I can see the finals

Chapter 536 Coward?

Chapter 536 Coward?

Fengshen is still the same Fengshen, and is still the only most dominant team in the World Championship. This is by no means good news for other teams.

Those rumors that Fengshen's level has dropped this year are undoubtedly self-defeating. Judging from the first day of the game, no matter who is against Fengshen, they still can't get cheap, and they are more or less suppressed.

But fortunately there are [-] teams participating together in a game, even if they fail to win, they may not necessarily meet each other. It's just that the teams that are in the same group as Fengshen are suffering. If there is no accident, these teams should all fall into the breakout Just think about the precious spots in the competition, and there is a high probability that they have nothing to do with them.

The situation in Group 1 was clear on the first day, and there was no suspense. However, the match in Group 2 was still very interesting. There were also two strong teams in this group. After only one day, everything was hard to say.

After the game, Ding Wen and Li Zhenpi got together and began to review all the matches of today.

Strictly speaking, these two groups have nothing to do with Dark Fairy Tales. After all, they are not in the same group. As long as they don’t play a breakout match, they will definitely not meet each other. However, if conditions permit, it’s better to fight a prepared battle. To be on the safe side, Ding Wen still made preparations in advance to prevent the dark fairy tale from falling into the breakout round.

The time soon came to the fourth day, which was also the day when the 7 teams made their debut.

Before the game, it was still the same process, the only thing related to the dark fairy tale... was Tang Bao's star contestant Aidou who was interviewed on stage.

"I heard that you have a birth point conflict with the dark fairy tales of the new army in the seventh district." The host asked a very explosive question.

For this question, Aidou has been prepared for a long time, and answered calmly: "Yes, our birth point conflicts."

The host asked again: "That is to say, you will roll with them in today's game?"

"That's right!" Aidou looked up, looked at the fans holding the Tangbao team's sign under the stage, smiled smartly, and then said confidently: "No matter what kind of variables arise, the birth point of Factory Seven— — We will definitely not let it go! If they are not convinced, they can try it!"

As soon as the words came out, the fans holding the Tangbao signs were immediately excited and shouted excitedly: "Come on! Give them a lesson!"

"Kill them to death! Let these stunned youths know that Factory No. [-] is not a place for them to come!"

Hearing the clamor of the fans in the audience, the host just laughed and said jokingly: "Hey, the part of talking hard is not over yet. It seems that the idol players can't wait for the next roll point, okay , I don’t want to talk nonsense, thank you for accepting the interview with idol players, please go to the competition area and take a seat.”

Before Aidou stepped off the stage, he waved to the fans in the audience. The handsome and handsome him caused another group of female fans to scream.

And everyone in the dark fairy tale has already sat down, seeing a series of actions and remarks of idols on the big screen, and everyone has different expressions.

Ding Wen was as calm as ever, Fang Luoqing was wandering in the sky, Jiang Tong was very serious, and Li Huo was worried about the series of chain reactions that might be triggered by their decision to give up the roll point.

Of course, some of the fans from District [-] were also present. Seeing the arrogance of Tang Bao's fans, they immediately dissatisfied and shouted, but the contestants in the competition area couldn't quite hear what they were shouting.

The pre-match procedures were completed one by one, and the explanation screen finally appeared on the big screen.

There are also two commentators for the World Championship, one male and one female. It is no different from the league in the seven regions. Today, the commentators in charge of commenting the seven groups of games are all regular commentators in the World Championship. The male is the retired professional player Leng Feng, and the female is Keban A professional commentator from Hualien.

For the audience who often watch the World Championships, these two faces are obviously very familiar, and they often appear in the commentary booth.

It may be that there are too many strong teams in Group 7, and the official also attaches great importance to these five games, so they are arranged to be in charge of commentary.

The time counted down, all the contestants were seated, and they all put on U-pieces. Amidst the roar of the audience, the first game of the first day of the 7 groups officially started!
In the waiting square, all the players wear the same outfit. If it weren't for the team logo on the teammate's head, it would be really difficult to tell who is who and who is the enemy.

While the selection was waiting, an episode happened.

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted, "Where is Ding Wen from District Seven, can you say something!"

Immediately afterwards, a female contestant's voice echoed with a smile: "Yes, I heard that you are the only nanny conductor in our group, is it true?"

"What, nanny-style command?" Someone burst into laughter immediately, and laughed with full of malice: "I heard that right, the survivors have been alive for 11 years, and now there is still a nanny-style command?"

"It's outrageous, don't your teammates know how to play games, and you have to teach him how to stand?"

Ding Wen heard all these taunts, but he was unmoved and calm.

He knew that the Dark Fairy Tale was deliberately targeted, and it was organized and premeditated. He said these words just to anger them and disturb their mentality.

The audience in the waiting square has no screen, so what the contestants say here will not be announced to the public. Although Ding Wen is not angry, he can't help but feel a little bit of vigilance in his heart.

"These people who are talking are not from the same team. The last two sentences should be members of Tang Bao, so... what about the first two sentences?"

Looking at the entire 7th team, Ding Wen didn't find anyone who Diablo Fairy Tale had any grudges against. With faint worries, he chose careers for his teammates according to the original plan.

No. [-] position: Li Huo (advanced occupation, patrol)
No. [-]: Cigarettes (Qian Shou Tang, Grand Master)

No. [-] position: Ding Wen (advanced occupation, mechanism engineer)
No. [-]: Jiang Tong (advanced occupation, impermanence in black and white)

Fifth position: Fang Luoqing (Oriental Walker, the man with the sword)
This lineup is exactly the same as the one in the friendly match, and it is also the one they have the most confidence in and have worked through the most. It can basically deal with most of the battlefields in the game.

After selecting people and loading the map, Ding Wen turned off the male mic and appeared together in the upper left corner of the Lost City with a dark fairy tale——

The wild area at the farthest corner of Area A.

Tang Bao and the others readily 'go to the appointment'. According to the attitude of idols declaring war before the game, the five of them appeared together in Factory Seven, which had already planned a detailed bid.

The two commentators who were watching the main perspective were greatly surprised.

Leng Feng: "Stop rolling?"

Hualien was also suspicious: "It seems that Diablo Fairy Tale didn't go to Factory Seven."

It wasn't just the commentators who were surprised. Seeing that the icons of the two teams were not together, the audience exploded immediately.

"Haha, are you scared? Why don't you dare to come?"

"Let me just say, it's just a group of newcomers, how dare they roll with Tang Bao!"

"What a coward, at least let's make a gesture."


These people are just laughing and complacent, while the fans in District [-] are extremely angry. The actions of Diablo Fairy Tale undoubtedly made them lose face. .

For example, the words 'champion in the civil war', 'coward in the foreign war', and 'coward' appeared one after another and covered them.

However, all members of Diablo Fairy Tale were already prepared, and they couldn't see or hear those infamy during the game, so after they landed, they started normal search and development without any influence at all.

(End of this chapter)

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