words and asked.

"It takes four days to get to the Mirk Forest here, and it will take four days at the fastest."

"did you mean."

When Bud was asked this, his complexion changed slightly, and he thought of something.

"That's it, I just need to leave Long Lake Town within four days, that is, before Alford's messenger returns from Mirkwood."

As Morgan spoke, he shook the ten silver coins in his hand, which were the money he had just squeezed from Alfred to pay for the fish.

As for the smelly fish, of course they were still in the tall old wine barrels on the ferry.

It was impossible to hand over the dwarves.

Even if you give it to the other party, you may not be willing to accept it.

But Morgan didn't even mention giving the fish to Alfred after receiving the ten silver coins from the other party.

Forcibly stealing ten silver coins from the opponent's hand.

Morgan looked at the other party who was anxious but didn't dare to attack, and could only smile dryly, which really made him feel so happy.

No wonder so many people like to pretend to be loud.

"So you thought so."

"However, Morgan, Everd is very cunning, and he will probably also think of this. I think the other party may not let you go so easily."

Bud continued.

The human named Morgan in front of him gave him a good feeling.

Not only because he helped him just now, but also because he could feel it in the conversation on the way to Changhu Town before.

The identity of this group of dwarves may not be that simple.

But it doesn't matter about Bud, he only needs to charge money to help him do what he promised.

The dwarves were repulsive and suspicious of him, and Bard knew it and didn't care.

The two sides are just a transaction.

But the Morgan in front of him is different, and perhaps it should be the reason why he is also a human being.

Bud liked Morgan very much.

Plus the scene where Morgan severely offended Alfred just now.

Although Bard knew that Morgan wasn't necessarily all for him, it was more likely that the dwarves hiding in the wine barrel would be exposed.

But Bud had to remember that Morgan had helped him.

A friend who has helped himself is a friend, and Bard naturally does not want his friend to be troubled by Alfred.

"Of course I know that."

Morgan nodded and smiled, but didn't say much.

Bud didn't ask any more questions.

The ferry sailed slowly into the congested waterway.

The number of residents on both sides of the strait has increased significantly.

"Hi Bud, just got back?"

"Good morning, Aunt Rice."

"Bud, you've come home with a lot of rewards."

"Good morning, Andy, good luck this time."

"Good morning, Uncle Bud."

"Good morning, Rosie."


Seeing that many people on both sides of the strait warmly greeted Bud.

Watching Bud patiently reply to everyone one by one.

Morgan suddenly remembered that the mayor in the memory of the plot, who was greedy, selfish, amassing money, and caring nothing about the life and death of the people below, and the real villain Alfred, the real villain who was really bullying and shy, did not monitor Bud. Reasonable.

Through lively waterways.

The ferry stopped in front of a simple small pier.

Bud threw the cable to the old boatman on the side of the pier.

After looking around, he raised his hand and overturned the tall wine barrel in front of him to the ground.

The stinky fish immediately fell to the ground, and Ouli's head in the dilapidated wine barrel immediately appeared.

Seeing Bud's movements, Morgan immediately stepped forward to help, and kicked the wine barrel containing Groin to the ground.

Seeing that his hair and beard were covered with fish scales and his body was covered with fish scales, Groin quickly climbed out of the wine barrel and muttered cursing in the air, exuding fishy smell.

Morgan just laughed. Fortunately, he had been witty before and didn't get into the stinky fish barrel like these dwarves.

"Damn, this stinks!"

"Smelly and fishy."


"Huh, the air outside is better."

"I swear, there will never be a next time"

"Damn, don't you know how to buy some fresh fish?"

In the face of this grumpy, bald dwarf with a slippery forehead, unkind words.

Bud just shrugged: "Fresh fish is not cheap."

After speaking, he walked to the side, stuffed a silver coin into the hand of the old man watching the boat and said, "Just pretend you didn't see these people."

"Also, those fish are given to you for free."

After Bard finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to beckon a group of dwarves to follow.

Looking at the silver coins in his hand and the boat full of fish in front of him, the old man swallowed hard.

"This way."

Bud was in front and looked around, but he didn't find any guards, so he immediately called everyone to follow quickly.

Morgan was right next to Bud at this time.

Following Bud, everyone walked into the lively market area.

Looking at the humans around, and then at the group of dwarfs behind them.

Morgan felt as if he was followed by a group of children.

"What are you laughing at, Morgan?"

Seeing Morgan laughing to himself, Bilbo, who followed closely behind Morgan, asked.

Morgan shook his head: "It's nothing, I just remembered that I have been away from town for a long time."

Bilbo looked at the lively and busy scene surrounded by tall people, and asked curiously, "Is this the human world?"

Morgan nodded: "Of course."

"This way!"

Bud continued to lead the way.

Perhaps it was all the bad luck that had been exhausted by meeting the clerk Alfred at the inspection toll booth in Long Lake Town.

Everyone was very lucky this time, and they didn't meet a town guard when they approached Bard's house.

at this time.

A handsome and handsome boy ran over from the front quickly, ran up to Bud with an eager expression, panting, and said, "Father, our house is under surveillance."

The voice fell.

Thorin Oakenshield and the dwarves behind them suddenly changed their expressions.


He patted his son on the shoulder.

Bud's mind immediately turned at high speed.

Soon, he turned around and looked at the leader, Thorin Oakenshield, and said, "I have an idea."

After quickly telling the dwarves in front of him his only way.

After hearing Bard's approach, the dwarves immediately turned ugly.

It turned out that they were going to use the special nature of the waterway to let them swim directly under the toilet of Bud's house, and then drilled out.

That way it won't be discovered by anyone watching outside Bud's house.

When Ge Luoyin heard this method, he immediately muttered incessantly.

The irritable Godwalin looked at Bud with unfriendly eyes, and seemed to have the urge to beat Bud.

Bud had a better understanding of the character of this bald-headed, irritable dwarf, and he didn't care about the other's gaze at all. He just looked at the handsome dwarf in the lead.

Thorin Oakenshield just sat and considered for a while, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Just kidding, how many hardships and ups and downs along the way have come over.

Seeing that success is just around the corner, it's nothing to just drill into the toilet.

Seeing that Thorin Oakenshield agreed, Bud immediately led the expedition team to another road.

Not long after, I stood on the edge of a remote wooden house.

Bud pointed to the houses in front of him, and the water surface kept telling the direction to the dwarf beside him.

After confirming that the dwarves heard clearly.

Bud took Morgan and his son and turned around to leave.

At this time, the dwarf Groin suddenly asked, "Wait, why isn't Morgan with us?"

After the voice fell, all members of the expedition team looked over.

That's right, let's all go through the toilet together, and then no one will laugh at anyone else.

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Morgan was about to speak when he heard Bud say for him: "Morgan was seen by those people when he came in."

"So, he doesn't need that."

As soon as the voice fell, Bard felt the vicious and resentful eyes of the dwarves around him.

He quickly added: "Of course, if Morgan wants to accompany you, of course he can."

"What do you think, Morgan?"

Bud said and looked at Morgan, with an innocent expression on his hands.

"I offended the clerk when I was at the checkpoint pier."

"They also saw me with Bud."

"It's not right for me to disappear now, I'm afraid I will provoke that despicable clerk to trouble us."

"So, there is no way to accompany you."

Morgan finished speaking with a smile, and the regretful expression on his face made the dwarves itch.

But Morgan's reasons are obvious enough and well-reasoned.

Naturally, the dwarves couldn't say anything more.

Soon, I watched the dwarves enter the water and swim far away.

Morgan left behind Bud, and when he turned around, he said to himself, "I don't want to be Toilet Superman."

 Thank you "Trooper1770" for your reward again, I have upgraded to the rudder master, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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