Chapter 585
For a moment, the expressions of most of the audience were replaced by contempt.

Where is your arrogance, your self-confidence?

Maybe it's because the dark fairy tales often do this kind of "sneaky" things, and people are used to it, but when they see Fengshen doing the same thing, people will only feel ashamed.

Shame on Fengshen.

As a dynasty champion team for three years, they never thought that one day they would be forced into such a miserable situation, and they could do this for the sake of points.

In the audience, some of Fengshen's fans kept shaking their heads, some were ashamed to look up with hot faces, and the other part were spitting wildly.

No. 1 was right under the stage, so of course he listened to all the scolding, and certainly couldn't keep it off his face, it was very unnatural.

Forget it, just scold me, grades are the most important thing.

As long as we can regain the first place and consolidate it, the previous process will not matter. These audiences will come back to apologize sooner or later.

However, having said that, No. 1 is not as optimistic as imagined.

Because Fengshen and Dark Fairy Tale encountered the same problem...they were also awkward with each other.

Maybe the other party was not guarding against Fengshen, but a dark fairy tale, but Fengshen did the same thing and was prevented.

Seeing that Fengshen and the other party are still in a stalemate, No. 1 can't help feeling a little regret in his heart.

"Did I do something wrong, shouldn't I imitate..."

"Damn it, what the hell am I doing? I know other teams will take precautions, so why..."


Although No. 1 regretted it very much, there was nothing he could do in the audience.

It's so alive, among the crowd, it happened to see a strange look from Sister Cat.

That kind of look seemed to be looking at a fool, obviously she didn't expect Fengshen to "demean" to sneak attack on other people's house.

It didn't work out yet.

As the time progressed minute by minute, Diablo Fairy Tale and Luoyu Pavilion were the first to complete the 'roll' points. They paid the price of four out, and finally wiped out Luoyu Pavilion. This is the first stage At the end, they are still in circles.

In the second stage, Fengshen's side also decided the winner. They were stronger than Diablo Fairy Tale, and they eliminated each other after only three deaths.

But even if he won, No. 1 didn't show any smile on his face.

md, there are only two left, how can we play in the future?

What's the difference between one person and two people? You still have to run when you encounter a full circle.

And the result was as expected on No. 1. This dark fairy tale and Fengshen didn't reach the final step, and they were eliminated early.

However, Ding Wen has the ability to look at the circle. Although there is only one left, he was forced to be ranked fifth by them in the end, and got the ranking; while Fengshen had no points in the ranking, and got a zero egg.

As soon as the match was over, No. 1 hurried up to the stage, said something in Jiang Ziya's ear quickly, then stepped off the stage nervously, touched his lips, and looked at the big screen with a heavy expression.

In the second round, Fengshen didn't go to 'sneak attack' others anymore, but changed points honestly, operated honestly, and stopped messing around.

On the other hand, Dark Fairy Tale, this time was much more 'reasonable', and didn't bother other teams anymore, and chose to return to their birth point for normal development.

There were no fights in the early stage, and the rhythm of this game was naturally a bit 'dull'. Before the third stage, no one died.

Then in the fourth stage, Fengshen... was out.

They began to drop people continuously during the transfer, and then they started to drop one after another as if under a spell, and finally fell to only one person left, who was shot down remotely in the car.

Number 1 read it in a daze, then rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But the elimination information on the big screen is clearly visible, not because it misunderstood it.

"What's the situation, just back to normal, so bad luck?"

Number 1 just feels sick, very sick.

Among other things, Fengshen didn't get a single point, and he was undoubtedly separated from the dark fairy tale again.

No. 1 touched his hair irritably, his face was gloomy and frightening.

What made him even more angry was that the luck of this dark fairy tale was actually very good. He hadn't moved since the third stage.

After this round, Diablo Fairy Tale has already led Fengshen by a full 2500 points.

And on the Internet platform, many media outlets have already issued manuscripts, quickly disseminating them on the Internet with titles such as 'The Giant Sleeps' and 'Dynasty Fall'.

It's a good thing that No. 1 didn't go online, otherwise, after seeing these news, I'm afraid he wouldn't faint from anger on the spot.

The second game and the third game are over soon.

Today's dark fairy tales are extraordinarily 'honest', as well-behaved as a child, who doesn't provoke anyone, just beats himself step by step.But what is exaggerating is that after three games, they are already... 4000 points ahead of Fengshen!
That's right, it is indeed an exaggeration, but the exaggeration does not come from them, but from... Fengshen!
After the first game was free, Fengshen seemed to be cursed viciously, and the next two games were free, one for 300 points.Either transfer people away, or be attacked by someone when they first settled down.

They were so moldy, so moldy that it was unbelievable.

"Didn't even luck favor us at the critical moment???"

No. 1 closed his eyes, with a look of frustration and grief, as if he didn't want to watch the next two games.

It doesn't understand why Fengshen's luck is so bad after the dark fairy tale becomes 'honest'.

If the Fengshen IDs in these three games were covered, no one would have thought that this was a team that was once the number one in the world, right?
Their bizarre elimination, their death is too random, it will make people feel that they are not even as good as passers-by.

Before the start of the fourth round, No. 1 dragged his exhausted body to the Fengshen competition area, and asked Jiang Ziya in a harsh voice, "What happened? Is there something wrong with your decision-making? Why do you always lose people when you transfer?"

Jiang Ziya shook his head dully: "No problem."

no problem?

Then why do you still lose people! ! !
No. 1 has nothing to say, but it believes Jiang Ziya's words, because in its huge database, it contains all the teams, all the maps, and all the circle operation routes present.

Of course, dark fairy tales are not counted in 'all', after all their data is too little.

But the problem is... I haven't met them in these few games!
Don't you have their data for the teams you encountered?

There must be, it is impossible not to!

No. 1 couldn't figure it out, and didn't have anything to say, so he returned to the audience in a daze.

The fourth and fifth games were played unconsciously.

To be honest, today's game was not that exciting, because the main character who can bring people the "excellent kill highlights" Fengshen... played too badly.

Although they played slightly better in the fourth and fifth games than the first three games, compared with the invincible champions in people's impression, they still played unbearably.

Looking at today's five matches, Fengshen didn't even enter the finals even once, not to mention how many people he killed.

When the current total score appears on the screen, people can clearly see that Fengshen is already far behind the Dark Fairy Tale... a full 5800 points!
And the second overall score is not a god, but a fierce general of the Three Kingdoms.

Even they are nearly 4000 points higher than Fengshen.

It is no exaggeration to say that Fengshen is a team of passers-by players today. They don't know how to operate, they don't know how to transfer, and they play like shit.

(End of this chapter)

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