I can see the finals

Chapter 332 Accident (Thank you Jiajiali for the reward!)

Chapter 332 Accident

"All contestants, please put on your U-patterns. The second match will start immediately." At this time, the referee behind the competition area also gave a reminder.


The five of them responded in unison, turned off the screen in front of them, put on their USB tablets, and entered the game.

The waiting space was still filled with the familiar "greeting" sentences of the contestants. Ding Wen deliberately turned on the mic, hoping to hear some information about the visitors from the crypt.

"Ma Da Chong, Ma Da Chong, are you still rolling?"

The members of Crypt Visitors didn't speak, and they didn't know which team was the first to yell. The speaker stood in front of a player wearing a striped fashion, and punched the opponent in the face while speaking.

"Hit you*! It's all boring." The crypt visitor who was beaten said annoyedly: "Didn't the referee say that you can't punch in the waiting space?"

"He said it's the best, but it's not impossible."

The puncher replied with a smile, and the chattering went on and on: "You guys are so miserable. I haven't searched for anything yet, and your information starts to refresh the screen. I'm shocked!"

"Chu Tong, get the hell out of here, you're bothering me!"

The person who was beaten seemed unwilling to listen to his nonsense here, so he turned around and entered the crowd.

Ding Wen listened with his ears upright, but he didn't hear anything useful. Seeing him leave just like that, he couldn't help feeling sorry.

Chu Tong is the Mysopotaya of the ancient civilization. His personality is similar to that of passing by. He is also a talkative player who likes to talk a lot.

But speaking of it, the ancient civilization was also very badly beaten. I didn't expect the team members to be unaffected. They were still talking and laughing, looking extremely relaxed.

This may be the self-confidence of the top teams. Even if they pull their hips in a certain game, they will never feel discouraged. They believe that their team can catch up.

Ding Wen felt emotional in his heart, and suddenly put his hands on his shoulders.

Looking back, he saw a man dressed in a strange tomb style.

Exodia: "Where's Aladdin?"

Ding Wen: "Huh?"

Exodia: "I know that God put her in the water. Her position should not have been exchanged, so please tell her that this will definitely call me back!"

Ding Wen was a little speechless: "Speaking of which, are you here to play a game, or to single out?"

Exodia: "I fight all of them. Anyway, I'm the only one left in the team every time. It's a one-on-one fight with anyone."

Ding Wen: "This...well, I will tell her."

Exodia hummed, and was about to leave, but immediately turned around: "By the way, tell the boy that he hasn't paid me the money he owed me for playing cards last time. It's been three years. Ask him Give it back or not."

"Little...baby face...who is it?" Ding Wen was extremely at a loss.

"Oh, it's your boss, Haze." Exodia explained: "I like to play games, but I don't even dare to play professionally. I'm a coward. Is it not a little boy or something, you are right."

Your thinking...is a bit different from others.

And you rich second generations... It seems that there is no need to play professionally.

Ding Wen was stunned and speechless, forced a smile and said, "Okay, I will tell her, don't worry."

"Well, that's fine, thanks." Exodia said this and finally left.

Ding Wen also quickly turned off the public mic, and returned to the game.

The selection of the second round was a little different from the previous ones. Considering the possibility of a slight roll point, Ding Wen chose the psychic Kajang Cat.

The last time he was chosen was Qianshoutang, but in the end it was useless, and he still watched the whole battle as before, watching his teammates fight.

Since they are all watching the battle and providing information, why not choose someone who can climb trees and walls, which is safer.

So after selection, Ding Wen abandoned Qianshou Tang and chose Shadow Cat.

As for the occupations of the others, there is nothing to say.

The second game started, and the dark fairy tale was born in the "Ronin Camp" in the upper left corner of Area A.

This is a very vast area, about 500 meters southeast of the "third settlement" where Qiqi was born, except for the trouble of searching things, it is no different from the "third settlement" in other respects, and everything transferred is similar. The route is convenient and not difficult.

In Ding Wen's assumption, if Yang Li convinced the club's management, then the probability of him choosing the 'Wonder Camp' would be very high.

The attitude of the visitor from the crypt, whether he just avoided the edge or rationally, depends on the situation after birth.

According to the positions specially studied before the game, all members of Diablo Fairy Tale successfully appeared in the Ronin camp, no one was seen near Ding Wen, and there was also no one at the point in charge of Fang Luoqing and others.

The crypt visitors chose to be rational, and they were not so impulsive that they had to fight against the dark fairy tale. Of course, Ding Wen may have guessed wrong, and they went to other remote locations, but at least the ronin camp is currently calm, unlike other teams. look.

"Safe." Cigarette was the first to report.

"Same." Han Gedan was second.

After a few seconds, Li Huo was also sure about that side, and then only Fang Luoqing and Ding Wen were left.

Ding Wen wanted to follow suit and report that no one was there, but the moment he opened his mouth, he stopped suddenly!
Because...he seemed to hear a footstep that was different from his own!

Although it was very soft and the sound didn't last long, he still heard it.

Ding Wen's fighting ability is not good, but his hearing is still passable, so that he can't even hear the most basic footsteps.

"Be careful, there seems to be—"

Before the words were finished, the sudden news of elimination came suddenly!

"Heroic player丨Mo Liqing knocks down the dark fairy tale丨Alabing with Qinghong sword!"

"Heroic player丨Molihong eliminated the dark fairy tale丨Aladdin with a tiger fingertip!"

"Oops, I'm not equipped!"

Fang Luoqing was very annoyed, but after being repeatedly beaten and mended, she immediately reported the message: "I have three here, one naked and two basic!"

Ding Wen didn't know whether he was being bullied or being set on fire by the three of them. She fell to the ground too fast, and he was just about to ask for a reminder, but he didn't expect her to be gone in a second.

And what made him even more unbelievable was...how could the general appear in the ronin camp?
Don't they have a family?

Why do you want to come here to roll with the dark fairy tale?
Is it just because the superior was not convinced by Ding Wen's calculations, so he came here deliberately to find a place?

Just when Ding Wen was full of astonished guesses, he soon realized... the general didn't do it on purpose!

As soon as the elimination information came out, the footsteps around him became more and more obvious. The other party stepped on the wooden boards in the house, as if he no longer worried about the enemy near him, and completely let go to search for supplies.

More importantly... the other party doesn't seem to know where Ding Wen is!
While the footsteps kept ringing, the people in the room were getting farther and farther away from him. Even Ding Wen, who was as smart as Ding Wen, didn't understand the situation.

So, it was an accident?

He was a little dazed, and wanted to quietly chase after him to hear where he had gone.But before his feet moved, another footstep sounded.

Ding Wen's side... There are two people!
He was startled, and quickly looked around, trying to find a place to hide, but the hut he was in was relatively empty, and there was no place suitable for Tibetans.

There was no other way, so he could only grit his teeth, and quietly climbed onto the beam along the pillar in the center of the house.

That is to say, the figure almost disappeared and escaped into the darkness. The team members of Tianjiang just took big steps and entered the gate with bare hands.

 Thank you Jiajiali for the [-] reward!
  This is the first time I have received such a high amount of tipping. I was not prepared for it at all, and I feel guilty. I feel that the quality of this book is far from reaching such a high level of tipping.

  How should I put it, I have no experience, and I don’t know whether to issue a single chapter of thanks or what to do, so I will thank you here.

  Thank you for your continuous support, from the first book to the present.

  Many thanks!

  But women's clothing... well, forget it, don't mention it in the group, I can update as much as I can, it should be fine... right?

(End of this chapter)

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