Chapter 571
The ranking score is fixed, the highest score is 1000, it will not change anymore, and only the elimination score will change.

Deducting 1000 points, the Three Kingdoms will kill 10 more, because the same score will depend on the ranking. In the previous games, the ranking points of the dark fairy tale have always been ahead of them, so they can't kill 9, they must exceed at least 100 points.

10 eliminations, it is not difficult to say, luck, circle shape, and one's own state are indispensable.

Huanxing and the others now have them. They have killed five Tang Baos, and they have grown up. There is no need to worry about their own condition. The only thing that worries Kong luck.

If you're lucky, there will be a lot of targets for them to draw. If you're not lucky, these teams will consume each other, and there won't be many points for them.

"I hate gambling on luck." At this time, Meng De said quietly from the side: "Because I am very unlucky, luck never favors me, but your luck is not bad, but I don't know if it will work or not."


Kong Ming sighed silently in his heart, but did not answer.


At the end of the fourth stage, all members of the eliminated Dark Fairy Tale exit the game and watch the main perspective of the big screen in the player area.

Although Jiang Tong had a great time with this one and set a small record, she was still worried, so she asked Ding Wen in a low voice, "Are we getting enough points?"

Ding Wen shook his head slightly, but his face was not tense: "It depends on luck."

Everything that can be done has been done, and the rest can only depend on luck. God's will has favored the Three Kingdoms Warriors once before, and I don't know if there will be a second time.

From the main perspective, the game is still going on in an orderly manner.

The fourth stage ended, and the fifth stage was given to Area C without any accident. Qiu Fengshan, the fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, was in two-thirds of the circle.

All corners, concentric circles, and the position of Qiufeng Mountain remain unchanged, and the warrior of the Three Kingdoms scored 200 points by shooting targets.

Two corners were cut, the circle was drawn to the north, and Qiu Fengshan became the center of the circle from two-thirds. At this stage, they still scored 100 points again by shooting targets.

Three cut corners, another concentric circle, the dust settled, and Qiu Fengshan was the final round.

Seeing this circle shape, Fengxian and the others gasped a little. They had some doubts about Kong Ming's analysis before, but now the circle shape proves that they have no choice but to believe that there really are superpowers in this world. .

They didn't get many points for the first two corner cuts, only 300 points. Excluding the points for eating chicken, they had to kill 7 more.

But they don't have to worry too much, the final round is the moment to get big points, now they just need to wait patiently, sooner or later, enemies will be forced to come to their door.

The circle shrinks at a constant speed, and the number of people on the field continues to decrease.

Whether it is the fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, or Jiang Tong from the dark fairy tale, all of them are secretly sweating.

Haze and Li Zhenpi off the court were not idle either, and looked towards the player area from time to time. However, because the game was not over and there were no lights in the player area, he could not see Ding Wen's expression at this time.

"Will he be nervous?"

"Probably not?"

Haze guessed wildly, at this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in the arena, and when he looked up, he realized that it was the fierce general of the Three Kingdoms who had killed him.

The three of Hua Zi had nowhere to go, so they were forced to rush to the foot of Qiufeng Mountain, but they were knocked down by multiple attacks on the way. The precise attack snatched two.

"What, haven't you ever seen your home team kill someone, yelling and screaming after stealing someone's head..."

Haze was very upset and worried at the same time.

Of course, he didn't know about the 'score game' in this game. He only saw that the Three Kingdoms warriors were constantly being eliminated. Seeing that there were already more than 10, he felt panicked. it really reversed?

"Five more!"

In the game, the warriors of the Three Kingdoms are all in high spirits. There are only five heads. Their positions are so good. Killing five is not easy and freehand. It is as simple as drinking water?
Even the seasoned Kong Ming had the same thought in his heart, because there was still a lot of time left for them to continue to be eliminated, even if they didn't get much before, they would definitely be able to play clubs!
He has played too many games, and there is no one in his memory. In the case of a certain team with an absolute advantage in the circle of destiny, the club can't even kill five people.

This is impossible!

Therefore, before the arrival of the plum blossom pile, 5 heads did not seem to be difficult at all.

"Come on, hold on, the place in the seventh group must be ours!" Although Feng Xian couldn't kill people with restricted occupations, he was not idle, and kept making noises to stabilize the morale of the army and cheer the players on.

At this time, Ding Wen finally tilted his head and looked at the panoramic map more than ten meters away from the main perspective. After reading it, he actually closed his eyes, as if he was not worried at all, and said softly: "It's over. "

It is about to end, but who will be ended?
Jiang Tong and the others immediately cast eager and puzzled gazes, and Ding Wen said with a smile on his face: "Get ready for an interview, the warriors of the Three Kingdoms... can never surpass us."


But the game is not over yet, there are still more than 20 people on the field.

Could it be that the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms couldn't even kill 5 people?

With apprehension, several people looked at the main perspective again, but Jiang Tong looked at the panoramic view on the side, stared carefully for a while, and suddenly cried out in surprise: "These teams..."


Ding Wen replied with a smile: "Did you find out, these teams are all happy teams."

Happy team, a vocabulary that existed before the game was played.

What is Happy Team?
The one who doesn't care about the score is the happy team.

They are no longer playing for qualifying in this game. No.2 is no different from the bottom one, so these teams... must not use their previous game experience to think logically.

On Qiufeng Mountain, the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms waited for a while, but no one came. Kong Ming's face gradually became serious. He seemed to have realized something, and began to recall all the elimination information that appeared in this game.

"Five Three, Heaven's Punishment, Famous Wine Merchant, Dreaming of the Red Chamber..."

not good!

His face suddenly changed, revealing the panic that only appeared when facing Fengshen: "These teams..."

He naturally also considered the existence of the 'happy team', but to be more precise, apart from the top three, the remaining [-] teams may not all be happy teams, because some teams are very disciplined, even if they score If they are not sure enough, they will still fight one by one.

So when Kong Ming reviewed the elimination information of the entire game, he finally discovered that the remaining teams on the field at this time... were all teams with weak 'discipline'.

That is to say, the true happy team that is so pure that it cannot be more pure.

In other words, under the premise that these teams know that they will be beaten for nothing, they will never enter the circle. How can they feel happy when they are beaten for nothing? Exchange points and consume each other's points.

The only ones who weren't in the happy team were the three members of the Shifang villains.

Although they are also one of the contenders for the spot, they have not had much sense of presence in this field. The three kingdoms fierce general An Ran guards the circle of destiny, and the dark fairy tale keeps looking for teams to impress people, but they have none of these, and the circle is not good. When the time comes, you can only keep trying.

And in the end, they also managed to enter the final circle by relying on their surviving style of play.

But the question is... will they continue to enter the circle?

The answer is no.

The Happy team has a reason not to enter the circle, and they naturally have it. That is the pride of being a strong team. Even if they feel that there is no hope of qualifying, they will still adopt the most utilitarian style of play and will not play around.

The current circle shape, not entering the circle... is the best way.

They would rather swap points with other teams, and would rather give points to monsters than to one of their competitors.

Time... another minute.

The people of the Three Kingdoms Warriors have collectively been silent, falling into an indescribable atmosphere.

During this 1 minute, only one lone wolf broke into the foot of the mountain and gave them 100 points. Apart from that, they never saw a single person.

This is destined to be a game that will be recorded in history. Before this, there has never been a scene where no one entered the circle.

After killing the lone wolf, the warrior of the Three Kingdoms never saw a single person again.

This time, I really didn't see anyone, because the circle hadn't shrunk to the plum blossom pile, and all the enemies were dead.

Without having experienced a battle, the Three Kingdoms Warriors won the final match of the seven groups smoothly and steadily.

"Let us congratulate the warriors of the Three Kingdoms for winning the game with 11 kills!"

The sound of the cold wind sounded, and the game screen from the main perspective gradually faded away, turning into a fixed-makeup photo of the bright smiling faces of the five players of the Three Kingdoms Warriors.

11 killing and eating chicken, the total score is 2100 points, plus the previous 9400 points, a total of 11500 points.

The Dark Fairy Tale has no ranking points, but the elimination has the same 2100 points, plus the previous 9700, the total score is 11800.

In other words, to a certain extent, this game is equivalent to neither team playing, because their point difference is still 300.

The fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms won this game, and there were quite a few eliminations, but they still lost their places to qualify.

They lost without making any mistakes, even eating chicken, but still lost.

Kong Ming stood up in a daze, not daring to look at the audience supporting them, but looked at Ding Wen in the distance.

"If I can really watch the wonderful it would be."


With a long sigh, he left the field with four players.

The spotlight was also turned on at this time, illuminating the dark fairy tale contestant area and the faces of the five Ding Wen.

"Let us congratulate the Dark Fairy Tale team with the warmest applause. With a total of 11800 points, they won the only qualifying place in the seven groups!"

(End of this chapter)

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