I can see the finals

Chapter 491 The Curtain Ends, The Golden Rain

Chapter 491 The Curtain Ends, The Golden Rain

"Team Ding!!!"

Ding Wen had just taken off the USB, before he could catch his breath, there was a wave of shouts from the audience.

More than half of the people at the scene applauded spontaneously and shouted these two words hoarsely.

Cigarette and the others have also stood up. In the chase just now, they were more nervous than Ding Wen. They were all holding their breath, and no one dared to say a word.

Now that Ding Wen has created a miracle again, they can finally let go of their anxiety and relax.

Of course, it's not time to celebrate yet, and the total score hasn't come out yet, but anyway, today's game is definitely another very representative battle among Ding Wen's milestones.

At that time, everyone thought that Ding Wen would die in Wu Zhan's hands, but they didn't expect that he would rely on his own strength to kill Wu Zhanxiu alive.

The two didn't have any fights throughout the whole process. Ding Wen didn't even look at Wu Zhan directly, and won the victory "relaxedly and comfortably". If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have guessed that the final match of the finals would end like this? way to end.

"Team Ding is too nb!" Li Huo and Jiang San looked at Ding Wen with admiration, and at the same time enjoyed the cheers from the audience. Although the cheers were not for them, they were still very happy.

"Look at the score, look at the score!"

The audience in the audience shouted and urged, and they couldn't wait.

And the people of the Five Elements also looked nervously at the big screen. They eliminated a lot of players. Even if they got second, they still have the hope of winning the championship in theory.

Not only them, but the two commentators were also looking forward to it. After congratulating Dark Fairy Tale on the fifth victory, they also looked forward to watching the big screen slowly.

The avatars of the five members of the Dark Fairy Tale have not disappeared, and the background staff are counting them.

Their work today has been completed, no matter who wins this year's championship, the rest has nothing to do with them.

Minutes passed by.

Time seems to be extremely long at this moment.

People are looking forward to it, waiting for the final result on the big screen.

The portraits of the five members of the Dark Fairy Tale gradually disappeared, and the big screen turned, and the total score of the first team appeared.

It is the last one to burn the forest.

It seems that the scores are broadcast backwards one by one.

"I'm convinced, what are the ink marks! Who wants to see them!"

People became more and more anxious, and they were booing dissatisfiedly.

However, although they were very eager and wanted to know the final score, the big screen was still slow, and the rankings and scores of each team appeared one by one.

When the word Tiangong appeared on the screen, some fans immediately lowered their heads, looking disappointed, some sighed, and some remained silent.

Tiangong, who was the champion of the seven districts last time, can only get No.12 this year.

This gap is unacceptable to anyone.

The freeze frame of Tiangong's total score also officially announced that a generation of dynasties finally collapsed, and the era belonging to Tiangong came to an end.

The ranking of the team's total points continues.

Bingyudao is undoubtedly another dark horse. Although they are still far away from the quota, they have also entered the top ten with their unique style, ranking sixth.

The fifth is Wushuang, and the fourth is Ancient Civilization. Their rankings are not as big as before. The two teams just exchanged their rankings.

Next came the most exciting moment. The name of Jiuchi Roulin appeared first, and it was no surprise that he ranked third, with a total score of 26100. The four members of the team had a KD of 1, King Zhou 1.9, Trojan horse 1.4, Earl 1.6, Daji 1.2, and the team 149 total eliminations.

Jiuchi Roulin already knew about this result, and King Zhou applauded symbolically with unwillingness and slowness on his mind, without a smile on his face.

But Daji shook her head secretly, and said to herself in a low voice: "It's really fate, sometimes you can't help but believe in things like metaphysics."

King Zhou heard this sentence, but he was uncharacteristically, and did not refute her this time.

Maybe what Daji said is right, God has already arranged everything, some things are predestined and cannot be changed.

But he was still dissatisfied, especially when he didn't see the other two teams, he really wanted to see how many points his team was behind them, whether it was more or less.

The words Jiuchi Roulin quickly disappeared along with the heads of the five people, and No.2... appeared on the screen.

Five Elements: Total score 27200, total elimination 137, won the No.2 of this PGK League.


Seeing their names, the audience burst into regret and lamentation.

Wu Zhan was devastated, still reminiscing about the chasing battle just now; Passing through was disappointed at first, and then applauded spontaneously, happy for Ding Wen; as for Bai Mu, he rested his cheeks, his eyes were not on the screen, his eyes were shaking, even The game is over, but he is still analyzing, but he doesn't know what he is analyzing.

Although No.2 is not what they want, they can accept it. After all, they already have the quota and can play in the World Championship. Their reluctance is more concentrated on the word "Galaxy Battleship".

Such a strong lineup was originally aimed at the championship. It is indeed a bit unreasonable to not get such a staffing.

Fortunately, although the Galaxy battleship has sunk, it has not sunk completely, at least it can still float in the sky, which can barely comfort fans and players.

No.2 is them, so it goes without saying for No.1.

Cigarette, who is calm and quiet on weekdays, has red eyes at this moment. If not for so many people watching, he might have cried out; Li Huo and Jiang San were purely excited and excited, without extra thoughts; Fang Luo Qing was thinking about what to eat back today, and how to match it well. She remembered that there were still several episodes of a certain anime series; Ding Wen looked at the haze in the audience with a smile on his face.

it is more than words.

Li Zhenpi was really crying. He looked at the photo in his hand with affection and memories on his face.

Haze cried halfway, and then couldn't squeeze out any more tears. It's really not that easy to make an AI cry with rain and tears, but although there are not many tears, Ding Wen can feel its emotions.

For it and Ding Wen, the Seventh District Championship is just the beginning, and what they want most is of course not just these.

"Champion! Champion!"

"we are the champion!"

Although No.1 hasn't come out yet, it's a certainty. The fans of the dark fairy tales in the audience began to cheer and fell into madness.

Soon, the five elements disappeared from the screen, and the four characters of dark fairy tales appeared on the screen.

No. 11th PGK Champion in District [-]: Dark Fairy Tale!

The total score is 27500, the total elimination is 130, Fang Luoqing KD2.7, the killer king is scheduled.

Ding Wen KD... Well, it doesn't matter, but his assists are very high, with an average of 2.3 assists per game, and he can also compete for the assist king.

Cigarette KD1.5, a perfect and qualified starter, and 0.4 more KD than his career.

Apart from Li Huan KD1.7 and Zheng Gongyang, this year's strongest and most potential rookie, just looking at the statistics, is enough to serve as the core of a mid-upstream team.

Jiang San's KD is about the same as Ding Wen's, only 0.4, a well-regulated tool man.

"It's only 300 points!" Wuxing fans wailed.

Sure enough, in the end, it still depends on who eats the chicken. If Wu Zhan kills Ding Wen, the ranking plus elimination will be exactly 300 points.

The two teams have the same score, and the comparison is the number of eliminations. In this regard, the elimination of Wuxing is obviously much higher than that of Diablo.

"I'm sorry, I..." Wu Zhan knew that he had become a sinner, and apologized to everyone in a low voice.

"It's okay, I'm responsible." Bai Mu waved his hand, comforting him: "But next time you can pay attention, this is an old problem, and you won't change it no matter how many times you say it."

Wu Zhan scratched his head with shame on his face: "I will definitely pay attention next time."

Passing through: "Let's not talk about the next time, when you live broadcast handstand washing your hair, I will reward you."

Wu Zhan: "What the hell are you..."


"Let us congratulate Dark Fairy Tale for winning the PGK league championship!"

The host's loud voice sounded: "Please invite the contestants and coaches to the stage."

The lights flickered, and the competition area fell into darkness, leaving only the five members of the Dark Fairy Tale. The lights hit their faces, and the faces of the five people were clearly reflected.

"Thank you again! Let us welcome with the warmest applause!"

The five people came to the main stage hand in hand, the lights changed, and Li Zhenpi also went on stage with him, wiping away tears.

The host handed him the microphone and asked with a smile: "Okay, please calm down your current mood. As the coach of Diablo Fairy Tale, did you ever think about getting such a good result before the game?"

Li Zhenpi's voice broke down in tears: "To be honest, I have thought about it, because I believe in their strength. But as a coach, I don't think I am qualified enough. I actually do very few things. It is all credit for being able to win the championship." In Liushen."

"Haha, Liushen? An interesting title." The host smiled, and then handed the microphone to Ding Wen: "Since the coach mentioned you, I want to ask how you feel now."

"very excited."

"Haha, it's a very simple and clear answer." The host naturally didn't stop there, and continued to ask: "Then what do you want to say to the audience present and in front of the screen?"

Ding Wen bent down sincerely and bowed to the hoarse audience who had already shouted: "Thank you for your company all the way. It is because of your support that we have the motivation to go this far. We will not To live up to your trust, the Seventh District Championship will not be our end, I hope everyone can work together and advance hand in hand in the next journey!"

"That's a formal answer. He must have practiced for a long time beforehand, right?" King Zhou was a little sour in the audience, but he was more envious, after all, they didn't even have a chance to rehearse.

Next, the host interviewed other people from Dark Fairy Tales in turn, and finally it was time to award the trophies.

Ding Wen was a little surprised by the person who presented the trophy this time. He was Ma Luowen who hadn't seen him for a long time.

As an important official within the Survivor Official, it is understandable for him to present the trophy.

"Long time no see." With a smile, Ma Luowen gave Ding Wen a shallow hug: "I didn't expect you to win the championship, congratulations."

"Thank you." Ding Wen also smiled back, without saying anything else, and then took the trophy from him with five others, and held it up together.

The golden rain fell slowly, sprinkled on everyone with the brilliance of dreams.

The girl holding the trophy on the Dark Fairy Tale team uniform and the championship trophy seemed to overlap in the light. Li Zhenpi's tears slid down his cheeks again and flowed out uncontrollably.

At the same time, at the other end of the competition venue, Jiang Tong calmly looked at the smiling faces on the screen and fell into a long thought.

(End of this chapter)

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