I can see the finals

Chapter 530 Conferred God's Past

Chapter 530 Conferred God's Past
The friendly matches are over, but the team members have no time to rest, because there is still the most important event waiting for them. After the friendly matches are over, the annual top-level tournament, the World Championship, is coming soon.

Ding Wen returned to the training room, Jiang Tong and others were still there, but Li Zhenpi had instantly forgotten the friendly match that he had just finished, and entered another state, calling out all the information of all the teams participating in this year's World Championship .

"Liushen, I'm just waiting for you to come back, can I start?"

"let's start."

"Okay." Li Zhenpi enlarged the form. On it was the information of the 199 World Championship teams except Diablo Fairy Tale. Looking around, it was densely packed.

The information includes the KD of each team's main players, substitute players, past records, good occupations, etc., as well as their team's birth points on different maps.

Li Zhenpi said: "The complex information of the operation route will be grouped and I will expand it in detail. Let's first have a general understanding of the composition and strength of these teams."

As he said that, he clicked on the form of a team alone, and the word Fengshen marked with a red circle appeared prominently at the top of the form.

"Fengshen, three-year three-time champion, the only dynasty team in the Survivor e-sports competition, I believe I don't need to introduce too much, you should have heard and understood their name."

Everyone nodded, no strangers to this extremely terrifying team.

Li Zhenpi continued: "I have done a lot of research and analysis before. This team has many advantages and almost no weaknesses. First of all, I will pick a few more important ones and briefly talk about them."

"First of all, Fengshen's frontal team win rate is ridiculously high. Without the influence of third-party teams, their win rate is over 40. It can basically be said that it is difficult to lose. And in the chaotic scene where multiple teams coexist, they There is also a [-]% chance of breaking out and becoming the final winner, even if not, you can still get a higher elimination score than the guaranteed score."

"Secondly, their judgment on the shape of the ring is amazing. Just like the Liushen of our team, they are frequent visitors to the finals. They can be seen in the finals in seven out of 10 games. Everything is inseparable. Let’s start with Jiang Ziya, their conductor, who is officially rated as the world’s number one super giant player.”

When he said this, Li Zhenpi was also looking at Ding Wen, wanting to see his reaction.

However, Ding Wen didn't respond, and his expression was still very flat, as if he wasn't frightened by the name of the world's number one conductor.

Regarding Fengshen, he can be said to know more details than Li Zhenpi. When he was not playing professionally, he often went to look for Fengshen's videos to watch, but he never thought that one day, he would really have the opportunity to compete with the world's No. [-] team. The first team played against each other.

This is from the perspective of "native Ding Wen". Now Ding Wen certainly knows that his previous memories are all fictitious, and he has obtained more inside information about Fengshen's interior through Sister Cat, so he will not feel special Excited, there is a sense of excitement of 'dreams come true'.

As for expectations, there are still some. After all, he is competing with the top artificial intelligence, and he is also very curious about his performance.

But these are secondary. Ding Wen has a gentle personality and a Buddhist mentality. In his own opinion, the most important thing is to finish the game quickly, complete his "tasks", and then "go home". I don't want to.

Of course, there is one more point...that is to solve your own 'pregnancy problem'.

He hasn't mentioned this matter to anyone for a long time. Just a few days ago, he found that his stomach has grown slightly bigger. When people get fat, they only get fat in their stomachs, and other places remain unchanged.

Back to the topic, Ding Wen's calm expression seemed to have given Li Zhenpi a sedative. The conductor was not afraid, and they would also be infected, and his confidence immediately rose.

His voice raised unconsciously: "In the end, it's the personal strength of all their team members. Everyone should know that Jiuchi Roulin in our seventh district is a club affiliated to Fengshen, and it can also be called a branch. During these years, King Zhou goes to the Fengshen headquarters for assessment twice a year, but every time he is ruthlessly dismissed, let alone being a tool, he has never been qualified even as a substitute player."

What Li Zhenpi said was about King Zhou's personal past, which Ding Wen knew.

Four years ago, Fengshen hadn't established a dynasty at that time, and he hadn't even won the first championship. At this time, he was already a well-known murderer in the seventh district, and King Zhou wanted to be promoted. Counting the hundred districts as one country, that district is the capital of the hundred districts; if it counts as multiple countries, one district is the capital of the world, the most powerful country.

So it is understandable that King Zhou does not want to stay in the seventh district, and yearns for the first district wholeheartedly.But what is strange is that at that time, Fengshen, who had repeatedly challenged the world championship to no avail, and had to change his personnel, failed the assessment of King Zhou.

Everyone is familiar with the following story. Feng Shen first won the No. 5000 pick in the draft in the first district, and then spent 4000 million and [-] million respectively to buy the No. [-] pick and the third pick from other teams. , In the last five for one, he exchanged with the current No. [-] strong team in District [-], Lang Taosha, to become the No. [-] pick.

After a series of jaw-dropping operations, a dynasty was born.

What is the concept of buying a rookie for 5000 million?
You must know that Li Hei, who was hailed as the best newcomer in the Seventh District this year, had a transaction price of only a few million. Jiang Tong, a money-making machine, had an annual contract salary of only 5000 million when he was in Tiangong.

So at the time everyone thought that Fengshen was crazy, and actually spent more than [-] million yuan to buy two rookies who had never played a game. Of course, looking at it now, these few deals must have been profitable, and they were bloody.

It is no exaggeration to say that for the price of a single player of Fengshen's main players, you can buy two or three Ding Wen by just picking one.

It can be seen from this that it is normal for King Zhou to hit a wall many times. Although he is very strong in the seventh district, compared with the players of Fengshen, he can't get on the stage at all, and he is still far behind.

What Ding Wen will face in the future is such an extremely terrifying team. The individual strength of each of them is too exaggerated. If you want to find a measure, then they are five small parties playing games. It's even more than that, five enhanced versions of Xiao Fang are playing the game.

Speaking of Fang Luoqing, Ding Wen is still very confident. The cheat that Sister Cat arranged for Ding Wen is to predict the finals, and her cheat seems to be combat power.

Before that day, she had never played a game before, but she showed her amazing talent as soon as she got started, she didn't look like a newcomer who had only been exposed to battle royale games.

Moreover, there seems to be no upper limit to her hacks. Every time she meets a strong person, her strength will grow accordingly. It belongs to the kind that learns from actual combat and becomes stronger the more she fights.

(End of this chapter)

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