I can see the finals

Chapter 547 Encountering a Strong Team

Chapter 547 Encountering a Strong Team
The game continued, and there were only a few battles in the early and mid-term. From the current point of view, the teams in this group are much more stable than the teams in other groups. The obvious low-level mistakes show that these teams are not comparable to those ordinary teams, regardless of their mentality or overall strength.Even though it was the first game on the first day, they didn't say that they were uncomfortable with their hands, but quickly entered the state.

The fourth stage has passed, and the fifth stage is approaching. Finally, three more teams encountered each other at the bridgehead, and there were casualties between each other. Although Ding Wen was not present in the distance, he also recorded the information about the elimination one by one.

In fact, at this stage of the game, the large amount of information accumulated in Ding Wen's mind is already very exaggerated. On the surface, although there is not much information about the elimination, it can be used as a command. He not only has to guess the approximate positions of the teams from the information about the elimination, but also You have to pay attention to your surroundings and make plans for the team's next step into the circle.In addition, Ding Wen can see circles, so in terms of calculations, he has far more commands than other teams.

"Defend well, don't spread out."

The circle was refreshed, and Ding Wen didn't let his teammates step nearby, but let them all stay in the building. Except for Jiang Tong who stayed on the roof of the top floor, the rest were stuck on the first floor.

On this point, Ding Wen's strategy is obviously different from that of Emperor Song.Of course, this cannot be said to be a problem with Emperor Song's strategy, but under the current situation, there is already a possibility of 'a certain team' attacking the building.

At that time, Emperor Song's position was because of the early and mid-term of the game, so he didn't consider the assumption that someone would attack the building.

After all, having played World Championships for so many years, there really aren't many 'reckless' like Dark Fairy.

Leng Feng: "It's the fifth stage. Except for Area E, the other four large areas have been wiped away. It is already possible to lock where the last safe large area is."

Hualien looked at the map: "In this way, the rush point of the dark fairy tale at that time is very valuable. Although the eighth building is not the center of the E area, it is also a very good starting point, as long as the next circle is not too big. Too extreme, they're both easy to play."

As she said that, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled: "There is indeed something wrong with the commander of this new team. He didn't reach the fourth stage, but he made a decisive choice. This is the first time I have such a gambler commander See you at the World Championship."

Leng Feng hummed: "Based on his behavior at that time, I think he is more decisive than Fengshen Jiang Ziya."

After saying this, it seemed to arouse the dissatisfaction of the fans of Fengshen. Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in front of the competition venue and the light screen.

"What are you talking about? Crazy? Fengshen is also comparable to them?"

"That is, how can a rookie conductor who has no honor be compared with Jiang Ziya?"

"Don't be embarrassed, at least he has created the world record for the highest elimination in a single match." Someone was feeling weird.

"Haha, the world record, I also watched that game, he was just pure luck, he chose a trap master, and put circles on their faces. No bragging, that kind of circle shape, that kind of profession for me You can go up!"



Back in the game, after a few minutes of preparation time for the fifth stage, Ding Wen's premonition came true.

A team coming from the west quietly came near Louba.

Since it was an urban battle in Area E, the team tactically abandoned a few vehicles, some walked, some drove around the building, constantly testing the surrounding firepower.

But it is said to be quiet, but in fact, under the premise that Louba Tiantai has already stopped people, they think they are quiet, but they are so conspicuous in Jiang Tong's scope.

The other party had four people and a car, and all their movements were exposed in her field of vision.

But she didn't shoot, and although she was perfectly sure she'd kill at least one in seconds, she didn't.

"One of the four standard marks is reading the information on the east side; one is in the coffee shop and has not come out yet; the car is driving back and forth under my feet, and the other two are..."

She reported all the information she had, and then waited for Ding Wen's decision.

"Not moving." Ding Wen's answer was only two words.

"it is good."

Jiang Tong held back her killing intent. If this was Tiangong before, she would have shot by now. She could not only get eliminated, but also act as a threat to drive the opponent away, but now she just calmly watched these people in her sight Shaking and doing nothing.

Seven or eight seconds later, she quickly reported two more messages.

"Some of them saw Yan Luodian's car, and I don't know if they will leave."

"They hesitated, unable to tell whether to leave or not, and they were still observing the information."

After listening to these two messages, Ding Wen immediately asked: "Can you kill the people who read the messages?"

"It can be killed, but it is estimated that it cannot be repaired."

"Then shoot and see how they react."


As the words ended, Jiang Tong's guns were fired almost at the same time!
She has been staring at that person for a long time, and she can do it anytime she wants to kill, and in the fourth stage, she also exchanged the materials of Yama Temple for a 3+3 black and white impermanence gun.

I saw a black mist that was different from ordinary heavy sniper bullets flashing across the roof. When the gunshot sounded, the bullet had already passed through the opponent's head!
"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨Black Swan headshots and knocks out the villains from all directions丨Xingyun!"

"Damn, I've been fucked!" The other party exclaimed, and fell to the ground very unconvinced.

Villains from all directions?

Except for Ding Wenwen and Fang Luoqing, the rest of the three had a wave of turmoil in their hearts.

Even Jiang Tong, who succeeded, couldn't help but change a little.

It turned out to be villains from all directions!
They didn't expect that they would meet such a strong team in just five stages!

And this elimination message naturally attracted the attention of other teams on the field.

"One of the villains from the ten directions was beaten?" Some ordinary champions and runners-up teams showed astonishment.

"This new team is fine. After defeating Yan Luodian, they will fight against the ten-party villains. No one will be afraid." The slightly stronger ones are not touched, and they look like they are watching a show.

"Haha, the matches in this group are interesting, really interesting." The top teams like the Three Kingdoms Warriors found it very interesting.

And the audience commentators in front of the screen naturally looked like they were watching a show.

Of course, they were watching anyway, which is bullshit.

Hualien: "The villains in Shifang are careless. Haven't they noticed that there are people on the roof of Louba?"

Leng Feng shook his head: "It's impossible to see. The people on the roof have never moved, let alone fired a gun. As long as they hide well, it won't look good from below."

In the game, as Xingyun was knocked down, the other four people immediately took corresponding and different actions.

They acted quickly, one went to Xingyun to pull people, one shrank, and one changed positions. As for the driver, he got out of the car immediately and hid the car out of Lou Ba's field of vision.

In just a few seconds, all four villains from the ten directions disappeared out of Jiang Tong's field of vision. They moved and disappeared so quickly, as if there was no team around at all a few seconds ago.

(End of this chapter)

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