Chapter 341
What Chun Xiao said was correct. If the audience who just turned on the live broadcast to watch the game didn't understand anything, they might really mistakenly think that it was the general who was risking his life and doing his best to protect Ding Wen.

Although Tian Jiang himself doesn't think so, in the eyes of those who don't know, it is indeed too similar.

But after all, it is still too difficult to defend two teams attacking at the same time with only one team, especially if the five players are scattered, it is impossible to successfully defend.

They have worked very hard, but in the end the result of their hard work... they just defeated the two people who came from the crypt, but failed to kill them.

On the other side, Rongma's four-member team also broke through the west house and successfully entered it.However, Mo Lishou, who was hiding here in front of him, slipped away very quickly. He had already climbed through the window and left without pushing the door.

Hibernation: "The situation is very unfavorable to the Heavenly General. Mo Lishou can only meet up with his teammates first. I think they can stay in the house temporarily, maintain the three-man establishment, and then wait and see before making plans--eh ?”

Just as he was talking, Tianjiang suddenly made an unexpected decision!

The remaining three people did not hide in the house as they said in Dongmian's words, but they all moved out together and rushed towards the visitor from the crypt to the east!
Dong Mian couldn't help feeling surprised: "Is the general in a hurry? They can wait. One defense and four defenses are hard to defend, but three defenses and four defenses can still last for a long time."

Chun Xiao pondered: "Don't be in a hurry, after all, there are two crypt visitors, and they haven't been pulled up yet. Pulling people will consume manpower, that is to say, if the crypt visitors are not ready to let go, they will be ruthless to pull their teammates up." , then there is only one unit they can fight with, and I think the Heavenly General has figured this out, so he will choose to resolutely counterattack."

Timing is important in combat, the Heavenly General cannot wait for the visitors from the crypt to pull everyone up, otherwise the situation waiting for them will be death, not life.

This is the best time. Although the Heavenly General does not have a particularly good command, the Demon King still has the most basic command skills. He knows that no matter what, his team must seize this best opportunity to counterattack and must not shrink in the house. Wait to die!

And with Yang Li present, the combat effectiveness of the visitors from the crypt was not that great, and more importantly, Yang Li was among the three of them alive.

So on the surface it looks like three on three, but it is actually three on two.

Both Yang Li and Ding Wen have special abilities, but the biggest difference between the two is that one can cover up his weaknesses to the greatest extent and avoid being targeted; enlarge.

The counterattack was about to start, Hibernation raised his voice, and began to shout excitedly.

"Come on, come on! Mo Lihong entered the arena first. After entering the room, he didn't look for someone immediately. Instead, he made a big bar to the right to give up the position of the door to prevent himself from blocking the people who came in behind." teammate!"

Chun Xiao also shouted loudly: "He came in to absorb the first wave of damage! We can see that the worm player used the sleeve arrow, but the effect was minimal—oh? Yang Li also let go of his hand, not intending to continue pulling his teammates , used a hidden weapon like a worm!"

Hibernation: "Oh my god, it's a 3+3 chain of guts! Magic Ritual Red won't be seconds, right?"

"Player Crypt Visitors丨Dark Eye uses a chain of children and mothers to eliminate Crypt Visitors丨face huggers!"

Hibernation: "Huh?"

Chun Xiao had a look of disbelief on his face: "No... no way? At such a critical moment, player Yang Li made the lowest-level mistake—he aroused his guts in advance, and shot his teammates... died?"

The Face Hugger was on the ground, but due to Yang Li's mistake, he left the field directly, and there was no need to save him.

Regarding the mother-child chain galley, it is not as easy to operate as it seems on the surface, because the mother gallbladder is hidden in the child gallbladder, and the player needs to control when it pops up. The ideal operation is the best when the mother galley travels three-fifths of the distance, but it is still It is not so rigid to make corresponding judgments according to different situations.

As a matter of fact, there have been many players who have made mistakes in using the bile gallbladder in the history of the competition, but none of them can make a mistake that kills their teammates. Yang Li is the first player to achieve this 'achievement'.

However, Yang Li's 'stunning' operation didn't stop here. After accidentally killing his teammate, he immediately fell into an extremely panicked situation. He didn't know what to do for a while, and stood there stupidly without moving.

The second person to enter the room was Mo Lishou. Of course, he didn't care what the other party was doing. He raised his hand and fired a flashing wind blade line, sticking to Yang Li's head and quickly passed through, nailing it into the earth wall behind.

Then he took advantage of the trend and rolled on the spot in the opposite direction of Mo Lihong, making way for the third person, Mo Liqing, and at the same time, he also pulled the silk thread and cut it across Yang Li's neck!

Until this time, Molihong, who was the first to enter the arena, ushered in the second injury.

After being hit in the chest by the worm with a sleeve arrow, he was grabbed by the cave spider and stabbed in the left arm.

There is no critical hit in the two attacks, and Molihong will not die without the amulet.

He took the damage for his teammates and also stalled for the longest time in theory.

Yang Li didn't cooperate with the other two visitors from the crypt, but they were still affecting them. Mo Liqing also flicked his wrist after entering the room, and the flashing wind blade line shot out rapidly, aiming directly at Yang Li!

His attack method is different from that of Mo Lishou, the latter is to find the location of the fixed silk thread, not to rush at people, but he is purely to go at people.

The few members of Tianjiang are old teammates, and they have a tacit understanding for many years. No matter how anxious they are, it will definitely not affect the communication between them.

Mo Liqing knew that Mo Lishou had a critical strike, and he only needed to make up a little more damage.The 3+3 equipment given to Yang Li by the visitor from the Crypt is outrageous. It is impossible to give him the life-saving amulet. After all, Yang Li can't fight, so it is better to give the amulet to the fighters.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the visitors from the crypt are so fat that they have an amulet in their hands.

But this may not have happened.

The weak damage caused by Mo Liqing's direct penetration with the silk thread, finally succeeded in defeating Yang Li!

The scene suddenly came to three against two, four full of blood, one crippled.

Naturally, the target of the remaining two visitors from the crypt was Mo Lihong, who was still in blood, and all the attacks were directed towards him.But the other two of the Heavenly General would definitely not allow them to knock down their teammates, cut them all into melee weapons, and killed them ferociously!
Hibernation's voice didn't stop after raising its voice: "This is the last chance for the visitors from the crypt. Can they fight back to the death and kill them in twos and threes—ah no!"

The words came to an end, and he was not without regrets: "The cave spider was brought down by the magic gift red, and the worm was brought down by the magic ceremony green. It is unimaginable. It took less than ten seconds for the counterattack of the heavenly general to successfully wipe out the earth. Cave visitor!"

Chun Xiao followed up: "Yes, through this battle, the Heavenly General seems to be telling us that they are not a team that only knows how to do tricks, but they are also very strong in frontal battles!"

As he said that, Tian Jiang, who had just won the victory on the field, didn't stop, and immediately turned around and rushed back.

At this moment, they are really risking their lives. Taking advantage of the feeling of playing, the battle ends early, and the other team may not react. They even... want to fight with the army again!
In this situation, the two commentators who watched couldn't help being moved.

"Do you want to go back to the very center of the fifth room..."

Dong Mian was very emotional: "I don't know what player Ding Wen thinks, anyway, I was moved."

(End of this chapter)

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