Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 100 Death Appears 【Subscription】

Chapter 100 Death Appears 【Subscription】



One by one half-orcs were quickly shot to death by the sudden arrows behind them.

The half-orc troops immediately fell into a brief chaos when they noticed the sneak attackers, and the speed of rushing to the checkpoint dropped sharply.

"whoosh whoosh"

A large number of arrows shot out from the dense forest behind again.

This time, the half-orc finally saw clearly who the attackers were, and they were the wood elves who came from the dense forest behind them.

Leading the team was Legolas, the elven prince in beautiful silver mail armor, and Tariel, the elven female captain in brown leather armor over a green robe.

The appearance of the Wood Elf team immediately attracted the attention of the orc leader Borg.

Especially the two elves leading the way, a man and a woman, are extremely powerful.

With his superb bow and arrow skills, at least ten half-orcs died in the hands of these two elves in just a few breaths.

"Go, kill those elves!"

Borg waved his sword, hammer, bow and arrow and yelled at the wood elves on the other side of the river.

In the waterway below the checkpoint.

Everyone in the blocked expedition team also discovered the arrival of the wood elves at this time.

Seeing the half-orcs quickly fight with the wood elves, there was a glimmer of hope on everyone's faces.

With the wood elves participating in the battle, everyone in the expedition team below the checkpoint couldn't help but feel relieved.

Even knowing that these wood elves are here to hunt him and the others.

But in front of the Orcs, the biggest and most evil enemy in the whole Middle-earth world.

Compared with the grievances between the members of the expedition team and the wood elves, it is much worse.

The wood elves' participation in the battle seemed to give the entire expedition team a shot in the arm.

Even the half-orcs continued to rush forward without fear of death.

But the spiritual encouragement made everyone in the expedition team more and more courageous.

The half-orc continued to pounce wildly.

Everyone in the expedition resisted desperately.

Although everyone in the expedition team was trapped in the tall wooden barrel, they could not move easily.

But this is a fierce battle in the middle of a fast-flowing river.

The orc's first attack was the biggest threat to everyone in the barrel.

Once a blow fails, the half-orc can easily fall into the water.

In such a rushing current, it would be very difficult for him to simply float and stand still once he fell into the water, let alone continue to attack.

What's more, there is an attack from the expedition team.

This is also the reason why everyone dare not leave the wine barrel, let alone go ashore easily.

Blocked by the checkpoint building, the orc arrows could not easily shoot in, and everyone in the expedition team nestled below could continue to fight.

And if they go ashore, the dense crowd of orcs can easily drown any one of the expedition team.

What's more, there are still a large number of half-orc archers holding magic cave arrows waiting in the periphery.

Even Morgan would be dead if he went up!

The water in the waterway below the checkpoint turned red over and over again.

Under the command of the leader, the fearless half-orc continued to pounce.

Thorin Oakenshield and Dwarf Dwalin, who were squeezed into the innermost fence at the bottom of the checkpoint, couldn't wait.

They were squeezed in the depths, like a target, they could only accept and avoid the attacks of the half-orc archers on both sides of the river under the checkpoint, but they couldn't fight back.

Of course this is nothing.

The key is the timely attack of the wood elves, if everyone in the expedition team does not take this opportunity to escape quickly.

Once the orcs and wood elves decide the outcome, it doesn't matter which side wins.

The expedition team could not continue to go to the lonely mountain, and the day of Turin was just around the corner, and the time did not allow everyone to delay any longer.

"I can't wait any longer."

"We have to take this opportunity to leave immediately!"

"Dwalin, Kili, come with me!"

Thorin Oakenshield was about to climb out of the wine barrel as he spoke.

But he was pushed down by the irritable Godwalin, who looked at Thorin Oakenshield and shook his head: "Let me and Kili come."

Although the dwarves who were squeezed in the depths couldn't easily move the huge wine barrels under them, the people who pulled out the barrels could still move, just lower their bodies and move outward with the help of other barrels and other people.

At this time, Morgan Bilbo, Nori Feli, and Bombur were the closest to the outside.

Those who have been trying their best to deal with the orc attacks are also the unlucky ones.

At this time, Dwalin and Kili quickly climbed out.

Knowing the plan of the two, Morgan, who was about to go up, immediately said: "You two are not safe, I will go with you!"

After speaking, he threw out the stabbing spear he had just seized, and a half-orc who was about to pounce on him was immediately stabbed to death on the checkpoint.


With a low snort, Morgan turned out of the wine barrel first, stepped on Bilbo's head, and jumped towards the path next to the checkpoint.

Morgan was extremely fast, and neither Dwalin nor Kili was slow.

Dwalin knocked the orc's head out of his head and fell directly into the water.

Qi Li held a sharp arrow and stabbed the half-orc who was rushing towards him directly from his mouth to death.

The two dwarves turned over and jumped to the upper level, grasping the edge tightly and climbing up quickly.

As soon as Morgan jumped onto the level building, he noticed that a large number of orcs had been clearly restrained by the Wood Elf team.

The two sides fought fiercely, and although there were still many half-orcs around the checkpoint, they were obviously much less than before.

This is the opportunity for everyone in the expedition team.

Morgan waved the black thorny mace he got from the half-orc, and hit the head of the half-orc in front of him with one stick, sending flesh and brains flying everywhere.

The sound of footsteps approaching rapidly behind him, Morgan didn't even look at it, he picked up the mace with both hands and turned back, and turned back.


There was a sudden muffled sound.

The half-orc wielding a hatchet approached, but Morgan's stick instantly collapsed his chest and sent him flying.

Morgan's violence could not scare the orcs, and more orcs immediately rushed to Morgan on the level.

On the other side of the level, the dwarf Dwalin was fighting with a huge beheading knife he had taken from the orc.

Both Morgan and Dwalin held off the mass of orcs at either end of the level.

Qili, who was greatly relieved of pressure, waved his hand and stabbed a half-orc in front of him to death with an arrow, and immediately rushed to the organ that controlled the waterway in front of him.

At this moment, the half-orc leader Borg, who was concentrating on dealing with the wood elves in the distance, finally noticed this side.

Raising the long bow and aiming at Qili is an arrow.

Qili happened to bend down in order to avoid the arrow shot in front of him.

The arrow of the half-orc leader Borg flew over Kili's forehead, and instantly hit the half-orc who was rushing towards Kili in front of him.

He missed an arrow and saw the dwarves trying to run away.

Borg immediately yelled at the half-orcs on both sides: "Come on, kill the dwarves!"

More orcs immediately left the wood elves and rushed to the checkpoint.

But it was too late.

The last half-orc standing in front of him died, and Kili took the opportunity to rush to the handle of the mechanism controlling the water channel, and pressed down hard.


The iron fence of the waterway below began to be slowly opened.

Watching the dwarves open the mechanism, the orc leader Borg was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that the three people on the checkpoint in the distance ahead were about to run, Borg immediately drew out the arrow and raised the black longbow again.

He was about to aim at the three of them, but he didn't expect to see a better target.

A dwarf with a funny five-pointed star-shaped messy hairstyle just climbed out of the waterway level below and quickly climbed up the level.

Looking at the live target with the empty door behind him, Borg immediately changed his target without hesitation, raised his arrow and shot it.


The dwarf, who had just climbed the checkpoint and hadn't stood still, was hit by an arrow in his vest and fell straight to the river behind.




 Thank you "Trooper1770" book friend for another thousand rewards, and thank you "Qi Yi, Yan Zhao Erlang, Jun Moxiao, book friend 20208053, book friend 20176943" and other book friends for their rewards, thank you very much~~ Ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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