I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1869 We will be there immediately

Chapter 1869 We will be there immediately
"Honey, these fireworks are so beautiful!" Lu Yiyao at the other end of the screen is still as youthful and beautiful as before.

"Yo, is this the patriarch's wife?"

"Hi sister-in-law! My sister-in-law is so beautiful!"

"Sister-in-law, did you see that, these are the fireworks specially prepared for you by our boss, so put your heart into it!"

"This bastard!" It's not that Elder Xi and the others didn't hear Zhang Mengyu's conversation. They were desperately attacking the city over there, and this damned Gu Xiao actually used the waves formed by their energy attacks as fireworks to coax his wife!

However, the defensive power of the formation formed by the dragon veins is too strong. They really did not expect that [-] strong men in the Dao realm would be so helpless in the face of the formation formed by a first-rank martial artist.

"How did this kid arrange such a powerful formation in such a short period of time?" Elder Xi and the others became more and more surprised as they fought. He even had a vague feeling that this formation could never be destroyed. break in general.

"Elder Xi, do you feel that the color of this dragon vein is getting stronger?"

"This formation seems to be using our power to strengthen the dragon veins!"

"Everyone stop!"

After Elder Xi gave an order, everyone immediately stopped attacking, and the entire Xuanyun City regained its calm.

"Our attack is useless," Elder Xi said, "This formation is too strong, and our attacks are too scattered. We have to keep attacking at one point to have a chance to break this formation. Listen to me." Order, join forces to attack a little!"

The [-] elders each began to accumulate energy, preparing to perform their most powerful move.


The [-] attacks directly hit a point of the formation. This time, the entire Xuanyun City shook violently, and the scale-like protective shield appeared again. This combined attack was still blocked, but in On the formation, there were some fine cracks, and the color of the dragon veins did not continue to deepen.

"It's useful!" Elder Xi and the others' eyes lit up, "There is a limit to the energy absorbed by this dragon vein. As long as our attack exceeds the upper limit of what he can absorb, it can't absorb any more! We will attack according to this rhythm, Sooner or later they will be able to break through their iron walls!"


Seeing the hope, the elders of Shenxuan Palace immediately became energetic.

"Boss, this formation seems to be unable to hold on!" Seeing this scene, everyone became a little worried.

"I don't plan to hide here for the rest of my life. According to my current ability, this formation can only go so far, but it is enough to support us until our reinforcements arrive!"

Zhang Mengyu roughly estimated that according to the attack frequency and intensity of these elders, it would take ten days and a half a month, so much time is enough.

"Where are our reinforcements?"

"What's the rush, let's get in touch now!" Zhang Mengyu said, and started to get in touch with the first person, Yi Yang, the owner of Shennong Valley!

Of course, Zhang Menglong definitely didn't know the owner of the Shennong Valley. The two of them didn't have any contact before this, and they must have met the elders of the Shennong Valley a few times.

But with Goudan around, there was hardly any information that he couldn't find.


Zhang Menglong didn't expect that in Shennong Valley, the owner Yi Yang was also listening to the report of several elders, talking about things related to Zhang Menglong.

"Oh? This kind of thing happened? Did this group of outer disciples really go to Xuanyun City?" Yi Yang actually had a bit of admiration on his face.

Three years ago, he was actually very concerned about the assessment of the superpowers. He had also heard of Gu Xiao's name, but he didn't expect that in just three years, he had grown to such an outrageous level, and there was even a group of people with him. Together with him, he became a disciple of the Sunset Sect. This group of people is simply a group of people with unlimited potential.

"Yeah, I guess they have already had a head-on conflict with the people from Shenxuan Palace."

"What's the attitude of the Sunset Sect?" Yi Yang asked.

"They didn't make any movement, it seemed that they were allowed to mess around."

"Then this time, it's more dangerous than good for them," Yi Yang said, "With people like them, a few elders are enough for them to drink a pot, and outsiders don't have the guts to go to Xuanyun City to make trouble, even if he gives the reward No amount of richness is possible.”

At this moment, Yi Yang's communicator rang.

His face suddenly became very serious. He has several communication channels, and now this one is connected to some very important elders, and he has told him not to use it lightly when there is nothing important. It can only be used when there are certain things.

He still clearly remembered that the last time he used this thing, a group of elders had a conflict with the elders of Shenxuan Temple and were trapped in a valley. At that time, it was the Great Elder who came forward to resolve the matter.

"Hi, Master Gu!" Unexpectedly, the person who contacted him was not any elder, but a young man whom he had never met before.

"Master Gu, it's Gu Xiao!" Immediately, an elder recognized him.

"Gu Xiao?" Yi Yang stared at Zhang Mengyu suspiciously, "How do you have my contact information?"

"Hey, it's a little presumptuous, but something urgent happened and I need the owner's help, so I will disturb the owner."

"Looking for my help?" Yi Yang suddenly became interested, "Gu Xiao, if you are in trouble, you should be looking for the Sunset Sect. How did you find my Shennong Valley, and why do you think I will help you?"

"Tell me first, what do you want me to do for you?" Yi Yang added.

"Here, look," Zhang Menglong projected a picture of the group of elders of Shenxuan Hall who were attacking madly.

"This group of old and immortal things want to attack the city. We have no choice but to find help."

"Rescue? Could it be that one of us Shennonggu will tear himself apart for you and Shenxuan Palace?" Yi Yang smiled. Zhang Mengyu's talent is really good. If he was from Shennonggu, he might really think about it. .

But now, he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Is Master Gu willing to help?" Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "It's a pity, if you accidentally break the Zun Wang Ding while fighting with them, it would be too wasteful."

"What did you just say? Say it again!"

Yi Yang originally planned to terminate the conversation with Zhang Mengyu, but when he heard these words, he immediately stopped.

Zunwang Ding, this is the strongest medicine tripod handed down when Shennong Valley was still in the ancient cave.

According to the previous ancient sayings, this thing is an untransmitted secret treasure of Shennong Valley!Not only can it greatly increase the success rate of the ammunition, it is said that it also contains all the alchemy cheats and prescriptions that Shennonggu has so far.

As Zhang Mengyu said, he took out a blue medicinal cauldron.

The moment Yi Yang saw this thing, his pupils dilated several times, and even his breathing became short of breath.

This thing can be called the most important and most valuable treasure in Shennong Valley in ancient times. Yi Yang even had a mission to find Zunwang Ding, but after searching for so long without any results, it unexpectedly appeared in front of him now.

"Master Gu, if I am killed and my things are taken away by the people from Shenxuan Palace, then I can't help it!"

"Persist a little longer!" Yi Yang hurriedly said, "We'll be there right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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