I can see the finals

Chapter 65 Crack!

Chapter 65 Crack!
"It's nothing strange." Jiuyang seemed to have guessed his inner thoughts, and analyzed: "They are probably looking for a place to hang out."

The Five Poison Knife didn't quite understand: "Is it okay for the training match? This is not the style of passing by."

Jiuyang shrugged helplessly: "Then I don't know. They neither played against other teams nor appeared near Gongcheng. Who knows where they went."

Jiu Yin didn't focus on this, she was looking at the map: "There is still one and a half stages until the final round, if Gongcheng is brushed away, we need to make preparations for the next move."

The Five Poison Knife looked at the map, and he mainly looked at the areas still showing colored light spots: "At present, there are still 21 safe areas left, seventeen in the north and four in the south of the map, and Gongcheng is located in the north, and it is in these safe areas. The very center of it. I don't feel like I need to move it because it's hard to get swiped away here."

"What if it gets wiped away?"

"That's okay, we can go out of the city and go to the stable 200 meters to the east, or to the wild area 150 meters to the west." Wudu Dao calmly analyzed, and he who shouted when he picked up the loot before It was completely different, as if he had become another person.

He has already considered the way out: "But in this way, we may encounter other teams at two locations and fight."

"Just hit someone, what are you afraid of!" Jiuyang didn't care, "We can sneak attack and fight for the upper hand."

"Okay, then you should prepare for the transfer first, and see what happens in the seventh stage."

In the [Survivor] arena, the fourth to seventh stages are the most intense stages of combat, and many teams will frantically transfer people during this stage.

Just when the Xiaying team stayed in Bow City safely and smoothly transitioned to the sixth stage, there were only 40 players left on the field.

The battle was raging outside, and they were unscathed in the city. A large number of system elimination reminders flashed one after another.

"Baguazhang, help me memorize information!"

"I'm remembering, don't worry."

The two continued to communicate by voice, reporting the casualties of other teams to the team.

Finally, the sixth stage is over.

The 21 brightly colored information on the map—more than half of it went dark suddenly.

The Five Poison Knife looked quickly, and was disappointed to find that... Gongcheng had been brushed away.

And the east stables and west wild areas he mentioned before are not included.

There were 21 safety zones in the last stage, but now there are only four.

Three points to the south and one point to the north in the middle of the map.

Wudu Dao encountered a problem.

He needs to reconsider the route and destination of the transfer.

But anyway, the direction they moved... must be the south!

"Damn, what kind of supernatural circle is this?" Baguazhanggen Liumai Shenjian read the map, and then cursed aloud.

"Why are there still waters? Something went wrong with the system?"

"Calm down, don't panic!" Wudu Dao calmed the emotions of the two of them, while Jiuyin Jiuyang had already driven out the hidden car, waiting for his decision, and set off at any time.

"The game brushes the circle but not the road. We have five roads to transfer to the safe area in the south. Wait a minute, I will choose one carefully."

Wudu Dao held back the impatience in his heart, and looked at the map with breathless concentration: "Go this way and see my markings."

Six Meridians Excalibur: "Pierce directly?"

"Nonsense!" Wudu Knife replied angrily, and then asked: "What stage is it, what can I do if I don't pierce straight?"

"Okay, let's go then."

The destination chosen by the Five Poison Knife was not Qingquan Lake, but a small city in the southeast direction: Tiancheng.

Although it is not as big as Gongcheng, it is still a city, very suitable for teams to enter blindly.

At this time, in addition to the particularly bad transfer route, the team who had nowhere to go would choose the clear spring lake with a terrible geographical location.

The Five Poison Knife and the others have five routes, of course it is impossible to go to Qingquan Lake.

So, the five cars set off together, drove out of Bow City, and headed south at high speed.

Four gray eagles opened the way ahead, hovering above the sky, so as to be aware of the danger ahead at the first time.

As time passed, the convoy got closer and closer to Tiancheng.

In the distance of the five people's field of vision, the outline of Tiancheng has gradually formed, and in a few more seconds, with the speed of the vehicle, it is absolutely possible to enter the city.

But at this moment, an accident suddenly—happened!

There was a problem with the route marked by the Five Poison Knife. The lead car at the front of the team, the off-road vehicle driven by the Six Meridian Sword suddenly... fell into the sand!
"There is a trap!!!"

In panic, he only had time to yell out these three words, and then fell into the dark pit together with the vehicle.

"Player Xia Ying丨Six Meridians Excalibur knocks down Xia Ying丨Six Meridians Excalibur, attention, someone in your team has fallen to the ground, please help as soon as possible!"

The system prompts as scheduled.

Because the user fell to the ground, the four gray eagles that were flying in the air disappeared immediately.

The Wudu Dao of the second car slammed on the brakes, forcibly stopped in the middle of the road, and then hurriedly jumped out of the car: "Don't panic, I'll pull you!"

At the same time, Jiuyin and Jiuyang seemed to have noticed something, and shouted in unison: "Don't pull! Get back to the car!"

But the hint is too late.

The moment Wudu Dao's feet landed on the ground, three bullets shot through Wudu Dao's head in an unusually neat manner at the same time!
"Player GL丨Ling Pendulum knocked down Xia Ying丨Five Poison Knife with Wood Chun Nanqing's sniper!"

"Damn it, it's from GL!"

"Six Meridians! Where did the person fight?"

"I fell, the eagle is gone!"

"It seems to be at the direction of nine o'clock, a sandy slope of about 70 meters!"

"Didn't three shoot at the same time? What about the other two?"

"I didn't hear you!"

"Come on!"

There was a mess in the voice, but at least it was the Xiaying team, and the commotion didn't last long, only a few seconds.

At this time, Jiuyin Jiuyang had already turned the car around and drove towards the way it came from!
Entering the ambush network composed of remote occupations, there are only two options, one, find a bunker; two, run.

So no matter how strong the Nine Yin and Nine Yang duo are, they will never stop and fight back.

Because it's not a fair fight.

They can only choose to retreat.

But the other living Baguazhang in the team was not as lucky as them. He was the one in the middle, and the one who retreated was the last one.

As soon as his vehicle turned its head around, seven or eight bullets shot through the window and hit him accurately!

"Player GL丨Sacrifice knocks down Xiaying丨Baguazhang with Hemar light sniper!"

"Damn, I'm still a poor bastard, I have all 1+1 equipment!"

As soon as Jiuyang gritted his teeth, he drove out of the ambush area with Jiuyin full of unwillingness.

They are at a loss.

blood loss.

The opponent's three long-range opponents are obviously not as good as Qianshoutang. If the markings of the five poisonous swords are correct, the leading car will not be able to enter the pit, and it is impossible to knock them out of the car while they are driving fast with only three light snipers.

The team was hit hard by this, and this pot of five poisonous swords was definitely lost.

But now is not the time to pursue responsibility. For everything, we still have to wait until the end of the game and then slowly review the game to find out the problem and solve it.

"Pingsheng, where are you going?" Jiuyin asked immediately after leaving the encirclement net.

Bingsheng is the real name of Jiuyang, and the nickname of Jiuyin habit.

"There is nowhere to go." Jiuyang frowned, and his eyes quickly skipped over the map: "It seems that we can only go to Qingquan Lake."

"it is good."

Surviving the catastrophe, the two who survived by luck made a decision, and then drove to Qingquan Lake.

This section of the journey was relatively smooth, and there were no ambushes on the way.

In other words, not many teams are willing to come here, and the whole road is very deserted.

They successfully arrived at the sand dunes of Qingquan Lake, and the seventh stage finally came to an end.

Four colored light spots turned from bright to dark, and finally only one color remained.

And the area represented by this color is the final position of the final circle.

——Clear spring lake.

The deserted sand dunes in front of Jiuyin and Jiuyang are the final circle of this game!

"Wow, isn't it true?" The two were undoubtedly overjoyed and looked at each other excitedly.

In desperation, they who were forced to come here... the circle happened to be here?
This is also very lucky, right?

"Don't worry, we don't know if there is anyone here yet."

After all, they were experienced veteran players, and the two of them were not dazzled by the surprise.

Jiuyang took out the ion cannon and looked up with the help of the built-in magnification lens.

On top of the towering sand dunes like a wall, they didn't see a single person.

And the neighborhood is also quiet, without a single sound, it doesn't look like a team has come.

"Uphill!" The two relaxed their minds a little, pressed their footsteps, bypassed the approximate location of the pit in memory, and climbed up the sand dune.

At the top of the slope, the view below is very clear at a glance.

There are only a few wooden houses, they can't see the situation inside, and they can have a panoramic view of other places.

"There is no car, so there should be no one." The two finally let go of their hearts completely, and prepared to go downhill and hide in those few trees.

Sure enough, if you survive a catastrophe, you must have future blessings.

Sometimes luck is so wonderful, you can't guess it, and you can't touch it, but it will often give you an unexpected surprise!

The two walked down step by step in a relaxed mood.

But after walking a few steps, Jiuyin's feet softened inexplicably, and he suddenly fell into a trap.


"Why are you so careless." Jiuyang's doting tone was mixed with a trace of helplessness, he smiled and shook his head, ready to pull her up.

But after only taking two steps in her direction, Jiuyang suddenly stopped: "No, why is there no knockdown information?"

This is not a trap that comes with the game, but... a player's trap!

Suddenly, he still noticed something was wrong in time.

At the same time, Jiuyin in the pit shouted even more anxiously: "Leave me alone, go!"

Jiuyang who reacted, even if the person in the pit was his girlfriend, he still turned around and ran away without any hesitation!

"Am I dazzled? Now there are still trap experts?"

He was shocked and angry, and his heart was full of doubts.

Fortunately, they discovered it early enough, otherwise——

A clear and crisp iron closing sound rose faintly from the soles of his feet, ruthlessly breaking the faint feeling of happiness that had just arisen in his heart...!
He looked down in disbelief.

An exquisite black iron clamp, which appeared on the sand at some time, firmly - clasped his ankle.

(End of this chapter)

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