I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1813 Let me sleep first

Chapter 1813 Let me sleep first

"How much people hate this Shenxuan Temple, why does everyone want to rub them on the ground?" Cang Meng's explanation made Zhang Mengyu a little curious.

This sentence also made Cangmeng show a helpless smile, "Not only our Sunset Sect, you can almost hear such words in any other 16 superpowers."

"Are they really that much?"

"It's more than excessive, it's simply domineering!" Cang Meng said, "Among the 18 super sects, the inheritance left by their Shenxuan Temple is relatively the largest in number, the highest quality, and the highest degree of integrity."

"This is still a question of background. The number of founders of our other sects is at most two or three people, and there are five founders of their Shenxuan Temple, so it is really difficult for other superpowers to compare with them."

"I heard that they often compete with other superpowers for resources?"

"It's fine if you fight for it," Cang Meng sneered, "Everyone is really not afraid to fight with swords and guns, but their disciples are also insidious and cunning, and they will do everything It turns out that the means are extremely bad."

"You should have heard the story of that senior brother, right?"

"Well, I heard Elder Qi mention it." Zhang Mengyu nodded, "It is said that the cause of that incident was also a conflict about resources between Shenxuan Temple and our Sunset Sect."

"Actually, under normal circumstances, those senior brothers and sisters would hold on for a few hours until our Sunset Sect's reinforcements would be no problem," Cang Meng said, "but those people from Shenxuan Temple used extremely despicable methods. It releases a kind of poison, which can make people's energy disorder, and once they fight, they are likely to be severely injured by their own energy backlash."

"It's really shameless." Zhang Mengyu originally thought they were just arrogant and domineering, but they didn't expect such despicable behavior.

"You should know what happened later. Senior Brother Lei Poguan killed them directly in the Shenxuan Hall by himself, and severely injured their vitality." When he said this, Cang Meng showed a proud expression on his face, " Since then, Shenxuan Palace has become like a bird of fright for 20 years."

"Are they branching out again now?"

"After a long period of development, they have cultivated a large number of disciples through the resources they plundered by various means before, and they have gradually returned to their former scale. All these years, they have become arrogant and domineering again. .”

Speaking of this, Cang Meng suddenly opened his shirt, only to see a big scar on his chest, as if directly pierced by some blunt object.

"The last time we found a batch of spiritual objects in a mining area that belonged to us, logically speaking, this mining area belongs to us, and the things found here should belong to us." When talking about this, Cang Meng also gritted his teeth.

"But this matter was known by the people of Shenxuan Temple. They insisted on talking about geniuses and treasures. Those who were destined to know about it broke into our mining area and snatched those spiritual objects."

"Do the people above them not care about this kind of thing? Let their disciples mess around?"

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The lower beam is crooked like this. Can there be no shadow of the upper beam?" Cang Meng shook his head, "Many of their elders are the ones left after being killed by Senior Brother Lei. Those who were promoted from the batch of disciples, they had a lot of dissatisfaction with our Sunset Sect."

"So, many things were ordered by them?"

"If it wasn't for those elders' instructions, I don't think they would have the guts to do so. It would be suspected of causing friction between the sects," Cang Meng said after getting dressed, "We lost 7 people in that battle, and I almost became the 8th!" indivual!"


"Finally, Elder Abandoned took action and killed 70 of them!"

"Good kill!" Zhang Menglong seemed to read a cool article at this moment, if you kill me once, I will kill you ten times.

"Afterwards, things got quite serious, but Shenxuan Temple was already in the wrong, so we didn't pursue it any further. However, the relationship between our two factions deteriorated further. Almost every time there was friction, there were serious injuries and even death."

"It seems that there are still fewer kills," Zhang Meng shook his head, "If this kind of thing happens to me in the future, he will kill one, and I will kill a hundred! If there are not enough kills on the spot, I will rush directly to the Shenxuan Hall to kill .”

"Hahaha, I am looking forward to such a day, remember to call me when the time comes."

"This Sunset Sect is not bad." Zhang Menglong looked at the back of Cang Meng's leaving, no matter whether it was his own strength that conquered Cang Meng, at least he didn't feel that this person was annoying, and the whole Sunset Sect was quite harmonious on the whole.

"Here we come, brothers, the benefits are here!" Zhang Menglong turned around and waved to all the intern disciples.

"Long live the patriarch!"

Cang Meng left a total of 100 million contribution points to Zhang Mengyu. These are estimated to be all the income he earned during his tenure as the student president. After allocating 100 points per person, Zhang Mengyu still has 18 contribution points left, which should be quite generous. wealth.

"Little guys, gather, I'll take you to the Sunset River!"

At some point, Qi Congyun had arrived at the residential area of ​​the intern disciples, and under his leadership, everyone headed towards the core of the Sunset Sect.

"You follow me closely along the way. If you fall behind halfway, you will be responsible for the consequences. For the students who manage order, if the intern disciples are active in the area within the outer courtyard without anyone leading them, this is a moving contribution point."

Qi Congyun's words made everyone a lot more honest.

It seems that they specifically avoided the areas where students are most active. Most of the areas they passed were gardens and other areas in the Sunset Sect. It seemed that there were activities of monsters in those gardens, and there would be some monsters from time to time. roar.

When viewed from the outside of the island, it seemed that the entire Sunset Sect was only this small, but after flying for half an hour, they actually transferred to the spaceship, and it took another two hours to arrive at the area where the Sunset River is located.

"This thing counts as a river?" Zhang Mengyu looked at the endless "river" in front of him and felt the same as many people. Its area may be larger than all the oceans on the earth. "

"From now on, you all have a chance to enter this sunset river," Qi Congyun said, "This time, no matter the time, as long as you have the ability, you can soak here for three days and three nights. What I want to tell you is In the future, 1000 contribution points will only be enough to soak in the Sunset River for an hour."

"So expensive?"

"Then I have to soak for a while today."

"I have downloaded all the TV series, and I can watch them while soaking."

After hearing this news, everyone is ready to fight a long battle here.

But after hearing their conversation, Qi Congyun showed a meaningful smile, "You have a good idea, but it is very difficult to soak here for more than an hour."

"Isn't it?"

"Isn't it just a bath?"

"Hahaha, I can tell you that so far, the highest record for interns soaking in the Sunset River is 72 minutes, and the average time is only 22 minutes."


"So short?"

"What is the magic of this river water?"

"I've only heard that this river water can help us cleanse the energy in our bodies, and it's also related to the supreme secret method of the Sunset Sect, the Nine Serene Sunset Jue."

"Elder, what is the highest record in the entire Sunset Sect?"

"Lei Po, he stayed in the Sunset River for a maximum of 31 days!"

"Give way, everyone!" Just as the others were still surprised by this record, Zhang Mengyu came over with a swimming ring and a blindfold on his forehead.

He jumped into the sunset river with a plop, and then put the blindfold on his eyes casually, "Please be quiet, everyone, I'll sleep first."

(End of this chapter)

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