I can see the finals

Chapter 95 'Prison' lock jungle (2)

Chapter 95 'Prison' Lock Jungle ([-])

The jungle in front of them is mostly dominated by 'clumps', and there are not many 'forests'. According to the general memory of this terrain in the light of noon, there are seven or eight giant trees with a height of more than ten meters standing around the most central.

As long as they come under the tree, it means that they have traveled halfway, and then walk the same distance, they can go through the jungle and go to the Pyramid of Moco.

The crisp birdsong and the faint chirping of insects came from the forest from time to time. The night of dawn took the lead, taking over the position of the light of noon and walked at the forefront. While walking, he paid attention to the information from the paper figurine in front of him.

"Damn, why can't these long branches of weeds be destroyed!" Walking in the second dusk, Dusk brushed away the 'clutter' in front of him, and habitually complained: "Taller than people, it's so annoying! "

"No way, the setting of the game is like this." The light of noon was also disturbed by these densely packed things, but as he said, the game mechanism cannot be destroyed. Oil barrels, otherwise the collective set fire, how can this map be played.

While the two were chatting, Dawn Night at the front seemed to feel something, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Why don't you leave?" Noonlight asked him curiously.

"It seems...someone." Li Mingye's face was heavy, then he closed his eyes and tried to feel something, and finally replied weakly: "My paper man... is gone."


Li Mingye took a deep breath, although he really didn't want to admit this fact, but he still said: "There should be Qianshou Tang here, all my paper figurines were destroyed at once, they must have been hit by hidden weapons!"

This is the limitation of psychic mediums. Although many derivatives can be summoned, they are all cannon fodder after all. Each paper doll has only a little blood, and it will be wiped out if it is touched casually, so it is reasonable for them to disappear in an instant. in the matter.

What's more, Liming Ye's position in the team is a tool man, the kind who specializes in dirty and tiring work. It is difficult to concentrate supplies on him, and those good supplies are given to other teammates.If he has a good psychic summoner, like a 3+3 zombie, who doesn't die as easily as a paper doll, he may be able to figure out what's going on in front of him.

Now, he can only guess.

Guess that Qianshou Tangmiao dropped these paper figurines, but he doesn't know anything else.

Although Noonlight was a bit conceited, he was still decisive when it was time to be decisive: "Try not to miss your footsteps, and return along the same path!"

Now that they have discovered an ambush, they will definitely not move forward at Noonlight. It is a good thing to find out in advance, at least they can retreat earlier and avoid entering the opponent's ambush circle.

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, I found it, or else I've been tricked again."

While rejoicing at Noonlight, he also wondered: Is it a department store?There seems to be no other team in the lower right corner of the map, right?
He just couldn't understand, if it was a department store, why they didn't go to the center of the map, but came here and chose to be a lyb.

With doubts in mind, the five of them turned around, lowered their footsteps, and retreated the way they came.

But after walking a few steps, a rustling sound suddenly and clearly entered everyone's ears, like someone's footsteps on the grass, and the distance was still very close.

Noonlight immediately made a gesture, signaling the team to stop temporarily.



"Are there any paper figurines left? They seem to have sent someone to copy our way."

"I can only summon the last two." Li Mingye thought for a while and said, "But I can use Hit to change people."

"No, that thing is too bulky, and it is easy to be caught by harder grass branches."

"Then I can't help it." Li Mingye spread his hands helplessly, feeling aggrieved.

Tmd, he doesn't give supplies, but still wants to play a role, how is this possible, how can he have so many summons.

Hearing that the footsteps were always hovering nearby, hiding in the tall grass, they didn't dare to look for each other. Under pressure, Noonlight could only grit his teeth: "Leave him alone, open the formation and push outward."

As soon as the words fell, the five of them changed their formation immediately, and the shape of Cong became a cross, with one front, one middle, two sides, and one rear.

The twilight of dusk begins, the light of noon is in the middle, the left wing of the east at dusk, the right wing of the green morning, and the light of dawn hangs behind.

In any case, even if Ivory Tower is an immature team, it is still a professional team of PGL. In the face of sudden events, their ability to adapt is extremely fast, and they immediately adjusted to the best position.

"Be careful, watch out for their sneak attacks!"

At noon light's order, the five of them began to travel at an even speed, always paying attention to the movement of the grass around them.

As their formation changed, the sound of footsteps gradually receded, getting lower and lower, until it was barely audible.

"Leaving?" Feeling the sound of footsteps going away, several people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They didn't go deep into the jungle themselves, they only walked a quarter of the way, and the way back and forth was only seven or eighty meters. As long as they were careful, they would be able to leave here soon.

Of course, the 80 meters in the jungle is naturally different from the 80 meters on the flat ground. Their speed will be slowed down by the complicated terrain. Even if they seem to be close at hand, they still need a certain amount of time.

"Which team is the opposite team? It's so dark." East of Dusk on the left wing said in a low voice.

"I don't know." Noon Light pondered: "Judging from the footsteps, they should have given up the sneak attack and walked away. But no matter what, we must remain cautious and avoid—"


In the middle of his speech, Dusk East suddenly cursed loudly, and then heard a plop in his voice in a panic.

The sound was clear and heavy, as if it had fallen.

Several people's hearts suddenly tightened, and they looked to the left.

Seven or eight meters away, a large living person who was originally fine, at this time... has disappeared!

Very abruptly, it disappeared out of nowhere before the eyes of the four people.

"It's okay, I fell into the pit." Twilight Dong pouted, as if spitting out the dirt in his mouth: "md, is there a pit here? Why didn't I remember it?"

There are also pits in the Mayan jungle, but not as many as in the sand city. Because the jungle terrain is too tortuous and complicated, it will be more difficult to remember these pits.

Hearing that he was safe and sound, Noonlight heaved a sigh of relief. He was the closest to the East of Dusk: "Wait, I'll go and save you."

But at this moment, Dawn Ye after hanging up seemed to have discovered something, and his face changed suddenly: "Old Guang! Don't move!"

But it was too late for him to speak.

In four words, the light of noon has already taken two steps.

It was these two seemingly inconspicuous steps that made him escape...'the way'.

As if the sound of a button being unbuttoned, he stepped on a small box the size of a beetle, and it bounced outward with a snap!

The noon light hadn't looked down to see what was under its feet.

A row of raised ground thorns jumped out of the ground, and in an instant, pierced through the soles of his feet!
(End of this chapter)

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