I can see the finals

Chapter 513 Arranging in advance

Chapter 513 Arranging in advance
Wu San Lone Wolf evacuated, and Cigarette could be rescued again. Among the five people in the dark fairy tale, only he was injured and fell to the ground, but this is also his expected position, and he will face the same scene countless times in the future.

Of course, this time it can't be considered that he chose to sacrifice on his own initiative. After all, Wu San was in ambush. Ding Wen and the others didn't prepare in advance.

After a brief tidying up, a few people searched Wusan's spoils for a while, replenished the supplies of the team members, and then prepared to move on.

But because Wusan dragged the pace, Ding Wen didn't go directly to the final destination, but slowed down a bit.

After entering the urban area, they encountered a team of anchors who were about to set foot on the spot. This team consisted of only four people. The player that Jiang Tong killed at the bridge before was also the anchor team from the nearest urban area.

The opponent was indeed very greedy, sending someone to occupy the bridge if it was some distance away, and completely regarded the friendly match as their casual ranking during their daily live broadcast.

Now that he met someone, Ding Wen didn't avoid it. With the idea of ​​testing the positive ability of the new lineup, he tried the water on this team.As a result, after counting the number of people and their positions, this team of four anchors had almost no parry ability, so they were defeated one by one by the dark fairy tales, and they were easily eaten up.

Didn't find anything from them, Ding Wen didn't feel anxious, and didn't take the initiative to disturb the crowded places, but followed the previous tactics and slowly advanced to the position of the finals.

Unknowingly, the fourth stage arrived. During this period, the dark fairy tale has been advancing without stopping. When encountering some enemies that exist but are difficult to attack, he chooses to bypass them.

If it was a dark fairy tale in the league, they would have reached the finals long ago, but now it is different. They have the ability to advance positively. Change, dark fairy tales have this condition.

The fourth stage passes quickly, the fifth stage arrives, and the first corner cut appears.

Since he has been marching, Ding Wen's equipment has not been upgraded. The spoils seized from Wu San were mainly distributed to Fang Luoqing and Jiang Tong. When the fourth-stage devil appeared, the two also exchanged for the top 3 +3 weapons.For the time being, Ding Wen only has a used ripper and a spring leg.

However, these equipments are enough. The pace of the friendly match is very fast, and the other teams are busy fighting to catch up with the group. When the first corner was cut, nearly half of the players were eliminated on the field.

The final circle of the first game is Lele Zoo, in Area A.

Although the dark fairy tales have not arrived yet, they have entered Area A before all the corners. After the corners appear, they don't need to adjust and can continue to run to the destination.

Jiang Tong has never experienced this kind of "smooth" feeling, except for the encounter in the 4S street, and the transfer later, they... didn't feel any pressure at all!
Whenever he senses someone nearby, Ding Wen can make a route plan immediately, even in advance, and lead the team to bypass in time. Jiang Tong almost never experienced such a "safe" feeling when he was in Tiangong, especially It's this year's league. They either lost people crazy during the transfer, or they were directly stuck on the road.

If you don't experience it personally, just by watching the video, you will never feel Ding Wen's ability to understand the map and his exaggerated command ability.

This is the operation!
Jiang Tong felt more and more that she had come to the right place. Ding Wen seemed to always have a well-thought-out plan and would not be troubled by big or small problems. She finally no longer faced the embarrassing scene of "the whole team is in a heated discussion" when an accident happened.

In the previous Tiangong, there was only one way when they couldn't enter the circle... relying on Jiang Tong's breaking point, find a team around the circle to attack.

Achievement is successful, failure is considered, if you lose, you will be out of the game and go to rest.

But under Ding Wen's command, this kind of thing should never happen again.

At least for now, everything is going well for them.

The team was very quiet, only Ding Wen, who was in the car ahead, was constantly reporting information, and at the same time constantly adjusted the appropriate route on the map according to the information.

In the middle of the first corner cut, the dark fairy tale has reached a deeper position in the A area, and Ding Wen finally stopped the team.

They can't go straight anymore, the surrounding teams have already started to gather together, if they are too greedy and aggressive, there is a high possibility of downsizing on the road.

Ding Wen chose a three-bedroom on the side of the road as the camping point, and took the position of 1112. Jiang Tong was at the highest window in the house. Cigarette went to the most dangerous place alone to hang the side. Fang Luoqing also hung the side alone. , but her position is more inclined to the flank of the output position, while Ding Wen and Li Huo are buried on the side of the road, one hugging a tree and the other squatting in a pit.

"Is this the station to receive the group?"

Jiang Tong quickly judged, thinking silently in her heart.

Of course she was very curious, she didn't know why Ding Wen would definitely have a team bump into them, because their third room was on the side of the road, and the surrounding area was relatively open, so it was more difficult to bump into them.

Moreover, Sanfang is not in the center of all corners, but only two-thirds of the way. The other teams don't know where the final circle is. If they have nowhere to go, they have to find a good place to attack. Those are easier to attack, closer to the center of the circle.

However, Jiang Tong has gradually adapted to the atmosphere of the team. As long as Ding Wen doesn't say anything, she doesn't need to take the initiative to ask.

In fact, Jiang Tong was right. After all, she is also a veteran player who has competed in the World Championships all the year round, and her judgment on some situations is relatively accurate.

In the first corner cut, there was indeed no team to actively attack them, but as soon as the first corner cut was over and the second cut corner appeared, Ding Wen suddenly said in a concentrated voice: "Attention, everyone is ready to defend!"

Someone's about to crash?

The rest of the people were shocked and quickly adjusted their state.

Jiang Tong looked at the map and finally understood why Ding Wen made the arrangements in advance.

Because the second cut corner... is the west cut.

Sanfang was originally a good position in the circle, but after Xiqie, it has become the edge of the circle.

Ding Wen said their original destination before, and the subtext of that place is naturally the final circle, so all the players in the team know this, and Jiang Tong also knows it, but she doesn't know what the second cut corner is, so Didn't understand Ding Wen's intention.

This is also the advantage of knowing all the circle shapes. Sometimes, it is useless to know where the final circle is. Ding Wen made the station arrangement in advance only through the second corner cut.

It is very important to stand first. The vicinity of Sanfang is relatively open. After removing these useless safety areas, Sanfang itself is the only station on the edge.

So, some of the teams that are playing around... are about to move.

(End of this chapter)

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