super zombie factory

Chapter 58 Alienator

Chapter 58 Alienator

The survivors who acted as bait were slaughtered by the licker who appeared in just five or six minutes when they were separated.

The licker gnawed at a corpse that was gushing blood. After being stained with blood, it was already red and became even more ferocious.

The zombies swarming on the street are frantically rushing towards the mutilated corpses.

The zombies circled and circled, forming a scene of grabbing food.

Thirsting for blood, the licker's belly swelled after it devoured the corpse.


The licker's gaze crossed the street and locked on to the direction of the convoy.

Without hesitation, it sprinted again, crawling on the buildings in the street, moving rapidly.

Every time, it inserted its claws into the wall, and claw holes appeared one after another.



Yan Yongchun narrowed his eyes and reported on the walkie-talkie.


Lin Sen cursed fiercely, his face twitched, and then he got out of the cab.He climbed onto the bed of the heavy truck and took the Type 03 automatic rifle that he had been carrying all the time into his hand.

The speed of the lickers is definitely a headache.

The appearance of a licker means that they have to use hot weapons, and they will waste a lot of bullets.

This is the end of the world, and it is very difficult to replenish bullets.

The bullets in his hand were almost made by hand, and each bullet was expensive.

Not only Lin Sen, but many people in the team became nervous.

"All speed up. After the exchange of fire, you must evacuate within 10 minutes." Lin Sen shouted on the walkie-talkie.

The sound of the firefight was enough to startle the zombies within a radius of one or two kilometers.

With the concentration of zombies here, 10 minutes is enough to turn this place into a sea of ​​corpses.Tens of thousands of zombies will instantly overwhelm them and become their food.

Yan Yongchun did not come down, but continued to stay on top.

The speed of the licker was very fast, and it appeared in the field of vision in less than a minute.It moved quickly, making a continuous sound, which was the sound it made when it crawled.


When approaching the convoy, the licker rubbed hard, cracked a wall abruptly, and jumped down.


Lin Sen roared, and fired first himself.

The power of the Type 03 automatic rifle is extremely penetrating.

Several team members with rifles all pulled the trigger while Lin Sen fired.

The rifles spit out flames, forming a web of bullets.

The licker is fierce, but it can't dodge bullets yet.The bullets from the rifle shot bloody flowers on its body.The muscles that have been strengthened and alienated by the virus contract every time they are hit, preventing the bullet from penetrating deeply.

In less than two seconds, the licker was already close at hand.

The bullet failed to stop the licker very effectively, making Lin Sen frown.

If possible, he hoped to kill the licker without touching it.

Getting entangled with a licker, any mistake, is fatal.

In the stronghold, there were also some alienated people. They thought they were powerful, but in the end they were still under the influence of hatred.

Alienation, in fact, is affected by the virus in the air, which makes the gene change and enhances the strength.It's okay to be affected, but it doesn't mean that the infection will be fine.

For low-level aliens like them, the infection is also fatal.

Only when a certain level of alienation is truly reached, one does not have to worry about being infected by the virus, because after the alienation reaches a certain level, the gene has already produced enough antibodies to resist the virus.


This level is beyond Lin Sen's reach.

Lin Sen threw the rifle in his hand, and pulled out two Nepalese guns from the scabbards tied to his thighs from left to right, and held them in his hands.

The licker is close at hand, if you don't stop it, once it gets close to the convoy, it will be a disaster for the convoy.

Lifting his feet, Lin Sen stepped on the edge of the heavy truck bucket, contracted his muscles, and shot up, facing the lickers from a distance.

Being able to become the captain of a team depends on what?

Only strength is the most reliable thing in this last days.

Yan Yongchun is an alienated person, a new human being; Lin Sen is also an alienated person, a new human being.

Compared with Yan Yongchun who is alienated in the direction of sensitivity, Lin Sen is alienated in the direction of strength.Sensitivity dissimilation will increase a little strength, and power dissimilation will also increase a little sensitivity.

Alienation can be divided into first-level alienation and second-level alienation...

Yan Yongchun is only a second-level alienation, but Lin Sen himself is a third-level alienation.

The third level of alienation allowed Lin Sen to beat ten ordinary people, or even twenty.

Ordinary zombies think in a straight line and don't know what dodging is at all, but the licker is different. The virus has a stronger impact on it, making its brain have a little instinctive reaction compared to ordinary zombies.

This kind of instinctive reaction will make it react when facing an attack.

Facing the approaching Lin Sen, the licker opened his mouth wide, rolling his long tongue towards Lin Sen.

Lin Sen, who rushed to meet him, forcefully twisted his body in the air.

The licker's tongue almost pierced Lin Sen's chest.


During the staggering, the sharp blade left a scar on the licker's body, from the head, through the neck to the stomach.

The biggest difference between humans and zombies is that humans have their own minds.

With one hit, the two sides staggered.

The licker is also a highly sensitive zombie. When it lands, wounds are nothing to it.It lost its pain perception, so it couldn't feel the damage of this blow at all.

It landed and immediately turned around and continued to pounce on Lin Sen.

Lin Sen was also not slow, he rolled over, and the Nepalese saber in his hand passed by.

The licker rushed towards Lin Sen and jumped over Lin Sen's head.

The sharp Nepalese saber was lifted up by Lin Sen and passed across the licker's abdomen.


The licker jumped to the ground, but its internal organs slipped out of its abdomen, carrying a puddle of black liquid.

Such a serious injury would have been fatal for an ordinary creature.

Lin Sen didn't dare to be careless, and stared at the licker with two knives in his hands.The licker can make mistakes, but he must not make mistakes, even if it hurts the fur, it is a fatal injury.

The licker moved slowly, its eyes fixed on Lin Sen, and it circled around Lin Sen.

The internal organs of the abdomen have been dragging on the ground, but this licker doesn't care.

Lin Sen licked his lips, he felt a little dry.


The next moment, the licker once again exerted strength in his limbs, and rushed towards Lin Sen explosively.

"Ahhh..." Lin Sen clenched the Nepalese saber in his hand, and ran towards the lickers.Almost the moment the licker jumped up, he also jumped up.

There was madness on Lin Sen's face, and his jumping ability made him higher than the lickers.



One after the other, two Nepalese army knives were inserted into the neck of the licker.

Lin Sen, on the other hand, was riding on the head of the licker.

The licker landed on the ground, trying to turn his head around and bite Lin Sen.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Sen suddenly exerted force on his arms, and the two Nepalese army knives cut back like scissors, forcefully twisting the licker's head off his neck.


The Licker, who lost his head, stood still for an instant.

Lin Sen stood up, panting heavily. The series of actions just now consumed a lot of his strength.


Lin Sen suddenly raised the Nepalese saber, and the black liquid on it was dripping.


With a roar, Lin Sen roared.

All the team members in the team responded.

In the last days, it is their luck to have such a brave captain.This means that they are stronger, they will gain more, and they will live better.

Lin Sen looked deeper into the city.

"One day, we humans will become the masters of this city again."

(I sincerely ask for a recommendation ticket...)
(End of this chapter)

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