I can see the finals

Chapter 549 'Stupid' defensive choice

Chapter 549 'Stupid' defensive choice
The circle brush is very clever, but also a little awkward.

The embarrassing thing is naturally the team on the west side that is not in the circle, which is fine if they are not in the circle, but the disgusting thing is that the eighth floor is in the circle.

If Lou Ba was not in the circle, these teams could overtake and enter the circle in front of Lou Ba, but now that Lou Ba was in the circle, it meant that the teams inside didn't have to move, and their only choice was to attack Lou Ba.

Of course, you can still choose to overtake.

However, under the premise of 'Louba's team didn't leave', the overtaking move was very stupid.

At the first cut corner, the area of ​​the circle no longer allows the team to make large-scale transfers, and their choices will become fewer, or they will not be able to choose.

Chaos will create more opportunities and choices, but without chaos, the meaning of overtaking is gone.

After seeing the circle, some spectators in the field suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn! The luck of this new team is really good!"

"Yeah, it's really wrong, it's right on the edge of the circle!"

"No wonder they can enter the World Championship in one year. With this kind of luck, if they don't make it, there will be ghosts!"

At present, the west side has the largest number of teams, with a total of four teams, and they are still close together, so of course the camera from the main perspective also shifted to this area.

Leng Feng: "The anti-aircraft guns have passed through the encirclement net. If there are no accidents, they will successfully reach the seventh building."

Hualien: "It's good to lose two people, at least they don't have to participate in the melee."

Leng Feng: "The new team is Meteor Shower, let's see what their choices are."

As he spoke, he immediately added a sigh: "Sure enough, they are going to attack Louba, and Diablo Fairy Tale has divided one out. To be honest, it's a bit of a stretch to defend four..."

Hualien: "However, the taller people have already gone down. If there is time to hold the position, this building is actually not so easy to attack."

While talking, the meteor shower in the game has already driven to the point near the eighth building.

The villains from the ten directions on the side also collected this information, but they chose to watch the battle, neither intervening nor taking any action, not knowing what plans they had in mind.

From the main perspective, Jiang Tong had already gone downstairs and set up an ambush in a room in the east corridor. The remaining three were all on the first floor, keeping a distance from her.

But Meteor Shower didn't know the information in the building, whether it was the number of people or the location of the ambush, they didn't know anything about it.

So after they came to the eighth building, they didn't rush to break in, but lingered outside the building.

Seeing this scene, Leng Feng couldn't help shouting: "Why hesitate, how can you hesitate at a time like this! There are villains from all directions beside you, if you hesitate, you will be trapped!"

Hua Lian murmured, "But why do I feel that...the villains from Shifang have no intention of persuading a fight."

Leng Feng said: "They have to be persuaded, how can they enter the circle without persuasion."

"They can go to the seventh floor." At this time, Ding Wen in the game solemnly told everyone: "In this wave of defense, none of us will be able to lose, but if we lose one, villains from all directions will come to attack us!"

Although the situation on the court seemed a bit chaotic, Ding Wen's mind was still very clear.

Meteor Shower did not enter the building for a long time, which showed that they were safe outside and did not receive pressure from villains from all directions.

As for why the villains from the ten directions did not move, Ding Wen guessed that they wanted to observe the situation first, and then make plans.

The current situation is like this. Dark Fairy Tale and Meteor Shower don't have any extra power of choice. One can only attack and the other can only defend. However, the villains from the ten directions have choices. They can attack the eighth building or the seventh building.

The anti-aircraft guns went to Lou Qi, they were very clear, after all, they were the ones who killed the people, so it is impossible not to know this information.

So how they choose will depend on the outcome of Lou Ba's battle.

No matter who wins, as long as more than two people are lost, they can give up Lou Qi and choose to attack the remnant defensive Lou Ba, because when Lou Qi and Lou Ba have the same number of enemies, they will definitely choose a better position that.

Therefore, the dark fairy tale must not only win, but also not lose people, and even if it loses, it must not exceed two or more people.

After another half a minute, the meteor shower that had been lingering outside for a while finally couldn't bear it anymore.

They knew that the villains from the ten directions were also nearby, but they never got any information about them. Did they enter the circle?Still right behind, peeping at them secretly.

Since Meteor Shower didn't know where the anti-aircraft guns had gone, it was hard to get off at this time. After hesitating, the five of them broke into the building together with a firm mind.

The direction they chose to enter was the south, where the cars of Dark Fairy Tale were parked. If they had the leisure, they could knock out all the tires of these cars.But they don't have such a leisurely mind now. As soon as they entered the building, everyone's spirits were highly concentrated, and they looked around nervously.

For them, they only need to occupy the first floor. After all, it is not the early stage of the game, and the foothold is much larger than the control area.

As long as the first floor is taken down, and then swiped away in a circle, they can also reverse the card of the dark fairy tale, and they will make money no matter what.

But Ding Wen didn't know the importance of the first floor, otherwise he wouldn't have called Jiang Tong down.

Except for Jiang Tong who was in the farthest room, the other three were hiding in the nearer room. If Meteor Shower wanted to completely take down the first floor, he had to arrange room by room.

Naturally, this defensive method is not conventional, it is a bit cumbersome, it cannot give the party entering the building a strong fire suppression in the shortest time, but it can delay for a long time.

The word procrastination sounds stupid, similar to slow death, but Ding Wen is not panicked at all, nor is he worried at all.

"No one?" After Meteor Shower and the others entered, they were also surprised.

They thought they would be beaten immediately after entering, but it turned out that it was quiet inside, no one was seen, and there was no sound.

"Isn't it on the first floor?"

"It's impossible for the teams in the World Championship to be so stupid, right?"

"It's hard to say, after all, they are playing in the World Championship for the first time this year."

The Meteor Shower members communicated quickly in the voice, some questioned, some were overjoyed.

They didn't think that the dark fairy tale was hiding, hiding in a certain room, just waiting for them to search it, and then sneak attack, because it was really too stupid.

After all, Meteor Shower is fully staffed, and there are five people. When they are investigating, one person can check it, and four people can search a room.

Whether the five of them are huddled in the same room or spread out, these choices are all slow deaths.

"Okay, stop arguing." The commander of the team, Pegasus, said at the right time, and smiled with a relaxed mood: "Brothers, let's start the search, Aries, you stand up, as soon as anyone shows up in this corridor, attack immediately! "

"no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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