I can see the finals

Chapter 542 Forced breakthrough

Chapter 542 Forced breakthrough
In fact, Ding Wen's plan is very simple, that is to use his mechanism master's leg mechanism, that is, to jump his legs, rush to the high-altitude upstairs by himself, and then cooperate with Fang Luoqing and the others below to trap Yan Luodian to death.

The plan is not so complicated, at least it is much more common than Ding Wen’s schemes when he used to plot others in the Seventh District League, the kind that passers-by players would not be surprised to see. Jiang Tong and the others started to remember their own plans Breakthrough location and distance.

In Ding Wen's guess, Yan Luodian probably didn't expect them to break through by force, so the latter probably had no psychological preparation for the attack. According to speculation, Ding Wen felt that they would routinely put one person in the elevator, and the other three One person goes to the high point to collect information, and the other two guard the stairs.

However, Louba is a tall building, the space inside is not only complicated and open, but also has many entrances and exits. It is obviously unrealistic for Yan Luodian to rely on these few people to guard Louba.

"The person who got stuck on the stairs should be here."

Ding Wen gave the bid quickly, and said to Xiaofang, Li Huan, and Yanjuan in a loud voice: "This is it, the west staircase on the fifth floor. This floor is not an office area. There are few rooms and a wide view. Even if Emperor Song didn't expect us to Will attack, and prepare for the worst, choose a floor where you can see and evacuate."

"The task of the three of you is to concentrate your firepower and charge up from the fifth floor!"

Jiang Tong heard that she was not included in the staff arrangement, so she asked, "What about me?"

"You are responsible for attracting the attention of the elevator guard. Remember, you don't need to go up, just don't let him leave the elevator. We must get rid of these two people as soon as possible."

Not only did Jiang Tong show a look of embarrassment, but even an experienced woman would inevitably have doubts at this time: "But how can I hold him back if I don't go up."

She knows that her melee ability is really mediocre in the World Championships, and she can understand that Ding Wen didn't specially arrange for her to join in the assault mission, but just as she wondered, how could it have the effect of delaying no one going up? ?

"It's simple, you can do this in a while." Ding Wen said a few words quickly, and after Jiang Tong listened, she still didn't have much confidence in her heart: "Is this possible? It feels like... playing house Home."

Ding Wen smiled and said, "Trust me, it's useful. Sometimes pranks can also have miraculous effects, especially for such professional players who have been playing World Championships all year round."

"Okay." Although Ding Wen's 'trick' for her was a bit of a joke, but since his expression was so firm, Jiang Tong couldn't say anything.

Then try?

She thought about it with a strange face, and Ding Wen quickly said: "Your mission is that simple, I will find the taller person, and then restrain him, and wait for my news first."

"No problem, let's start!" Fang Luoqing has long been eager to try, and of course she prefers fighting to boring transfers.

"Okay, let's get started."

After Ding Wen finished speaking, he looked up at the sky.

His equipment in this field is so-so, but he has found all the necessary mechanisms, such as the ripper for stabilizing and controlling people, the spring legs on the legs, and two extra mechanism arms. With these existing mechanisms, Ding Wen can Dare to say that he can kill one person steadily, but at least he can hold one person steadily.

King Biancheng in the fourth position of Yan Luodian is dead, so the people who go to the high point to read the information are either King Chujiang in the second position or King Taishan in the fifth position. No matter who these two people are, Ding Wen will Hold on with full confidence, waiting for the teammates below to come after finishing the battle.

The only difficulty is whether he can accurately jump to the window he wants to go to.

Ding Wen's current location is on the north side of the eighth building. According to his terrifying memory, which is different from ordinary people, Ding Wen clearly remembers that among hundreds of windows, only a dozen have no glass.

In this assault battle, he cannot be found. Firstly, he might not be able to jump in through the windows with glass, and secondly, if he jumped in, he would smash the glass and make obvious noises.

And he can't jump too high, it is impossible to reach the top of the building in one jump, so the window that meets his requirements is only the seventh window from left to right on the 8th floor.

If you are not familiar with mechanism masters and have not practiced specially, it is still very difficult to accurately jump and jump in. Fortunately, Ding Wen has practiced for more than a day.

After confirming the window with his eyes, Ding Wen took a deep breath, without any nonsense, instantly activated the spring leg, and then the whole person jumped up high on the ground as if a spring was installed under his feet!
Soon, he saw the window in the air, and when he was about to fall, Ding Wen mentioned that he glanced at the room inside, and when he found no one, he decisively reached out and grabbed the window sill with a snap!

This is also an action that can only be performed in the game, and after seeing his action, there was a sudden commotion in the competition venue.

"Wow, what is this, the skill of a mechanism engineer?"

"I have to say, it's a little cool, I didn't expect the assistant to be able to fly."

"That's why, let's delete Shadowmao soon. One jump is so high with only one supporter. It takes a long time to climb this terrible profession."


Leng Feng and Hua Lian were equally shocked. They were not surprised that the mechanism master could jump so high. As a commentary, even if they didn't play, they had to have a certain level of understanding of various professions, so they knew that the mechanism master had the mechanism of "jumping legs" .

They were surprised by Ding Wen's actions. Diablo Fairy Tale did take a small advantage in grabbing points and defeated a person in Yan Luodian, but it has just reached the third stage, and it is still in the early stage of the game. At this point in time It's really not a wise move to force a group.

I don't know if it's because of Ding Wen's first World Championship. He seems to know nothing about the "hidden rules" in previous World Championships. Yan Luodian has already retreated to avoid the battle, and he doesn't even want a car, but Ding Wen Still unwilling to let them go, not only violated the well-known 'convention', but also risked the theorem of 'the offensive side is inferior to the defensive side'.

Leng Feng couldn't help exclaiming: "The dark fairy tales are so ruthless, is this their style, but there is no record of this in the pre-match materials."

He admired Diablo Fairy Tale's momentum as a newcomer without any stage fright, but he didn't think that Dark Fairy Tale's success rate was so high.

Building [-] is so big, with so many floors, and there are only four people on the other side, how can you be sure where they are all?

And you are the first person to enter the arena, and you still have no combat power to assist, if you are discovered just after sneaking in, wouldn't all the subsequent plans be ruined immediately?
Now it is the third stage. On the map, only Diablo Fairy Tale and Yan Luodian are closest to each other, and there is nothing to pay attention to in other places, so the main perspective has been on Lou Ba during this period.

To put it bluntly, no matter whether it is successful or not, the new team of Diablo Fairy Tale will at least be remembered by audiences all over the world. After all, the camera has given them too much time, and it is difficult not to remember it.

So, under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Ding Wen successfully leaned on the window sill and quietly rolled in.

As soon as the camera turned, it showed the specific locations of the four people in Yan Luodian.

One person is on the 11th floor and is taking the elevator up; two people are on the 5th floor, replenishing supplies in the next room; the last person is also on the 5th floor, but it is the elevator in the middle of the eighth floor.

Ding Wen sneaked into the 8th floor, and he did not break the window, so no one in Yan Luodian noticed his arrival.

The first step in the assault plan... a success!

(End of this chapter)

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