I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2106 Missy Arrives, Everyone Gets Out of The Way

Chapter 2106 Missy Arrives, Everyone Gets Out of The Way
"Humanity is beginning to catch up!"

As more and more people began to pay attention to the situation of mankind, they discovered that the points of the human race were soaring at a very terrifying speed. Every time the number jumped, it was 1000, 1000, 1, or even [-]!

This means that they are frantically slaughtering the monsters along the way!

In front of humanity's huge main city of Aiweier, the ultimate war fortress was frantically clearing the way. Some ignorant monsters wanted to intercept them, but they were already beaten into pieces by super-god cannons before they even got close.

"Hazy, a fifth-level monster appears in front! It's approaching us quickly!"

"It's okay, just hit it!" Zhang Mengyu didn't pay attention to the fifth-level monsters at all now. Even the sixth- and seventh-order monsters were vulnerable to this ultimate war fortress.

A moment later, a behemoth appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu. It was a creature that looked like a giant Western dragon. It was completely black, and the scales on its body were stronger than the hardest steel in the world.

After it came to this battlefield, it was almost invincible. Within its territory, the main cities of three civilizations were directly and ruthlessly destroyed by it, and even the three guardian beasts were devoured by it as food.

The giant city of Ewel is passing through its territory. For creatures like Warcraft, which have extremely serious territorial concepts, this behavior is like a provocation.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several blazing fireballs are heading towards the Ultimate War Fortress. The power of these fireballs can almost instantly kill a second-level or even third-level guardian beast!
However, the Ultimate War Fortress did not even have its defense system turned on. Its powerful structure allowed it to almost completely ignore attacks of this level. Even those fireballs were unable to leave a single trace on the shell of the Ultimate War Fortress.

The monster showed a puzzled expression, and then its whole body actually began to accelerate, as if it wanted to use its body to directly destroy the fortress!
The length of this ultimate war fortress is about 1.2 kilometers, while the body length of this monster is almost 10 kilometers. This huge gap even has some disparities.

"Speed ​​up and hit it!" Zhang Mengyu sneered. Comparing strength with the ultimate war fortress?Even the seventh-level monsters can't do it. Are these fifth-level monsters trying to rebel?
The Ultimate War Fortress suddenly started to speed up. Zhang Mengyu had tried it. Once it left 100 kilometers around Ewell City, it would immediately lose power.

But the short 100 kilometers simply couldn't support it to complete the acceleration, so the War Fortress directly circled the human giant city of Aiweier several times, almost increasing the speed to the maximum, and then crashed directly into the Warcraft.


The monster exploded like a watermelon, and its entire body was immediately shattered into pieces.

"Kill level 5 monsters and get 100 million points!" A notification sounded in the ears of all humans.


The humans standing on the city wall watching the excitement suddenly burst into cheers. The strength of this ultimate war fortress simply exceeded their imagination. It actually crushed even the fifth-level monsters!
After this astonishing impact, the war fortress showed no scratch marks at all. Such intensity even surprised Zhang Mengyu.

"Good guy, you're really tough!" Even Zhang Mengyu didn't expect the strength of this ultimate war fortress. A fifth-level guardian beast couldn't even scratch off a piece of its patent leather!

Zhang Mengyu casually collected the things it dropped. The things dropped by a fifth-level magic beast were simply luxurious, but most of them did not have much effect on Zhang Mengyu. A beast god crystal directly Throwing it to Qinglong, only one scroll made him feel good.

Ultimate Wormhole Scroll: Create a huge wormhole directly based on the coordinate position. The diameter of the wormhole can accommodate a city at most and can only be used once. "What a good thing!" Zhang Mengyu chose to use it directly without hesitation, because his destination was too far away from here. According to the flight speed of this city, even after a long period of acceleration, it would be difficult to Accelerating to a sufficient speed, and in such a huge city, Zhang Mengyu would not be able to build a powerful driving engine to achieve curvature flight for a while.

This scroll is undoubtedly a timely help!
In an instant, the space in front was like a piece of cloth torn open by scissors. In that hole was endless darkness. But facing the darkness, no one felt fear, only excitement.


In the early civilization of God, all the warriors have returned to the giant city at this moment.The adventurers they sent were all killed by humans and no one survived, but before they died, they passed the relevant information back.

In this month, Shenchu ​​Civilization has ranked first in points.In comparison, the cost-effectiveness of the points gained from killing Warcraft is really low, and conquering other races is the most efficient.

Thousands of civilizations were destroyed under their power, and the number of deaths was astronomical. Now they have enough time and energy to deal with the wrath of humans, but no one knows how long they can last under human attacks. They went from being hunters to being prey.

All the warriors of the Shenchu ​​Civilization are wearing robes. In their hierarchy, white robes are the ordinary level, blue robes are the warrior level, and black are the legendary level. And standing at the forefront of the city of the Shenchu ​​Civilization is the Shenchu ​​Civilization The only warrior among them was wearing a golden robe.

This is the only mythical-level warrior in this era of the early civilization of God. Warriors and legends can single-handedly defeat a guardian beast, and mythical-level warriors have to kill a third-level guardian beast alone!

With his strength, he could have left this world long ago, but for the sake of his race, he resolutely chose to stay here, waiting for his race to climb to the top again.

But he regrets it now, because what he saw was not necessarily the dominance of the early Shenchu ​​civilization again, but most likely the decline of the early Shenwen civilization. He believed that if humans had such a mobile city, I am afraid that Their primitive civilization was the first to face their revenge!

"They turned the entire city into a mobile fortress. How did they do it?" Tifa had a sad look on his face. He had absolutely no confidence in defeating the human race with countless ancient relics.

"The eldest lady is here, all of you will get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a sound echoed around the entire city. Everyone was looking for the source of the sound, but no one saw anything strange.

"The eldest lady is here, all of you will get out of the way!"


"What the hell, who adjusted my voice pack to this?"

With a burst of curses, a huge black hole opened in the sky, and a huge city slowly moved out of the black hole with a spacecraft clearing the way.

Zhang Mengyu's face was apt. He was obviously using a cool and awesome BGM, but who knew it would turn into this damn thing.

But no one from the early civilization of God could laugh, because today there is a great possibility that their entire race will disappear on this battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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