I can see the finals

Chapter 336: One Person Team

Chapter 336 Team of Six
They were indeed very safe, because Ding Wen on the beam was powerless, even if he wanted to sneak up on the Yin people, he would not be able to do them any harm.

What's more, Tian Jiang didn't know that there was someone above him until now, and he was still busy with 'defensive work' in the room.

The weapon of the windchaser is a silk thread, which is fired from the wrist, fixed at a certain point, and then falls to the ground, like a trap. When an enemy is detected, the user at the starting end can lift the thread and pull it Makes a move that deals slashing damage in a large area.

The two people in the dark fairy tale were killed instantly by the bard of the Western Regions with this move, and it was almost too late to make any moves, so it was very difficult to guard against.

The terrain of the Ronin Camp is very vast, and the buildings in twos and threes are far apart from each other. The house where Ding Wen is located can be regarded as the most numerous area among them. There are three large houses, two small houses with air leakage, and at least one in four directions. It takes more than 200 meters to see the new building.

The line of defense arranged by Mo Liqing and the others is naturally based on the big house. They plan to set the starting point here, and then shoot and fix it to the door of other houses. into another form of 'trap'.

As long as the enemy is approaching, no matter which house they enter, they can pull the thin string to kill the opponent!

Everyone in Tianjiang is a follower, so there are enough silk threads, and there is no omission or shortage.

Of course, the practice of the five of them sticking together is undoubtedly a gamble, betting that this Tianhu will play well in the "hometown" A district, and betting that their "suction ring physique" can attract the finals.

Assuming everything goes well, Tian will be able to stay in the Ronin Camp until the fifth stage without moving.However, when cutting the corners later, we have to find another way. After all, Tianhu’s link in the AB area is not in the same direction as the Ronin Camp, and there is a probability that the corners will be sucked away by them.

But it was still early at that time, so there is no need to worry about it in advance now, and the Ronin Battalion is on the edge of the circle of Area A, so they can be moved if they are brushed away, just walk eastward close to the circle, it is not very difficult.

"Perfect! Let me think about it, it seems that there are no other omissions..."

The Demon King thought in his heart, and really wanted to praise his comprehensive strategy, which was simply too powerful. Anyway, he didn't find any loopholes, and he was able to deal with all kinds of different possibilities, so he could fight anything!
"Unfortunately, no one praised me."

The Demon King was secretly sad, Mo Liqing and his teammates were all good, but they never praised him, and Mo Lihong even questioned him just now, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

The composition of Tianjiang's team is different from most teams. The Demon King is the commander, but he has no absolute right to speak. As the captain, Mo Lihai is the one who makes the final decision.

Maybe it was because the ID was too late, he didn't get any of the four great demon generals, so judging from the neatness of the ID, he seemed a bit out of place with the other four.

Don't look at the devil's name as a bluff, but it's just an ID. The player himself is essentially an unknown ordinary person. For example, having an ID of "Three Kingdoms Lu Bu" does not mean that the player can 1V3. Sanying fights against himself.

On the contrary, let alone 1v3, winning 1v1 is a very strong player.

Naturally, the Demon King can't 1V3, and his strength doesn't match his ID, but he still has a certain talent in command, slightly worse than Daji and the like, but it's still pretty good.

"Hey, just a compliment is fine."

The Demon King couldn't help being a little melancholy, and wanted to describe his 'comprehensive' tactics in detail, but he couldn't find an opportunity, so he could only join in the arrangement work sullenly.

The time on the court reached 5 minutes from the preparation time of the third stage, and the second team that was wiped out appeared.

Relying on Yang Li's ability, the five of them ambushed ahead of time, and the crypt visitors got 500 points.

There is no roll point in this game, and the visitor from the crypt is indeed a headache point for many people. The team positions are no longer as scattered as in the previous game, and they are very concentrated, fearing that they will be killed accidentally.

However, Diablo Fairy Tales must not be included in these troublesome teams, because Ding Wen is almost like being 'ban' dropped, as if he is wandering off the field, not in the same game as other teams, and has nothing to do with him.

Whatever you like, I can't go anywhere anyway, so what are you worrying about.

Because he couldn't see his teammates and what happened there, it was difficult for Ding Wen to command just by listening to them, so he simply ignored it, and probably gave him a route to enter the circle.

Fortunately, the three of them didn't go far when they were driven away in the first stage, and they were still in Area A when the third stage came. There is no need to transfer yet, just find a remote place in a corner and hang out first.

There is no way, whether it is them with many people or Ding Wen with few people, they can only mix for the time being.Anyway, Ding Wen knew where the circle was, so he was not in a hurry for a while.

So the four of them followed the lead, and all of them became invisible again. Unknowingly, they disappeared to the fifth stage, and appeared in the last large area.

There is nothing to say. Area A became the last large area without any accident. Ding Wen knew it very well, so after the circle appeared, he marked a moving route for the other three people in the air.

The first cut corner is northwest, and the position of Yanjian and the others is at the edge of the new safety zone. They have to go, because the map area of ​​the cut corner is not particularly small, and there is enough time, there will definitely be a team around the edge from there Come north.

If there were five people in Dark Fairy Tale, maybe they wouldn't leave, and stayed behind to get stuck in those teams.But the problem is that there are only three of them left, and they can't get stuck.

The game is still going on normally, and in the eyes of others, Tianhu, who is the 'guiding light' of the game, has really played a role, and he has attracted the circle abruptly, which makes people sigh the mystery of metaphysics.

The preparation time for the fifth stage was 3 minutes and 33 seconds. The first team from Raobei appeared. They were soldiers and horses.

There is the point released by the general, and the soldiers and horses came and took advantage of the situation, and it went smoothly.

After deployment, the five people each stood at the position of the station, and then began to use the auxiliary ability to collect surrounding information.

Rongma's assistant is Xiangyang, and his career choice in this game is Storyteller and Meteorologist.

As the game progressed, the support professions more and more fit the definition of these two words. No one supported a single output profession. During the group stage, Xiangyang often added support from a distance, but in the semifinals, he also gave up. This selection method was replaced by the purest dual support profession.

In the new version, there are three kinds of summons that can fly, peregrine falcons, black and white vultures, and small flies. Xiangyang has released all of them directly, and there is no one left.

Each of the three summons has its own advantages, some fly the highest, some are the fastest, and some are the most concealed.

After the peregrine falcons and black-and-white vultures were released, some information was quickly collected, but they were all ordinary information and did not require additional attention.

But after the little fly flew out, there was no feedback for a long time.

Until 2 minutes later, it flew to the Heavenly General's defense area, flew to that 'very special' room, and finally flew to... in front of Ding Wen.

Ding Wen sensed something was wrong, raised his head in astonishment, and stared at it.

On the other side, Xiangyang was also stunned like a lightning strike, and blurted out in disbelief: "Wait! Am I dazzled? What's wrong here... there is a team of six people???"

(End of this chapter)

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