Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 102 New Grave, Wild Flowers, Bud

Chapter 102 New Grave, Wild Flowers, Bud

The river below the checkpoint.

The river section is rugged and full of reefs.

The turbulent and panting water rushes away.

The water is fierce, rolling in the river channel with snow-white waves.

Morgan, who was drenched all over, leaned in the tall wine barrel that was already half full of water, staring closely at the tumbling river in front of him.

When he saw the burgundy figure under the water, he disappeared in a flash.

Morgan stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed the figure in the wine-red coat firmly.

Lifted out of the water, who is it but Bilbo who has drunk enough water and his eyes are dull.

Seeing Bilbo's face turned blue and drowned half dead, Morgan's complexion changed, and he immediately stood up straight in the wine barrel, then put Bilbo's whole body upside down on his shoulders with both hands, and immediately pressed down with the other hand. In Bilbo's heart.

With just a little effort, Bilbo immediately spit out a lot of water with a whoosh.

Seeing the effect, Morgan immediately continued to press it several times.

Until Bilbo could no longer spit out water, his body began to move, and there was a groan in his mouth.

Morgan was immediately relieved that at least he didn't have to give Bilbo artificial respiration.

It's just that he relaxed a little, and the tall wine barrel immediately began to tilt.

Morgan quickly put Bilbo, who was not fully awake, on his shoulders, and hurriedly paddled his hands in the turbulent river water, trying to maintain his balance.

I remembered the river with complicated and fierce water after breaking out of the wood elf's checkpoint.

Even Morgan couldn't help feeling terrified.

When Bilbo was stuck at the checkpoint, he found an extra empty wine barrel.

It was just when they fled together with Morgan Kilidvarin and the others.

In the fierce waves, he hit the rocks in the river, the wine barrel was smashed to pieces, and Bilbo himself was instantly sucked into the fierce waves.

Morgan had seen Bilbo's cask hit the rocks with his own eyes.

But in such a steep slope with constant panting and fierce waves, even Morgan himself could only protect himself. For this reason, he also drank a lot of water, and even the wine barrel was submerged by the waves several times.

Fortunately, Morgan is familiar with water. Although it is thrilling, it is always a false alarm.

Thinking of Bilbo, Morgan had been trying to find Bilbo in the water after rushing through the most ferocious river.

Fortunately, Bill Beaufort had a great life, and the burgundy coat was conspicuous, so Morgan found it and scooped it up.

Morgan suddenly thought of a problem, this time he could not find Bilbo if he missed.

Will Bilbo play GG because of this?

Just thinking of this aspect, Morgan immediately thought of the dwarf Nori.

Although he didn't know how Nuoli was doing now, he saw how the other party was shot by the arrow.

Morgan felt that Norley had little chance of surviving.

Although he and Nuo Li usually have a normal relationship, they have been fighting together for a few months, so they have a certain friendship.

The other party died so suddenly and suddenly, Morgan must feel a little heavy in his heart.

But it's also impossible to say how deep Morgan's relationship with him is.

Among the entire expedition team, Gandalf is the best friend with Morgan. The two first met. It was Gandalf who introduced him to the team, and they also admired each other.

It is normal for the two to have a good relationship, and everyone else in the expedition team can see it.

Then there was Bilbo and Kili, the dwarf and "student."

Bilbo has a tough personality and a kind nature. Morgan is naturally willing to make friends with such a person, regardless of whether the other party has the aura of the protagonist.

Even if not, Morgan will save Bilbo when he is in danger along the way, and help him when he is bullied and mocked by the dwarves.

As for Qi Li, a cheap student.

The reason for Morgan's approval: Not only because of Qili's smart and resolute character, but also because of Qili's respect for himself.

The two brothers Kili and Fili were very lively in the team, and there were often jokes among the dwarves along the way.

But there was one man the dwarves never joked about, and that was Thorin Oakenshield.

However, in the mouths of Kili and Fili, apart from Sorin, Morgan was never used as a joke.

Even when the other dwarves made fun of Morgan, Kili tried to defend him.

For students who know how to respect their teachers, Morgan will naturally like it.

Further down, the dwarves with good relations are Fili, Balin, Bofur, and Groin.

The rest of the dwarves have similar relationships.

Closer to home.

The death of the dwarf Nuoli made Morgan feel heavy in his heart, but there were also surprises and doubts.

Follow the expedition all the way.

Although many twists and turns are different from those in the memory plot.

But the final result is almost consistent with the main plot in memory.

That being the case, how could the dwarf Nuoli die here.

This plot is without Morgan's participation.

It would only be Qili who had the accident, or just an arrow in the foot.

Now with Morgan, Kili is fine.

On the contrary, Nuoli was hit by an arrow and died directly.

This made Morgan a little confused.

Speaking of which, Morgan still hadn't figured it out.

In such a fierce battle before, why did Nuoli suddenly run up the checkpoint?

It was still after Qili pressed the waterway control mechanism and opened the iron fence blocking the way below.

It's not for coming up to be a scapegoat.

In short, Nuo Li's death and his behavior before his death were somewhat beyond Morgan's understanding.

"Cough, cough, cough."

At this moment, Bilbo on his shoulder finally had more reactions.

Morgan immediately put him down, reached out and patted Bilbo's fat face: "Are you all right?"

Bilbo opened his eyes, saw Morgan in front of him and said slowly, "Where am I?"

"Where is it? Of course it's still on the surface of the water. It can't be at the bottom of the water."

Seeing Bilbo wake up completely, Morgan felt happy, and immediately asked Bilbo to look at the rushing river around him.

It also gave him a feeling, and put Bilbo back into the water, ready to let him lie on his stomach like before.

But looking at the pale Bilbo, Morgan failed to make a nearly drowned Bilbo hang out of the wine barrel again.

"Forget it, you come in, I'll go out!"

After finishing the words, without waiting for Bilbo's reaction, Morgan immediately jumped out of the barrel and pushed Bilbo in.

Bilbo was silent for some time.

When Morgan swam outside the barrel and pushed the barrel as close as possible to the shore.

At last Bilbo said, "Thank you, Morgan, for saving me again."

"Counting the last time in the Stone Mountain Range, you saved me twice."

Hearing Bilbo's words, Morgan shook his head and smiled, "You've paid me back once, so counting this time, it's still one time."

Seeing Bilbo's doubts, Morgan immediately explained: "You took the key to open the prison in the Elven Kingdom today, and you also took us out of the Elven Kingdom by water, all of these are all thanks to you, have you forgotten? "

See Morgan loudly affirming what he has done.

Bilbo smiled a little embarrassedly, then shook his head and said, "That's different, those are what I should do, we are partners."

Morgan also shook his head: "Then saving you is what I should do, we are partners, aren't we?"

Bilbo shook his head: "It's not the same."

Morgan: "Same."

Bilbo continued to shake his head: "It's still different."

Seeing Bilbo's insistence, Morgan shook his head: "Forget it, let's stop arguing about this, you really want to thank me, next time I'm in Shire, just treat me with the most sumptuous food and the best wine."

Bilbo's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately said, "That's sure to be all right, after this journey is over."

Morgan: "Call Gandalf again at that time."

Bilbo nodded. "That would be the best."

The further you go down, the wider the river, the wider the river, and the gentler the water flow.

Morgan stood outside the barrel, swimming and pushing Bilbo in the barrel to swim forward quickly.

After half an hour.

Finally, on the calm water ahead, Morgan saw three wine barrels floating on the water from afar.

Looking carefully, it was his students Kili, Fili and the dwarves Groin.

after an hour.

The four tall wine barrels floating on the water and the five people finally saw the shoal in the distance ahead.

A group of dwarves was waving at them.

"Are you all right?"

White Beard Balin stepped forward, looked at the drenched Morgan and Bill Bochley and said.

Morgan shook his head and said, "It's okay, the orcs can't do anything to us!"

Balin nodded and smiled: "I think so too."

On the shallows, Morgan swept the entire dwarves present.

There are twelve in total, just missing one Nuoli.

Morgan was about to speak.

Thorin Oakenshield suddenly said: "Since everyone has arrived, it's time to continue on the road."

"The orcs are still chasing after us, we can't stay here for too long."

After the words fell, the dwarf Oli immediately said, "Can we take Nuoli with me?"

Thorin Oakenshield immediately shook his head: "No, that will slow down our speed."

Ouli was a little dissatisfied: "Then what should we do, we can't leave Nuoli behind?"

As soon as Oli spoke, Morgan saw that everyone turned to the shallows.

Morgan looked over immediately, only to realize that there was a corpse under the cover of the two shabby clothes.

He just thought someone was drying the clothes.

"Find a place to bury it."

White Beard Bahrain sighed: "I'm sorry Ouli, none of us want to do this."

Dolly shook her head: "You're right, we don't want this."

"Then, bury it."

As Nuoli's older brother, Doli spoke, but as his younger brother Ouli, he didn't say anything.

It didn't take long, under the joint efforts of everyone.

In the wild grass on the shoal, because all the weapons seized from the orcs were lost in the previous drifting, everyone dug a hole with broken planks and stones.

Lift Noli in and cover it with soil.

Take the unknown wild flowers that Bilbo picked from the wild grass beside him.

Duo Li was the first to stand in front of Nuo Li's grave, and said softly, "I'm sorry brother, I can't take you home yet."

"Brother will pick you up after we arrive at Gushan."

Dolly said that she was the first to put wild flowers on the grave mound piled up with several stones.

Ouli was the second, looked at the second brother's new grave and said softly: "I will miss you"

After the words fell, Ouli's eyes were red and he couldn't cry.

Behind the two brothers, the others didn't have to be so particular about queuing up. Everyone stood in front of Nuoli's grave and said something, then put down the wild flowers in their hands.

When it was Morgan's turn, Morgan said softly, "This is a great expedition. We are all brave, and you are one of them. Rest in peace, brother."

After speaking, Morgan gently placed the wild flowers in his hand on the grave.

When Thorin Oakenshield finished speaking last, he put down the wildflowers and left.

This simple funeral is over.

Everyone quickly followed Thorin Oakenshield and strode forward.

Before leaving, Morgan glanced at the lonely and extremely simple new grave, watching the unknown wild flowers on the grave being blown by the autumn wind, flying into the sky one after another, and then scattered all over the world.

The expedition continued along the river bank.

After half an hour.

The sharp-eyed dwarf Fei Li excitedly pointed to the distance ahead and shouted: "Look there!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Philip's finger.

Immediately, I saw a small ferry crossing on the far bank of the river ahead.

The most important thing is that there is a ferry boat parked in front of the ferry.

Looking at the ferry ahead, everyone in the expedition team breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really nice to have a ship."

"Now we don't have to be afraid of those half-orcs chasing after us"

"We can just use it to go to Long Lake Town."

“We were so lucky”

"Yes, I finally don't have to run anymore, I can take a rest"

"I'm very hungry"

"Me too, I must eat my fill when I arrive in Changhu Town."

"I want to drink and eat roast venison."

"Damn, what you said, I'm even more hungry"


"Come on."

The expedition team immediately accelerated and moved forward quickly.

The dwarves chattered a lot.

With the distance is approaching.

Everyone in the expedition team quickly saw that there was no one on the simple ferry ahead.

The dwarves were immediately more excited.

This time Fei Li and Glo Yin were the fastest, they ran to the pier quickly, and they were about to jump onto the ferry.


An arrow suddenly shot at the wooden board on the ground in front of Fili.

When Groyin turned around and saw the human archer behind him, he immediately waved the wooden stick in his hand and was about to step forward.


The human archer fired another arrow.

It's just that the arrow landed on the stick that was no more than two fingers thick in Ge Luoyin's hand.

Groyin immediately froze on the spot.

"You can try again, I promise to shoot you to death!"

Bard held a longbow in his hand and warned Groin and Fili coldly, but his eyes were on a group of dwarves and a human behind the two dwarves.

 Thank you "Trooper1770" for another thousand rewards, thank you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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