I can see the finals

Chapter 511 encounter, 53 resistance

Chapter 511 Encounter, Wusan's resistance
Of course, no matter whether you are worried or not, this bridge still has to be crossed.

Five people, one car for each person, all jeeps, no motorcycles, and the distance between cars was very tight and they got on the bridge.

The journey went smoothly until Ding Wen asked Jiang Tong to get out of the car ahead of time when he was about to reach Beiqiaotou.

If Ding Wen hadn't chosen the mechanism engineer, he would have been the one who got off the bus. When he was about to approach the bridge, he would turn the weatherman's compass to change the weather, which would affect the team's vision at the bridge, allowing other teammates to take the opportunity to cross the bridge.

But they now have a serious fourth position, so they have the conditions to set up a gun. Under normal circumstances, teams with a strong fourth position will choose to cross the bridge in this way.

In other words, regardless of whether the fourth position is strong or not, this is the safest choice to cross the bridge.

After Jiang Tong stopped the car, her quality in the top four made her immediately throw out a cigarette to block the side line, and then took out a 2+2 ghost heavy sniper frame next to the car, and looked towards the bridge through the scope.

The Nether Heavy Sniper is a general-purpose firearm for black and white impermanence. The top black and white impermanence gun can only be unlocked after four stages. She can only use this gun now.

However, the specificity of the heavy sniper lies in its high lethality, just like the military ring heavy sniper of the ocean heavy sniper, even if it is a 2+2 ghost heavy sniper, as long as it is headshot, it can kill it in one shot, unless the opponent has an amulet.

The farthest range of the heavy sniper is about 800 meters, and the limit field of vision is 1000 meters. Jiang Tong's position is not very far from the bridgehead, so under her scope, all the parallel buildings in front of the bridgehead are clearly visible. hide everywhere.

"I haven't seen anyone yet."

She quickly reported the first message, but Ding Wen didn't speak, she didn't move, and continued to stare at the bridge.

At this time, the Dark Fairy's army was about to arrive at Beiqiaotou. Perhaps there were too many cars and the noise was too loud. Suddenly, a small human head emerged from the window of a nearby bungalow, seeming to be attracted there, ready to check the situation.

Jiang Tong didn't see him for the first time. When she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, the other party was about to shrink back. For the other fours, it might be a little late to shoot now.

But she didn't hesitate, she moved her hand slightly, positioned it accurately in the next second, and fired the shot very decisively!
The bullet was like lightning piercing the clouds and dialing the sun, and it flew in front of the other party in an instant. The moment the latter heard the gunshot, his head was instantly exploded, and blood splashed thickly in front of the window!
"Player's Dark Fairy Tale丨Black Swan knocks down the idle cloud wild crane with a headshot of the ghost heavy sniper!"

The headshot reminder was just added in the new version. There was no such reminder before, and the player whose headshot was shot by Jiang Tong did not have a team logo, so it was obviously a member of the anchor team.

"The window of the 4th sign at the bridge head is down, you can post it!"


Ding Wen responded first, and then quickly said: "Mark 4 is not the point to block the bridge. He should have come to step on the spot in advance. There are only two people at most. Jiang Tong, keep watching. When we get closer, you will also It's time to come."


Ding Wen and the others quickly drove to the knocked down person's room, with Jiang Tong behind, as long as she could see, they didn't need to worry about someone suddenly appearing beside them, they were very at ease.

After getting off the car, the cigarettes were left outside, and the three of them went into the room to clean them up. After finding no other enemies, they made up for the wild cranes on the ground.

Ding Wen's guess is correct. The two bridgeheads of Lost City are very meaningful strategic points. Whether it is the upper half circle or the lower half circle, controlling the bridgeheads has two advantages. The second is that when it is impossible to transfer, you can also get elimination points by blocking bridges.

The anchor team closest to the bridge did intend to block the bridge, but the dark fairy tale moved early enough, and the other party hadn't finished searching yet, so they only sent one person over to check the spot in advance. I didn't expect the team crossing the bridge to be so fast. Just unplug this person first.

"You can come."

Jiang Tong then started the car and drove towards them.

Just killing a member of the anchor team is nothing to show off. Although the anchor is slightly better than most passers-by, in the eyes of professional players, they are still passers-by, and there is no substantial difference between the two.

But this is not the first drop of blood in this game. A few minutes ago, Wu San had a brief contact with Gao Renyi, and the former was knocked out by one person.

Ding Wen didn't say that the inspection of the bridgehead was too detailed, and he didn't mean to stay to block the bridge. After tidying up a little, they moved to the 4s street on the left.

At this time, half of the time for clearing circles in the first stage was just over. Now that the most difficult bridgehead has been passed, everything else will be easy to handle, so a few people stopped at 4s Street for the second development.

Because they moved too fast, many people didn't have enough supplies. Although the terrain of 4s Street was very narrow and blocked, the supplies were still ok.

Everyone was about to search, but unexpectedly, after the cigarette that explored the road arrived, a message was reported——

There seems to be someone near the 4s street.

A fixed car on the street was driven away.

Although Cigarette's memory is not as perverted as Ding Wen's, accurate to every point of every terrain, but for those fixed brushing points on the map, his memory is relatively solid, and he can find something wrong at a glance.

That is, shortly after he reported this message, a sharp arrow suddenly flew into the air!

The streets of 4s Street are full of burnt vehicles, thick smoke billows, and the vision itself is not good. This sharp arrow came out of the black smoke suddenly, which is unexpected, and the source of the attack is hard to find.

Ding Wen didn't figure it out, neither did Li Huo and Yanjuan.

And the target of this arrow happened to be cigarettes, he didn't have the slightest preparation, but it was too late to dodge in a hurry, and was directly pierced through the brain by the arrow.

Fortunately, at this stage, the headshot of the arrow can't kill anyone in seconds. Although the opponent is extremely accurate, the cigarette does not fall to the ground. After being hit by the arrow, he hides behind the nearest bunker in time, and takes out the medicine bag to increase blood.

But a sharp arrow shot out from an unknown direction immediately, piercing his shoulder!

Jiang Tong's gunshot rang out in time, and Fang Luoqing's figure quickly flashed among the abandoned cars. Ding Wen and the others didn't know where the attack came from, but the two of them clearly judged it.

Then, two knockdown messages appeared simultaneously.

"Player Five Three丨Sensen knocks down the dark fairy tale丨the old boy selling cigarettes with an armor-piercing arrow!"

"Player Dark Fairy Tale丨Black Swan knocks down Wusan丨Sen Sen with a headshot from the Nether heavy sniper!"

"There is another one on the second floor of the 4 mark!" Jiang Tong spoke quickly, and quickly reported the location of the other person.

"Already approaching!" While speaking, Fang Luoqing had already arrived at the downstairs she was talking about.

Although it was the first official match between the two, they had a perfect understanding. At this moment, Ding Wen also heard the rustling of footsteps.

A figure suddenly appeared from behind him, and made a fatal cut from the blind spot of his vision!

If it was Ding Wen in the league, he would not be able to avoid this sneak attack no matter what, and he would definitely die.

But now...it's far different!
The light of the knife flickered for a moment, but he suddenly turned his head, and the ripper on his face popped out with a snap!
The light of the knife suddenly disappeared, and almost instantly, the sneak attacker was bitten by the "terrorist teeth" of the ripper, and the whole person stopped in place, unable to move any more.

(End of this chapter)

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