I can see the finals

Chapter 495 'Work'

Chapter 495 'Work'

So he subconsciously looked back, as if he wanted to see if the door was closed tightly, but Sister Cat suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is the only safe place in District [-], there is no surveillance here, and there is no signal that can interfere Come in, and the content of our chat will never be known to others."

Ding Wen turned his head and sighed: "It seems that you are all ready."

"more or less."

Ding Wen said: "It seems that I can know some great things today."

"Yes. I'll tell you something I know, even if it's dangerous."

Sister Cat smiled: "But where should I start, oh yes, let's talk about our identities first. Of course, you don't have to worry, we are all human beings, not AI."

Ding Wen didn't respond and continued to listen.

"Our identities are mainly related to work. In fact, we are not the aborigines of this world. Many years ago, our ancestors used a technological means to unintentionally link to this world. I don't know exactly when, but that's not important.

The important thing is that they found that the technology in this world is extremely advanced, at least 100 years ahead of us, and in this world, there are no human beings, and all of them are humanoid AIs with crappy shapes. Still far from enough, anyone can see that they are just one cold machine after another. "

"And it happened that in that year, when the fabled doomsday came, our world was severely traumatized, and the animals mutated into terrifying, bloodthirsty unknown creatures whose bodies were hard and impervious, and which we had Weapons are simply indestructible."

"So, our ancestors made a deal with the supercomputer Zero of this world. We are responsible for providing human samples for their research; they are responsible for providing more powerful and high-end thermal weapons, so that we can easily eliminate Get rid of those weird creatures."

Speaking of this, Ding Wen suddenly interrupted: "Weird creatures...you mean those monsters in the game PVE?"

"That's right, not only them, but also the background stories about the characters. I believe you should have read them all."

"Well, I've seen it." Ding Wen was thoughtful, "It turns out that they are all real."

"Part of it exists, and part of it is fictionalized by the game itself."

Sister Cat smiled and said: "Then I will continue. There is not much about the transaction, but as we have cooperated for many years, the transaction is also upgrading. Since the strength of the mutated monsters grows too fast, we only rely on those The weapons provided were far from enough. So 11 years ago, the content of the transaction increased. In addition to providing weapons, they also needed to provide us with data on mutant creatures, including their habits, weaknesses, etc., and the Survivor game was born. "

"The characters in the game will not die. Those AIs including 'human players' can provide hundreds of millions of points of data every day. What we have to do is to bring back these videos and data of fighting monsters and provide them with more humans. Template. As you know, people’s hearts are unpredictable, and people are creatures that are difficult to guess, so in order to avoid some accidents affecting the transaction between the two parties, at this stage, considering the complexity of human beings, the human template will be temporarily erased from memory , in exchange for the false memory they provide, which will only be restored after the job is done."

Ding Wen's mood was extremely complicated at the moment: "So, I am one of the human templates?"

"This is your job, and I have mine too. By the way, you should remember that bodyguard?"

"of course I remember."

How could Ding Wen, the bodyguard who was like a voyeur and never left his body, not remember.

Hearing her question, he couldn't help but understand something: "It seems that my feeling at the time was not wrong, it should be... imitating my various habits?"

Sister Cat nodded: "In other words, it is you. When you leave this world, it will become Ding Wen, and it will become you completely. But at that time, you are no longer there, and it doesn't matter. I can come back Let me tell you one thing, the current ratio of humans to AI in this world is 6 to 4, with [-]% of 'humans' and [-]% of AI."

"The [-]% of the human minority are our staff, and most of them are made by them. They are no different from us real people. They can think, get hungry, and get tired. As long as they are the characteristics that we humans have, they all have them. .”

Ding Wen was a little apprehensive when he heard it. It was really hard for him to accept such horrible words being said so lightly by Sister Mao.

However, he also found some contradictions in Sister Cat's words: "Since this is my job, why did you tell me in advance that this is a violation of the transaction regulations?"

"That's right, it's against the rules." Sister Cat's expression gradually became serious, and she said in a heavy tone: "Now we have to mention the transaction. We have cooperated for many years, and everything went smoothly without any mistakes. Until It was fine last year."

"Last year... what happened?"

"We have more than a dozen staff members who served as human templates and disappeared after returning. No matter how many manpower and resources were dispatched, there was no trace of them, as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"Could it be killed by a mutated creature? Or eaten?" Ding Wen tentatively guessed.

"Certainly not. Even if a person dies, there will always be a corpse. Also, they don't eat people."

"Uh, okay."

Sister Mao said solemnly: "So all the staff have been replaced this year. I will do the data, and you will be the human template. The Seventh District will be you, Xiao Fang, and Yang Li."

"Speaking of Yang Li, can I mention something." Ding Wen recalled something.

"You said."

Ding Wen immediately told her the name he saw on the bathroom wall that day.

After hearing this, Sister Mao said without any surprise: "I know about this. He recovered part of his memory during work. In order not to affect the cooperation, I have brought him back. The current Yang Li is fake. You Don't pay attention to him."

"Okay, let's get back to the point. The reason why I found you in advance is because of the change in the attitude of the haze. I don't know what you did to make it agree to trade Jiang Tong, but if it wasn't for the change in its attitude, I would definitely see you." Not to you. You had many plans to go back to school before, but they were all delayed by various things because it was blocking them."

Ding Wen couldn't help asking: "What is its identity? I only know that it seems to have great power."

"It is the person in charge of the Seventh District. Of course, to be precise, the word "herringbone" should be removed. It has no template, and it is an 'imperfect human being' independently created by Number Zero."

"But you should know..." Speaking of this, Miss Cat's smile returned to her face: "People are very troublesome existences. They have a whole body of stinking problems, such as power, power, competition, intrigue, etc."

"The more they resemble humans, the more problems they have, and they gradually become uncontrollable."

(End of this chapter)

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