I can see the finals

Chapter 575 Accidental or Inevitable

Chapter 575 Accidental or Inevitable

Obviously, Fengshen's successive multiple eliminations undoubtedly detonated the audience. With their unparalleled and powerful propulsion ability, they brought a shocking visual feast to the audience at the beginning.

The scene in front of me is a bit like the dark fairy tale of the last day of the seventh group. The latter also eliminated many people in the early stage.

But the difference is that there is only one scene in the dark fairy tale, but it is commonplace to confer the gods. Even if there is no circle, they can still enter the circle with their strong propulsion ability.

The dark fairy tale people sitting in the final round also looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling an indescribable pressure in their hearts.

Fengshen is worthy of being the strongest team in the world. Even in the finals, they were too strong.

In stage five, the first chamfer occurs.

Fengshen pushed down another team, but this time they didn't win again and dropped one.

In the second corner cut, Fengshen was not in the circle. After collecting a lot of information in the previous stage, they seized the opportunity and persuaded a wave of three-way melee team battles, gaining another 600 points.

However, persuading the fight led to a waste of time, Fengshen failed to enter the circle in the end, some points were taken away by other teams, and some were given to system monsters.

In the first round, Feng Shen ranked only ninth, but there were an astonishing 24 elimination points!
With just the first move, Feng Shen easily broke the pure elimination record set by Diablo Fairy Tale in the seven groups.

There were no accidents in Diablo Fairy Tale, and it firmly controlled the finals, ending successfully with 7 kills.

They continued the 'tradition' once again, and achieved the first game of each round of eating chicken, but this was the first time they failed to win the first place in a single game after eating chicken.

Fengshen 2400 points, Dark Fairy Tale 1700 points, these are not only the scores of a single game, but more, like some kind of omen... and the direction of the future game.

On the other hand, No. 1, who watched the entire game, was very happy and showed a very satisfied smile in front of the screen.

Number 100 is the best lesson, it learned its lesson, and it didn't make a mistake this time.

For a team like Diablo Fairy Tale, deliberately making trouble is not worth the loss. It is better to maintain the previous style of play and crush it with hard power.

Fengshen is not like Red Mansions, they have this strength, in front of the absolute strength, some small actions are naturally superfluous.

Number 1 felt that his thinking was correct, after all, the results after the first round were the best proof!

Besides his grades, the only thing that worried him... was number 100.

No. 100 has disappeared for a full month since the seven groups of matches ended. At first, No. 1 thought it had returned to District 100, but when they tried to contact it later, they never got any response.

It is like disappearing from the world, no signal, no data, as if the power has been cut off, very inexplicable.

It thought about many reasons, but failed to find the answer. If number 100 is erased, there is only one 'person' in this world who can do it.

But the thing is, that 'person' has been around for years...

Hey, thinking of this, No. 1 couldn't help sighing secretly while being happy.

Impossible, it can't be it!

Because it is the ruler of this world, it was in the past, it is now... also!
If you want to take everything away from it, you must defeat Fengshen first!

At present, even a dark fairy tale is almost meaningless.


Back at the competition venue, just after the first round, Ding Wen quickly waved to Li Zhenpi who was in the audience. The latter understood and immediately ran to the player area with the video.

The rest time for the players is 10 minutes. During this time, the players can go to the bathroom, review the game with the coach, correct mistakes made on the field, and so on.

Ding Wen took the video, raised his hand and interrupted what Li Zhenpi was about to say, and then stared at the screen intently, constantly fast forwarding to Fengshen's perspective.

He felt something was wrong, Fengshen was very strong, but it shouldn't be so strong that killing an opponent in the final would be like slaughtering a pig.

After all, the teams that made it to the finals were not mediocre. It was impossible for them to have no resistance at all and be wiped out by Fengshen in a crushing manner.

Although Ding Wen had watched countless videos of the Conferred Gods competition before, unlike other games, he couldn't perfectly substitute these videos into today's competition.

Therefore, he must know as soon as possible what happened in the last game where he couldn't see it!
The first thing to look at is Beiqiaotou. There is no problem here. After all, it is the side that persuades the fight. As long as the timing is good, it will not lose people if you switch to another team, and you can win Beiqiaotou perfectly.

The problematic one was the second battle, which was the failure of Luoyu Pavilion to intercept Fengshen, which could be recorded in the history book of shame.

There was no problem with their positions. Both long-range and close-combat were in the most suitable positions. Ding Wen slowed down the screen slightly, and Jiang Tong and the others watched it together.

After watching the entire battle process, Jiang Tong shook his head immediately: "How do you feel that their reaction... seems to be half a beat behind?"

Cigarette also said in a deep voice: "Not only is the reaction slow, but their long-range accuracy is ridiculously poor, just like... well, it's like coming to the game after waking up without waking up."

Li Huo asked in a low voice: "Could they do it on purpose?"

Although it was a bit exaggerated, from his performance in the Rainfall Pavilion, he always felt that they bought it, otherwise it would be difficult to explain their operation this time.

"Probably didn't buy it." Ding Wen quickly vetoed this conjecture, and after a little thought, he said: "Luoyu Pavilion is the team that won the breakout match. They are exhausted physically and mentally, and their operation deformation is normal."

As he spoke, he swiped the screen, walked through the woods north of the South Bridge, and came to GGG not far away.

Just as he thought, GGG was indeed nearby at the time, and they also had positions to output to the two teams at Qiaotou, but when Fengshen and Luoyuge were fighting fiercely, they were looking outside the circle to the east and did not intervene at Qiaotou battle.

This also caused Fengshen to successfully take down the Rainfall Pavilion without outsiders interfering.

"Why look outside the circle in the east? Is this their habit?"

GGG is also a team from the breakout match. Ding Wen had only watched some of their games before, and did not study them in depth. The rest time at the end of the breakout match was not enough for Ding Wen to watch all their game videos.

So he doesn't know some of GGG's little habits, but only knows their general operating route.

"There must have been a similar circle before."

Ding Wen seemed to understand something. If he guessed correctly, all the operations, battles, and positions of GGG in this game should all be included in Jiang Ziya's huge information base.

This is the advantage of AI. They can store everything, important or unimportant, just store them all, and just take them out when needed.

But people can't do it. They can't remember so much information, and a lot of it is irrelevant. Even Ding Wen, who has a superb memory, can't remember all the videos of every team and every year in the World Championship .

Ding Wen didn't speak, and continued to look down. After Fengshen beat the Rain Pavilion, after a while, he directly pressed down to GGG's close point. They seemed to know each other's position and chose a position that was incompatible with it. , and take it down easily.

The way of fighting GGG is Fengshen's consistent combat style. Ding Wen has seen this countless times, so he will not be surprised.

In fact, after the winner was decided at the South Bridge, GGG also specially arranged for a person to go to the south to see it.

But there were no problems and no mistakes, so all their actions were in Jiang Ziya's database, and the latter found the most suitable method of restraint, and then defeated them.

In other words, if GGG had a sudden whim and temporarily changed the position assigned by the coach, even if Fengshen could win, it would definitely not be as easy as it is now.

Ding Wen scrolled down again, and his mood gradually relaxed, no longer so heavy.

He didn't watch the video for anything else, just to see how Fengshen's super-high elimination came about, whether it was inevitable or accidental.

After reading it, he probably understood it too.

There are three reasons why Fengshen can continue to advance and refresh the screen.

One, its own strength is already strong.

Second, most of the teams that were pushed away came from the breakout match. They didn't have a good rest time, and the first game was in a very bad state.

Three, the information base of Fengshen.

Among them, one and three are helpless, that is their unchangeable advantage, only the second one is a variable.

And this one... is also the key to Fengshen being able to kill 24 people in this field!
"If Luoyu Pavilion and the others really did not have a good rest, then they still have to play in the finals. It is impossible for Fengshen to be eliminated in multiple consecutive matches."

Ding Wen turned off the video, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

He thought that after the first game, he would be forced to use 'that tactic', but after watching the video, he felt that the situation was not that serious for the time being, and it was far from being 'forced'.

(End of this chapter)

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