I can see the finals

Chapter 393 Entering the Closet (Thanks to the Moon Lantern for the Reward)

Chapter 393 Entering the Closet (Thanks to the Moon Lantern for the Reward)

"Oh my god, what kind of equipment is this?" Bicycle exclaimed directly from the commentary stand.

Qingyu: "Uh, maybe it's an agency?"

Cycling is still unspeakably surprised: "I know it's a mechanism, but have you seen any mechanism that looks like this? Looking at it, I'm afraid it's not something that players should wear on their heads, right? And it must be very dangerous to wear it! "

Qingyu: "Then do you think Ding Wen will wear it?"

Bicycle: "He has to read the description first, and if it is useful, he will definitely wear it."

Qingyu: "Then do you think it's useful?"

Cycling showed embarrassment: "If you only look at it from the outside... I don't think it's useful."

In the game, Ding Wen was indeed looking at the mechanism description, but after only a few seconds, he put it on his head neatly.

【Unstable Rift Articulator】

[Parts collection level]: 9/10 (incomplete)
[Effect]: Press the mechanism to give strong control to enemies in a 1X1 range for 5 seconds. (Enemies under strong control cannot be disarmed or freed by any means)
[Note]: ① After the organ is activated, the user is also in an immobile state, but it is not limited to the use of weapons and equipment skills.

②, this mechanism will not provide additional defense attributes.

③, this mechanism will not affect the player's normal movement speed.

④, this organ will affect 20.00% of the player's field of vision.

⑤, Collecting all the parts will give the player an extra use.

The effect is very simple and clear, but the effect of this 'strong control' entry is extremely powerful!
What is strong control? Among the many negative entries added in the new version, strong control far surpasses the entries of 'bleeding', 'paralysis', 'stiffness', etc. It is unique!
Being hit by the effect of strong control means that the player cannot contact it through auxiliary occupations or potions, not in any way, and the person who has been recruited must complete the duration of strong control according to the description.

In the previous occupations, only the prisoner has strong control, and other occupations can only be said to be close but not really reached. They are all entries such as paralysis, so the effect of this [Unstable Gap Bite] is really powerful!

What are the disadvantages, of course there are.

Wearing it will reduce the field of vision, and you can't move yourself. It's okay to have teammates to protect you in team games, but it may be dangerous if you can't move in solo games like today.

Of course, some of these shortcomings are due to the fact that the parts were not collected, and it is a defective product. However, there is no blueprint, and Ding Wen doesn't know what else is missing. For now, he can only give up.

In addition, Ding Wen didn't think how big this thing was beforehand, but after he put it on himself, he took a look in a mirror... Good guy, he seems like a big-headed son now, with a big head and a light body, and his own head can compare It's worth two and a half of others!
"Too bad, it's easy to get headshot..."

Ding Wen thought worriedly, this is not a shortcoming that was not included in the description. With such a big head, it is difficult for others not to see it. In the eyes of those remote professions, he must be the most attractive one.

But even so, Ding Wen still didn't take off the mechanism. He said he wanted to find someone to experiment with, to see if the old problem of "seeing people sweating" would recur.

It happened to be the fifth stage, and Ding Wen still had his motorcycle, so he simply drove straight to the finals.

He knew the location of the final circle at a very early stage. It was Building B of the Xingfu District. Considering the monster's route from bottom to top, the plum blossom pile was the center of the rooftop on the top floor.

Driving in the urban area is not an easy task. Fortunately, Ding Wen drives a motorcycle, which is relatively fast. In addition to his driving skills, he managed to drive to the Xingfu Community despite some harassment along the way.

Experiments are not the same as death. He can't stop when he hears someone attacking him. If he wants to enter the finals alive, the best way is to follow someone secretly, and then make a 'casual' eye contact with him, and then test himself Will you panic.

There are no people in the happy community at this meeting, even if there are estimates, there will not be many. After all, only Ding Wen knows where the finals are. When he drove the car to the downstairs of Building B, he seemed to see the 5th floor diagonally opposite. There is a figure at the window.

But that person seemed to be startled by his appearance. Facing the target in the open space, he hesitated for two to three seconds, and did not choose to shoot directly.

Of course, Ding Wen couldn't control so much, he quickly got into the corridor while he was in a daze.

The current circle has not arrived yet, and the other buildings are still in the safe zone. He can't go directly to the roof, otherwise he will become a target for other long-range, so he randomly picked a 5th floor, and then slipped into the 501 where the door was not closed.

After entering the living room, he closed the door habitually, and without thinking about it, he walked through the living room very skillfully, went straight to the small bedroom on the left, and finally set his sights on the only large wardrobe in the room.

As a senior lyb, the wardrobe, the bottom of the bed, and the bushes are the favorite points of this kind of people. Ding Wen doesn't like to drill under the bed, so he chose the big wardrobe that can stand three to four people.

On the one hand, he can hide, and on the other hand, he can peek through the gaps when others come in from the outside, just to verify whether he will repeat his mistakes when watching people at close range.

As for whether he can survive after meeting someone, that's hard to say, but Ding Wen didn't want to take the first place this time, as long as he can get into the finals.

Waiting is the most boring thing. Fortunately, Ding Wen's patience has never been a problem. He waited from the first corner cut in the fifth stage to the seventh stage. Don't worry, he didn't even move his body at all. .

Elimination news came one after another, including Wu Zhan, Jiang Tong, and Fang Luoqing. Ding Wen didn't receive the news of their elimination, so it is estimated that all of them should have come.

Moreover, there is a high probability that Fang Luoqing came earlier among these people. After all, Ding Wen told her before, but she didn't know whether she forgot or was restrained by others. Ding Wen's hiding place was never disturbed.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, finally, there were obvious footsteps outside the gate of 501.

Inadequate sound insulation is an old problem in old-fashioned communities, especially in the buildings in this kind of game, the sound insulation effect is almost zero.

Even though two doors were separated, Ding Wen could still clearly hear the man's big footsteps.

He closed the door when he came in before, but the door was broken and could not be locked, as was the case with all the rooms in the complex.So he continued to be patient, listening carefully to make sure he hadn't entered the room.

He doesn't know who the people outside are, but one thing is certain, the person who still ignores the upcoming building-style finals and shows his steps -- must be a strong man!
Even if he wasn't strong, he was at least a master, otherwise he would never have the confidence.

Who will be outside the door?
Will he come in?
Just as Ding Wen was guessing in his heart, the sound of footsteps outside the door... suddenly stopped!

(End of this chapter)

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