I can see the finals

Chapter 93 Unprecedented Play

Chapter 93 Unprecedented Play

The first stage comes and the circle appears.

According to the planned tactical play, Ding Wen saw the position of the final circle, calculated the safest route, and the team began to transfer.

[Survivor] Among all the maps, the Maya Jungle has the slowest tempo. Perhaps in normal road platoon games, the tempo may be slightly faster, but in the professional league, the Mayan Jungle has a very low team size in the first three stages. Even if it reaches the fourth stage, it will not increase too much.

As long as there are trees and grass, any place is a garrison and a shelter.

Therefore, in such a peaceful atmosphere among the teams, the sudden abnormal movements of the [-]th team immediately attracted the attention of the commentator and all the audience.

Yi Yan couldn't help exclaiming: "What is Qiqi going to do? Do you want to find a team to play with?"

Muzi didn't answer, but her guess was similar to Yi Yan's. This was only the first stage, and the circle had just come out, so there was no certainty, but seven or five people left immediately?
Because there are no cars on the Maya map, the players are all on foot, so it is difficult for people to guess whether Qiqi has the intention of attacking other teams or is transferring.

Fortunately, after a while, Qiqi's intentions were discovered.

They are transferring.

Hiking, trekking... make a diversion!
It can be clearly seen from the map that their whereabouts are concealed, and they are moving forward safely and efficiently.

On other occasions, there was no team worth switching, so the main perspective was always on Team [-]. Yi Yan looked at it for a while, and then saw a scene that he couldn't understand.

Team [-]'s transfer route is very strange. From the perspective of God, it seems to be a mess of intertwined threads. Go left a little bit, go right a little bit, and then come back inexplicably.

These tortuous routes are complicated and intertwined, and it is impossible to see where they are going.

Yi Yan had to have doubts: "Qiqi and the others...does it have to be so complicated? Although we don't know their destination yet, it will waste a lot of time with such a detour!"

Muzi's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something: "Compared with the route, I think we should pay more attention to another point."

Yi Yan asked curiously, "What?"

Muzi: "Didn't you realize that even though they walked so many ways, they...haven't met a single person?"

After being reminded by her, Yi Yan immediately reacted and noticed this: "Yeah, they walked almost half a map, and there were people near many spots on the way, but they avoided it like a coincidence. gone."

Mu Zi shook his head: "No, it's not a coincidence. I think the reason why Qiqi circles around like this is to deliberately avoid these teams."

Yi Yan: "How is this possible? Look, some points are not the birth points of other teams. How does Qi Qi know that there are people here? It can't be... DW calculated it?"

Mu Zi frowned slightly: "Don't tell me, it really seems to be calculated. After all, in the early stage, most teams have fixed play styles and transfer routes. As long as the memory is good enough, it can be done in theory. "

Yi Yan sighed with emotion: "But the memory is too good to be exaggerated. I can understand how many teams you say, but this is nineteen! Each team deduces a few steps backwards, adding up to several hundred It's a possibility, and it's not [-]% certain, if someone from any team is a little later or a little later, wouldn't it be possible to run into Qiqi."

Muzi: "It can only be said that the conductor DW...he has absolute confidence. But what kind of results confidence will bring to Qi Qi, we will know in a while."

In the early stage of the game on the third Mayan map, the main perspective is basically on Qiqi, and the commentators are all watching with their own eyes. Qiqiwu and the five people step by step come to the south of the map, near the Maha Pyramid in the lower right corner.

At this time, it was already the third stage, and they finally stopped marching, leaving countless complicated routes, and they stopped in the jungle 100 meters to the west of the pyramid.

When he saw that the other four people took out different traps and handed them to Ding Wen, Yi Yan was startled, as if he had seen an incredible scene, and blurted out: "Bring supplies for the auxiliary position? I...I read it right, right?" ?”

Mu Zi was also stunned: "Yes, yes, you read that right, even the team's output core is passing by, and they are also bringing him. Therefore, their style of play in the Mayan jungle is to use support professions... trap experts as the core ?”

Yi Yan thought for a while, and suddenly remembered something: "Wait, it seems that it's not just the Mayan jungle. If you think about it carefully, in the first two games, DW also chose a trap expert, but because he died prematurely once and was at a disadvantage in the ring , none of his traps came in handy, so we didn't pay attention."

Muzi was silent for two seconds, as if he was thinking about his words: "In the replay analysis after the game, assuming that DW is not eliminated prematurely in the first game, they can occupy the wooden house and set traps around. This can almost guarantee 100% % win, much better position than where they were later on."

Yi Yan's amazement lasted for a long time: "Unbelievable! If the core of trap experts is really the core, then Qi Qi's style of play is simply unprecedented. To be honest, I really want to know how their coach came up with this The style of play, because... because this style of play is too novel..."

Muzi asked, "Have you ever played Trap Expert?"

Yi Yan smiled wryly: "Don't say it's me, have you seen what the contestants are playing? Presumably, the audience who are watching this game also know that the trap experts have too many limitations. If all the traps are changed to be recyclable , maybe it will become a hot job, but..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but Muzi could understand what he meant.Indeed, the setting that traps can only be recovered by the geocentric network is too inflexible. After all, [Survivor] is a game that requires players to move constantly, and it is not an offensive and defensive duel.

The use of the trap needs to be fixed in a certain area, and it is released as soon as it is released. It cannot be retracted, nor can it move freely like a person.

Therefore, most of the time, traps are not used at all. Carrying traps means carrying a pile of heavy scrap iron, which will only take up space in the backpack and waste team resources.

If you focus on trap experts and achieve good results in the competition, it will definitely catch everyone's attention, and even change the current trend of mainstream professional gameplay to a certain extent.

Muzi: "Okay, let's continue to look down and see how effective their style of play is."

Yi Yan is not very optimistic: "I think it is very difficult. Judging from the previous two games, Qiqi's luck in the circle this year is very good, and it is no longer as unlucky as before. But luck is always luck, and they cannot choose the right one every time. In the finals, there are always times when you choose the wrong one.

You can see that DW has already started to set up traps around them, which means that they will not move again after that, and bet the finals here.

Hmm... Personally, I don't really advocate one-time gambling. No matter what, at least I should leave room for myself.

Otherwise, if they lose the bet, it means that their game - that's it. "

(End of this chapter)

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