I can see the finals

Chapter 565 Fortune of the Rich, Absolute Destiny Circle

Chapter 565 Fortune of the Rich, Absolute Destiny Circle
Back to the game, the large area that was cleared in the first stage of the field is the E area, and the central area is cleared in the first stage. If it is placed in the lost city, it will definitely disgust all the players, but the burial ground does not matter, after all There is no need to consider the problem of crossing the bridge.

When the contestants saw the circle shape, most of them seemed indifferent and developed normally.

But Ding Wen has the ability to predict the circle shape, and when he sees the circle shape, his heart tightens.

Their luck seems to be bad, because Du Yunling is in the E area, and the final round is the highest point of Qiufeng Mountain in the D area.

It's nothing if the dark fairy tale is not in the circle, it's just a stage anyway, the real problem is... Qiufeng Mountain is very close to the birth point of the Three Kingdoms Warriors!
Since Area D is the last safe area, it will never be wiped away, which means that the warriors of the Three Kingdoms can never move, and as the highest point around Qiufeng Mountain, they will definitely send people to control it. with.

Now is the last fight. In addition to the strength of the players, luck is also very important. After all, the winner will be determined by one fight. The Three Kingdoms warriors are very strong in themselves. Coupled with the luck bestowed by the heavens, Ding Wen is extremely worried .

Of course, if you switch to other maps, you won't be disappointed. Through operations, Ding Wen speeds up a little in the early stage, and works hard to enter the finals.

But the Boneyard map...it's hard to speed up!
The necessities it requires players to gather... are simply too many.

Ding Wen and the others had to spend time to collect these items that had nothing to do with the battle. If they were unlucky, they might not be able to search them all at the end of the first stage.

He faintly felt that the match had just begun, and in terms of luck, Dark Fairy was at a disadvantage, as if God was on the side of the Three Kingdoms warriors.

"It's a bit dangerous."

Ding Wen secretly thought that something was wrong, and he was thinking about countermeasures quickly while searching for items.

The Warriors of the Three Kingdoms are really strong. In the first 9 games, Diablo Fairy Tale had encountered them four times. One game was won by the opponent with few people and no pressure. In the other three games, they failed to get any cheap, even in one game. They were also wiped out without injury.

This is based on the premise that Ding Wen always controls their strongest melee player 'Feng Xian', which shows how strong the three kingdoms warriors are.

"This game can't be compared with their luck..."

Ding Wen knew that they couldn't speed up, so they couldn't climb Qiufeng Mountain before the Three Kingdoms warriors.

People always say that there are natural dangers and natural dangers, and Qiufeng Mountain is actually one of the natural dangers of Burial Ground. Once a team controls Qiufeng Mountain and stands on the top of the mountain, almost no other team can climb it.

In the vernacular of ordinary players, it is... a cool game of shooting targets.

The team standing on the top of the mountain, the only thing to worry about is whether there are enough bullets or arrows, not who can pose a threat to them.

After summing it up, the conclusion reached is also obvious-even if Diablo Fairy Tale came to the vicinity of Qiufeng Mountain through excellent management and entered the finals, they would not be able to eat chicken!
With the circle shape and the terrain, as long as this warrior of the Three Kingdoms reaches Qiufeng Mountain, he must be invincible, even if the Conferred God comes.

"Since there is no way to surpass them in terms of ranking points, we can only pass the elimination!"

Ding Wen's logic was exceptionally clear, and when he searched halfway through the stage, he formulated a strategy for this game.



The first stage of the circle is coming to an end, and the five members of Diablo Fairy Tale have finished searching, 2 minutes ahead of the rhythm of other teams, and are ready to transfer.

Area E is the center of the map. It doesn’t matter if it’s any ABCD area, it’s very close. If you want to enter the circle, you can insert it diagonally into the area.

Autumn Maple Mountain is in Zone D. In theory, the route of the dark fairy tale is the lower right, and it can be reached in half a stage.

However, Ding Wen didn't do that. He took the dark fairy tale to the far left of E.

In other maps, they would definitely be unhappy if they were 2 minutes ahead, and there was hardly any difference, but in Boneyard, 2 minutes meant a lot.

This is already the limit of Dark Fairy Tale's ability to speed up the pace. With the help of this insignificant 2 minutes, they successfully intercepted Wusan who was about to leave the area on the right edge of the E area.

Wusan never dreamed that there would be a team blocking people in the first stage, or in such a slow-paced map. In addition, they had no psychological pressure and would not think too much.Soon, without any psychological preparation, two of them were ambushed by a dark fairy tale, and the remaining three managed to escape from far away.

Because the news of the elimination came too early, even the two commentators arrived in surprise.

Leng Feng said in surprise: "What are the dark fairy tales doing, they will block people in the early stage?"

Hualien also expressed surprise. Although the Dark Fairy Tale plan succeeded and got two heads eliminated, there was still a hint of worry in her tone: "Compared to the previous 9 games, they are indeed a bit abnormal."

Leng Feng shook his head: "They can't play like this. This game is the last one, which determines who can qualify. The risk of playing a team in the early stage is too high. To be honest, I'm not very optimistic about it."

He said it more tactfully, because the behavior of Diablo Fairy Tale at the moment is no different from those happy teams in previous years.

You are a team competing for the qualifying spot, how can you let yourself go like them?
After all, usually the way of blocking people in the early stage is only done by those happy teams who have no chance, so the way of dark fairy tales is naturally incomprehensible.

Just wondering, the 'abnormal behavior' of the dark fairy tale... is still going on!
They didn't intend to let Wu San go, even though the other party had already escaped, they still drove after him.

Listening to the continuous sound of the car behind, the remaining three of Wusan also looked confused.

"What are we doing... Do we have any grudges, and we have to chase after him?"

And having said that, are our identities reversed?
We should be the happy team, right?

In the early stage, I recognized a team's practice of chasing deadly, but any coach would not allow it, because it is too s, b, too stupid!

Do you know if there is anyone in the direction the other party is running away from?

Do you know if people from other teams are ambushing the route?
Do you know how to paint the circle in the back?

You don't know anything, how dare you chase after him like Lengtouqing, without considering the consequences and hidden risks!
Apart from Wusan's incomprehension, he was also a little angry.

In fact, they didn't have the idea of ​​having a fun game at first. This time they planned to transfer normally and play well as before. Even if they didn't have a chance to qualify, they could still gain some experience in the game.

But the dark fairy tale went too far, as if Wusan and they had a vendetta against killing their father, they deliberately mentioned the rhythm card and they didn't talk about it, and even chased them to the end.

If Wusan hadn't lost two of them, he would really have to go back and fight them to the death.

It's a pity that Wu San is angry, and they are outnumbered. They also understand that the probability of turning around and winning is too low now, so they might as well lead them around in circles and lure them to places where there are people on purpose. cause some damages.

If the situation permits, they can turn around and attack the dark fairy tale together with other teams.

(End of this chapter)

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