Chapter 372

In the dark night, two more arrows flew from Banpo, but because the visitors from the crypt hid behind the car and blocked the west side, the two arrows just hit the car body without pain, and did nothing to people influences.

"Everyone hide for a while, wait for Dark Tong!"

Yang Li was busy adding blood, so Worm gave the order for him. Before Yang Li came, Worm was the team's commander. His words were quite effective, and the team members were convinced.

"it is good."


The three of them agreed one after another, but just after the worm gave the order, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Can't Yang Li see people? Why...he still relies on listening?"

Thinking of this, the worm was startled, and shouted: "Be careful, they may have a long distance from the north to the south, change the direction quickly—"

"Player Ancient Civilization 丨 Mesopotaya knocks down the visitor from the crypt with a startling arrow 丨 Dark Eye!"

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Li, who was adding blood, was knocked down by Mesopotaya in the hut to the south.

"Mine, mine."

Yang Li was extremely ashamed, and promptly admitted his mistake.

His ability to see through has a distance limit. Ding Wen had tested it when he was rolling with them before, but if the distance exceeds the limit, he will be the same as a normal player and can't see anything.

The small wooden house in the south is more than 300 meters away from Banpo, which is beyond his ability. As a result, he didn't judge the location, misheard the direction and was dropped in seconds, becoming the first breakthrough for visitors to the crypt.

Without support, the remaining people are naturally helpless in the face of the night weather and the crypt visitors. It is difficult to fight against the ancient civilization. It may be the best choice to retreat immediately.

But the problem is...they have nowhere to go!

After the final circle appeared, everyone saw it. The circle was so extreme that they couldn't retreat. Except for a bunker in Banpo, there was no suitable place for people to stay. Otherwise, they would not agree with Yang Li's tactics. Choose to attack Banpo decisively as soon as the circle shape comes out.

In addition, there is even worse news for the crypt visitors -

They were stuck on the large flat ground in the center of the comparison circle, not only the ancient civilizations could pose a threat to them, but also the enemies in the other four directions.

Although they haven't been beaten yet, when the other teams clear their side and free their hands, even if the crypt visitors have a car as a cover, it won't help. After all, the car can only block one direction. Not that.

"Everyone, don't panic!" The worm stood up and comforted the anxious teammates: "Let's seal up the smoke first, and wait for the duration of the meteorologist's weather to end. Dark pupil, you lie down to the north, and I will go there to rescue you when the smoke rises." you."

He adjusted it in a timely manner. After speaking, the other three living teammates also started to smoke. While covering his vehicle, they also sealed two pills towards Yang Li.

Fortunately, Mesopotaya was far away, and it was not easy to mend someone. Yang Li was healed to half his health, and the smoke finally started to spread and envelop him, making him safe for the time being.

Although Worm disliked him very much, as a teammate, he still couldn't just leave Yang Li behind and give up on Yang Li.When the smoke was almost up, he immediately mixed with the smoke, opened the map to face Yang Li's coordinates, strode to his side, and held it down with one hand.

"do not move."

With a serious tone, he stopped Yang Li, who was squirming crazily on the ground: "What are you afraid of, with so much smoke, he can't make up for you!"

That is to say, the effort of pulling people, the darkness has already faded away, and the surrounding vision gradually began to brighten and turn white.

Maybe Yang Li is rescued, and the night weather will end completely.

In the meteorologist's compass, night is an extremely annoying weather, and when it comes to practicality, it can also be ranked in the top three.Considering that the meteorologists can't get a 3+3 compass, as long as the crypt visitors survive the wave of night, the follow-up battles will be very beneficial to them.

"There is still a chance, there is still a chance..."

The worm kept repeating this sentence in his heart, pretending to be calm on the surface, not flustered.

Emotions are contagious, whether it's pretending or not, as the former commander of the team, he must stand up at critical moments, stabilize his teammates with words or actions, and never let them be affected by Yang Li.

In fact, they do have a chance, and a good chance.

The weather in Atlantis can only cover more than 200 meters. If there is no part with a compass, the coverage will be even less, only about a hundred.So they dare not go out, otherwise they will be beaten by other teams.

With the command ability of Atlantis, he certainly would not make such a low-level mistake, come out in a hurry and take the initiative to clear them.

The three people in Banpo must have stood still and mainly harassed.

Before the crypt visitors could rush over smoothly, one reason was that the other teams were fighting just after the circle was cleared; the other reason was that they drove a car and were moving at a high speed, and it was difficult for others to fight if they wanted to.

But now that they have stopped, their previous advantages have been greatly reduced, so the ancient civilization did not take the initiative to attack, but for the purpose of harassing... that is to try their best to make them move later and stay in the open space for a long time.

The two teams have their own intentions, and they are also very clear about the key to each other's victory, and make the most correct and logical actions for this.

It's hard to say who will win and who will lose in the end, but whoever wins will definitely pay a huge price, and it is absolutely impossible to win so easily.

The situation here is tense, but looking at the plum blossom pile in the center of the circle, in the car that is about to explode, Li Huo and Han Gedan are very relaxed and very boring.

Originally, they were still a little worried, fearing that they would be discovered, or accidentally hit by stray bullets, and a car would ruin their lives.But now it seems that their worries seem unnecessary.

It has been half a minute since the final round came out, and there was still no one around them, deserted, as if they were isolated from the world and left the game.

No one pays attention to them, and there are no various 'UFOs' flying around.

If the situation is still so smooth and continues to develop, then the dark fairy tale may really survive to the end and squeeze into the top three.

"Ancient civilization has knocked down information again."

Bored, Li Huo and the others also noticed the information about keeping up with the ancient civilization.

Li Huo guessed: "Could it be that the visitors from the crypt are going to attack the ancient civilization?"

Cigarette: "Well... it may also be a remote target."

Ding Wen smiled and said, "There's no need to guess, the visitors from the crypt are just going to attack."

Cigarette made a sound, not very shocked, and asked habitually: "In the plan?"

"Almost." Ding Wen thought for a while, and then said: "But we have to wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Several people looked curious.

"Wait for their group destruction information."

(End of this chapter)

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