I can see the finals

Chapter 402 Fragile Alliance

Chapter 402 Fragile Alliance

But any player with a little game experience can easily see that Wu Zhan is completely at a disadvantage at this time, and is being suppressed by Fang Luoqing very badly.

No one ever thought of such a situation. Most people thought at the beginning that Fang Luoqing might have fought Wu Zhan for a long time, and then lost slightly, but the result surprised everyone. Fang Luoqing, a freak, actually The more he fought, the stronger he became, and he completely controlled the situation in his own hands without knowing it.

Of course, there are other reasons why Wu Zhan is about to be eliminated. The main reason is that he has too little blood.

But it's different now, because Wu Zhan's blood volume is in danger, these seemingly 'weak' feet have actually made him a little flustered.After finally dodging Fang Luoqing's unsteady kick and blocking the powerful punch, before he could catch his breath, the latter suddenly made a miraculous move unexpectedly——

Fang Luoqing actually abandoned the destructive iron pestle, and rushed forward with her bare hands. She hit Wu Zhan's wrist with her left fist, and hit her lower abdomen with her right fist!
Following the two beeps, Wu Zhan's eyes widened. Looking at the -2 rising in front of him, he turned into a box with a blank expression.

"The player's dark fairy tale 丨 Aladdin eliminates the five elements with his fists 丨 Vulcan!"


what happened?
What kind of action is this?
How dare she use her fists! ! !

Wu Zhan was extremely aggrieved, and because of Fang Luoqing's series of actions that were as fast as the wind, he used the most unacceptable way of death, and left the game with hatred.

One pestle, one kick, two punches, all in less than 1.5 minutes.

Wu Zhan's operation of dodging his feet and blocking the pestle was already at his limit, very fast, but Fang Luoqing was faster than him, which exaggeratedly exceeded his reaction limit.

In fact, the strengths of the two are almost the same. Although Fang Luoqing learned and grew up in Battle Mountain, the reason why Wu Zhan was able to lose so easily was naturally because of his self-confidence and did not fill up his blood.

And Fang Luoqing took advantage of this, and dared to catch him by surprise, using both hands and feet, and directly knocked him out of the game. After all, a little blood doesn't necessarily require a weapon to cause damage, no matter what it is, as long as it can cause damage.

The audience outside the arena all let out a shocked exclamation. Even though there was an omen, they still couldn't believe it for a long time when Fang Luoqing dealt with Wu Zhan neatly.

Wu Zhan lost?

Lost in the 1V1 field he is proud of?

Although Fang Luoqing couldn't hear her, the audience started applauding and cheering for her unanimously.

This is not the first time Wu Zhan has lost. No player can achieve an absolute victory in 1v1. In previous games, many well-known players have beaten him.But the problem is, he has never lost as ugly as today. With the top weapons in hand, he has the highest close combat rate and was beaten to death with his fists!

This is simply a fantasy, it is absolutely impossible to accomplish!
But Fang Luoqing... She did it.

"Is the myth about to be destroyed..."

At this time, many viewers couldn't help but have this idea in their minds.

Back on the court, the game was still going on, and Fang Luoqing was certainly not the final winner.

Just when she eliminated Wu Zhan, the moment the message appeared... The 'Alliance Trio' who hadn't done anything before finally made a move.

Atlantis pushed open the door, Ding Wen pressed the switch on the mechanism above his head, and Bai Mu rushed towards Fang Luoqing with a knife in his hand.

If there is anything that can be faster than her hand speed, I am afraid it is only props.

It was only a blink of an eye, Fang Luoqing hadn't made any move yet, the [Unstable Cleft Articulator] on Ding Wen's head popped out, carrying a silk thread invisible to the naked eye, like a face hugger , the rift widened in an instant, snapping out Fang Luoqing's entire face!
"Attention, you are under strong control..."

The system sound sounded, Fang Luoqing's eyes were dark, and all the active option buttons turned gray at this moment.


Bai Mu just arrived at this time, and he slashed at her with his knives.

"Hurry up, don't forget that there are only five seconds!" Ding Wen reminded him from behind.


If he couldn't kill an immobile person in five seconds, then Bai Mu could really retire.

It only took him three seconds to behead all of them with a few swipes of knives, and easily eliminated this monster player who had defeated Wu Zhan.

While killing Fang Luoqing, Bai Mu was also thinking about another thing.

"It turns out that he didn't lie to me, it was really only five seconds."

Unconsciously, his trust in Ding Wen increased a little.

It seems that he is not such a despicable person, sometimes he can believe that——


An extremely subtle sound came out, so weak that it sounded like farting.

Bai Mu looked stunned, Ding Wen had already sneaked over at some point, and stuck the most trashy ordinary knife into his lower back.

As the number -1 floated out, Bai Mu suddenly became furious, turned around and slashed blindly.

Ding Wen was like in all the previous games, facing the attack of the melee enemy as if he was frightened, he did not dodge or dodge, and let Bai Mu's knife slash at him.

He can cut Shiraki's blood by 1 point with one knife, but Baimu has at least 3 points with one knife, so if he doesn't hide, the end will be serious without even thinking about it.

But just when the knife was about to blindly slash Ding Wen's face, suddenly, an umbrella popped out from the slanted spines. The pattern on the umbrella surface was rippling, colorful, and a quick and small-scale rotation turned Baimu's inevitable Xing's knife bounced off.

Holding a strange iron umbrella in his left hand and an ordinary knife in his right, Atlantis appeared beside Ding Wen.

"Waterman, you tm—"

Bai Mu couldn't help swearing, and without knowing the mechanism of the umbrella, he immediately pulled away and left Ding Wen.

He knew that this so-called 'alliance' was very fragile, but he never thought that those two hateful bastards who Fang Luoqing had just died were so anxious to attack him.

It's not just the three of them left, there are others, why are you so anxious——

Suddenly, Bai Mu seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously glanced at the number of survivors, his face couldn't help but change.

"Fuck! Why are there 5 people left?"

Fang Luoqing and Wu Zhan fought so fiercely just now, Bai Mu, who was watching the battle, was so fascinated that he didn't pay attention to the number of people, no wonder...


Bai Mu sneered, and said to them: "Okay, then come on, you two go up together."

Although they formed a temporary alliance to deal with him, in the final analysis, these two people are support, and they don't have high lethal weapons, so it doesn't matter if I let them slash a few times.

What's more, Ding Wen still has the strange disease of being dazed in melee combat, so it would be easier to fight, even if they fight two against one Shiraki, they still have full confidence.

"Just be careful with that strange umbrella."

Thinking in his heart, Bai Mu took the initiative to take a step forward, deliberately skipped Ding Wen, and slashed at Atlantis!
(End of this chapter)

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