I can see the finals

Chapter 551 Different choices

Chapter 551 Different choices
And the fact is as expected by the commentators. After being stuck for a while, the villains from the ten directions became lonely without any accident. As the circle approached, they also had to set off and march into the circle.

But the dark fairy tale has already set up a defense line and blocked their route into the circle. Under the double influence of the enemy and the circle, Shifang villain Kong has a lot of strength, but he can't use it. None of the five people can They were lucky enough to break through the line of defense and all died on the way into the circle.

It is true that with the overall strength of the villains from the ten directions, if the two sides fight in an open battle, they must be the one with the advantage, but everyone is equal in front of the circle, even if the gods are in their positions, the final result It is also the same.

So when the second corner cut came, the number of eliminations of Diablo Fairy Tale increased by 5, reaching 15 kills in a single game!

Of course, we can't talk about a single game yet, after all, the game is still going on.

Without the interference of the enemies behind, Ding Wen successfully led the team into the circle according to the plan several circles ago.Whether it's the location around Louba, the battle, or their current operating route, everything has already been arranged, so their transfer seems to be very easy, even if there are still other teams around, they still haven't encountered too much. big hindrance.

The three-cut corner is also the last corner cut, and the circle has a concentric circle. The Jiamu Hospital, which was located in the center of the circle in the previous stage, is still in the center at the three-cut corner.

The position of the final circle has been locked, the players have a clear goal, no need to guess the circle, the game has become simpler and more difficult, the team not in the circle has to consider who to fight and from which direction; the team in the circle has to think about how to defend, Consider the top defensive goals.

As for who the dark fairy tale wants to hit, Ding Wen has already considered this point, or rather, they are not beating people, but going to deal with them.

The style of advancing from the sidelines is standard for strong teams, and there are naturally many requirements, one of which is... don't be in a hurry when advancing.

However, this requirement is for other teams. For Ding Wen, he has a lot of time to study and analyze in the early stage, so they are moving very fast at this time, but it does not mean that he made a temporary decision in a hurry .

The next point of Dark Fairy Tale is the commodity street 200 meters west of Jiamu Hospital. Strictly speaking, that kind of location is not a good point. The houses along the street are very short and lack high points, and it is easy to enter the houses along the street. It is difficult to get out, and outside is an empty street without any bunkers, which can be seen by other high points.

Usually only remnants would come to this kind of position, and it was forced, but Ding Wen chose this place. First, they were sure that there was no one behind them, and second, they still had a car.

There are very few teams with three corners and cars. Basically, there are teams that have been in the circle for several stages. Those who push from the circle like Diablo still maintain a good number of vehicles. Really It's not easy.

Next, they only need to park the car, try to park in some blind spots where the tires cannot be hit at high points, and then wait for a wave of opportunities to go straight to Jiamu Hospital.

Of course, it all depends on luck to save a few cars in the end, but Ding Wen has already prepared for the worst. In case all the tires fall off, they still have a route to Jiamu Hospital on foot, but that The route can be a bit more dangerous than driving.

In the main perspective, the director showed a shot of a room along the street where a dark fairy tale arrived, and then quickly cut away, because there were no other teams in that place, and no battle would break out.

At the same time, at the Jiamu Hospital in the very center, the aboriginal people were hit by the fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms.

In the pre-match ranking predictions, the Three Kingdoms Warriors are the favorites to qualify. Even on paper, they are No. 1 in the group. Compared with them, Bai Mi Yi Shu is just a team with mid-lower strength.

If you don't look at the circle, no one would think that a hundred secrets and one sparse can beat the warriors of the Three Kingdoms, but the key is...their battle must be based on the circle!

The three-country fierce generals' full collision point failed, and two of them were kicked off by other teams along the way before they were posted close to Jiamu Hospital. When they arrived, there were only three left.

The surrounding teams continued to interfere, and the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms dropped another one on the periphery. They didn't even see a few people, so they were no longer threatening.

However, Jiamu Hospital is very large and there are many buildings. The remaining two people did not enter the main building, but ran to the side building, so they survived.

"Crazy, what are the warriors of the Three Kingdoms doing?"

"What's the situation, even I know I have to move later, they are moving too fast!"

The warriors of the Three Kingdoms, like the villains from the ten directions, did not show any strength. Because of one choice, they were drawn wildly all the way, and in the end they became two people. Whether they were their fans or ordinary passers-by audience, they all felt deeply. deep confusion and doubts.

However, the commentary was deeper than these ordinary audiences understood. Leng Feng's face changed slightly, and he began to analyze the actions of the Three Kingdoms warriors: "The reason why they moved so early is because they want to win a place in the finals? After all, their original The location is very poor, and the time and terrain are not allowed to push all the way.”

Hua Lian agreed: "It should be. I think their collision point doesn't seem like they have to fight with Baimi and Yishu. They just want to fight for a survival point."

As I said before, although Jiamu Hospital is not as tall as Louba, its area is not small, so even if there is a full formation stationed here, it is impossible to occupy all the positions. The Three Kingdoms warriors took aim at this point, and then decisively A choice has been made.

Leng Feng glanced at the panoramic map, and suddenly showed a strange smile: "It's quite interesting to say, a new team that has just entered the World Championship is constantly pushing the sidelines, but the old strong team is sticking. How do I feel about their The choices reversed each other?"

Hua Lian also laughed: "There is no way, the circle does not allow the Three Kingdoms to push aside."

What are the top teams in the world, what are the world champions, as long as there is no circle, they are not much different from those ordinary teams.

Of course, there are still some small differences, that is, when they do not get a circle, their scoring efficiency will be higher than that of ordinary teams.

For example, the current Three Kingdoms warriors, as long as Bai Mi Yi Shu doesn't send out all the members to clear the people, they have already locked a place in the finals, even though...they only have two people.

However, building warfare has too many variables. Unlike plain warfare and mountain warfare, even if the number of people is suppressed, it can sometimes be compensated by manipulation.

Three Kingdoms Warriors and Diablo Fairy Tale have already made their choices for the next round, and the other teams are similar, except that their speed is a little slower.

On the other side, where most people didn't pay attention, Daiyu, the lone wolf of Dreaming of the Red Chamber, also entered the circle. She didn't have a car and was walking west of the circle on foot.

It is difficult to go around the edge of the second-cut corner, let alone the third-cut corner, but Daiyu didn't just come to the west side of the circle, but moved to this side early.

At the first corner, she was still on the south side of the circle, at the second corner, she was close to the west side of the circle, and at the third corner, she was almost in the direction perpendicular to the dark fairy tale.

What's dangerous is that Diablo Fairy Tale doesn't seem to be aware that there is a lone wolf in his ass, or he doesn't think about it at all.

The prep time for the three-cut corner is over, and the lap time begins.

Daiyu stayed in the small one-story house on the westernmost edge of the circle, and used a telescope to look at the commercial houses along the street more than 100 meters away.

In the binoculars, the backs of the five members of the Dark Fairy Tale were clearly visible, naked in her sight.

(End of this chapter)

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