I can see the finals

Chapter 516 New Shock

Chapter 516 New Shock
Sanfang's offensive and defensive battles in this game did not attract the attention of many people except the seventh district, because the main point of view was on the other side of the battlefield at this time.

That place is the place where the champion of the 10th district is not yet finished, and the champion of the 11th district is superior to others.

The fight for the double crown is naturally far more exciting than the internal fighting in District 7, so when the two sides fought, the director first gave some shots of Ding Wen and the others, telling the audience that there was a team fight, and then quickly cut away, the main screen Still focused on the top seed matchup in the division.

There were only two perspectives in the friendly match, one panoramic map and one main perspective. The audience in District [-] disappeared after watching half of the camera. Naturally, they were very upset. Although the fight between Weimo and Gao Renyi was really exciting, they paid more attention to it. The ones are still placed on the elimination information in the upper right corner.

When seeing the frequent downfall of the five elements, some audience members were immediately depressed and sighed unceasingly, while more audience members gradually relaxed. Finally, after the passing information also popped up, they were finally completely relieved.

Although the elimination information was not continuously swiping the screen, the visual impact was not that great, but they were already satisfied with being able to eat the five elements without injury.

After all, in the league, the team battles between the two teams were still 46 times. It is not fixed who is 4 and who is 6. Winning one side has to pay some price, but judging from the first team battle today, Diablo is much stronger than before.

The only fly in the ointment is that Jiang Tong was not eliminated or knocked down, and the sense of participation was insufficient. From the information alone, it gave people the sense that Diablo Fairy Tale won 4 vs 5 and won Wuxing.

Fortunately, the game is not over yet, and she still has the opportunity to add statistics later.

Wei Mo and Gao Renyi waited for a long time to finish the fight. They are on the north side of the circle, which is a big weak side. When fighting in a group, there are no enemies from other teams around to harass them. Therefore, neither side is in a hurry to fight, and it took a long time. The northern winner was determined.

The superior paid the price of the two, and eliminated Wei Mo, who was also the division champion.

Now it is the end of the second corner cut, and the third corner cut is also the final corner cut. At that time, the position of the final circle will appear, and the plum blossom pile will be locked.

So no matter which side of the battlefield it is, try your best to end the battle before the circle.

Ding Wen and the others are stuck on the edge of the circle, and the only enemy behind their buttocks is the five elements. If the latter is destroyed, their surroundings will be basically cleared up. In addition, the surrounding area of ​​Sanfang is open and their vision is very clear. They are very sure about their surroundings Can't see anyone else.

So Ding Wen started to get the team members to act, stepping on positions according to the places he marked, and the four of them slowly infiltrated into the circle to collect the previous information, leaving Jiang Tong alone in the third room, including the broken back.

In the league, there were not many final rounds in District A of the Lost City, and the players in District [-] have basically never played. They may not be so familiar with the map minor after the two new versions, but for Ding Wen, this is not a problem , Even if he has not played too many times in the main match, he is still familiar with the shape of the finals, has a deep understanding, and has a great grasp.

The timing of Operation Dark Fairy Tale was perfect. The first four people had just finished their positions, and the third corner was just refreshed, and a southeast cut came.

The director cut out the panoramic map, covering half of the main viewing angle, and then zoomed in on the map so that the audience could see clearly the positions of the teams on the field after the circle appeared.

The last corner cut, the biggest beneficiary is a certain anchor team not far from Lele Zoo, and then the well-known wine merchants to the west of them, and Nanguo is also relatively close to the final circle, but their number is not large, only two indivual.

Although Dark Fairy's position is also very good, but on the side of a circle, the advantage is that there are no other teams next to them. After a defensive battle and a circle refresh, their position has undoubtedly become a big weak side.

However, the high-ranking players who just finished fighting in the north have to face the problem of entering the circle, and the "weak side advantage" they fought with Weimo before no longer exists.

It is thankless, busy for nothing, often a true portrayal of the team that controls the circle. Now there are many teams that like to play the circle. The advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious. You can only push forward and kill a bloody path from the enemy group.

In people's eyes, this dark fairy tale and superiority are both on the edge of a circle. The difference is that one is so lucky that the key cuts back, while the other is unlucky and miserable, and is cut away by the ruthless circle.

However, audiences in other competition areas don't understand the dark fairy tales at all, so how can they know that this is not due to good luck or bad luck.

But the fans of the dark fairy tales in the seventh district have long been used to it. They have seen the same scene too many times in the league. According to past cases, after three corners, as long as the dark fairy tales are still alive and there are enough people, then they Most likely it will be in a very good position.

But until now they still can't explain the reason. Once or twice is luck, but it happens almost every time. There is really a bit of metaphysics in it, which can only be attributed to Ding Wen's operational ability.

Because the superiors were not late to cut back, and the terrain in front of them was not easy to advance, so after the command thought quickly, they made a bold decision...Forget it!
It must be a very risky thing to be on the edge of the three-cut corner, but there is no choice for the superior. Through the previous information collection, they know that there are fewer teams in the east, so the direction of the edge is the east where the dark fairy tale is. .

Moreover, after careful analysis of the southeast retracement circle shape of the three-tangent angle, it is also a highly profitable decision to go around the east side.

On this route, there is also a remnant team of anchors. Although the superiors fought a team with Wei Mo, their strict discipline allowed them to save two good cars, so the three drove to move, sticking to each other. On the east side of the circle, quickly drive around to the south.

They have clear goals and are not greedy at the same time, as long as there is a place where they can stand firm.

Soon, they encountered the anchor team at the same circle. After a round of gunfire and arrows, the three of them drove to the south with difficulty in a crumbling vehicle that was about to be scrapped.

No matter how good the anchor team is, they are also at a high-ranking level. No matter how strong their division champions are, they can't escape the words "player" and "game character". Maybe because he is the first in the division and the top professional player, he ignores the game's mechanism and randomly attacks the live broadcast team that has more people than himself.

And it happened to be the end of the preparation time at this time, leaving little time for them to rest and adjust.

But they stayed in the northern part of the circle for a long time before, and did not know all the information in the southeast direction. The anchor team was the limit of their information collection.

Soon, without any information, the three of them drove to the vicinity of Sanfang in two cars.

(End of this chapter)

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