I can see the finals

Chapter 84 Surrounding, Ambush

Chapter 84 Surrounding, Ambush

Hidden in the dark, hidden in the high hall.

Hiding on the beams of the house, the one who launched a fatal attack on Ding Wen was an unpopular melee class.

The assassin in the shadows - Shadow Cat.

Among the 24 basic occupations, only Shadowmao has the ability to climb, and only it can climb a three-meter-high beam.

A month ago, Fang Luoqing had always liked playing this profession, and Ding Wen was naturally very familiar with Shadowmao.

At this time, Ding Wen had no way to dodge the enemy's fast and fierce blow from top to bottom.

Even if he wasn't sick, he still couldn't avoid it.

He remained indifferent, keeping his head up, watching the opponent throw himself down very calmly, and slid his sharp iron claws across his throat.

One claw, two claws!

In just one second, he launched two attacks!
One claw when hitting, one claw when falling to the ground.

Blood spattered.

The system prompts as scheduled.

"Player Ivory Tower丨Dawn Night knocked down Qiqi丨DW with Juhe claws.'

There is no doubt that Ding Wen was instantly killed by the enemy Shadow Cat's two-claw crit without a talisman!

But in the next second, Xiao Chong's long knife, the passing thin knife, and Fang Luoqing's scimitar came one after another, almost at the same time... poured on Li Mingye's body!
Jiu Feifei on the outside didn't even have a chance to make a move, and the night of dawn in the house...was hacked to death by Qiqi's three people.

Li Mingye looked helpless, looked at Ding Wen who had fallen in front of him, and roared unwillingly: "Damn it, I didn't make it up!!!"

He must be gone.

From the moment he was discovered, he had actually been declared dead.

There are five opponents, and he only has one. Unless he opens and kills all five of them in an instant, he will definitely die.

And the reason why Ding Wen was so calm was that he was sure that after he knocked him down... he would not be able to make up for it, and his teammates could 'pull' him back up.

In the night of dawn, he was helpless, and the idea of ​​exchanging the limit for one was shattered.

Before it became a box, he just didn't understand why someone could remember so clearly a... small earthen pot in an unpopular and remote place.

What kind of horrible memory is this?
He had done a good enough job. Before he came, he entered through the window instead of opening the door.And as soon as he heard the sound of the car, he put the searched materials back in place, cleared the footprints, and then climbed up the beams to create the illusion that no one was in the house.

He has done his best to make everything as perfect as possible.

If he hadn't misplaced the face towel, Qiqi's five people might not have raised their heads and couldn't find him.

To be honest, he picked up and put the things in the house. When he put the face towel, he didn’t even think there was anything wrong. It wasn’t until Ding Wen looked at the earthen pot that he suddenly realized it. .

Maybe someone can remember the refresh location of some materials, but it is also a large popular area, and players will be familiar with it after visiting a lot.

But what is the 'traveler's cemetery'?
To put it bluntly, it is a place where no bird shits. Ordinary players may not come to this once in [-] games, let alone remember the fixed refresh location of supplies.

So Dawn Night was very confused, and also very unwilling to be found so easily.

When Qiqi made his voice before, he had already notified the other teammates in the team voice. As long as he was not found, the four teammates would come and cooperate inside and outside, and they would definitely be able to eat Qiqi easily.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Since he died, the plan had to be cancelled.

"Don't come, I hung up, I didn't see the weapon, I should have knocked down a support on the opposite side." He sighed helplessly, and advised the four teammates on the road: "They are full formation, we are not easy to fight with fewer people, withdraw Bar."

"Didn't you knock one down?" The teammates didn't seem to want to leave, as if they wanted to avenge him: "We are almost there, and while they are pulling people, we can step on all the good peripheral points and surround them. them."

"That's right." Another teammate picked up his words: "The cemetery is not good for people. Except for the wooden house, there are air leaks everywhere. We just need to stand on the outer high point and get the view, and they will die one by one when they come out!"

Young people are always impulsive, but not blindly impulsive.

What they said is true, 'Traveler's Graveyard' is indeed a very bad position that is not easy to defend, otherwise there would be no saying that it is only suitable for remnant teams.

Qiqi fell one, and they had to assign a person to be in charge of pulling people, and the number of people who could come out to check out the spots would be reduced.

As long as the ivory tower moves fast enough, it is possible to use the terrain advantage to erase the disadvantage in numbers.

This one... can fight!
Li Mingye thought about it, and it was indeed such a rationale. In addition, he was still holding a grudge against his own death, so he immediately agreed with their approach: "Okay, then hurry up!"

"Haha, don't worry." The first teammate smiled easily, and the sound of braking came from the voice at the same time: "I'm already in place."


"what happened?"

"It's okay." Li Mingye originally wanted to tell him that Qi Qi had a very good memory, but after thinking about it, memory seems to be of little use at this time, so he hesitated, then held back.

"Is anyone out of the cabin?" the team behind asked.

"Two came out, and they are leaning towards the position where I stepped on. Come on, you can just hit sideways." The No.1 team member watched the movement in the 'cemetery' with a sniper scope: "Wait, their first Three people also came out, and the remaining one should still be pulling teammates."

"Okay." A certain player who might be the conductor said immediately: "You don't need to worry about the two that come out from behind your lock, the main one is the other one.

Xiaowen and I pulled the Northwest Shapo, and beat the three that came out of the outside.Xiaoqing, you dig the pit on the west side of the cemetery and bury it first.If we hadn't destroyed the three outside, they wouldn't be able to go back to their wooden house, and someone might come out from the west. You should bury the spot and ambush the people who come out!
Xiaodong, continue to send information, we will arrive in five seconds! "

The No.1 contestant known as Xiaodong nodded and stared carefully, not letting go of any traces of the three people's actions: "The two who came towards me are approaching, about 100 meters away. The other one has gone. The group of tombstones in the south seems to be going out from the west gate!"

"Sure enough." Ivory Tower snorted disdainfully, as if it had been expected a long time ago: "They know the style of our team, guess that we might come, and take precautions vigilantly. But it's a pity, they need to help the players who fell to the ground, There are too few people who come out to get a position.

We are now standing on the advantage of the terrain, the advantage of vision, the precise position of all the opponent's personnel, and every move is in our eyes.

What are they... fighting us with? "

"I'm in place!" Just as he was speaking, Xiaoqing, who was going to the west of the cemetery, also arrived at the pit, and quickly reported in the voice.

"We're here too." The commander and the others got out of the car, stopped, and took out their respective long-range weapons: "Then...let's fight!"

With an order, Xiao Dongduan was eager to snipe, and wanted to aim at the two people who were rushing towards him, but as soon as he aimed, the two of them just came to the back slope and lost their sight.

"I can't see it here!" He said immediately.

"It's okay, we can fight! Let us know their identities, you just need to pay attention to the people in the wooden house!"

"Don't worry, they can't come out! You beat you!"

The gunshots sounded, and the command over there began to attack.

But after the gunshots, the two of Qiqi walked out of the cemetery... none of them were shot.

They seemed to have been on guard for a long time, they just shot, the bullet flew out of the barrel, the two of them immediately lay down on the ground, and with the help of the low hole, they perfectly escaped!

"Damn, you reacted so fast?" The ivory tower commander couldn't help cursing secretly, and then said loudly: "It's okay, they can't get up in the pit, they can't raise their heads, Xiaodong, you immediately—"

Before the words fell, a strange 'buzzing' sound came from the voice of the team.

Along with Xiaodong's screams, the next second, a system notification suddenly sounded!

"Player Seven Seven丨DG knocks down the ivory tower丨East of Dusk with Yeming's scimitar."

What the hell?

The commander of the ivory tower was shocked by the sudden elimination message: "Why did you die? Isn't the personnel locked? Three peripherals, two wooden—"

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his face turned pale: "Could it be that they... didn't pull people?"

(End of this chapter)

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