I can see the finals

Chapter 97 'Prison' Lock Jungle (End)

Chapter 97 'Prison' Lock Jungle (End)

Traps can't kill a normal player in seconds, but people... can!
Due to the "Arrow Rain" triggered by Qingqing Morning, the other members of the Ivory Tower were forced to leave the "safe position" in order to avoid it, thus causing all members to be recruited.

Before the sound of the bell faded away, Xiao Chong suddenly rushed out from the grass on the right, and punched Qing Qingchen, who had tripped over the rope and was just about to get up, seized the opportunity and climbed onto the latter, Lock your neck with your arms.

Luo Qing's scimitar hidden in the dark came later and cut Qing Qing Chen's throat.

On the other side, more than a dozen migratory locust rocks struck from the dark, covering the two people who were dismantling the trap, instantly turning them into 'sieves'!
The bell gradually weakened, and the light of noon was taken away by the damage of the bullet knife and the bleeding effect of the Kadi stab.

Twilight hit the "Rolling Stone" which had been camouflaged by vegetation and was in a static state, and it was triggered immediately. It was crushed by the boulder and fell into a dizzy state.

In the end, passers-by shoot, bend the bow and shoot arrows, and take it away!

The ringing of the bell disappeared completely, the vegetation blown by the 'strong wind' stopped shaking, and the jungle returned to calm.

From stepping on the trap, Qiqi's team members made a move, to the final destruction of the ivory tower, it only took four seconds!
If it was more accurate, it might be three o'clock, and four seconds would be useless.

This was the fastest team battle in the history of PGL. The five members of the Ivory Tower had no power to parry, and they couldn't even escape, so they were wiped out by Qi Qi in an instant.

On the commentary station, when the director found out that there was a battle here, he just switched the camera, and the people in the ivory tower were all dead.

Yi Yan looked bewildered: "The fight... is it over?"

Like him, Muzi opened her mouth wide in surprise, and didn't know what to say for a moment. After a few seconds, she said in a difficult voice: "They fought too fast, I think it should be the ivory tower and they stepped on the pile of traps. Then it was wiped out by Qiqi with the trap.

But having said that, did Qiqi and the others... break the record? "

Yi Yan seemed to have come to his senses, and shouted excitedly: "Yes, in four seconds, Qiqi and the others broke the record for the fastest team battle held by TNT in PGL!"

Muzi couldn't help but marvel: "I remember TNT is eight seconds, which is half as fast, it's really incredible..."

Yi Yan still hadn't recovered from Qiqi's miraculous performance at this time, and swallowed: "The game will end in a while, and the director must play this team battle, I really want to see the scene at that time gone."

At this time, the fans who were watching the first-person view of Qi Qi were all silent.

They are the ones who can feel it most intuitively. Some people didn't see it clearly, but just in a daze, the information about the death of the ivory tower flashed across the screen in an instant.And those who have never shown any scenes, they only have one thought in their minds - too incomprehensible!
If before today, someone said that the trap expert was at the T0 level, and that one person could severely damage a team, then he must have drunk too much and was talking nonsense.

But now... completely different.

Because no one thought that when the number of traps increased and combined together - it would be so terrifying!
There are so many traps in the jungle that the ivory tower broke into, so many that even if they know there are traps, they still inevitably step on them.

It is not unjust for them to be eliminated, after all, this is a trap that was assembled with the efforts of the entire team...

With an unimaginable number of traps, this place is no longer a jungle, but more like a heavily guarded prison. The traps are like iron locks, and everyone who breaks into this place is firmly locked and cannot escape.

And once a team is destroyed, Qiqi can also pick up their supplies and replace them all with new traps for replenishment, there will never be any shortage!

As long as... this place has not been brushed away.

Then Qiqi is invincible, no one can cross this large chain of traps, and no one can escape.

As long as... the final circle is here!



Of course the finals are here, the fans' worries are not a problem at all.

After eliminating the ivory tower, Ding Wen finally got his first elimination point in this competition.

He could get more elimination points, but the others grabbed it too fast, before the bleeding effect ended, the ivory tower was already dead.

One elimination is one elimination, Ding Wen is actually not very eager to kill, teammates take the same, and it is fine if they can win.

He knows that outside of the game, there are many fans watching, expecting them to break the spell and break out of PGL this year, so Ding Wen is not only for himself, but also to live up to their support.

Presumably, today's performance must have given them more confidence in Qi Qi.

"Lick the bag and continue changing the trap."



Go back to the commentary desk.

Yi Yan is still discussing the topic just now with Muzi.

"DW's miraculous performance gave me a sudden new inspiration. Do you think other auxiliary professions can... win by numbers?"

When Muzi heard his words, he thought about it seriously, and then replied: "Most occupations are difficult, such as medicine king, octagonal chess player, etc. The number of them is not necessarily a good thing. If you have to choose one, I think It might be a psychic."

Yi Yan pondered: "Psychic media can indeed, its 3+3 zombies and ghosts all have certain attack power..."

Muzi smiled and shook his head: "The play style centered on the support profession is too difficult and too restrictive. Don't look at Qiqi's victory with traps just now, but all the supplies of the team are concentrated on DW. Assuming the finals If you don’t use it here, the whole system will collapse, and you won’t be able to fight in the future!”

Yi Yan: "Well, you are right, it is indeed too restrictive."

At this time, a battle broke out on the other side of the field, and the main perspective immediately cut over.

Yi Yan took the time to glance at the whole scene, and found that Qiqi's people hadn't left, they were still in the jungle after picking up the boxes from the ivory tower.

"Are you so confident?" He couldn't help but have this question in his heart.

We have already played two games today, and this is the third game. DW, a new player who joined Qiqi, is still unpredictable.

Yi thinks he understands the game pretty well, but sometimes he just can't understand what DW is thinking.

That was the case in the first game, and it is... now.

It was clearly an unknown circle, but he seemed to have a well-thought-out idea, as if he had expected it a long time ago, firmly believing that the place he chose must be the final circle.

This feeling... It's amazing, and it's hard to describe.

The last person who gave Yi Yan the same feeling was Bai Mu, the commander of the PGK Five Elements team. He also often did things that others couldn't understand, but he finally found a reason to explain it.

But there seems to be no reason for DW to do these things, at least others can't find it, only he knows it.

If you compare the two, they actually have many similarities.

They are operational geniuses with a deep understanding of the terrain.

From the first game, DW's four-person stance, Yi Yan knew that the command of this newcomer was definitely not easy. Facts have proved that they did get the first place in that game.

This is terrain understanding.

In the second round, Qiqi still entered the top three despite the disadvantaged circle, and DW's operation contributed a lot.

In the current round, which is the third round, Yi Yan not only saw his operation and terrain understanding ability, but also saw his terrifying memory ability.

Only by relying on a strong memory can one be familiar with each team's play style at different stages and in different circles, so as to avoid it and pass through it unscathed.

In these respects, he is not inferior to Shiraki, the recognized top conductor....

And it is such a commanding genius who has been unknown before, and has never been mentioned by anyone.

Thinking of this, Yi Yan couldn't help becoming more and more interested in this player named DW.

 Thank you for the reward I hate loneliness but can't drive away, the Taoist who fills the sea, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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