I can see the finals

Chapter 376 Can't See It! (3 updates, make up)

Chapter 376 Can't See It! (Third watch, make up)

For Ding Wen, there is good news and bad news.

Bad news: the ancient civilization is not dead, there is only one left.

Good news: The one remaining...is Atlantis.


No one knows support better than Ding Wen. Although Atlantis was once the support 'killer king' of the league and set a record of 10 kills in a single game, his record has been miraculously surpassed by Ding Wen. 27 kills broke the mark, and the circle shape that time was different from the current one, there was not so much suitable space for him to play.

Besides, it's unknown how long Atlantis can live. Someone like him who has no means of long-range resistance may soon become the prey of other teams. Ding Wen actually doesn't need to worry too much about him.


In the north of the circle, the Tianhu trio with the largest number of surviving people.

As before, their 'metaphysical' ring-absorbing physique once again played a role, but they just chose a spot at random, and they didn't expect to be in the finals.In terms of numbers in a single round, they might be the team with the greatest chances on the field.

Therefore, the three of them are also very cautious. Every time the smoke is sealed, the timing of disappearing is precisely stuck, and with the help of the smoke that is about to disappear, they approach the plum blossom pile in an orderly manner.

They should be the one with the most smoke reserves among the five teams. The battle in the north was not so fierce, and they didn't go through a particularly tragic battle. At that time, they found the right time to persuade a wave of other teams to fight, and then they survived until now. They have plenty of smoke or something.

But no matter how sufficient it is, there must be a moment when it is completely used up.They will make good use of this few precious resources to help them gain greater advantages.

"Has the number of people been confirmed?" Eighteen Arhats asked as they walked slowly.

Nine Lotus Treasure Lantern said in an uncertain tone: "I'm only sure that there is one left in the south. But I have no chance to fight. As soon as I smoke, the one in the west will hit me."

Eighteen Arhats murmured: "From the previous information about the elimination, the ones to the west seem to be military horses?"

Jiulian Baodeng: "Well, I remember that Da Mo is still alive, and they may be the team from the west."

The Eighteenth Arhat's expression tightened, and he said sadly: "Hey, we have forgotten the information from a long time ago, and we don't know how many soldiers and horses are left. If there are four, it may be difficult for us to fight."

They have locked the number of people in the east and south, but the number of teams in the west is still a mystery.

To blame can only be blamed on Tianhu for being too capable of grabbing heads. The soldiers and horses couldn't grab them even if they wanted to. They were neither knocked down nor eliminated.

"Check the number of people. There are three of us, two from BBN in the east, and one from the ancient civilization in the south. That's six." The Eighteen Arhats glanced at the total number of survivors on the map, and said: "There are still ten people left." One, if there is no one behind us, then the army should be composed of four people."

Jiulian Baodeng agreed very much: "It makes sense, I can be 100% sure that there is no one behind us."

Thirteen Yao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Wait, I'm taking a look."

To the surprise of the audience, no matter how they discussed and checked the number of people, in the end, no one had seen the 'abandoned car' in the middle!
It has to be said that Ding Wen is really terrible at manipulating people's hearts. Others are afraid of being found out, but he is the only one who is calm and composed.

He believed that under this circle shape, at this point in time, at this position - no one must be looking at them!

Of course, if it is more tactful, there may be another person who will look at the abandoned car...

"Strange, why didn't anyone hit me?"

Atlantis looked around suspiciously, and his sprinting pace also slowed down.

In fact, he can see everything in the circle clearly, but the places where there are people are covered by smoke, so he can't see the people inside.

Although he didn't know why no one continued to beat him, but after being safe 'temporarily', he finally had time to think.

When they were in Banpo before, the situation was too critical, they might burp their farts at any time, Atlantis had no time to think, nor did he have any extra thoughts about how to live.

When he stopped to think about it, he slowly... also discovered a very strange point.

Number of people!

The number of people on the field is wrong!
Atlantis has even less information than the Eighteen Arhats, and logically speaking, he would not doubt the number of people.

But unlike those teams, there is a piece of information that only the ancient civilizations can grasp.

That's Dark Fairy Tale - Alive!

Thinking of this, Atlantis couldn't help feeling horrified, and his back went numb.

From the string of information not long ago, it is not difficult to know that besides the dark fairy tale and ancient civilization, there are still three surviving teams on the field.

This is a very clear message. After all, those three teams only had knockdowns and never been knocked down, so they were 100% present on the field.

Even though Atlantis didn't know the exact number of them, he could tell that the three teams must have occupied a direction and controlled their territory.

It's such a time, everything in the circle can be seen at a glance, it is impossible for them to follow the lone wolf behind them.In addition, there is another point that can be well proved... Only the team with no enemies around is eligible to fire wantonly!
There are enemies nearby, how can you have the leisure to fight far away?
And remove those three directions, the remaining south is Atlantis.

So he had to ask, where are the remaining people in the dark fairy tale hiding?
His eyes kept moving on the field, and finally came to the scrap car that seemed to 'explode', and then stayed there for a long time.

"can not see."

He couldn't help being stunned, and then moved a few steps to the left and right, trying to look in another direction, but his vision was always covered by the damn black smoke.

No matter what direction he changed, he still couldn't see if there was anyone in the driver's seat after walking a few steps.

"Is it a coincidence, or... deliberate?"

Atlantis couldn't help frowning, he was not a fool, especially when the other party was the extremely cunning Ding Wen, it was hard for him to believe that the car was so simple that it was just a coincidence.

"Is it possible that the car didn't blow up?"

He finally realized this, reached out to touch the backpack, and then realized that he was an assistant, his hand stopped in mid-air in embarrassment, and finally withdrew helplessly.

"It seems that if you want to make sure there is no one in the car, you can only get closer."

Atlantis thought in his heart, just about to go forward, but at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came!

His expression changed, he listened to the voice to identify his position, and quickly moved forward.

A round iron gall flew past his back quickly, and then exploded in the air.

The child gallbladder broke away from the mother gallbladder, went straight down, and stabbed into his back steadily and ruthlessly!
"Your uncle!"

Atlantis was shocked and angry, he rarely swears, he has forgotten that this is the first time in this competition.

After being hit by the iron gall, he quickly got up and ran forward with the fastest speed.

What the hell, if he doesn't fight early, if he doesn't fight late, he just fights when he thinks about a key problem, how does this make him angry.

(End of this chapter)

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