I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2120 This is a transcendent

I'm really being bullied, right?

Zhang Mengyu looked at the menacing dozen or so ordinary soldiers, and suddenly stamped his feet and a dragon's roar burst out from his body, immediately shocking them all into a trance.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!" Facing these people, Zhang Mengyu didn't need to use any advanced martial arts at all. He raised his hand and knocked them all away with one palm.

According to Zhang Mengyu's preliminary judgment, the life level of these people has indeed reached the level of the ultimate life form, but they only possess the most basic physical fitness, speed, and strength.

At this level, even an ordinary guardian beast might not be able to beat it on the battlefield where thousands of races compete for hegemony.

If I had to describe it, the difference between a ninth-level guardian beast and them might be that of a tiger and a primary school student.

"What a powerful slave!" There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding people watching this scene, and a dozen ordinary warriors were knocked away at once. This kind of person may already have the strength of an elite warrior, or at least an advanced beginner!
Such a person even has the potential to be called a transcendent, but he is just a slave!
The man in blue armor riding the dinosaur looked at Zhang Mengyu with a surprised expression, but then his expression turned into one of provocation and eagerness to try.

"You are the strongest slave I have ever seen..." Before he could finish his words, Zhang Mengyu's figure rushed in front of him like a bolt of lightning, and he punched the dinosaur creature he was stepping on to the ground. on the ground, then grabbed his weapon, pulled him down, and threw him to the ground hard.

"I am a slave of Mansha Kingdom..."

"Who the hell is a slave? I'm your father!" Zhang Mengyu had such a bad temper that he raised his fist and hit him on the head.

I have to say that these people's strength is very average, but they are really capable of taking a beating. Zhang Mengyu's fist can definitely easily blow the head of an extremely powerful person in the Tao realm, but hitting them can only beat them until their noses are bruised and their faces are swollen. .

"What a fierce slave! Defeat an elite soldier with one move. I'm afraid his strength is not inferior to yours!" Seevat watched the scene of Zhang Mengyu beating the elite soldier. The expression on his face became more and more surprised. He still underestimated this slave. If he gets formal training, he might have a chance to become a transcendent!

After a few punches, the soldier had only half life left. Zhang Mengyu kicked his body away, "I'm warning you, it's best not to mess with me!"

Zhang Mengyu's brave performance obviously made the blue-armored soldiers a little timid. For a while, no one dared to move forward!
However, at this time, a harsh roar came from the sky, and several dazzling lights came from directly in front of them.

"Battleship?" Zhang Mengyu frowned. This was the first time he had seen this kind of war combining technology with hand-to-hand combat!
In an instant, a blazing light shot towards their direction. The energy contained in this light far exceeded the breath of some guardian beast-level monsters!

Zhang Mengyu immediately used Three Thousand Thunderbolts and dodged the light-controlled explosions of energy with great ease.

But not everyone can have such keen reactions and speed to dodge like Zhang Mengyu.

The diameter of the energy-related rays exceeds five meters. Anyone who is swept away will be evaporated almost instantly. There will even be violent explosions in the swept area. The side in the red armor will suffer heavy casualties immediately.

"Damn! They have support, but you don't have support?" Zhang Mengyu cursed angrily. The sky was already densely packed with enemy spaceships. Zhang Mengyu even began to be depressed about why the one he was killed by when he fell wasn't red. People from the other side, otherwise I should be the one with the advantage now!

But now it was clear that Zhang Mengyu couldn't help but choose the situation. His flexible and evasive figure actually attracted the attention of the spaceship pilots, and they even regarded Zhang Mengyu as the target of their tricks.

They knew very well that they had caused this battle, and they had made complete preparations beforehand. Their spaceships could arrive on the battlefield to support them as soon as possible, but it would probably take a lot of time for the Mansha Kingdom to do so. This time difference is enough to help them gain some advantages in the war!
Zhang Mengyu's expression became more and more angry as he dodged, "Damn it, are you going too far?"

Zhang Mengyu suddenly stopped dodging, and turned directly to face the menacing spaceships, "Why don't tigers show off their power? Do you think I'm Hello Kitty?" "Huh? That slave from the Mansha Kingdom stopped. ?" Several pilots who were flying the spacecraft exchanged words with each other.

The requirements for piloting this kind of spaceship are also very high, otherwise it will be impossible to see the enemy and target them while flying at extremely high speeds. Their physical fitness level has at least reached the level of a beginner, and their reactions and eyesight are extremely sharp.

"I guess you don't have the strength to continue running away, right?"

"But this slave is indeed quite powerful. Even the top elite warriors in our army can hardly escape our pursuit while riding a mount."

"Hahaha, if he doesn't die, after this war is over, let alone regaining his freedom, he might even be rewarded."

"Wait, look, what is that slave going to do?"

Several pilots who were chatting unexpectedly saw Zhang Mengyu stop and suddenly began to rush in their direction.


The hot energy rays once again shot densely in the direction of Zhang Mengyu.

"What kind of attack!" Zhang Mengyu gathered the energy in his hands and knocked away the energy of the light beam with his bare hands.

This scene shocked everyone. Even General Siwatt, who was watching the battle, opened his mouth slightly. "Being able to withstand this level of energy rays with a flesh and blood body probably requires the physique of a transcendent!"

"The Transcendent..." Charon next to him stared at Zhang Mengyu. As the son of a general, he actually felt envious, jealous and hateful toward a slave at this moment. He knew very well that if it were him, Facing such energy rays, there is no other ending for him except turning into ashes.

But this was just the beginning of Zhang Mengyu's counterattack, and the next scene left them stunned.

Zhang Mengyu jumped up, and a bunch of ray wings of condensed energy sprouted from his back, flying upward towards the sky.

"To break away from the shackles of the ground and fly into the sky, this is definitely a transcendent! How could this transcendent from the Mansha Kingdom get mixed up among the slaves?"

The morale of the blue-armored army was suddenly extinguished. A transcendent can dominate the outcome of a battle!
Zhang Mengyu flexibly shuttled through the energy rays and arrived at a battleship in an instant, and even made eye contact with a pilot who was driving it.

"Please tell me where this place is and what are you fighting about?"

The pilot let out a scream, quickly turned around and attacked Zhang Mengyu again.

"Summer insects cannot speak ice!" Zhang Mengyu also lost the idea of ​​communicating with them, took out a supreme weapon that he had kept, and struck at the spacecraft.

"Boom!" There was a violent explosion, and a battleship turned directly into brilliant fireworks in the sky. (End of chapter)

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