I can see the finals

Chapter 582 The nature of the competition... has changed

Chapter 582 The nature of the competition... has changed

Ding Wen was paralyzed in the face of these bloodthirsty reporters. He could only answer with no comment.

On the other side, after Feng Shen exited, without the reporters' obstruction, they quickly returned to the base through the portal this time.

No. 1 had been waiting for a long time, but before it could speak, Jiang Ziya took the lead in saying something that made him frown.

"We have to change the birth point tomorrow."

"What?" No. 1's eyes widened suddenly, thinking he heard it wrong: "Change birth point? What are you kidding?"

"It's not a joke." Jiang Ziya said slowly with the same numb expression, "You know, I never joke."

"No, it can't be changed!" No. 1 immediately rejected its suggestion.

If other teams suddenly change the birth point, they will change if they change, there is no problem, but they are the gods, the champion team that established a three-year dynasty!
If they are changed tomorrow, people will definitely think that they just suffered a loss, and they are scared by the dark fairy tale and run away, and they will definitely be ruthlessly ridiculed.

Fengshen is not only a team, after three years of No. 1's operation, it is now a brand, which symbolizes the strength of District 1, and also strengthens No. 1's majesty among the many managers.

Therefore, changing the birth point is easy to say, but very difficult to do. It's not that you are forced to do nothing, and No. 1 will never adopt Jiang Ziya's opinion.

What's more, since we already know that dark fairy tales will cause trouble, why not take precautions?
No. 1 is very aware of the AI ​​capabilities created by it. The last two games today are just because they lack information. If they are on guard, No. 1 doesn't think that Fengshen will suffer a dull loss like the fifth one.

"I'll talk about the birth point later, have you seen the total score after today's game?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "Look, we are still number one, but the third warrior of the Three Kingdoms has caught up, and their scores are about the same as those of Dark Fairy Tale."

No. 1 waved his hand: "Don't worry about the warriors of the Three Kingdoms. They have never been a threat. If they were really capable, they would have done it in the past three years."

Jiang Ziya had no other reaction, and asked lightly, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Of course, it will not disobey the master who created itself. Since the latter does not want to change the birth point, it simply listens to its arrangements.

"Not yet, let me think about it first." Number 1 is also a very headache. Although the dark fairy tale is really difficult to target, they are still ahead and have a certain advantage, so there is no need to be too anxious.

Time flew by, and the third day of the finals came in a blink of an eye.

All the teams came to the competition venue as usual, the only difference is that this time No. 1 also came with the team.

It saw the cat sister in the crowd at a glance, and the latter looked at it with extremely cold eyes, without the kindness and friendliness of a partner at all.

As soon as she saw her, No. 1 unconsciously thought of No. 100 who had lost contact for a long time, and there was no doubt another shadow cast over her heart.

The game was not postponed, there was no procrastination, and it was on time.

The first scene, the familiar lost city.

After a whole night of contemplation, No. 1 finally insisted on his own principle - don't change points now!
In other words, let's play a game first to see the situation. Anyway, it is coming. If the situation is not right, Fengshen can adjust it immediately.

Ding Wen is good at dealing with AI, but it thinks that it is almost like a human being, whether it is thinking or emotion, so today is not only a duel between Ding Wen and Jiang Ziya, but also against it.

If the AI ​​can't solve it, it's its turn to play.

After the game map was loaded, the players entered the game. Number 1 was most concerned about the movement of Dark Fairy Tale, so he immediately looked at their team logo.

Sure enough, Ding Wen didn't want to be a good baby, and they still came today.

But today they were not directly born at the location of the Conferred God, but formed a semicircle, occupying the wild area outside the Conferred God.

Seeing this scene, the corner of No. 1's mouth twitched again.


Damn it!
Don't you guys just act, it's too blatant!

Obviously, Ding Wen has turned a multi-team match into a 1V1 solo match.

It seemed that in his eyes, the other teams had completely ignored him, and his only opponent was the Fengshen team.

Even if No. 1 came to the scene in person, it had never seen this kind of situation. What's worse, Jiang Ziya's database might not have similar cases.

In the first stage, the preparation time begins, and Fengshen searches and develops as usual, but because of the existence of dark fairy tales, they search very slowly today, and they are very close to each other, so they are ready to support at any time.

Their approach is undoubtedly cheaper for the dark fairy tales in the outer wild area. The latter's birth point is relatively scarce in terms of supplies. With the "care" of the gods, they can spend more time replenishing supplies.

In the first stage, the preparation time was coming to an end, and the careful Fengshen finally searched, but they didn't know where the dark fairy tale fell. After a series of simulations, Jiang Ziya led the team to the dark fairy tale's interception route accurately.

Yesterday's scene was repeated.

Even with the preparations, Fengshen still had the same fate. Their team battle strength and personal strength were indeed much higher than that of the dark fairy tale, but under the ambush, they had no chance to display these strengths at all.

In the first stage, the time to brush circles has arrived.

Fengshen is like a pinch point, and all members are out on time.

No. 1 was so angry watching from the audience, he clenched his fists tightly, wishing to have a real PK with Ding Wen.

However, Jiang Ziya and others did not continue to watch the game, and fell into deathly silence after taking off the u-film.

This is the bad point of pure AI. No matter you lose or win, they will always have an expression. If you win, you will look like a general.

The game was not over yet, and No. 1 couldn't rush to the stage to replay the game with Jiang Ziya, so it could only stare at the screen bitterly, watching the next direction of the game.

It doesn't matter if it's free, the key is that as long as the other party doesn't take too many points, it's not unacceptable.

But after watching the whole game, No. 1's face became even uglier.

Because the follow-up performance of Diablo Fairy Tale is also very impressive, yesterday's sleepwalking operation is no longer seen, Ding Wen is as stable as an old dog, leading the team to 11 kills and finishing third.

One goes up and down the other, through this, the No. 1 Conferred God has been overtaken by a lot, and what makes No. [-] even more angry is that the recent luck of the Three Kingdoms warriors has been overwhelming. With their strength, they actually got another chicken.

It was originally a two-party championship, but now it has become a tripartite confrontation, so No. 1 can no longer only consider dark fairy tales, and the Three Kingdoms warrior is also a competitor that cannot be ignored.

"No, I won't believe it if I fight again before the birth point is changed!"

No. 1 is still dissatisfied. Although they were screwed by the dark fairy tale again, it thinks it is a good thing, because the more Ding Wen does, the more they gain. If this continues, Ding Wen's means will be exhausted sooner or later Exhausted, so it decided to adjust its coping strategy and try again.

(End of this chapter)

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